A Brief History of Michael Cohen's Criminal Ties

Cohen is completely Immersed in the Russian and Ukrainian Mafia world.
It's his Wife, his business, everything.
He was introduced to Trumpov by his father-in-law, another beauty.
The ideal go-between for Trumpov to Launder their money.
Many [other] of Cohen cohorts have been convicted of same.

Before He Was A National Figure, Michael Cohen Was A Taxi Baron. Robert Mueller Is Interested.

"....Cohen followed his father-in-law into the rough-and-tumble world of New York City taxis in March 1997, registering five new cab companies, including Sir Michael Hacking Corp. and Lady Laura Hacking Corp., according to New York state business registration records.

His holdings grew. New York City records show Cohen, his wife, and his in-laws hold a stake in more than 15 colorfully named taxi companies such as Golden Child Cab Corp. and Smoochie Cab Corp. When Cohen testified before the House and Senate Intelligence committees last year, one lawmaker asked him if he used the alias “Michael Hacking” — because the lawmaker mistakenly thought “Hacking” was a surname rather than another word for taxi driver.

Cohen then entered into a series of taxi management agreements with Garber, who controlled cab companies in New York City, Chicago, and Moscow. In June 2006, Yellow Cab SLSJET agreed to pay Cohen a $69,000 monthly fee to use 30 of the medallions that every taxicab must have. In return, SLSJET would get to keep any additional profits.

New York authorities fined SLSJET about $1.6 million in 2014 for ripping off its drivers on fees to lease vehicles. It’s unclear if SLSJET was managing Cohen’s medallions during this time.
Today, about half of Cohen’s medallions are managed by a company run by Freidman, who was charged in 2017 with stealing $5 million that should have been paid to New York state, and who has also been charged with threatening to kill a former business partner’s family. His attorney, Patrick J. Egan, said Freidman denies the theft allegations and plans to go to trial in June. He would not comment when asked if Freidman had spoken to the special counsel.

Cohen’s father-in-law, Fima Shusterman, has been in the taxi business for decades, and was charged in the early 1990s with knowingly conspiring to defraud the IRS as part of a money laundering and tax fraud scheme."..."
The Trumpov's are ALL in Neck deep.
Cohen grew up with, and hangs with Russian Wise guys.
Cohen was a bagman, as was Manafort-ov.
Trumpov and Jared the beneficiaries.
Putin, of course has Trumpov by the balls on sex and/or finance.

A Brief History of Michael Cohen's Criminal Ties
From the Russian mob to money launderers, Trump's personal attorney has long been a subject of interest to federal investigators
A Brief History of Michael Cohen's Criminal Ties

"...He grew up on Long Island, the son of a physician who survived the Holocaust in Poland, and like Tom Hagen spent a childhood around organized crime, specifically the Russian Mafiya.
Cohen's uncle, Morton Levine, was a wealthy Brooklyn doctor who owned the El Caribe Country Club, a Brooklyn catering hall and event space that was a well-known hangout for Russian gangsters.
Cohen and his siblings all had ownership stakes in the club, which rented for years to the first Mafiya boss of Brighton Beach, Evsei Agron, along with his successors, Marat Balagula and Boris Nayfeld. (Cohen's uncle said his nephew gave up his stake in the club after Trump's election.)..."

I spoke to two former federal investigators who told me Cohen was introduced to Donald Trump by his father-in-law, Fima Shusterman, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Ukraine who arrived in the U.S. in 1975. Shusterman was in the garment business and owned a fleet of taxicabs with his partners, Shalva Botier and Edward Zubok – all three men were convicted of a money-laundering related offense in 1993. "Fima may have been a (possibly silent) business partner with Trump, perhaps even used as a conduit for Russian investors in Trump properties and other ventures," a former federal investigator told me. "Cohen, who married into the family, was given the job with the Trump Org as a favor to Shusterman."..."[/indent]

Fathers and fathers-in-law among the Trump cult membership, tend to wind up in prison.........I guess that "swamp" had to be repopulated with relatives of CONS.
Cohen is completely Immersed in the Russian and Ukrainian Mafia world.
It's his Wife, his business, everything.
He was introduced to Trumpov by his father-in-law, another beauty.
The ideal go-between for Trumpov to Launder their money.
Many [other] of Cohen cohorts have been convicted of same.

Before He Was A National Figure, Michael Cohen Was A Taxi Baron. Robert Mueller Is Interested.

"....Cohen followed his father-in-law into the rough-and-tumble world of New York City taxis in March 1997, registering five new cab companies, including Sir Michael Hacking Corp. and Lady Laura Hacking Corp., according to New York state business registration records.

His holdings grew. New York City records show Cohen, his wife, and his in-laws hold a stake in more than 15 colorfully named taxi companies such as Golden Child Cab Corp. and Smoochie Cab Corp. When Cohen testified before the House and Senate Intelligence committees last year, one lawmaker asked him if he used the alias “Michael Hacking” — because the lawmaker mistakenly thought “Hacking” was a surname rather than another word for taxi driver.

Cohen then entered into a series of taxi management agreements with Garber, who controlled cab companies in New York City, Chicago, and Moscow. In June 2006, Yellow Cab SLSJET agreed to pay Cohen a $69,000 monthly fee to use 30 of the medallions that every taxicab must have. In return, SLSJET would get to keep any additional profits.

New York authorities fined SLSJET about $1.6 million in 2014 for ripping off its drivers on fees to lease vehicles. It’s unclear if SLSJET was managing Cohen’s medallions during this time.
Today, about half of Cohen’s medallions are managed by a company run by Freidman, who was charged in 2017 with stealing $5 million that should have been paid to New York state, and who has also been charged with threatening to kill a former business partner’s family. His attorney, Patrick J. Egan, said Freidman denies the theft allegations and plans to go to trial in June. He would not comment when asked if Freidman had spoken to the special counsel.

Cohen’s father-in-law, Fima Shusterman, has been in the taxi business for decades, and was charged in the early 1990s with knowingly conspiring to defraud the IRS as part of a money laundering and tax fraud scheme."..."
I heard the 2nd cousin of Trump's first wife had a father-in-law who once got a parking ticket.

What the fuck does any of this have to do with "collusion?" What Herr Mewler is obviously doing is conducting opposition research for the next election. What your post makes crystal clear is that this so-called "investigation" is a witch hunt.
I heard the 2nd cousin of Trump's first wife had a father-in-law who once got a parking ticket.

What the fuck does any of this have to do with "collusion?" What Herr Mewler is obviously doing is conducting opposition research for the next election. What your post makes crystal clear is that this so-called "investigation" is a witch hunt.
This is Trump's Lawyer for DECADES, and he was Born and still 100% Swimming in Mafia-ova.

Trumpov (who has never said a negative word on his Owner/Putin) has similar problems.. and his Son, Son-in-Law, and Campaign manager (Indicted), met/Colluded with the Russians.

Trumpovs Natl security adviser was plead GUILTY to taking Money from the Russians.
Trumpov Fired Comey because he wouldn't drop that investigation.

Those aren't distant people Cumstain.
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I heard the 2nd cousin of Trump's first wife had a father-in-law who once got a parking ticket.

What the fuck does any of this have to do with "collusion?" What Herr Mewler is obviously doing is conducting opposition research for the next election. What your post makes crystal clear is that this so-called "investigation" is a witch hunt.
This is Trump's Lawyer for DECADES, and he is 100% Born and still Swimming in Mafia-ova.

Trumpov (who has never said a negative word on his Owner/Putin) has similar problems.. and his Son, Son-in-Law, and Campaign manager (Indicted), met/Colluded with the Russians.

Trumpovs Natl security adviser was plead GUILTY to taking Money from the Russians.
Trumpov Fired Comey because he wouldn't drop that investigation.

Those aren't distant people Cumstain.
Total horseshit. The meeting the Trumps had with the Russian lawyer was totally legal. It's a big nothing burger. Manafort was not at the meeting.

Flynn did not plead guilty to taking money from the Russians.

Trump fired Comey because the guy was a liar and was trying to blackmail Trump.

The phrase "Swimming in Mafia-ova" is utterly meaningless. Having a relative who was convicted of a crime is meaningless. I have a nephew who was convicted of burglery. Almost everyone is related to someone who has been convicted of something.

All this shit is just more six-degrees-to-Kevin-Bacon kind of bullshit.

This is the kind of half baked conspiricy shit the 9/11 truthers conjure up. It only proves that you're a deranged paranoid moron.
Total horseshit.
Yes, you go right to work totally in Horseshit.

bripat said:
The meeting the Trumps had with the Russian lawyer was totally legal.
It probably is NOT "Totally Legal". How ILLegal reains to be seen.
Almost everyone says it's at least ill-advised.

bripat said:
It's a big nothing burger. Manafort was not at the meeting.
Really! Manafort wasn't there!!
Watching Kellyanne Conway or Infowars you Tinhat Clown.

bripat said:
Flynn did not plead guilty to taking money from the Russians.
Flynn plead guilty to Lying about his contacts with the Russians.
It's an undisputed fact he took Money from them, as well as the Turks.
You Clown.

Bripat said:
Trump fired Comey because the guy was a liar and was trying to blackmail Trump.
Comey was trying to Blackmail Trumpov!
LOFL Tinhat.
This has gotta be Infowars crap again you CLOWN

Bripat said:
The phrase "Swimming in Mafia-ova" is utterly meaningless.
Bripat said:
Having a relative who was convicted of a crime is meaningless. I have a nephew who was convicted of burglery. Almost everyone is related to someone who has been convicted of something.
It's not meaningless. He spent his childhood, among them, married into them, and went into business with them.
Anything else you in-denial CLOWN?

Bripat said:
This is the kind of half baked conspiricy shit the 9/11 truthers conjure up. It only proves that you're a deranged paranoid moron.
NO One ever posed as much Conspiracy shit as you did you IDIOT.
You are not just partisan, but a totally off the WALL Deluded
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The tragedy of your ignorance is your ignorance of it. The more bile-soaked partisanship you try to spread about Trump doing nothing, laced with all your colorful names for his supporters, the more you merely admit to all that you know Trump is winning and succeeding and doing what he promised, dashing all hopes for a "blue wave." That is toilet water you've been looking at. People like you cannot even see past your own partisanship to be happy that your own country is doing better. And for THAT, you call OTHER PEOPLE dimwits and dullards. :laughing0301:

Trump has North and South Korea sitting at the table together talking!
Trump has Iran on the ropes!
Trump has all but destroyed ISIS!
Trump has China backpedaling on their South China Sea expansion!
Trump has totally changed the face of treaty and trade negotiations the world over!
Trump has completely altered the optics of the war in Syria!
Trump has given everyone some tax relief, weakened Obamacare, strengthened VA care for Vets, renewed military development, inspired American investment and enterprise, slashed illegal immigration, spurred hiring, among other things! In one year with one arm tied behind his back with all kinds of unfilled vacancies, meddling and interference from the Left, he has SHAMED the RINOs and Democrat professional politicians exposing them as incompetent and corrupt, leaving you idiots with nothing to run on this fall but raising taxes, banning guns and weakening America again!

Watch that great "blue-wave" of despair and desperation doesn't come crashing down on your own heads! :lmao:
I don't call $27 extra dollars "tax relief", asshole. And I don't consider someone who launders money for the Russians, good for this country.
The tragedy of your ignorance is your ignorance of it. The more bile-soaked partisanship you try to spread about Trump doing nothing, laced with all your colorful names for his supporters, the more you merely admit to all that you know Trump is winning and succeeding and doing what he promised, dashing all hopes for a "blue wave." That is toilet water you've been looking at. People like you cannot even see past your own partisanship to be happy that your own country is doing better. And for THAT, you call OTHER PEOPLE dimwits and dullards. :laughing0301:

Trump has North and South Korea sitting at the table together talking!
Trump has Iran on the ropes!
Trump has all but destroyed ISIS!
Trump has China backpedaling on their South China Sea expansion!
Trump has totally changed the face of treaty and trade negotiations the world over!
Trump has completely altered the optics of the war in Syria!
Trump has given everyone some tax relief, weakened Obamacare, strengthened VA care for Vets, renewed military development, inspired American investment and enterprise, slashed illegal immigration, spurred hiring, among other things! In one year with one arm tied behind his back with all kinds of unfilled vacancies, meddling and interference from the Left, he has SHAMED the RINOs and Democrat professional politicians exposing them as incompetent and corrupt, leaving you idiots with nothing to run on this fall but raising taxes, banning guns and weakening America again!

Watch that great "blue-wave" of despair and desperation doesn't come crashing down on your own heads! :lmao:
I don't call $27 extra dollars "tax relief", asshole. And I don't consider someone who launders money for the Russians, good for this country.

I guess you have to MAKE money in order to get a tax refund, Fuckface. I got a tax refund well in the four figures. At least you got $27 more dollars than your bitch Hillary or Obajma would have given you, they would have taken more! And if you don't like laundered money, then you really must have hated the Clintons, asswipe!
I guess you have to MAKE money in order to get a tax refund, Fuckface. I got a tax refund well in the four figures. At least you got $27 more dollars than your bitch Hillary or Obajma would have given you, they would have taken more! And if you don't like laundered money, then you really must have hated the Clintons, asswipe!
You elected a POS who is using the Presidency for personal profit and gain. And Michael Cohen is the perfect stooge to help him achieve this goal.
The Trumpov's are ALL in Neck deep.
Cohen grew up with, and hangs with Russian Wise guys.
Cohen was a bagman, as was Manafort-ov.
Trumpov and Jared the beneficiaries.
Putin, of course has Trumpov by the balls on sex and/or finance.

A Brief History of Michael Cohen's Criminal Ties
From the Russian mob to money launderers, Trump's personal attorney has long been a subject of interest to federal investigators
A Brief History of Michael Cohen's Criminal Ties

"...He grew up on Long Island, the son of a physician who survived the Holocaust in Poland, and like Tom Hagen spent a childhood around organized crime, specifically the Russian Mafiya.
Cohen's uncle, Morton Levine, was a wealthy Brooklyn doctor who owned the El Caribe Country Club, a Brooklyn catering hall and event space that was a well-known hangout for Russian gangsters.
Cohen and his siblings all had ownership stakes in the club, which rented for years to the first Mafiya boss of Brighton Beach, Evsei Agron, along with his successors, Marat Balagula and Boris Nayfeld. (Cohen's uncle said his nephew gave up his stake in the club after Trump's election.)..."

I spoke to two former federal investigators who told me Cohen was introduced to Donald Trump by his father-in-law, Fima Shusterman, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Ukraine who arrived in the U.S. in 1975. Shusterman was in the garment business and owned a fleet of taxicabs with his partners, Shalva Botier and Edward Zubok – all three men were convicted of a money-laundering related offense in 1993. "Fima may have been a (possibly silent) business partner with Trump, perhaps even used as a conduit for Russian investors in Trump properties and other ventures," a former federal investigator told me. "Cohen, who married into the family, was given the job with the Trump Org as a favor to Shusterman."..."[/indent]

I read that yesterday and I begun to wonder about the elites, they just transfer the cash, and make trades , no need for banks. Now we know why Trump Jr, said they have Russian money, as Trump and Cohen have lived off of Russian money for decades.

Mob Russian money. What is Trump saying about Russian anchor babies in FL. (nothing)

Germany is the highest nationality in the US, within another generation it will be Russian. We will be Russia No 2.

Russian money coming in , and no one pays taxes. Mob money. Great article.
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Trumplings have no loyalty to anyone other than their Dear Leader, that is how cults work. It makes no difference to these dimwits and dullards what Trump is doing, or has done.

At least as it becomes more well known what a traitor this man truly is, history will reflect that the party he represents has done nothing. Let that be their enduring legacy.

The tragedy of your ignorance is your ignorance of it. The more bile-soaked partisanship you try to spread about Trump doing nothing, laced with all your colorful names for his supporters, the more you merely admit to all that you know Trump is winning and succeeding and doing what he promised, dashing all hopes for a "blue wave." That is toilet water you've been looking at. People like you cannot even see past your own partisanship to be happy that your own country is doing better. And for THAT, you call OTHER PEOPLE dimwits and dullards.

Trump has North and South Korea sitting at the table together talking!
Trump has Iran on the ropes!
Trump has all but destroyed ISIS!
Trump has China backpedaling on their South China Sea expansion!
Trump has totally changed the face of treaty and trade negotiations the world over!
Trump has completely altered the optics of the war in Syria!
Trump has given everyone some tax relief, weakened Obamacare, strengthened VA care for Vets, renewed military development, inspired American investment and enterprise, slashed illegal immigration, spurred hiring, among other things! In one year with one arm tied behind his back with all kinds of unfilled vacancies, meddling and interference from the Left, he has SHAMED the RINOs and Democrat professional politicians exposing them as incompetent and corrupt, leaving you idiots with nothing to run on this fall but raising taxes, banning guns and weakening America again!

Watch that great "blue-wave" of despair and desperation doesn't come crashing down on your own heads!
I supported, and still support Trump on Trade and Immigration policies.
His econ pressure on China has helped on several fronts.
He's right on China, they've been stealing us blind for 20 years. (undervalued currency, Stolen intellectual property in the Trillions)
Our middle class is now their middle class.
In case everyone missed it..... We lost WWIII to China. No shots fired.

HOWEVER, that does not change the fact Trump can't say a bad word about Putin, Head of the Russian Mafia (and Oligarch capos), and that Micheal cohen and his and Trump's Russian Ties IS the topic here.
A topic you are deflecting (NOT rebutting) with other accomplishments.

He's a lawyer. Of course he has criminal connections. And since when did it become illegal to deal with Russian businessmen or women?
....And since when did it become illegal to deal with Russian businessmen or women?

Since the psycho princess was robbed of her rightful crown and the deep state needed a credible enemy to blame for the screwup.... she even wrote a novel about it


Well done! Kudos.

I imagine its not unless they are not money laundering , trading large money assets, and they have sanctions on them.

This article points to the fact that Russian people and Trump go way back and he is beholding to Russians who have mob mentality and so is Cohen, which makes them friends of Russia.

Birds of a feather flock together.
Trumplings have no loyalty to anyone other than their Dear Leader, that is how cults work. It makes no difference to these dimwits and dullards what Trump is doing, or has done.

At least as it becomes more well known what a traitor this man truly is, history will reflect that the party he represents has done nothing. Let that be their enduring legacy.
Trump is God. he will deliver us! he will bring manna from heaven. He walks on water.
I guess you have to MAKE money in order to get a tax refund, Fuckface. I got a tax refund well in the four figures. At least you got $27 more dollars than your bitch Hillary or Obajma would have given you, they would have taken more! And if you don't like laundered money, then you really must have hated the Clintons, asswipe!
You elected a POS who is using the Presidency for personal profit and gain. And Michael Cohen is the perfect stooge to help him achieve this goal.

If both statements are true, then Trump should have zero difficulty attaining the one thing in this world he least needs more of, and since as I've shown in another thread that the "POS" is overwhelmingly popular to a vast number of people, then by association, we must conclude that you think all of America is largely trash, white trash and you are one of the few good ones left? But since you've failed to show anywhere anything Trump is personally "profiting" from or "gaining" by all that it has cost him to be president, then I must assume you are but one more trumpeter blowing empty bugle notes out of your ass.
If both statements are true, then Trump should have zero difficulty attaining the one thing in this world he least needs more of, and since as I've shown in another thread that the "POS" is overwhelmingly popular to a vast number of people, then by association, we must conclude that you think all of America is largely trash, white trash and you are one of the few good ones left? But since you've failed to show anywhere anything Trump is personally "profiting" from or "gaining" by all that it has cost him to be president, then I must assume you are but one more trumpeter blowing empty bugle notes out of your ass.
Where did the millions of dollars paid to Michael Cohen go? It's not in his bank account. Where's that money? Maybe it went to help ease the pain for those 5 bankruptcy's Trump has filed? Maybe it went to Ivanka's clothing line advertise from the Ovulating Office?

Trump is barely at 40% popularity. And those people are the dumbest of the dumb! The most un-American American's you could possibly find. People who have voted for the Swamp King, have taken one big shit on our American heritage.
If both statements are true, then Trump should have zero difficulty attaining the one thing in this world he least needs more of, and since as I've shown in another thread that the "POS" is overwhelmingly popular to a vast number of people, then by association, we must conclude that you think all of America is largely trash, white trash and you are one of the few good ones left? But since you've failed to show anywhere anything Trump is personally "profiting" from or "gaining" by all that it has cost him to be president, then I must assume you are but one more trumpeter blowing empty bugle notes out of your ass.
Where did the millions of dollars paid to Michael Cohen go? It's not in his bank account. Where's that money? Maybe it went to help ease the pain for those 5 bankruptcy's Trump has filed? Maybe it went to Ivanka's clothing line advertise from the Ovulating Office?

Trump is barely at 40% popularity. And those people are the dumbest of the dumb! The most un-American American's you could possibly find. People who have voted for the Swamp King, have taken one big shit on our American heritage.

I don't know. Why don't you ask him? Any money you cannot account for, does that automatically mean criminal implications? Then you must really toss and turn over the millions and millions lost funneled through the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global initiative now gone, much of the money from foreign governments. And you must be in a real sweat wondering where those 33,000 government emails all went, all the missing documentation from around the time of Benghazi, all the missing and destroyed devices, and computers not turned over to the FBI.

Here, take a Bromo-Seltzer.

And what is 5 bankruptcies when you've opened dozens and dozens of successful businesses? Trump's success rate for business is far above the national average. As to Trump's popularity, you keep right on believing the same stupid polls that got it wrong and cost you the last election---- I really enjoy seeing you fools eat crow over and over again, yet you keep calling THEM, people who keep getting it right, the dumb ones! They've all taken a big shit alright--- --- --- on YOU.

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