A 5th GOP senator won't vote for the healthcare amendment

I think the other four....Lee, Cruz and Paul are just posturing to make Trumpcare meaner

The key will be Moderates Collins, Murkowski and Heller. republicans are unlikely to satisfy their concerns
The 5th is the Nevada senator.

Heller won't back Senate GOP health care bill - CNNPolitics.com

then there is susan collins from maine & lisa murkowsky from alaska that will probably nix it. but it ain't over till it's over. hopefully the turtle will pull it instead of forcing a vote.
Yeah...those two crazed loons are just icons of intelligence and fairness....LMFAO.

you mean that they aren't goosestepping partisan hacks & are actually what (R)s are supposta be?
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The 'implosion' of Obamacare that people keep yapping about is only about the exchanges, which involve a tiny percentage of Americans.

Therefore the proper solution would be a narrow focused bill that fixes, improves, or replaces the exchange system with something better,

You are confused Moon Bat.

The exchanges were support to provide insurance to everybody that couldn't get it else where. That was a complete failure. The insurance companies are bailing on those exchanges left and right. Another dumbass idea by the stupid Democrats.

The real problem with Obama care is that it forces Americans to buy insurance whether they need it or want it. It also imposed significant government requirements that tremendously ran up the cost of premiums, co payments and deductibles. How dumb was that? It also increased taxes. Damn, was that a dumb idea!

However, the worst thing was providing subsidies to the welfare queens. It is always wrong to take money from the people that earned it and give it away to the people that didn't earn it. Especially in this case where the great majority of the subsidy recipients were the filthy base voting block of the Democrat Party. No wonder the stupid bill only passed along party lines.
I think the other four....Lee, Cruz and Paul are just posturing to make Trumpcare meaner

The key will be Moderates Collins, Murkowski and Heller. republicans are unlikely to satisfy their concerns
The 5th is the Nevada senator.

Heller won't back Senate GOP health care bill - CNNPolitics.com

then there is susan collins from maine & lisa murkowsky from alaska that will probably nix it. but it ain't over till it's over. hopefully the turtle will pull it instead of forcing a vote.
Yeah...those two crazed loons are just icons of intelligence and fairness....LMFAO.

you mean that they are goosestepping partisan hacks & are actually what (R)s are supposta be?
I think this entire Obamacare fix reveals how easy it is to dupe millions of Americans. The big old media is all about protecting a very bad government program merely because their Messiah's name is on it, thus duping millions of foolish Americans.

Big HC loves O-care and since Big HC owns lots of politicians, it is here to stay. Thus, screwing millions of Americans to accepting very expensive ineffective HC insurance.

That said, I had no faith in the Rs fixing it. Both parties are bought and paid for.
The 'implosion' of Obamacare that people keep yapping about is only about the exchanges, which involve a tiny percentage of Americans.

Therefore the proper solution would be a narrow focused bill that fixes, improves, or replaces the exchange system with something better,
That is exactly what they tried to do, but how to fix something that is beyond repair?
Is taking away health care from millions of people a better idea? Or maybe raising premiums for the elderly, a better idea?

forget about raising the premiums for the elderly... those even deeper cuts to medicaid by the senate's bill will be devastating to the elderly. the vast majority of seniors living in nursing homes are paid by medicaid dollars. medicare doesn't pay for long term care.
The 'implosion' of Obamacare that people keep yapping about is only about the exchanges, which involve a tiny percentage of Americans.

Therefore the proper solution would be a narrow focused bill that fixes, improves, or replaces the exchange system with something better,

You are confused Moon Bat.

The exchanges were support to provide insurance to everybody that couldn't get it else where. That was a complete failure. The insurance companies are bailing on those exchanges left and right. Another dumbass idea by the stupid Democrats.

The real problem with Obama care is that it forces Americans to buy insurance whether they need it or want it. It also imposed significant government requirements that tremendously ran up the cost of premiums, co payments and deductibles. How dumb was that? It also increased taxes. Damn, was that a dumb idea!

However, the worst thing was providing subsidies to the welfare queens. It is always wrong to take money from the people that earned it and give it away to the people that didn't earn it. Especially in this case where the great majority of the subsidy recipients were the filthy base voting block of the Democrat Party. No wonder the stupid bill only passed along party lines.
Once again, it all comes down to your being a racist pieceofshyte.
I think the other four....Lee, Cruz and Paul are just posturing to make Trumpcare meaner

The key will be Moderates Collins, Murkowski and Heller. republicans are unlikely to satisfy their concerns
The 5th is the Nevada senator.

Heller won't back Senate GOP health care bill - CNNPolitics.com

then there is susan collins from maine & lisa murkowsky from alaska that will probably nix it. but it ain't over till it's over. hopefully the turtle will pull it instead of forcing a vote.
Yeah...those two crazed loons are just icons of intelligence and fairness....LMFAO.

you mean that they are goosestepping partisan hacks & are actually what (R)s are supposta be?
I think this entire Obamacare fix reveals how easy it is to dupe millions of Americans. The big old media is all about protecting a very bad government program merely because their Messiah's name is on it, thus duping millions of foolish Americans.

Big HC loves O-care and since Big HC owns lots of politicians, it is here to stay. Thus, screwing millions of Americans to accepting very expensive ineffective HC insurance.

That said, I had no faith in the Rs fixing it. Both parties are bought and paid for.
I only wish you knew what you were talking about.

then there is susan collins from maine & lisa murkowsky from alaska that will probably nix it. but it ain't over till it's over. hopefully the turtle will pull it instead of forcing a vote.
Yeah...those two crazed loons are just icons of intelligence and fairness....LMFAO.

you mean that they are goosestepping partisan hacks & are actually what (R)s are supposta be?
I think this entire Obamacare fix reveals how easy it is to dupe millions of Americans. The big old media is all about protecting a very bad government program merely because their Messiah's name is on it, thus duping millions of foolish Americans.

Big HC loves O-care and since Big HC owns lots of politicians, it is here to stay. Thus, screwing millions of Americans to accepting very expensive ineffective HC insurance.

That said, I had no faith in the Rs fixing it. Both parties are bought and paid for.
I only wish you knew what you were talking about.
Sure you do.
I think the other four....Lee, Cruz and Paul are just posturing to make Trumpcare meaner

The key will be Moderates Collins, Murkowski and Heller. republicans are unlikely to satisfy their concerns
The 5th is the Nevada senator.

Heller won't back Senate GOP health care bill - CNNPolitics.com

then there is susan collins from maine & lisa murkowsky from alaska that will probably nix it. but it ain't over till it's over. hopefully the turtle will pull it instead of forcing a vote.
Yeah...those two crazed loons are just icons of intelligence and fairness....LMFAO.

you mean that they are goosestepping partisan hacks & are actually what (R)s are supposta be?
I think this entire Obamacare fix reveals how easy it is to dupe millions of Americans. The big old media is all about protecting a very bad government program merely because their Messiah's name is on it, thus duping millions of foolish Americans.

Big HC loves O-care and since Big HC owns lots of politicians, it is here to stay. Thus, screwing millions of Americans to accepting very expensive ineffective HC insurance.

That said, I had no faith in the Rs fixing it. Both parties are bought and paid for.

lol... 'messiah'..... of course the HC loved obamacare- they gots all kinds of new customers. that is also why they fought like hell & won to squash a public option. how feasible is that notion to be brought back as long as (R)s are the majority? so in the meantime---- fix obamacare. do not scrap it.

then there is susan collins from maine & lisa murkowsky from alaska that will probably nix it. but it ain't over till it's over. hopefully the turtle will pull it instead of forcing a vote.
Yeah...those two crazed loons are just icons of intelligence and fairness....LMFAO.

you mean that they are goosestepping partisan hacks & are actually what (R)s are supposta be?
I think this entire Obamacare fix reveals how easy it is to dupe millions of Americans. The big old media is all about protecting a very bad government program merely because their Messiah's name is on it, thus duping millions of foolish Americans.

Big HC loves O-care and since Big HC owns lots of politicians, it is here to stay. Thus, screwing millions of Americans to accepting very expensive ineffective HC insurance.

That said, I had no faith in the Rs fixing it. Both parties are bought and paid for.

lol... 'messiah'..... of course the HC loved obamacare- they gots all kinds of new customers. that is also why they fought like hell & won to squash a public option.
do you have a phyucking clue as to what you are talking about?
Most Democrats are for amending the ACA.
Right Wing senators added 100 amendments to ACA before it passed.
Well that's just a damn lie. Nothing was added by republicans, the dems allowed NO amendments and ACA was passed without a single solitary republican vote... but don't let the facts get in the way of your revisionist lying claptrap!
then there is susan collins from maine & lisa murkowsky from alaska that will probably nix it. but it ain't over till it's over. hopefully the turtle will pull it instead of forcing a vote.
Yeah...those two crazed loons are just icons of intelligence and fairness....LMFAO.

you mean that they are goosestepping partisan hacks & are actually what (R)s are supposta be?
I think this entire Obamacare fix reveals how easy it is to dupe millions of Americans. The big old media is all about protecting a very bad government program merely because their Messiah's name is on it, thus duping millions of foolish Americans.

Big HC loves O-care and since Big HC owns lots of politicians, it is here to stay. Thus, screwing millions of Americans to accepting very expensive ineffective HC insurance.

That said, I had no faith in the Rs fixing it. Both parties are bought and paid for.

lol... 'messiah'..... of course the HC loved obamacare- they gots all kinds of new customers. that is also why they fought like hell & won to squash a public option.
do you have a phyucking clue as to what you are talking about?

yep i do. i had a very vested interest in the passage of obamacare & how it was fought for well over a year b4 it passed.

What exactly is an extreme far left agenda, comrade?

The fact that you don't understand how the filthy ass Democrat Party has moved to the extreme far Left speaks volumes of the reasons why you are a Moon Bat, doesn't it?

Once again, it all comes down to your being a racist pieceofshyte.


If opposing Obamacare and the agenda of destruction of the Democrat Party means I am a racist in your eyes then I can live with that.
Most Democrats are for amending the ACA.
Right Wing senators added 100 amendments to ACA before it passed.
Well that's just a damn lie. Nothing was added by republicans, the dems allowed NO amendments and ACA was passed without a single solitary republican vote... but don't let the facts get in the way of your revisionist lying claptrap!

uh-huh... it wasn't a shut out by any means. here are the facts:

Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA
Five backstabbers, who are paving the road to a Democrat landslide in congressional election in 2018. And a Democrat president in 2020. And more liberal lawmakers on the Supreme Court.

Myopia is a disease displayed by so called Republicans who refuse to see.
Not reallY

Republicans made a half assed attempt at a healthcare plan. Slashing taxes on the wealthy and insurance companies was their first priority
Ending Medicaid as we know it was second
The rest is basically Obamacare
I think the other four....Lee, Cruz and Paul are just posturing to make Trumpcare meaner

The key will be Moderates Collins, Murkowski and Heller. republicans are unlikely to satisfy their concerns
The 5th is the Nevada senator.

Heller won't back Senate GOP health care bill - CNNPolitics.com

then there is susan collins from maine & lisa murkowsky from alaska that will probably nix it. but it ain't over till it's over. hopefully the turtle will pull it instead of forcing a vote.
I don't think McConnell really cares if it passes. He knows it stinks. But he needs to say ....we tried and the Dems stopped us
Most Democrats are for amending the ACA.
Right Wing senators added 100 amendments to ACA before it passed.
Well that's just a damn lie. Nothing was added by republicans, the dems allowed NO amendments and ACA was passed without a single solitary republican vote... but don't let the facts get in the way of your revisionist lying claptrap!

uh-huh... it wasn't a shut out by any means. here are the facts:

Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA

You're citing a left-wing hack source that literally says this is a "half truth"... that's a lie too... it's totally untrue. What Gutierrez and the lying left is trying to do is claim many of ACA's provisions were previously supported by republicans one way or another, but that's a FAR cry from 100 amendments added.

It WAS a shut out... ZERO republicans voted for ACA. Lie all you want to about that, it's public record, asshat!
Most Democrats are for amending the ACA.
Right Wing senators added 100 amendments to ACA before it passed.
Well that's just a damn lie. Nothing was added by republicans, the dems allowed NO amendments and ACA was passed without a single solitary republican vote... but don't let the facts get in the way of your revisionist lying claptrap!

uh-huh... it wasn't a shut out by any means. here are the facts:

Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA

They won't believe you. I tried this in another thread yesterday and they didn't believe. They would much rather believe what the news and their friends have told them. They never wanted to understand and they still don't. Obamacare can be fixed, but won't. From a meeting (no link) with our company CEO a few weeks ago, the GOP has asked for very little input or next to none.
Most Democrats are for amending the ACA.
Right Wing senators added 100 amendments to ACA before it passed.
Well that's just a damn lie. Nothing was added by republicans, the dems allowed NO amendments and ACA was passed without a single solitary republican vote... but don't let the facts get in the way of your revisionist lying claptrap!

uh-huh... it wasn't a shut out by any means. here are the facts:

Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA

You're citing a left-wing hack source that literally says this is a "half truth"... that's a lie too... it's totally untrue. What Gutierrez and the lying left is trying to do is claim many of ACA's provisions were previously supported by republicans one way or another, but that's a FAR cry from 100 amendments added.

It WAS a shut out... ZERO republicans voted for ACA. Lie all you want to about that, it's public record, asshat!

She didn't say any pubs voted, there are amendments in the legislation pubs asked for.
Most Democrats are for amending the ACA.
Right Wing senators added 100 amendments to ACA before it passed.
Well that's just a damn lie. Nothing was added by republicans, the dems allowed NO amendments and ACA was passed without a single solitary republican vote... but don't let the facts get in the way of your revisionist lying claptrap!

uh-huh... it wasn't a shut out by any means. here are the facts:

Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA

You're citing a left-wing hack source that literally says this is a "half truth"... that's a lie too... it's totally untrue. What Gutierrez and the lying left is trying to do is claim many of ACA's provisions were previously supported by republicans one way or another, but that's a FAR cry from 100 amendments added.

It WAS a shut out... ZERO republicans voted for ACA. Lie all you want to about that, it's public record, asshat!
Of course zero Republicans voted for Obamacare....even though it was modeled on a Republican plan and Romneycare

They opposed EVERYTHING Obama attempted

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