A break down of the right

Inside the GOP: Report on focus groups with Evangelical, Tea Party, and moderate Republicans | Republican Party Project

We know that Evangelicals are the largest bloc in the base, with the Tea Party very strong as well. For them, President Obama is a “liar” and “manipulator” who has fooled the country. It is hard to miss the deep disdain—they say the president is a socialist, the “worst president in history,” and “anti-American.”

Note you will see these terms being thrown around here by the very people this Article talks about. They will attack the source for the name "democracy" all the while using these terms anyways.

Evangelicals who feel most threatened by trends embrace the Tea Party because they are the ones who are fighting back. They are very in tune politically, but the Tea Party base is very libertarian and not very interested in fighting gay marriage.

This is interesting. the tea party is very limited government while the Evans need government to stop things they don't socially agree with. Oil and water.

Evangelicals. Social issues are central for Evangelicals and they feel a deep sense of cultural and political loss. They believe their towns, communities, and schools are suffering from a deep “culture rot” that has invaded from the outside. The central focus here is homosexuality, but also the decline of homogenous small towns. They like the Tea Party because they stand up to the Democrats.

· Tea Party. Big government, Obama, the loss of liberty, and decline of responsibility are central to the Tea Party worldview. Obama’s America is an unmitigated evil based on big government, regulations, and dependency. They are not focused on social issues at all. They like the Tea Party because it is getting “back to basics” and believe it has the potential to reshape the GOP.

· Moderates. Moderates are deeply concerned with the direction of the country and believe Obama has taken it down the wrong path economically. They are centrally focused on market-based economics, small government, and eliminating waste and inefficiency. They are largely open to progressive social policies, including on gay marriage and immigration. They disdain the Tea Party and have a hard time taking Fox News seriously.

this creates a lot of fighting.Also watch for people not understand this is a break down and not an insult to being in the GOP. When you live your life full of fear, you tend to lash out at everything.

Interesting take. However, let's be realistic about moderate Republicans - they are rare. I think it needs to be said that moderate Republicans are not only a small minority in the GOP, they are a small minority in the entire country.
Inside the GOP: Report on focus groups with Evangelical, Tea Party, and moderate Republicans | Republican Party Project

We know that Evangelicals are the largest bloc in the base, with the Tea Party very strong as well. For them, President Obama is a “liar” and “manipulator” who has fooled the country. It is hard to miss the deep disdain—they say the president is a socialist, the “worst president in history,” and “anti-American.”

Note you will see these terms being thrown around here by the very people this Article talks about. They will attack the source for the name "democracy" all the while using these terms anyways.

This is interesting. the tea party is very limited government while the Evans need government to stop things they don't socially agree with. Oil and water.

Evangelicals. Social issues are central for Evangelicals and they feel a deep sense of cultural and political loss. They believe their towns, communities, and schools are suffering from a deep “culture rot” that has invaded from the outside. The central focus here is homosexuality, but also the decline of homogenous small towns. They like the Tea Party because they stand up to the Democrats.

· Tea Party. Big government, Obama, the loss of liberty, and decline of responsibility are central to the Tea Party worldview. Obama’s America is an unmitigated evil based on big government, regulations, and dependency. They are not focused on social issues at all. They like the Tea Party because it is getting “back to basics” and believe it has the potential to reshape the GOP.

· Moderates. Moderates are deeply concerned with the direction of the country and believe Obama has taken it down the wrong path economically. They are centrally focused on market-based economics, small government, and eliminating waste and inefficiency. They are largely open to progressive social policies, including on gay marriage and immigration. They disdain the Tea Party and have a hard time taking Fox News seriously.

this creates a lot of fighting.Also watch for people not understand this is a break down and not an insult to being in the GOP. When you live your life full of fear, you tend to lash out at everything.

Interesting take. However, let's be realistic about moderate Republicans - they are rare. I think it needs to be said that moderate Republicans are not only a small minority in the GOP, they are a small minority in the entire country.

What of moderates altogether? They have been driven out of both parties. Fixed it for you.
Inside the GOP: Report on focus groups with Evangelical, Tea Party, and moderate Republicans | Republican Party Project

Note you will see these terms being thrown around here by the very people this Article talks about. They will attack the source for the name "democracy" all the while using these terms anyways.

This is interesting. the tea party is very limited government while the Evans need government to stop things they don't socially agree with. Oil and water.

this creates a lot of fighting.Also watch for people not understand this is a break down and not an insult to being in the GOP. When you live your life full of fear, you tend to lash out at everything.

Interesting take. However, let's be realistic about moderate Republicans - they are rare. I think it needs to be said that moderate Republicans are not only a small minority in the GOP, they are a small minority in the entire country.

What of moderates altogether? They have been driven out of both parties. Fixed it for you.

Moderate liberals can easily be found. Hell, I'm one of them.

Here's a breakdown of Plasmaball, and liberals like him.

Accusing another person of avoiding the issues, but being a Democrat he knows that all to well what that entails. A good example would be as Obamacare was crashing and burning, he and his liberal friends started talking about immigration reform, hoping and hoping some more that this would shift people's focus away from the debacle which was the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

Not only that, when Republicans insisted on delaying the mandate by shutting the government down over it. People such as he began saying "oh this shall be your undoing, Republicans, look at the polls, look at the polls! You are trying to kill a perfectly good law, no we will not negotiate!" But alas, once again, the self destruction of Obamacare made it clear that the Republicans had been right all along. All this time. Plasmaball along with his liberal friends sat there and watched in horror as their beloved party began discussing of ways to *GASP* delay Obamacare.

People such as Plasmaball are of the mindset that no Liberal can ever tell a lie, yet Obama told them in spades. "You can keep you doctor and your plan under my plan, because I am the man!" He said. This was not to be so. No, not at all, for he had lied to America, as he played the fiddle while our healthcare system burned.

When there is nothing serious to discuss, Plasmaball is the first to discuss it. You can rest assured on that. You can never expect an argument that isn't somehow pockmarked with pejoratives, invective and harmful partisan rhetoric. He only knows how to be derisive here on these boards, and does more to inflame the membership.

lol..lol hahahahahahhahaha look at you trying to make a point and failing hard. You are just doing more of the same as usual. Whine about the left and liberals. You again are part of the problem, you are a bottom feeding partisan.

Anyways thanks for the laugh, just the icing to an already good night. Fuck what a loser you are. Predictable loser.

You sir, just got annihilated.

hahahahhahahhahhahahahahahhaahahahahaha i love how full of yourself you are. Nothing happened you twit. All you did was whine about the left. Thats not even the topic.
Inside the GOP: Report on focus groups with Evangelical, Tea Party, and moderate Republicans | Republican Party Project

We know that Evangelicals are the largest bloc in the base, with the Tea Party very strong as well. For them, President Obama is a “liar” and “manipulator” who has fooled the country. It is hard to miss the deep disdain—they say the president is a socialist, the “worst president in history,” and “anti-American.”

Note you will see these terms being thrown around here by the very people this Article talks about. They will attack the source for the name "democracy" all the while using these terms anyways.

This is interesting. the tea party is very limited government while the Evans need government to stop things they don't socially agree with. Oil and water.

Evangelicals. Social issues are central for Evangelicals and they feel a deep sense of cultural and political loss. They believe their towns, communities, and schools are suffering from a deep “culture rot” that has invaded from the outside. The central focus here is homosexuality, but also the decline of homogenous small towns. They like the Tea Party because they stand up to the Democrats.

· Tea Party. Big government, Obama, the loss of liberty, and decline of responsibility are central to the Tea Party worldview. Obama’s America is an unmitigated evil based on big government, regulations, and dependency. They are not focused on social issues at all. They like the Tea Party because it is getting “back to basics” and believe it has the potential to reshape the GOP.

· Moderates. Moderates are deeply concerned with the direction of the country and believe Obama has taken it down the wrong path economically. They are centrally focused on market-based economics, small government, and eliminating waste and inefficiency. They are largely open to progressive social policies, including on gay marriage and immigration. They disdain the Tea Party and have a hard time taking Fox News seriously.

this creates a lot of fighting.Also watch for people not understand this is a break down and not an insult to being in the GOP. When you live your life full of fear, you tend to lash out at everything.

Interesting take. However, let's be realistic about moderate Republicans - they are rare. I think it needs to be said that moderate Republicans are not only a small minority in the GOP, they are a small minority in the entire country.

They are the lesser of the three groups and have a hard time in the GOP because the other two will primary the people they vote for.
Inside the GOP: Report on focus groups with Evangelical, Tea Party, and moderate Republicans | Republican Party Project

Note you will see these terms being thrown around here by the very people this Article talks about. They will attack the source for the name "democracy" all the while using these terms anyways.

This is interesting. the tea party is very limited government while the Evans need government to stop things they don't socially agree with. Oil and water.

this creates a lot of fighting.Also watch for people not understand this is a break down and not an insult to being in the GOP. When you live your life full of fear, you tend to lash out at everything.

Note the desperation as the moonbats search for anything that gives them a slim hope of winning another election anywhere in the country.
who gives a shit about winning? If you are a fan of politics you enjoy just talking about the dynamics.

Winning and loosing has destroyed this system. You are the problem

I have never voted for anyone in either of the parties that you think are the only choices since I learned how to think when I was 15. I am not the problem, you are.
Note the desperation as the moonbats search for anything that gives them a slim hope of winning another election anywhere in the country.
who gives a shit about winning? If you are a fan of politics you enjoy just talking about the dynamics.

Winning and loosing has destroyed this system. You are the problem

I have never voted for anyone in either of the parties that you think are the only choices since I learned how to think when I was 15. I am not the problem, you are.

if only i believed you, i dont so your point is irrelevant.
who gives a shit about winning? If you are a fan of politics you enjoy just talking about the dynamics.

Winning and loosing has destroyed this system. You are the problem

I have never voted for anyone in either of the parties that you think are the only choices since I learned how to think when I was 15. I am not the problem, you are.

if only i believed you, i dont so your point is irrelevant.

Remember all those pro Romney posts I made?

Me either.

Funny that, isn't it? Even though you clearly prefer one party over the other, and I have never once came out and said one party is better, you still think I am lying.

That, dear Plasmoid, is why you are the problem.
I have never voted for anyone in either of the parties that you think are the only choices since I learned how to think when I was 15. I am not the problem, you are.

if only i believed you, i dont so your point is irrelevant.

Remember all those pro Romney posts I made?

Me either.

Funny that, isn't it? Even though you clearly prefer one party over the other, and I have never once came out and said one party is better, you still think I am lying.

That, dear Plasmoid, is why you are the problem.

you are still talking about yourself? Jesus nobody cares about you Windbag. Seriously shut up already.

this is about the overall GOP, not one person. you always make it about yourself as if thats some standard that these things must pass. Well i dont do this so it must not be true!

Fuck you and your stupid egotistical self.
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if only i believed you, i dont so your point is irrelevant.

Remember all those pro Romney posts I made?

Me either.

Funny that, isn't it? Even though you clearly prefer one party over the other, and I have never once came out and said one party is better, you still think I am lying.

That, dear Plasmoid, is why you are the problem.

you are still talking about yourself? Jesus nobody cares about you Windbag. Seriously shut up already.

this is about the overall GOP, not one person. you always make it about yourself as if thats some standard that these things must pass. Well i dont do this so it must not be true!

Fuck you and your stupid egotistical self.

We are talking about you, not me.
Remember all those pro Romney posts I made?

Me either.

Funny that, isn't it? Even though you clearly prefer one party over the other, and I have never once came out and said one party is better, you still think I am lying.

That, dear Plasmoid, is why you are the problem.

you are still talking about yourself? Jesus nobody cares about you Windbag. Seriously shut up already.

this is about the overall GOP, not one person. you always make it about yourself as if thats some standard that these things must pass. Well i dont do this so it must not be true!

Fuck you and your stupid egotistical self.

We are talking about you, not me.

nope..anyways unless anyone else posts something of actual value, ill let this thread go. People rather whine about stupid things than understand inner politics. Thus why they are bottom feeders.
you are still talking about yourself? Jesus nobody cares about you Windbag. Seriously shut up already.

this is about the overall GOP, not one person. you always make it about yourself as if thats some standard that these things must pass. Well i dont do this so it must not be true!

Fuck you and your stupid egotistical self.

We are talking about you, not me.

nope..anyways unless anyone else posts something of actual value, ill let this thread go. People rather whine about stupid things than understand inner politics. Thus why they are bottom feeders.

You're the one that refuses to recognize that you can't hang everyone who votes for the GOP on your 3 pegs, the vast majority fall somewhere in between. No need to respond, I know you're not smart enough to understand this concept.
Funny how the left is suddenly concerned about the political future of the right while the radical left administration is collapsing.
You fucked up your headline, should read A break down of the right, according to the left. I say this because there can be no one who could possibly fall anywhere between the commiecrat lite you call moderate and the Tea Parties who you call the reactionary right, yep, no one could possibly occupy that no mans land.

Give me a fucking break.

They will attack the source for the name "democracy" all the while using these terms anyways.

told ya...like lemmings
I'll attack the source, but not for the word democracy.

About Us

The organization was born out of outrage over the impeachment of President Clinton when the leadership in Congress preferred radical partisanship to addressing the issues which really matter to American families. Following the 2000 election, Democracy Corps rededicated itself after the presidential candidate with the most votes and the most popular policy agenda did not become the President of the United States. - See more at: About Us

"We're butthurt because we didn't get our way."


Partisan moonbat hackery. No wonder you immediately and unquestioningly swallow it.

Look, kid, if you want to know about Republicans and conservatives, ASK some. Your fellow proglodytes are lying to you.
Interesting take. However, let's be realistic about moderate Republicans - they are rare. I think it needs to be said that moderate Republicans are not only a small minority in the GOP, they are a small minority in the entire country.

What of moderates altogether? They have been driven out of both parties. Fixed it for you.

Moderate liberals can easily be found. Hell, I'm one of them.
Yeah, not so much.
lol..lol hahahahahahhahaha look at you trying to make a point and failing hard. You are just doing more of the same as usual. Whine about the left and liberals. You again are part of the problem, you are a bottom feeding partisan.

Anyways thanks for the laugh, just the icing to an already good night. Fuck what a loser you are. Predictable loser.

You sir, just got annihilated.

hahahahhahahhahhahahahahahhaahahahahaha i love how full of yourself you are. Nothing happened you twit. All you did was whine about the left. Thats not even the topic.
Yeah, TK! The topic is Action Figure Boi whining about the right! :mad:
"Inside the GOP" by Carville? What do you expect from libertard James Carville who defended the accused rapist in the white house and attacked innocent women with his "bimbo eruption squad"? Carville should be the last person that real women rely on for political analysis.
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Interesting take. However, let's be realistic about moderate Republicans - they are rare. I think it needs to be said that moderate Republicans are not only a small minority in the GOP, they are a small minority in the entire country.

What of moderates altogether? They have been driven out of both parties. Fixed it for you.

Moderate liberals can easily be found. Hell, I'm one of them.

That's BS.
you are still talking about yourself? Jesus nobody cares about you Windbag. Seriously shut up already.

this is about the overall GOP, not one person. you always make it about yourself as if thats some standard that these things must pass. Well i dont do this so it must not be true!

Fuck you and your stupid egotistical self.

We are talking about you, not me.

nope..anyways unless anyone else posts something of actual value, ill let this thread go. People rather whine about stupid things than understand inner politics. Thus why they are bottom feeders.
There are no inner politics here. There are progressive delusions and lies.

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