A bunch of us at Harvard think the IRS handed Obama his re-election

"Think Progress was even discovered to have paid people to go to Tea Party rallies with KKK and Nazi signs in a lame and transparent attempt at discrediting them."

Link? Pub dupes!

Far-left Think Progress Fabricates Examples of Tea Party Racism for Bogus Video | NewsBusters

Fake Racist Plant at Rand Paul Rally Was Obama Campaign Worker

Would you like more links confirming leftist think tanks, including Think Progress were caught planning and sending plants to Tea Party rallies with racist signs and whatnot to discredit the movement?

Man did that make francoHFW run for the hills! Shut him up quick! :lol:
Tissue? We don't need whiners in the GOP like you, Asaritis. We need thinkers and doers. Quit whining.
Conservatives are thinkers and doers. You don't want them. You want more mindless liberals like you in the GOP to drag it even farther to the left.

I am not liberal and you are not a con, just an idiot reactionary. Quit the whining. We are not going the path of the Bachmanns and Palins, the Santorums and the Perrys.

Quit whining and get to working for the good of the party.

Your party isn't worth salvaging, Lib Boi. It's too far to the left and isn't interested in returning to conservative values. Your plan to defeat liberalism by becoming liberal is just plain stupid, and idiots like you are letting the left fuck up this nation even more.

Go away.
Conservatives are thinkers and doers. You don't want them. You want more mindless liberals like you in the GOP to drag it even farther to the left.

I am not liberal and you are not a con, just an idiot reactionary. Quit the whining. We are not going the path of the Bachmanns and Palins, the Santorums and the Perrys.

Quit whining and get to working for the good of the party.

Your party isn't worth salvaging, Lib Boi. It's too far to the left and isn't interested in returning to conservative values. Your plan to defeat liberalism by becoming liberal is just plain stupid, and idiots like you are letting the left fuck up this nation even more.

Go away.

Then go away, because we are not going to let you take the party into the shadowlands.

Just go away.
Overwhelming, enthusiastic support of Obama from black women in Ohio gave Obama the election. Twice.

Get over it.
Nixon only dreamed of using the IRS against his enemies during an election cycle... Barack Obama actually DID it.

Just add it to the list of impeachable offense piling up on this MOST corrupt White House in American history.
Obama's unaccountability and social conservatives' masochistically mixed messaging gave Obama the election.

The media was traitorous and government bureaucracy was every bad thing the right warns about, but the right handed Obama and his media their campaign ads on a silver platter.
Nixon only dreamed of using the IRS against his enemies during an election cycle... Barack Obama actually DID it.

Just add it to the list of impeachable offense piling up on this MOST corrupt White House in American history.

I see you're still cringe-inducingly stupid.

Obama is President because his predecessor was awful. Memories of President Bush's flops and failures made voters want to keep McCain and Romney from continuing the epic Bush failures.

Just think how bogged down in Syria we'd be right now if the GOP won either election instead.
Detail the cheating please....

300 IRS applications for 501 (c) 4 status deliberately delayed until after the election.

Bullshit. They were audited. 501 (c) status is supposed to be given to organizations with no political agenda. Tea party groups obviously have a political agenda.

And how exactly would having their apps approved before the election have given Romney a victory?
Funny how MediaMatters, the propaganda arm of the White House, got approved as a 501 (c) org, huh?
I am not liberal and you are not a con, just an idiot reactionary. Quit the whining. We are not going the path of the Bachmanns and Palins, the Santorums and the Perrys.

Quit whining and get to working for the good of the party.

Your party isn't worth salvaging, Lib Boi. It's too far to the left and isn't interested in returning to conservative values. Your plan to defeat liberalism by becoming liberal is just plain stupid, and idiots like you are letting the left fuck up this nation even more.

Go away.

Then go away, because we are not going to let you take the party into the shadowlands.

Just go away.
Make me, child.

Oh, you can't. You're a limp-wristed pansy leftist. :lol:
The idiot reactionaries continue to provoke gales of laughter at their own expense.
Nixon only dreamed of using the IRS against his enemies during an election cycle... Barack Obama actually DID it.

Just add it to the list of impeachable offense piling up on this MOST corrupt White House in American history.

I see you're still cringe-inducingly stupid.

Obama is President because his predecessor was awful. Memories of President Bush's flops and failures made voters want to keep McCain and Romney from continuing the epic Bush failures.

Just think how bogged down in Syria we'd be right now if the GOP won either election instead.
Sooo...Obama is a shitty President, and it's BUSH'S fault.

Thanks for affirming tap's claim that Obama is unaccountable.
Bush gave Obama the conditions in which to begin, yes.

What Obama did must be measured from that benchmark, yes.
Actually, the law says that tax exempt status is reserved for groups that are EXCLUSIVELY charitable organizations, NOT primarily. You would think Harvard would know that.

The IRS added an unlawful amendment in 1959 under Republican President Eisenhower. Only congress can amend or change the law, NOT the IRS. You would think Harvard would know that too.

That means using the IRS was illegal under GOP President Nixon and when Bush targeted the NAACP in 2004.

What's funny, if Republicans would confirm Obama nominees and this happened, they could blame it on Obama. Instead, when this happened, the guy in charge of the IRS was appointed by Bush and was apparently carrying on what he learned from Bush and the Bush administration.
That was not your point.

But you do agree that whatever he did must be measured from that benchmark.
Nixon only dreamed of using the IRS against his enemies during an election cycle... Barack Obama actually DID it.

Just add it to the list of impeachable offense piling up on this MOST corrupt White House in American history.

I see you're still cringe-inducingly stupid.

Obama is President because his predecessor was awful. Memories of President Bush's flops and failures made voters want to keep McCain and Romney from continuing the epic Bush failures.

Just think how bogged down in Syria we'd be right now if the GOP won either election instead.

Obama is president because a lazy MSM fell dizzy in lust in his lap, and have never dared to peeked out since. They completely failed to do their jobs, vetting him as any past candidate had been vetted, and the increasing numbers of mouth-breathing/drool-stained dolts like you in the voting booth only aided the SEIU voter fraud and IRS opposition-suppression.

Just think of how prosperous America would be now if Mitt had won, repealed the job-killing ACA and reduced taxes and gov't, making America back into the Founder's dream?

Instead, we have been economically stalled for 5 years, face ever-increasing HC bills and energy costs, and have record numbers of folks on food stamps, unemployment, and disability, as well as living in their parent's basements, like you.

Yes, IRS Harassment Blunted The Tea Party Ground Game

It is a well-known fact that the Tea Party movement dealt the president his famous "shellacking" in the 2010 mid-term election. Less well-known is the actual number of votes this new movement delivered-and the continuing effects these votes could have had in 2012 had the movement not been de-mobilized by the IRS.

[bogus horseshit snipped to cut to the chase]

Unfortunately for Republicans, the IRS slowed Tea Party growth before the 2012 election. In March 2010, the IRS decided to single Tea Party groups out for special treatment when applying for tax-exempt status by flagging organizations with names containing "Tea Party," "patriot," or "9/12."

If this is true where are the scalps?

Do you understand that if this could be proved heads would be rolling out the door at the IRS? It doesn't take a Harvard boy or girl to write nutball fantasy. WF Buckley, a Yalie, proved that before these writers were born.

But the fantasy does bring up an interesting question:

Is it worse for the IRS to bugger the voters, or is it worse for the US Supreme Court to fix an election? In other words, which office do you prefer fucking US citizens?
Nixon only dreamed of using the IRS against his enemies during an election cycle... Barack Obama actually DID it.

Just add it to the list of impeachable offense piling up on this MOST corrupt White House in American history.

I see you're still cringe-inducingly stupid.

Obama is President because his predecessor was awful. Memories of President Bush's flops and failures made voters want to keep McCain and Romney from continuing the epic Bush failures.

Just think how bogged down in Syria we'd be right now if the GOP won either election instead.
Sooo...Obama is a shitty President, and it's BUSH'S fault.

Thanks for affirming tap's claim that Obama is unaccountable.

Obama is a great President, having undone as much of the damage wrought by Bush as he can. That's why he was reelected.

If McCain won, we'd be in Iraq still, bogged down in Syria, and at war with Iran too.

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