A Better Reason to Delay Kennedy’s Replacement

On the other hand...we need to replace Kennedy now, so we can replace Ginsburg next.
I don't know why Dem's are surprised at their predicament. Again and again they scheme and welsh and rig until they have lost all credibility. Its impossible to compromise with Dem's because they LIE and fully intend to weasel out of any compromise at the first opportunity. The only option left to us is to defeat them and strip away their power.

I've always liked that one.....
Not gonna happen. McConnell is a hypocrite, but at the end of the day, power is all that matters. Words and morals are just dressing.
Nope.....protecting our liberties is what matters......and liberal activist judges won't do that.

There are 2-3 GOP RINO's we need to worry about, will McCain stab the party in the back again with a thumbs down? Then there's that idiot from Maine.
Or that woman from Alaska.
Not gonna happen. McConnell is a hypocrite, but at the end of the day, power is all that matters. Words and morals are just dressing.
Nope.....protecting our liberties is what matters......and liberal activist judges won't do that.

There are 2-3 GOP RINO's we need to worry about, will McCain stab the party in the back again with a thumbs down? Then there's that idiot from Maine.

On behalf of Arizona, I apologize for McCain. We didn't know he was going to do that; he never said anything at any of the meetings.
He also pulled a fast one making sure Obama won in 08'
I'm quite sure professor Berman would like to hear your well educated legal opinions.
No I'm sure he does not. The lame duck reference was spot on and it's a fact the libs cannot deal in facts or the truth very well.
Not gonna happen. McConnell is a hypocrite, but at the end of the day, power is all that matters. Words and morals are just dressing.
Nope.....protecting our liberties is what matters......and liberal activist judges won't do that.

There are 2-3 GOP RINO's we need to worry about, will McCain stab the party in the back again with a thumbs down? Then there's that idiot from Maine.
Or that woman from Alaska.

Yeah she's the third.
There are legitimate reasons why Trump should not be allowed to pick a supreme court justice.

A Better Reason to Delay Kennedy’s Replacement

By Paul Schiff Berman

Mr. Berman is a professor at George Washington University Law School.

Almost immediately after Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement on Wednesday, Senate Democrats argued that his replacement should not be confirmed until after the midterm elections this fall — a version of the same argument that Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, used to stymie President Barack Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court in 2016.

This is surely a valid argument, not least because Mr. McConnell’s blatantly anti-democratic ploy stole a judicial appointment from a popularly elected president and gave it to one who lost the popular vote by millions.

But there is another reason to withhold confirmation that both Republicans and Democrats should be able to agree on: People under the cloud of investigation do not get to pick the judges who may preside over their cases. By this logic, President Trump should not be permitted to appoint a new Supreme Court justice until after the special counsel investigation is over, and we know for sure whether there is evidence of wrongdoing.

True, that point is unlikely to stop Mr. McConnell or his colleagues. But it highlights the real risk involved in letting a deeply compromised president shape a court that may one day stand between him and impeachment.


Good luck with that.
Not gonna happen. McConnell is a hypocrite, but at the end of the day, power is all that matters. Words and morals are just dressing.
Nope.....protecting our liberties is what matters......and liberal activist judges won't do that.

There are 2-3 GOP RINO's we need to worry about, will McCain stab the party in the back again with a thumbs down? Then there's that idiot from Maine.
Or that woman from Alaska.

Yeah she's the third.
We only need a tie. Pence puts it over.
These arguments have nothing to do with any kind of fairness. The Dems are just delaying in the hopes that Meuller gives them something to work with. I would be surprised if the GOP picked up anything less than 5 senate seats. So, the majority is probably going to expand. If Trump doesn't get his first pick on, he will wait until the election is over and place an even more conservative judge on the court.
There are legitimate reasons why Trump should not be allowed to pick a supreme court justice.

A Better Reason to Delay Kennedy’s Replacement

By Paul Schiff Berman

Mr. Berman is a professor at George Washington University Law School.

Almost immediately after Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement on Wednesday, Senate Democrats argued that his replacement should not be confirmed until after the midterm elections this fall — a version of the same argument that Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, used to stymie President Barack Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court in 2016.

This is surely a valid argument, not least because Mr. McConnell’s blatantly anti-democratic ploy stole a judicial appointment from a popularly elected president and gave it to one who lost the popular vote by millions.

But there is another reason to withhold confirmation that both Republicans and Democrats should be able to agree on: People under the cloud of investigation do not get to pick the judges who may preside over their cases. By this logic, President Trump should not be permitted to appoint a new Supreme Court justice until after the special counsel investigation is over, and we know for sure whether there is evidence of wrongdoing.

True, that point is unlikely to stop Mr. McConnell or his colleagues. But it highlights the real risk involved in letting a deeply compromised president shape a court that may one day stand between him and impeachment.

First, if a president under investigation can’t appoint judges its a good thing hildabeast isn’t in office or one seat would still be empty.

Second, your feelings aren’t a valid reason for the rest of the country to stop moving on with life.
There are legitimate reasons why Trump should not be allowed to pick a supreme court justice.

A Better Reason to Delay Kennedy’s Replacement

By Paul Schiff Berman

Mr. Berman is a professor at George Washington University Law School.

Almost immediately after Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement on Wednesday, Senate Democrats argued that his replacement should not be confirmed until after the midterm elections this fall — a version of the same argument that Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, used to stymie President Barack Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court in 2016.

This is surely a valid argument, not least because Mr. McConnell’s blatantly anti-democratic ploy stole a judicial appointment from a popularly elected president and gave it to one who lost the popular vote by millions.

But there is another reason to withhold confirmation that both Republicans and Democrats should be able to agree on: People under the cloud of investigation do not get to pick the judges who may preside over their cases. By this logic, President Trump should not be permitted to appoint a new Supreme Court justice until after the special counsel investigation is over, and we know for sure whether there is evidence of wrongdoing.

True, that point is unlikely to stop Mr. McConnell or his colleagues. But it highlights the real risk involved in letting a deeply compromised president shape a court that may one day stand between him and impeachment.


What a laughable assertion. Remember what your hero, the obummer, said....."elections have consequences". Time for you to pony up....bub.

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