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A bit more of your merciful god.

You should read the bibles.
I think you fear that I have...that I started out in English with the viewpoint of modern Western culture--then traveled back to the original languages, cultures, histories, and viewpoints. But have no fear. That journey is not for everyone--too long, too time consuming, too easy to get distracted. It worked for me. But long before I started my mother was among the first--and certainly not the last--to declare (in exasperation), "She is different."

I have a view of the Bible that differs from yours, which means you have a view that differs from mine. All it means is that some of us gain from Bible study and some do not. It is not up to me to tell you that you will gain anymore than it is up to you to declare I gained nothing. All we can do for each other is share what our own experience has been.
Here again. What a shame the gods couldn't deliver their message in a coherent fashion. That would seem the godly thing to do. But then again, maybe it was their intention to sow discord and confusion.
What some may miss is the power of individual prayer/conversation with God. Ever listen in on a conversation between two other people and get it all wrong?

With God, there is nothing like one-on-one.
Except nothing about prophesy is vague.

This statement removes any credibility from anything you post on this topic.

Just among the main branches of Christianity there are 3 main schools of thought derived from these "non-vague prophesy".

How can that be if there is nothing vague about them?
Yes they do. Its you lot who believe that rubbish without sceric of evidence.
Science and God go hand in hand. What do you think about Hawking finally realizing that there could be an unlimited amount of dimensions, thousands of years after God created dimensions?
Wait till science finds out that dimensions can be rolled up like a scroll. Or burned, or stretched. We haven't quite caught up to the Theory of Everything, but we get closer to Him with every scientific discovery...
Here again. What a shame the gods couldn't deliver their message in a coherent fashion. That would seem the godly thing to do. But then again, maybe it was their intention to sow discord and confusion.

The distinction in the word lies in this. When you see the "gods" small "g" it is speaking of lesser beings. For instance genesis 6 : 4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown."

Sons of God. Sons is lower case, God the Father is upper case. The word in Hebrew

Benei Elohim 6:2 that the benei ha-elohim (lit. “sons of God”) saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took wives from whomever they chose​

Going by scientific proofs, we have none. Nor would prophetic evidence work in a courtroom if someone could offer 'reasonable doubt' that the prophecy could be interpreted differently. And non-believers do.

If you re-read my post, I used the word evidence, not proof. Also, I wasn't going by what works in a courtroom. However, since you brought that up, I do believe that if one looks at the overall weight of the evidence - in other words, all the different types of evidence put together - even in a courtroom, the weight of evidence is enough to conclude that the bible is no ordinary book and contains the reliable accounts of the actual words of Jesus. I am a skeptical person by nature, and I would not be a Christian today if I didn't think the bible is true.

Btw, you reminded me of a scene from a movie on this very issue. I'm going to share the video, and it really is worth watching the whole way through. But if anyone doesn't want to take the time, the pertinent part starts at 3:35.

And the man on the stand in this scene is not an actor. He is J. Warner Wallace, an actual homicide detective and former atheist-turned-Christian, author of Cold Case Christianity.

The best part is toward the end, so I highly recommend watching the whole thing, but the last minute or so is the best part.

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Science and God go hand in hand.
I challenge you to show me one word science has ever written yo support the existence of any god.
I know you can't so you are a liar.
Religious is becoming irrelevant as science continues to dispose of any god shit. Its that relevance religion craves to not lose total connection to reality.
Science is the graveyard of all religions.
What do you think about Hawking finally realizing that there could be an unlimited amount of dimensions,
Hawking did not realise that. Your attempting to connect his brilliance to your silly beliefs.
"thousands of years after God created dimensions? "
Thats an assumption god not only created that crap but it is a mere thousands of years old???
Hawking didn't believe that rubbish

Wait till science finds out that dimensions can be rolled up like a scroll.
How do you know it can? Wheres your evidence of that and why doesn't science know it?
You are delusional but ill wait for you to prove it
Or burned, or stretched. We haven't quite caught up to the Theory of Everything, but we get closer to Him with every scientific discovery...
Rubbish. Name one scientific discovery where science has attributed it to your hideous god?
I admit I can't do it but you appear to have the evidence of your fantastic claims. I know you can't and you are a liar.
Nope, we don't. We all accept your unbelief, your unbelief has no bearing on us at all. You are no more than Sancho Panza tilting at windmills.
So you do have evidence????
Post it here big mouth. See how good you are now.
Do you not realize that you are acting exactly like the most zealous of Evangelicals?
Do you realise I am doing nothing but expose the hypocrisy barbarism cruelty and suffering your god inflicted?
This statement removes any credibility from anything you post on this topic.

Just among the main branches of Christianity there are 3 main schools of thought derived from these "non-vague prophesy".

How can that be if there is nothing vague about them?
Then describe vague, because the prophesies I quoted are nothing if not precise, and you ignored them.

Tell me, at anytime in the last 500 years to today has a 7 year peace treaty been signed with Israel that will allowed them to build a New Temple?
For one thing, there was no Israel 500, 200 or 100 years ago, so prophesy is precise enough for the answer to that question to be, it hasn't happened yet. We know that because of the precise words used. 7 years doesn't mean, for a while, or longer than a few years, or a couple. < That's vague. 7 means 7. It is precise.

So, vague it for me, so you can be right about it happening anytime. < That is vague, not the prediction. If it has already happened then you should be able to tell me precisely when it happened.
Peace treaty
7 years
with Israel
New Temple
Desecrated by the one making the peace treaty.

^Turn any of that prediction into vague and show me how it fits into your 500 years ago, or whenever assumption...
Non-believers may not need to be found, may not need Biblical advice on getting through tough times. What some seem to want to adamantly prove, is that I never needed it either, and nor does anyone.
It is deeply disappointing to me that any Christian would say that. I mean, with all due respect, that statement couldn't be further from the truth. The bible is not a mere self-help book, for advice on getting through tough times. It contains the most important message one could ever hear, the Gospel message, which is not about just getting through tough times, but about salvation and life beyond this temporary existence.
The distinction in the word lies in this. When you see the "gods" small "g" it is speaking of lesser beings. For instance genesis 6 : 4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown."

Sons of God. Sons is lower case, God the Father is upper case. The word in Hebrew

Benei Elohim 6:2 that the benei ha-elohim (lit. “sons of God”) saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took wives from whomever they chose​

The nephilim we're 450 cubits tall.
Like I said evangelists are concerned for their own salvation and they think that converting people to their religion is how they obtain that
Sorry, that's incorrect.
Evangelicals know salvation is obtained through Christ's work on the cross. There is nothing we can add to the work Jesus did to exchange His pure record for our sinful one. So that is your first misconception. The second is why evangelicals preach the Gospel. It is because Christ asked us to spread the good news about the redemption He offered up on the cross and that He lives.
And the 3rd misconception you have is that we convert people. That is the job of the Holy Spirit. We just point out the way...

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