A bet with anti-gunners

We never made the claim that we could stop mass murders. We accept that in a country of 315 million people, there are bound to be crazies who can get their hands on firearms, pipe bombs, rental trucks and so on.

Our suggestion is that to help reduce or stop these crimes, we need more guns; more teachers trained and armed, more armed security. Those measures do have positive effects.
But the numbers of firearms privately owned in the US is increasing and there is no drop off in the rates of school shootings. Those are increasing from what I see. Your suggestion has shown itself to be invalid.
Liberals believe that when any negative situation arises, government can provide the solution. They don't understand there are just some things government can't control.......like the climate for instance.
Yet governments are controlling the rates of school shootings elsewhere, so that they are a fraction of the rate in the US.
OP, you can't keep your river from catching fire. So you lose.

I'm a great shot and probably the best on this board. No problem for the American Patriots on my side. We win! :113:
Liberals believe that when any negative situation arises, government can provide the solution. They don't understand there are just some things government can't control.......like the climate for instance.
Yet governments are controlling the rates of school shootings elsewhere, so that they are a fraction of the rate in the US.

Of course that's why. How in the world could it be they are different people? Everybody is the same across the entire globe.
We never made the claim that we could stop mass murders. We accept that in a country of 315 million people, there are bound to be crazies who can get their hands on firearms, pipe bombs, rental trucks and so on.

Our suggestion is that to help reduce or stop these crimes, we need more guns; more teachers trained and armed, more armed security. Those measures do have positive effects.
But the numbers of firearms privately owned in the US is increasing and there is no drop off in the rates of school shootings. Those are increasing from what I see. Your suggestion has shown itself to be invalid.

You can have twice as many guns in the US as we have today. But it doesn't matter in Gun Free Zones you leftists love so much. We keep pointing out over and over that gun free zones is where most mass killings take place, but you on the left insist that has nothing to do with it.
They don't. Not because they are inanimate, but because fuck you, it is an inalienable right. You are fucking over millions to control the one, which is unlikely to be effective.
An inalienable right that is already fucked with. For example, you can't own a nuke, a military weapon. As to effectiveness, the experience of other countries shows the effectiveness of strongly regulating handguns and military style semi automatics in reducing firearm homicide and public massacres.

That you are prepared to put up with both a high rate of school shootings and firearm homicides as the price of easy access to those categories of firearms demonstrates the essential selfishness of the US, where the privilege of the individual overrides the good of the many. Rather you than me.

And that takes us back to the OP. What exactly would you like to see us do, and what do you want to bet it won't stop mass murders?
OP, you can't keep your river from catching fire. So you lose.

I'm a great shot and probably the best on this board. No problem for the American Patriots on my side. We win! :113:

Just don't go out of your way to try and prove it. I imagine on the range you can out shoot me. Many can. But on the Combat range, that's another story. Having to shoot, run, move, reload, shoot, move, run, shoot, reload and shoot at many different distances is a whole different ball game. You won't have time to aim. You will be Spot shooting. I tried match shooting but I would always have 1 out of 5 just outside the center. That was enough to not be competitive. But I was competitive on the Combat range. And the Combat range was as close to real life as you can get without the adrenaline pumping like crazy.

But, yah, you probably would beat me on a match range.
"Mass shootings" are the bogeyman because the Media makes them a big splash. Like an airliner crashing which kills many at one time, they enjoy promoting calls to "do something" yet airline travel is statistically one of the safest. Violent crime, including homicides committed by people with guns has been trending significantly down for decades, yet the media wants you to think we have to fear mass shootings more than any other activity. You want to remain significantly safer? Don't drive, or ride in a motor vehicle.

As human being we tend to overact with emotion, to "do something" even if we know it will be ineffective, or perhaps counterproductive.
Standing still and target shooting it vastly different from combat, and defensive type shooting. It is wise to practice both.
"Mass shootings" are the bogeyman because the Media makes them a big splash. Like an airliner crashing which kills many at one time, they enjoy promoting calls to "do something" yet airline travel is statistically one of the safest. Violent crime, including homicides committed by people with guns has been trending significantly down for decades, yet the media wants you to think we have to fear mass shootings more than any other activity. You want to remain significantly safer? Don't drive, or ride in a motor vehicle.

As human being we tend to overact with emotion, to "do something" even if we know it will be ineffective, or perhaps counterproductive.

More people get killed on a holiday weekend in Chicago than a mass shooting. The media is the most proficient brainwashing organization we have in this country. All they have to do is sensationalize any story, and the sheep flock to it.
Ban high capacity magazines......nobody needs them
What high capacity mags?

Reloads are risky in home defense situations. We need stansard mags, minimum. 30 rounds are standard.

Everything else you list is fine if you can enforce it.

Yo going to have 30 people invading your home?
Anybody who is not a total retard knows that real CQB situations rarely result in one shot, one kill ratios.
But the more shots you can get off, the more kills you are capable of
1 kill is certainly more than 0 kills and if that 30th round kills the home invader, I would be very happy I had a 30 round clip.
In that case, you may need a 31 round magazine
"Mass shootings" are the bogeyman because the Media makes them a big splash. Like an airliner crashing which kills many at one time, they enjoy promoting calls to "do something" yet airline travel is statistically one of the safest. Violent crime, including homicides committed by people with guns has been trending significantly down for decades, yet the media wants you to think we have to fear mass shootings more than any other activity. You want to remain significantly safer? Don't drive, or ride in a motor vehicle.

As human being we tend to overact with emotion, to "do something" even if we know it will be ineffective, or perhaps counterproductive.

More people get killed on a holiday weekend in Chicago than a mass shooting. The media is the most proficient brainwashing organization we have in this country. All they have to do is sensationalize any story, and the sheep flock to it.
Chicago has six million people, those schools have a little over a thousand
Why does it surprise you more get killed in Chicago?
"Mass shootings" are the bogeyman because the Media makes them a big splash. Like an airliner crashing which kills many at one time, they enjoy promoting calls to "do something" yet airline travel is statistically one of the safest. Violent crime, including homicides committed by people with guns has been trending significantly down for decades, yet the media wants you to think we have to fear mass shootings more than any other activity. You want to remain significantly safer? Don't drive, or ride in a motor vehicle.

As human being we tend to overact with emotion, to "do something" even if we know it will be ineffective, or perhaps counterproductive.

More people get killed on a holiday weekend in Chicago than a mass shooting. The media is the most proficient brainwashing organization we have in this country. All they have to do is sensationalize any story, and the sheep flock to it.
Chicago has six million people, those schools have a little over a thousand
Why does it surprise you more get killed in Chicago?

Do you need to be educated on ratios?
"Mass shootings" are the bogeyman because the Media makes them a big splash. Like an airliner crashing which kills many at one time, they enjoy promoting calls to "do something" yet airline travel is statistically one of the safest. Violent crime, including homicides committed by people with guns has been trending significantly down for decades, yet the media wants you to think we have to fear mass shootings more than any other activity. You want to remain significantly safer? Don't drive, or ride in a motor vehicle.

As human being we tend to overact with emotion, to "do something" even if we know it will be ineffective, or perhaps counterproductive.

More people get killed on a holiday weekend in Chicago than a mass shooting. The media is the most proficient brainwashing organization we have in this country. All they have to do is sensationalize any story, and the sheep flock to it.
Chicago has six million people, those schools have a little over a thousand
Why does it surprise you more get killed in Chicago?

That wasn't the point. The point is that these mass shootings are sensationalized by the media and that's why people ignore stats on places like Chicago.
Laws have been relaxed over the past decades. How do you know it has nothing to do with gun laws? You claim that looser gun laws cause a decrease in violent crime after all.

I want to know what looser laws you are talking about. The decrease in gun and violent crime is proportional with gun laws that reversed to protect the victim instead of the attacker; proportional
...and with some sort of comprehensible causal relationship. But enough about that! Let's talk about how black people commit murder because they're poor. It works like this:

1. Be poor.
2. Commit murder.
3. Serve 20 years in prison.
4. ???
5. Profit and no longer be poor.

I'm confused. How would spending 20 years in jail provide a profit?
Beats me. Ask the progressives who claim blacks commit murder disproportionately because they're disproportionately poor. That's their claim, not mine.
What high capacity mags?

Reloads are risky in home defense situations. We need stansard mags, minimum. 30 rounds are standard.

Everything else you list is fine if you can enforce it.

Yo going to have 30 people invading your home?
Anybody who is not a total retard knows that real CQB situations rarely result in one shot, one kill ratios.
But the more shots you can get off, the more kills you are capable of
1 kill is certainly more than 0 kills and if that 30th round kills the home invader, I would be very happy I had a 30 round clip.
In that case, you may need a 31 round magazine
Glad you agree that high capacity magazines and related guns and ammo are completely reasonable to own for self-defense purposes.

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