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A bit more of your merciful god.

You know exactly what you meant and so did I. Dont insult my intelligence again you arsehole.

If you were winking this debate convincingly you would stay up all night. You made a mistake and got caught. You are a vile piece of hate filled rubbish and the best you can do to save your remaining dignity is go to bed.

Again, you're proving us correct. Look at all the ad hominems in your post. Look at all the anger and hate. And then you say I'm hate filled? Who called who a "vile piece of rubbish"? Calling me hate-filled is projection on your part. Major projection.

As someone said to you the other day, it's not healthy to live with that much hate and anger... you might get an aneurysm.

Anyway, you can believe what you want. You can even claim "victory" if that makes you feel better, since it's past 2 AM here and the last thing I want to do is argue with a combative, unreasonable person.

The truth of what hadit and I said about angry atheists is plainly visible in your posts, for anyone to read. :dunno: Good night.
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THANK YOU, I was just saying something similar on another thread. It is quite interesting to me, from a psychological standpoint, how angry and obsessed some atheists are.

Just out of curiosity, I'd be interested in hearing what their relationship with their father was like, growing up. It's been said that there's a correlation between one's relationship with their dad, and how one views God. My dad was a hard-hearted atheist for almost his entire life, and in his case he had a horrible childhood, he spent part of his childhood in an orphanage. It's understandable to me how someone who probably felt abandoned by his earthly father would reject the idea of a heavenly father.
That's interesting because Christians have this angry, authoritative father-figure superimposed as their gods. Do you have daddy issues?
As I said before, to challenge you about God is not anger. You defence us pathetic when you resort to childish rebuttals like that.
Non angry people don't reply with insinuation I was molested. Thats pathetic coming from a screwed up godbotherer.
Then why does everything you write reflect such anger and bitterness? You are clearly not happy. Is it because people continue to have faith and won't listen to you? Do you really think childish insults are going to persuade people to abandon their faith? "Oh, no, he said something mean about me, I'm leaving the Church right now". I'm laughing.
That one is easy. There is no god and you have no evidence there is. You inherited your filthy habit and now belch it like its legislated in stone.
You are always injecting god into normal conversations. You pray and go to church. Attended church meetings. Thats not bothering???
Doesn't bother me. Do you think that you bother God with your outbursts of anger at Him?
you are a liar but you are religious and that goes hand in glove. I have never seen a republican on here that didn't hate democrats and brand atheists as such. Unless you denounce it here, and I know you haven't got the guts although you do lie regularly, you are one of them.
Why would I brand democrats as atheists? That makes no sense as I know democrats who meet in fellowship with me now to worship together. Heck, I know devout Christians of all skin colors, backgrounds, both men and women. I know young and old Christians. There are devout Christians everywhere. In fact, there might be one behind you right now! Now change your underwear and get back to work.

Identifying with a political party has nothing to do with whether one is a Christian. YOU are the one who brought politics up and YOU are the one who has a problem with it.
Thats not how I see it nor is it not expected you would say that now I've got you in reverse. Your mealy mouthed insipid words won't wash with me.
I literally don't care how you see it because I know who I taught and I know how we related as Christian brothers and sisters. Remember, YOU brought politics into this, I did not. YOU want to identify atheism and faith with political parties, I do not.
really. Not while in here.
Yes, in here on this board. Search this phrase, "God is bigger than politics". It might actually open your eyes to some things. Or don't, if you fear being wrong.
You godbotherers firmly believe the constitution provides you with God given right. God did nothing of the sort.
There was a specific declaration by Madison to keep religion out of it. Its you guys who want justification for your actions under God and the constitution.
The political makeup of America doesn't inform on my faith, so take that somewhere else.
Here's a little bit to show how republicans are nearly all attracted to mainstream religions. I say plural because it appears you idiots will worship a stone.

And you continue to want to argue politics. Are you really more angry about politics than faith? You seem to put a lot of energy into it.

Ultimately, you have a multitude of complaints about people, probably from reading various headlines and articles, and you want to project all of them on me, then claim something or other about me. You will find that won't work. Thus far, you haven't even challenged anything about my faith, just made a bunch of statements about politics and some childish things about believers and God. Can you do better?
The label given is a very poor rebuttal. I'm not angry but it would sound that way because it's unpalatable to a godbotherer.

Then you make that same mistake of making a reference to a father son relationship. How absurd is that and how could that possibly be related to religion?
Very good, very good. You are starting to realize that the relationship Christians have with God is NOT religion.
The whole problem is low iq Americans are addicted to the god crap and were vaccinated with it after being born an atheist. You are still an atheist but have adopted one god more.
Americans? You do realize that Christianity is practiced world-wide, right?
You all have trouble getting your heads around the reality there is no evidence of any silly gods and spirits. You don't even try but ridicule others for suggesting it. Its like there is a punishment awaits from your hideous god for even thinking or doubting him. Thats the celestial dictatorship you put yourself in.

There is no heavenly father nor has any god ever done one thing for you or anyone else. Its simply a bloody myth. Does that logic sound like it came from an angry man or possibly it was dumped on a stupid person?
Absolutely it sounds like it comes from an angry person.
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That's interesting because Christians have this angry, authoritative father-figure superimposed as their gods. Do you have daddy issues?
Our Father is not angry with us. Why do you think you can define God and our relationship with Him?
You know exactly what you meant and so did I. Dont insult my intelligence again you arsehole.

If you were winking this debate convincingly you would stay up all night. You made a mistake and got caught. You are a vile piece of hate filled rubbish and the best you can do to save your remaining dignity is go to bed.
And yet more anger.
that makes little sense at all, metaphysical physiology not exactly "matter" if nothing else has no set structure whatsoever as a necessary component of its existence ...

no blade of grass from 200 million years past to the present and into the future has ever been the same as any other and never will be.
If the charge, mass and distance of electrons, protons and neutrons were even slightly different the universe could have been created in exactly the same way but life would not be possible.
I hope you realize that you prove hadit and I correct in nearly every post, when you reply in such a combative, angry, bitter way. Have you always been that way?

from their deepest motivation -


how they love eachother and their fellow kind - heartwarming to the bone.
If the charge, mass and distance of electrons, protons and neutrons were even slightly different the universe could have been created in exactly the same way but life would not be possible.

there you go again -


have you ever been without doubt ...

you do not know the metaphysical would make the alterations necessary for the prototype physiology to exist in a conducive environment, the conditions you have created to include the spiritual content for its life sustenance.
You fear him. Because he might revoke your special forever prize.

We didn't make that up. You guys did.
Wearing that foil helmet that gives you mind reading powers again? Here's a hint. He's not going to revoke anything. See, that's the problem when you pretend you know what other people think, you're always wrong.
Because you deserve nothing else because of your god addiction and ignorance. Apart from the fact it bruises you every time.
Hardly. You're not even upsetting to me. I'm merely noting your lack of maturity and the anger you display with every post. Why do you think that immaturity is a good debate tactic?
Wearing that foil helmet that gives you mind reading powers again?
I don't need special powers to know Christians fear their God, and why. For one, it's right in the iron aged instruction book. Second, they happily admit it. And you would too, if you weren't just being a whiny contrarian, because an atheist nailed you and your beliefs.
I don't need special powers to know Christians fear their God, and why. For one, it's right in the iron aged instruction book. Second, they happily admit it. And you would too, if you weren't just being a whiny contrarian, because an atheist nailed you and your beliefs.
That never happened. Other than that, well, nothing else is correct in what you say either.

We fear God in the same way a child fears a loving parent who loves and cherishes his children. We don't fear random displays of anger, we don't fear unjustified correction. Let me guess, you haven't read the New Testament or what Jesus had to say, have you? Most likely, you are mired in carefully extracted Old Testament verses about God's judgement that have no context in what was being judged. Here's a hint, ask a Jewish person what "Abba" means.

Here's a question for all you who have a problem when God brings judgement. Was the US and its allies justified in killing millions of innocent men, women and children to stop evil in WWII?
That never happened.
Uh, sorry buddy, it is in your instruction book. And you can hop over to the thread about fearing God to watch Christians admit they fear God.

So, you once again just had a reflexive, contrarian outburst.

We fear God in the same way a child fears a loving parent who loves and cherishes his children.
My children never feared me, other than fearing my disappointment in them. You are describing codependency, not a loving relationship. You aren't talking about "disappointment", you are talking about having your special little forever prize revoked. Being condemned for eternity. Not disappointment. Rather, the "ultimate punishment". The worst punishment imaginable.

Which, by the way, is the only reason you buy ANY OF IT. If not for this promise of the special little prize, the Bible would just be another book collecting dust in your attic.

So this duo of a carrot and a stick is actually the core of and impetus for your entire belief system.

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