A Big Fat "WE TOLD YOU SO"!!!

We have constantly warned America about the Left and their real agenda to silence any and all opposition to their sick twisted agenda. Sorry if you fuckers fail in the arena of policy. But REAL America will never accept your Socialist "utopia".
You are still whining about Rand Paul walking around in a riot like a dumb ass videoed back in September of 2020? I'll see your Rand Paul and raise you a January 6th attack by trumpers on the capital where defending police were injured, the crowd trampled a fellow marauding insurrectionist, to death and burst in screaming hand Mike Pense.
More of the false far Left narrative. It was Capital Police that let the ANTIFA and BLM thugs in in the first place, dumbass.
Keep telling yourself that.

Try watching the Videos dumbfuck. Oh wait, you won’t.

I did. The day of the assault on the capital, I watched live also. Did not take much to recognize anti-American insurrectionists attacking the seat of government of our country. You dicks even trampled one of you own to death on the steps while you tried to get in to hunt for the VP and then took their body to the capital police, looking for help, while others were still attacking, like mindless animals. You're kind of a dim lantern, kid.

You’re a lying asshole punk. Didn’t take much to realize all you’ve done is lie, lie,cry, lie and cry some more as your bullshit gets debunked left and right. Where’s the insurrection charges? Aren’t coming dipshit.

Been reasonable with you. You ain't right, and I've allotted you all the time your getting for a while. Instead, welcome to IGNORE.
Democrat President Bill Clinton's Economy Created More Jobs than Republican Presidents Ford + Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 + Trump COMBINED!

Please explain what Clinton did to create that great economy.
You can't so you won't.
Raised the cor
Democrat President Bill Clinton's Economy Created More Jobs than Republican Presidents Ford + Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 + Trump COMBINED!

Please explain what Clinton did to create that great economy.
You can't so you won't.

Raised the corporate tax rate adding revenue, taking that revenue, investing in small businesses and education, creating more jobs.
Increased the earned income tax credit for working families, providing more relief for them.
Reduced taxes on small businesses.
Reduced taxes on the sale of a primary residence.
Tax credits for trade schools and colleges.
Tax credits for first time homebuyers.
Raised the capital gains tax.
I don't see the .com boom anywhere in there. Nor do I see on your list the GOP holding his feet to the fire and forcing the closest thing we've had to a balanced budget in living memory.

The dot com boom?

Isn't a policy.

"The GOP held Clinton's feet to the fire"?
How so?

When Clinton's surplus landed in Bush's lap what does he do?

Gives it away in tax rebates and tax cuts.
Of course the dot com boom wasn't policy. It was an outside factor that Bubba rode to a better economy. The GOP held his feet to the fire by refusing to spend everything he wanted to spend. As for Bush, irrelevant to what Bubba did.

Democrat President Bill Clinton's Economy Created More Jobs than Republican Presidents Ford + Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 + Trump COMBINED!

Please explain what Clinton did to create that great economy.
You can't so you won't.
Raised the cor
Democrat President Bill Clinton's Economy Created More Jobs than Republican Presidents Ford + Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 + Trump COMBINED!

Please explain what Clinton did to create that great economy.
You can't so you won't.

Raised the corporate tax rate adding revenue, taking that revenue, investing in small businesses and education, creating more jobs.
Increased the earned income tax credit for working families, providing more relief for them.
Reduced taxes on small businesses.
Reduced taxes on the sale of a primary residence.
Tax credits for trade schools and colleges.
Tax credits for first time homebuyers.
Raised the capital gains tax.
I don't see the .com boom anywhere in there. Nor do I see on your list the GOP holding his feet to the fire and forcing the closest thing we've had to a balanced budget in living memory.

The dot com boom?

Isn't a policy.

"The GOP held Clinton's feet to the fire"?
How so?

When Clinton's surplus landed in Bush's lap what does he do?

Gives it away in tax rebates and tax cuts.
Of course the dot com boom wasn't policy. It was an outside factor that Bubba rode to a better economy. The GOP held his feet to the fire by refusing to spend everything he wanted to spend. As for Bush, irrelevant to what Bubba did.

Republicans only pretend to be "conservative" when a democrat is in office.
How does that relate to the fact that Bubba benefitted from the dot com bubble?

BFD, Clinton benefitted from the dot com bubble, that wasn't a policy, other presidents benefitted from low interest rates or a bull stock market.
94% part time jobs by the Muslim in Chief.
Full time jobs INCREASED bigly and Part Time jobs INCREASED slightly under Obama, you worthless lying scum POS!
There were 115,818,000 FT jobs when Obama took office and 124,573,000 when he left.
There were 26,377,000 PT jobs when Obama took office and 27,398,000 when he left.
An INCREASE of about 9 FT jobs to 1 PT job.

We have constantly warned America about the Left and their real agenda to silence any and all opposition to their sick twisted agenda. Sorry if you fuckers fail in the arena of policy. But REAL America will never accept your Socialist "utopia".
You are still whining about Rand Paul walking around in a riot like a dumb ass videoed back in September of 2020? I'll see your Rand Paul and raise you a January 6th attack by trumpers on the capital where defending police were injured, the crowd trampled a fellow marauding insurrectionist, to death and burst in screaming hand Mike Pense.
More of the false far Left narrative. It was Capital Police that let the ANTIFA and BLM thugs in in the first place, dumbass.
Keep telling yourself that.

Try watching the Videos dumbfuck. Oh wait, you won’t.

I did. The day of the assault on the capital, I watched live also. Did not take much to recognize anti-American insurrectionists attacking the seat of government of our country. You dicks even trampled one of you own to death on the steps while you tried to get in to hunt for the VP and then took their body to the capital police, looking for help, while others were still attacking, like mindless animals. You're kind of a dim lantern, kid.

You’re a lying asshole punk. Didn’t take much to realize all you’ve done is lie, lie,cry, lie and cry some more as your bullshit gets debunked left and right. Where’s the insurrection charges? Aren’t coming dipshit.

You don't know much about how the law works.
FOX, OAN and Newsmax, not enough?
Obviously not, the election was still stolen.


“The people of Georgia are angry. The people of the country are angry, and there's nothing wrong with saying that, you know, that you've recalculated,” Trump said on the call. "All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have... Fellas, I need 11,000 votes, give me a break."
abcnews.go.com › Politics › trump-demands-georgia

The attempted insurrection at the capitol building January 6th.
There's this:
Here's what really caused the housing crisis - CBS News

One story of the housing crisis goes like this: Government programs that helped low-income households purchase houses led to widespread defaults on the subprime loans they held, sparking the entire the financial meltdown.

For example, Lawrence Kudlow and Stephen Moore, both of whom have been named as economic advisers to Donald Trump, argue that the financial crisis and recession were caused by policies Bill Clinton implemented that were designed to stop discrimination in housing loans, known as “red-lining,” in poor areas. In particular, they argue that the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), legislated in 1977, is to blame:
“Under Clinton’s Housing and Urban Development (HUD) secretary, Andrew Cuomo, Community Reinvestment Act regulators gave banks higher ratings for home loans made in ‘credit-deprived’ areas. Banks were effectively rewarded for throwing out sound underwriting standards and writing loans to those who were at high risk of defaulting.
Typical worthless lying scum Right-wing editing!!!
You left this part out!!!
So your own link proves you are a worthless lying scum POS!
From YOUR OWN link:
However, according to new research from the Sloan School of Management at MIT, that isn’t what happened. As the author of the research, Antoinette Schoar, explained in an interview:

“A lot of the narrative of the financial crisis has been that this [loan] origination process was broken, and therefore a lot of marginal and unsustainable borrowers got access to funding. In our opinion, the facts don’t line up with this narrative. … Calling this crisis a subprime crisis is a misnomer. In fact, it was a prime crisis.”

There are other reasons to doubt that subprime borrowers were responsible for the financial crisis. For one, a large number of subprime mortgages originated in non-CRA banks, and “none of the 300+ mortgage originators that imploded were depository banks covered by the CRA.”

As noted in a study by McClatchy from 2008, “Federal Reserve Board data show that more than 84 percent of the subprime mortgages in 2006 were issued by private lending institutions;” “private firms made nearly 83 percent of the subprime loans to low- and moderate-income borrowers that year;” and “only one of the top 25 subprime lenders in 2006 was directly subject to the housing law that’s being lambasted by conservative critics.”

A second question to ask is why, if the CRA and subprime borrowing were the problem, did a very similar housing bubble and financial crisis occur in scores of other countries that didn’t have legislation like this?

A third argument, the one Kudlow and Moore cite, is that declining lending standards by Fannie and Freddie brought about by the requirements of the CRA helped fuel subprime loans. But once again, this argument doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.

As Barry Ritholtz pointed out in 2011, “The relative market share of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac dropped from a high of 57 percent of all new mortgage originations in 2003, down to 37 percent as the bubble was developing in 2005-06.”

The reason Fannie and Freddie were losing market share is that loan standards on mortgages issued by private lenders were falling.
Fannie and Freddie eventually adjusted some of their conditions for obtaining a loan in an attempt to prevent a further loss in market share, but it’s very clear that they were followers, not leaders, in the erosion of lending standards.

Finally, if subprime loans were the problem, noted Ritholtz, “the housing boom would have been in CRA regions.... Further, the default rates in these areas should have been worse than other regions. What occurred was the exact opposite: The suburbs boomed and busted and went into foreclosure in much greater numbers than inner cities.”
Democrat President Bill Clinton's Economy Created More Jobs than Republican Presidents Ford + Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 + Trump COMBINED!

Please explain what Clinton did to create that great economy.
You can't so you won't.
Raised the cor
Democrat President Bill Clinton's Economy Created More Jobs than Republican Presidents Ford + Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 + Trump COMBINED!

Please explain what Clinton did to create that great economy.
You can't so you won't.

Raised the corporate tax rate adding revenue, taking that revenue, investing in small businesses and education, creating more jobs.
Increased the earned income tax credit for working families, providing more relief for them.
Reduced taxes on small businesses.
Reduced taxes on the sale of a primary residence.
Tax credits for trade schools and colleges.
Tax credits for first time homebuyers.
Raised the capital gains tax.
I don't see the .com boom anywhere in there. Nor do I see on your list the GOP holding his feet to the fire and forcing the closest thing we've had to a balanced budget in living memory.

The dot com boom?

Isn't a policy.

"The GOP held Clinton's feet to the fire"?
How so?

When Clinton's surplus landed in Bush's lap what does he do?

Gives it away in tax rebates and tax cuts.
Of course the dot com boom wasn't policy. It was an outside factor that Bubba rode to a better economy. The GOP held his feet to the fire by refusing to spend everything he wanted to spend. As for Bush, irrelevant to what Bubba did.

Democrat President Bill Clinton's Economy Created More Jobs than Republican Presidents Ford + Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 + Trump COMBINED!

Please explain what Clinton did to create that great economy.
You can't so you won't.
Raised the cor
Democrat President Bill Clinton's Economy Created More Jobs than Republican Presidents Ford + Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 + Trump COMBINED!

Please explain what Clinton did to create that great economy.
You can't so you won't.

Raised the corporate tax rate adding revenue, taking that revenue, investing in small businesses and education, creating more jobs.
Increased the earned income tax credit for working families, providing more relief for them.
Reduced taxes on small businesses.
Reduced taxes on the sale of a primary residence.
Tax credits for trade schools and colleges.
Tax credits for first time homebuyers.
Raised the capital gains tax.
I don't see the .com boom anywhere in there. Nor do I see on your list the GOP holding his feet to the fire and forcing the closest thing we've had to a balanced budget in living memory.

The dot com boom?

Isn't a policy.

"The GOP held Clinton's feet to the fire"?
How so?

When Clinton's surplus landed in Bush's lap what does he do?

Gives it away in tax rebates and tax cuts.
Of course the dot com boom wasn't policy. It was an outside factor that Bubba rode to a better economy. The GOP held his feet to the fire by refusing to spend everything he wanted to spend. As for Bush, irrelevant to what Bubba did.

Republicans only pretend to be "conservative" when a democrat is in office.
How does that relate to the fact that Bubba benefitted from the dot com bubble?

BFD, Clinton benefitted from the dot com bubble, that wasn't a policy, other presidents benefitted from low interest rates or a bull stock market.
That's the whole point. When triumphantly claiming that one administration or other created more jobs than did any other, it behooves the listener to evaluate ALL the factors that go into job growth, not just the party identification of the POTUS.
In the entire history of our country, there's never been a Republican president who hasn't caused a Job Killing Recession or two while he served. In the last 70+ years there have been 11 recessions. The 10 worst recessions were caused by Republicans. One minor one caused by Carter. Democrats have beaten Republicans hands down on job creation every time!!!

Democrat Presidents Reduce Deficits, Republicans EXPLODE them!!!

916,000 New Jobs created under Biden last month!!!

Biden lowest approval rating is much higher than Trump's highest!

None of you Repubtards can dis-prove any of my post in this thread!

We have constantly warned America about the Left and their real agenda to silence any and all opposition to their sick twisted agenda. Sorry if you fuckers fail in the arena of policy. But REAL America will never accept your Socialist "utopia".
Gosh, your post is a steaming pile of horseshit.

Democrat President Bill Clinton's Economy Created More Jobs than Republican Presidents Ford + Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 + Trump COMBINED!

Please explain what Clinton did to create that great economy.
You can't so you won't.
Raised the cor
Democrat President Bill Clinton's Economy Created More Jobs than Republican Presidents Ford + Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 + Trump COMBINED!

Please explain what Clinton did to create that great economy.
You can't so you won't.

Raised the corporate tax rate adding revenue, taking that revenue, investing in small businesses and education, creating more jobs.
Increased the earned income tax credit for working families, providing more relief for them.
Reduced taxes on small businesses.
Reduced taxes on the sale of a primary residence.
Tax credits for trade schools and colleges.
Tax credits for first time homebuyers.
Raised the capital gains tax.
I don't see the .com boom anywhere in there. Nor do I see on your list the GOP holding his feet to the fire and forcing the closest thing we've had to a balanced budget in living memory.

The dot com boom?

Isn't a policy.

"The GOP held Clinton's feet to the fire"?
How so?

When Clinton's surplus landed in Bush's lap what does he do?

Gives it away in tax rebates and tax cuts.
Of course the dot com boom wasn't policy. It was an outside factor that Bubba rode to a better economy. The GOP held his feet to the fire by refusing to spend everything he wanted to spend. As for Bush, irrelevant to what Bubba did.

Democrat President Bill Clinton's Economy Created More Jobs than Republican Presidents Ford + Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 + Trump COMBINED!

Please explain what Clinton did to create that great economy.
You can't so you won't.
Raised the cor
Democrat President Bill Clinton's Economy Created More Jobs than Republican Presidents Ford + Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 + Trump COMBINED!

Please explain what Clinton did to create that great economy.
You can't so you won't.

Raised the corporate tax rate adding revenue, taking that revenue, investing in small businesses and education, creating more jobs.
Increased the earned income tax credit for working families, providing more relief for them.
Reduced taxes on small businesses.
Reduced taxes on the sale of a primary residence.
Tax credits for trade schools and colleges.
Tax credits for first time homebuyers.
Raised the capital gains tax.
I don't see the .com boom anywhere in there. Nor do I see on your list the GOP holding his feet to the fire and forcing the closest thing we've had to a balanced budget in living memory.

The dot com boom?

Isn't a policy.

"The GOP held Clinton's feet to the fire"?
How so?

When Clinton's surplus landed in Bush's lap what does he do?

Gives it away in tax rebates and tax cuts.
Of course the dot com boom wasn't policy. It was an outside factor that Bubba rode to a better economy. The GOP held his feet to the fire by refusing to spend everything he wanted to spend. As for Bush, irrelevant to what Bubba did.

Republicans only pretend to be "conservative" when a democrat is in office.
How does that relate to the fact that Bubba benefitted from the dot com bubble?

BFD, Clinton benefitted from the dot com bubble, that wasn't a policy, other presidents benefitted from low interest rates or a bull stock market.
Democrat President Bill Clinton's Economy Created More Jobs than Republican Presidents Ford + Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 + Trump COMBINED!

Please explain what Clinton did to create that great economy.
You can't so you won't.
Raised the cor
Democrat President Bill Clinton's Economy Created More Jobs than Republican Presidents Ford + Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 + Trump COMBINED!

Please explain what Clinton did to create that great economy.
You can't so you won't.

Raised the corporate tax rate adding revenue, taking that revenue, investing in small businesses and education, creating more jobs.
Increased the earned income tax credit for working families, providing more relief for them.
Reduced taxes on small businesses.
Reduced taxes on the sale of a primary residence.
Tax credits for trade schools and colleges.
Tax credits for first time homebuyers.
Raised the capital gains tax.
I don't see the .com boom anywhere in there. Nor do I see on your list the GOP holding his feet to the fire and forcing the closest thing we've had to a balanced budget in living memory.
You Lie! Clinton's rate of Deficit Reduction was greater under Democrat Congress & Slowed under Republican Congress. Then when Republican President Bush with Republican House & Senate took over they EXPLODED the Deficit!!!

Vice President Al Gore wrote & passed the internet bill that created the Dot Com Boom.

In the entire history of our country, there's never been a Republican president who hasn't caused a Job Killing Recession or two while he served. In the last 70+ years there have been 11 recessions. The 10 worst recessions were caused by Republicans. One minor one caused by Carter. Democrats have beaten Republicans hands down on job creation every time!!!

We have constantly warned America about the Left and their real agenda to silence any and all opposition to their sick twisted agenda. Sorry if you fuckers fail in the arena of policy. But REAL America will never accept your Socialist "utopia".
Gosh, your post is a steaming pile of horseshit.

The only pile ia the one you're stepping in. Fact is the Left want to silence any opposition to their sick diseased ideology.

We have constantly warned America about the Left and their real agenda to silence any and all opposition to their sick twisted agenda. Sorry if you fuckers fail in the arena of policy. But REAL America will never accept your Socialist "utopia".
You are still whining about Rand Paul walking around in a riot like a dumb ass videoed back in September of 2020? I'll see your Rand Paul and raise you a January 6th attack by trumpers on the capital where defending police were injured, the crowd trampled a fellow marauding insurrectionist, to death and burst in screaming hand Mike Pense.
More of the false far Left narrative. It was Capital Police that let the ANTIFA and BLM thugs in in the first place, dumbass.
Keep telling yourself that.

Try watching the Videos dumbfuck. Oh wait, you won’t.

I did. The day of the assault on the capital, I watched live also. Did not take much to recognize anti-American insurrectionists attacking the seat of government of our country. You dicks even trampled one of you own to death on the steps while you tried to get in to hunt for the VP and then took their body to the capital police, looking for help, while others were still attacking, like mindless animals. You're kind of a dim lantern, kid.

You’re a lying asshole punk. Didn’t take much to realize all you’ve done is lie, lie,cry, lie and cry some more as your bullshit gets debunked left and right. Where’s the insurrection charges? Aren’t coming dipshit.

Been reasonable with you. You ain't right, and I've allotted you all the time your getting for a while. Instead, welcome to IGNORE.

Bye bye coward. Your surrender is noted uneducated loser.

We have constantly warned America about the Left and their real agenda to silence any and all opposition to their sick twisted agenda. Sorry if you fuckers fail in the arena of policy. But REAL America will never accept your Socialist "utopia".
You are still whining about Rand Paul walking around in a riot like a dumb ass videoed back in September of 2020? I'll see your Rand Paul and raise you a January 6th attack by trumpers on the capital where defending police were injured, the crowd trampled a fellow marauding insurrectionist, to death and burst in screaming hand Mike Pense.
More of the false far Left narrative. It was Capital Police that let the ANTIFA and BLM thugs in in the first place, dumbass.
Keep telling yourself that.

Try watching the Videos dumbfuck. Oh wait, you won’t.

I did. The day of the assault on the capital, I watched live also. Did not take much to recognize anti-American insurrectionists attacking the seat of government of our country. You dicks even trampled one of you own to death on the steps while you tried to get in to hunt for the VP and then took their body to the capital police, looking for help, while others were still attacking, like mindless animals. You're kind of a dim lantern, kid.

You’re a lying asshole punk. Didn’t take much to realize all you’ve done is lie, lie,cry, lie and cry some more as your bullshit gets debunked left and right. Where’s the insurrection charges? Aren’t coming dipshit.

You don't know much about how the law works.

And yet a toddler knows more than you. Insurrection charges aren’t coming. If they don’t you leave forever.
Subprime Housing Lending Bubble was a direct action of Bush!

In 2003 President Bush Signed American Dream Downpayment Act!

Why are you equating Trump with establishment Republicans?
It’s obvious you’re a shill.

Democrats are more fiscally responsible. This is why Gold Price Dropped $350 since Trump & Republicans fell behind in the polls!

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