A 10 Year Old Rape Victim In Ohio Was Just Denied An Abortion

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Well in our state they have the right to life. If you violate that right here you will be thrown in prison and the key will be thrown away.

With the BS Roe v Wade gone............WELL WE JUST DID THAT.

Any questions................ That is the law. and I doubt you live here anyway.........only 6000 a year abortions happened in our state before Roe V Wade was overturned. 2/3rds being from black aboritons. In blue areas.........Imagine that.
A toothless law but hey if it makes you happy.

The fact is any woman living in your state can still travel to another state or get prescription drugs in the mail
I'm not.

I simply disagree with you but you are so emotional about it you go off on these rants

You want to dictate the choices women can or can't make and I don't it is that simple.
Rants.............it is now set in stone..........We will decide.........I've shown the way out in many threads............BUT YOU DON'T WANT COMPROMISE........You want to listen to a BS article from the DAILY KOS......which is about worth toilet paper.

The left BS brought us here........perhaps the dang DNC could put the left on a leash and retake the party to sanity again.
" Fools Fed Crap And Repeated "

* The Obscure Poster Child To Represent The Norm *

I don't fucking care...............I've already showed the compromise on thread after thread. And them being GLORIOUS ON LATE TERM ABORTION brought us here.

Time for the fucking legislatures to do their jobs.
Roe V Wade ruled that states may proscribe abortion in the third trimester , because birth was IMMINENT and alluded to a potential life - a potential relative with birth requirement for equal protection - ALITO IS A GOD DAMNED LIAR that the Roe court did not explain that .

Yet , the grandiose of public misinformation and vapid stupidity of the religious reich to its constituents is that all abortion should be outlawed because some imbecile sensationalized the absurd homicidal psychopath that seeks an on demand abortion in the third trimester simply for the thrill of it all .
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Doesn't mean the story is true.

Real stories have details, and this one doesn't it.

Like who was the perpetrator of this atrocity? Don't people have the right to know?

I know if I was in the joint, I would want to know if my cellie was such a dangerous threat

Indiana has more than 8,000 out of state abortions in the past two weeks. Read the Columbus Dispatch.
Rants.............it is now set in stone..........We will decide.........I've shown the way out in many threads............BUT YOU DON'T WANT COMPROMISE........You want to listen to a BS article from the DAILY KOS......which is about worth toilet paper.

The left BS brought us here........perhaps the dang DNC could put the left on a leash and retake the party to sanity again.
Actually it isn't set in stone since a vote can change the law.

All it takes is a shift in politics so really you have a castle built on sand and you're crowing like a rooster about it
A toothless law but hey if it makes you happy.

The fact is any woman living in your state can still travel to another state or get prescription drugs in the mail
So. That actually blows your outrage out of the water. Doesn't stop abortion. You just can't do it here. Want to move out..........Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

If leftist leave states with these laws..........It's a GREAT DAY FOR those states. GO BACK TO CALI.....they will allow barbarism there.
The fact that we want right to be right and wrong to be wrong is the most dangerous dysfunction of this country?
Huh? I didn't say that - are you just making shit up again? ;)

Here's the quote I was responding to, that you apparently didn't read: "You have the need to reduce everything to just 2 categories because you cannot seem to understand a world where there are more than just 2 options.

The bolded portion is the dangerous dysfunction. Dimwitted partisanship.
" Fools Fed Crap And Repeated "

* The Obscure Poster Child To Represent The Norm *

Roe V Wade ruled that states may proscribe abortion in the third trimester , because birth was IMMINENT and alluded to the state as a potential life - a wright to life from the perspective of a state - ALITO IS A GOD DAMNED LIAR that the Roe court did not explain that .

Yet , the grandiose of public misinformation and vapid stupidity of the religious reich to its constituents is that all abortion should be outlawed because some imbecile sensationalized the absurd homicidal psychopath that seeks an on demand abortion in the third trimester simply for the thrill of it all .
It never answered the question of when life begins and said that LEGISLATURES have to make that decision. Not the courts. They made a law which was never authorized by congress in Roe v Wade. They pulled a rabbit out of the hat and CREATED LAW via VIABILITY which wasn't on the docket.

Simple solution. Amendment to the Constitution on where America overwhelmingly agrees on abortion. The left WANT THIS WEDGE.......THEY LOVE THE WEDGY.........

The solution is simple. But they DON'T WANT COMPROMISE...
They aren't entitled to any rights as they are not legally recognized as persons.

If you want them to be legally recognized as persons then they will have rights.

There is no law you can pass that would be upheld as constitutional that declares a person has no rights.
No. As you so deliciously point out, just deny that the child is a person. It's not like this hasn't been done before. For years blacks were non persons and had no rights.
Actually it isn't set in stone since a vote can change the law.

All it takes is a shift in politics so really you have a castle built on sand and you're crowing like a rooster about it
And...........Your side will go ABORTION IS LEGAL ON DEMAND.........And then a few years later we will tell you again to shove that up your ass.

And wash rinse spin dry.............repeat.

The answer is simple............but YOU REFUSE ANYTHING OTHER THAN ABORTION ON DEMAND.........more so you try and FORCE THAT ON STATES who don't agree.

You are the problem.........not me.
Huh? I didn't say that - are you just making shit up again? ;)

Here's the quote I was responding to, that you apparently didn't read: "You have the need to reduce everything to just 2 categories because you cannot seem to understand a world where there are more than just 2 options.

The bolded portion is the dangerous dysfunction. Dimwitted partisanship.
I'd advise you to ask for a refund of the money you paid for your ESL classes.
I'm not.

I simply disagree with you but you are so emotional about it you go off on these rants

You want to dictate the choices women can or can't make and I don't it is that simple.
Completely wrong. I've shown compromise options. But I'll never compromise on LATE TERM ABORTION. Only for the life of the mother there.

Anyone who does this to a healthy baby should be shot out of a cannon.
" Authoritarians Salivating To Dictate To Others "

* Extremists Pointing At Extremists *

It never answered the question of when life begins and said that LEGISLATURES have to make that decision. Not the courts. They made a law which was never authorized by congress in Roe v Wade. They pulled a rabbit out of the hat and CREATED LAW via VIABILITY which wasn't on the docket.

Simple solution. Amendment to the Constitution on where America overwhelmingly agrees on abortion. The left WANT THIS WEDGE.......THEY LOVE THE WEDGY.........

The solution is simple. But they DON'T WANT COMPROMISE...
When a biological life begins is not the issue , rather when a wright to life begins is the issue .

The roe court implemented judicial activism in substituting natural viability in lieu of the only other option available which is to rule that abortion could not be outlawed and that a constitutional amendment was required .

This past Monday, a child abuse doctor in Ohio had a 10-year old rape victim in her office. She is six weeks and three days pregnant. She was obviously terrified, and instead of helping her, Ohio legislators turned on her. As soon as SCOTUS overturned Roe v. Wade, Ohio outlawed all abortion after six weeks. The child discovered she was pregnant three days too late. There was no longer any access to an abortion clinic in the state, and there were no exceptions made for child rape. Even if there was a doctor who would take pity on this horrible situation, the doctor would be taking an extreme risk of prosecution—along with possibly the child.

Your full of shit , democrats are scum bag fucksticks
Stories without names, just alleging the events are usually full of shit.

Why isn't the name of the alleged child molester who allegedly impregnated the child, being mentioned in this story? That would be news we could use, especially as the alleged pervert is a medical professional.

My guess is that this is just something that "could have happened" and is being published to "raise awareness".
Yes, most likely that is exactly what it is. That is one of the left's many infuriating "debate" methods, the apocryphal story. They don't even try to make it real, instead it is too pat, as another poster said.

Then we who want to argue facts and logic often find ourselves saying things like "hypothetically if this were a true story, the girl was not "denied an abortion," she just had to take a trip to get the abortion." The left-leaning person will take that as agreeing that the story is true and not address the obvious falsity.

I'm sure the left would have preferred to run a story about a ten-year-old being "forced" to take a baby to term, but that would have been a much more elaborate hoax than one agenda-driven doctor telling about an supposed anonymous colleague who supposedly requested an abortion for a ten year old three days after the deadline.
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