A bunch of us at Harvard think the IRS handed Obama his re-election

Obama won because Romney was a disingenuous candidate who couldn't connect with the American people.

As opposed to Ron Paul, who is sooooooo able to "connect with the American people" that even conservatives couldn't stomach him and sent him home with his tail between his legs. :banghead:

Anyone who blames America for 9/11 is never going to "connect with the American people". The sooner you Sovereign Citizen wacko's come to grips with that reality, the better off this nation will be.
I love it when the Party of "Personal Responsibility" is still coming up with lame excuses a year later.

You guys lost. Accept it, learn from it, move the fuck on.

Yep. we lost to a goddamned lying, cheating Chicago mobster. You should all be so proud. Democrats in action! What a fucking joke!

You lost because you alienated a significant number of voters with the partisan stupidity and hate exhibited in the above post, particularly with regard to young and minority voters.
Detail the cheating please....

How ironic that in post #10 you discuss the cheating I detailed, and then here in post #11 you pretend not to know about it... :lmao:

You actually didn't detail anything...just made your lame accusations as always.

This shows you are either:

A.) The dumbest libtard in U.S. history forgetting your web of lies in a span of ONE post


B.) The most disingenuous troll in USMB history

which is it?

Simply asked you to detail how supposed cheating sidelined every Romney voter and of course you can't do it. Come back when you got some game.

So I posted the details initially, pointed to post #10 to reaffirm this a second time when challenged by you, and here we are a third time: please see all of the details in post #10 where you respond to all of the details of the various forms of voter fraud committed by the Obama Administration.
EXAMINER? LOL Idiot greedy billionnaires and their silly dupes...

OP-Too bad you have no actual evidence...Stop cutting the IRS spending then...."No evidence of any partisanship or direction from Washington"- GOP auditor
Yep. we lost to a goddamned lying, cheating Chicago mobster. You should all be so proud. Democrats in action! What a fucking joke!

You lost because the majority of Americans did not like your vision of the future. And we still don't.
No. We lost because Obama effectively disabled the opposition...just like he did in his very first "election". Obama is living proof that cheaters win.

You lost because a significant number of voters correctly perceived republicans as delusional and extreme, an example of which can be found in the above post.
Wow....nobody can tell us how Obama supposedly cheated....new low for the GOP "truth" squad. :clap2: Bravo bitches.

This is now the FOURTH time I've explained to you how Obama cheated... :eusa_whistle:

  • Voter intimidation

  • Voter fraud

  • Lying about their opposition

  • Lying about their own policies and their intentions

  • Using the IRS to attack, intimidate, and destroy the opposition
You lost because the majority of Americans did not like your vision of the future. And we still don't.
No. We lost because Obama effectively disabled the opposition...just like he did in his very first "election". Obama is living proof that cheaters win.

You lost because a significant number of voters correctly perceived republicans as delusional and extreme, an example of which can be found in the above post.

So even though ultra-liberal Harvard published an article indicating their research indicates the illegal activities by the IRS (at the direction/orders of Barack Obama), you know otherwise? :lmao:
In 2010 voter turnout was 40%. The turnout by people with aluminum poisoning from their tin-foil hats was the only group that really mobilized. It isn't as if you were going to radicalize many new converts only 2 years later.
"Think Progress was even discovered to have paid people to go to Tea Party rallies with KKK and Nazi signs in a lame and transparent attempt at discrediting them."

Link? Pub dupes!
120 trillion in unfunded liabilities backed by a devalued currency from a dying state.

While not completely Oblummes's doing, history will remember him as selfish, compulsive with a forked, silver tonque.

Romney would have been no different.
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Wow....nobody can tell us how Obama supposedly cheated....new low for the GOP "truth" squad. :clap2: Bravo bitches.

This is now the FOURTH time I've explained to you how Obama cheated... :eusa_whistle:

  • Voter intimidation

  • Voter fraud

  • Lying about their opposition

  • Lying about their own policies and their intentions

  • Using the IRS to attack, intimidate, and destroy the opposition

Yes and again, your credible proof of this is where?

Voter intimidation? Credible evidence please. You've got nothing.
Voter Fraud? He won by like 5 million votes. Youve got nothing.
Lying about the opposition? In an election? Nah You've got to be kidding me.
Lying about their own policies and their intentions? Oh come on...
Ahh, the IRS thing:

It did nothing to stop anyone from voting
It did nothing to stop anyone from campaigning
What it may have done was prevent a tax exempt status from being granted to an organization that apparently, by the volume of your vitriol, was nakedly political in it's existence.
"Think Progress was even discovered to have paid people to go to Tea Party rallies with KKK and Nazi signs in a lame and transparent attempt at discrediting them."

Link? Pub dupes!

Far-left Think Progress Fabricates Examples of Tea Party Racism for Bogus Video | NewsBusters

Fake Racist Plant at Rand Paul Rally Was Obama Campaign Worker

Would you like more links confirming leftist think tanks, including Think Progress were caught planning and sending plants to Tea Party rallies with racist signs and whatnot to discredit the movement?
Tissue? We don't need whiners in the GOP like you, Asaritis. We need thinkers and doers. Quit whining.
Conservatives are thinkers and doers. You don't want them. You want more mindless liberals like you in the GOP to drag it even farther to the left.

I am not liberal and you are not a con, just an idiot reactionary. Quit the whining. We are not going the path of the Bachmanns and Palins, the Santorums and the Perrys.

Quit whining and get to working for the good of the party.
And the idiot reactionaries continue to get their asses kicked by responsible left, center, and right posters.
So he cheated to get the desired results he wanted on the scoreboard. What's your point?

Detail the cheating please....

300 IRS applications for 501 (c) 4 status deliberately delayed until after the election.

Bullshit. They were audited. 501 (c) status is supposed to be given to organizations with no political agenda. Tea party groups obviously have a political agenda.

And how exactly would having their apps approved before the election have given Romney a victory?
So, the wingnut excuses continue. The latest is that the IRS deliberately sabotaged Romney's chances at getting elected. Listen, even IF this were true -- that the IRS deliberately delayed the apps of Tea Party groups applying for 501 (c) status -- how would those groups have won the election for Romney anyway? He lost by double digits among Latino, Black, Asian, and Women voting blocs.

Quit your whining. Obama is your president. Except it and move on. Encourage your elected reps to work WITH the other side to bring about common sense legislation instead of egging them on to obstruct at all costs. This country is in real trouble. Gov't doesn't work anymore. Stop making it worse and try to make it better.

And stop being such sore losers. It's really pathetic.
So, the wingnut excuses continue. The latest is that the IRS deliberately sabotaged Romney's chances at getting elected. Listen, even IF this were true -- that the IRS deliberately delayed the apps of Tea Party groups applying for 501 (c) status -- how would those groups have won the election for Romney anyway? He lost by double digits among Latino, Black, Asian, and Women voting blocs.

Quit your whining. Obama is your president. Except it and move on. Encourage your elected reps to work WITH the other side to bring about common sense legislation instead of egging them on to obstruct at all costs. This country is in real trouble. Gov't doesn't work anymore. Stop making it worse and try to make it better.

And stop being such sore losers. It's really pathetic.


The only thing the IRS delay caused was a denial of "tax free" status. What the right wing loons would have you believe is that these groups activities were tied to being able to not pay taxes for raising and spending money. They could raise as much as they want and then spend as much as they want like Wal Mart. It's hardly patriotic to go into it with the angle of "We'll only do it if we can avoid paying taxes on what we raise" Nobody kept these people from campaigning, organizing, or doing any other activity.

Besides, the status exists not for political operations right?
So, the wingnut excuses continue. The latest is that the IRS deliberately sabotaged Romney's chances at getting elected. Listen, even IF this were true -- that the IRS deliberately delayed the apps of Tea Party groups applying for 501 (c) status -- how would those groups have won the election for Romney anyway? He lost by double digits among Latino, Black, Asian, and Women voting blocs.

Quit your whining. Obama is your president. Except it and move on. Encourage your elected reps to work WITH the other side to bring about common sense legislation instead of egging them on to obstruct at all costs. This country is in real trouble. Gov't doesn't work anymore. Stop making it worse and try to make it better.

And stop being such sore losers. It's really pathetic.

Glaring evidence that (like every other libtard) Jed here commented on this article without actually reading the article...:eusa_whistle:

(Hint stupid - the article explains "how")
Hint, asshole. Your article is wishful, sore loser thinking.
So, the wingnut excuses continue. The latest is that the IRS deliberately sabotaged Romney's chances at getting elected. Listen, even IF this were true -- that the IRS deliberately delayed the apps of Tea Party groups applying for 501 (c) status -- how would those groups have won the election for Romney anyway? He lost by double digits among Latino, Black, Asian, and Women voting blocs.

Quit your whining. Obama is your president. Except it and move on. Encourage your elected reps to work WITH the other side to bring about common sense legislation instead of egging them on to obstruct at all costs. This country is in real trouble. Gov't doesn't work anymore. Stop making it worse and try to make it better.

And stop being such sore losers. It's really pathetic.


The only thing the IRS delay caused was a denial of "tax free" status. What the right wing loons would have you believe is that these groups activities were tied to being able to not pay taxes for raising and spending money. They could raise as much as they want and then spend as much as they want like Wal Mart. It's hardly patriotic to go into it with the angle of "We'll only do it if we can avoid paying taxes on what we raise" Nobody kept these people from campaigning, organizing, or doing any other activity.

Besides, the status exists not for political operations right?

Wow - this is a whole new level of ignorance and absurdity by the libtards! If you haven't received your tax exempt status from the IRS you simply cannot begin your fund raising for campaigning because you'll have no idea if you'll receive your tax exempt status. :cuckoo:

Allow me to dumb it down for you candy-ass, since you are - well - dumb. A Tea Party organization forges ahead not waiting on their tax exempt status. They raise $12 million, and use it for resources (buildings, servers & websites, flyers, and campaign contributions). All $12 million is spent ethically - none is kept, embezzled, etc. Then, 8 months after the election, Uncle Sam shows up and says, "sorry, we have denied your tax exempt status - now where is our cut of the $12 million?"

Ah... where does a person then come up with several million dollars at that point? Can you say prison time....?

Yes folks, candy-ass really is this stupid. And now you know why he gets his ass handed to him in every debate and why he then throws a hissy.

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