A bunch of us at Harvard think the IRS handed Obama his re-election

Romney in 2008 would have saved this nation so much grief.

But we had to elect Obama to know just how bad things could be.

His reelection shows the profound dangers of the media falling down on its job and of giving more power to a bureaucracy which is already too large.

It's sad that the revelations took this long to come out, but they're here now. The genie is out of the bottle.

Yeah, if he could only get past his major opponent; Mitt Romney.

Laugh at Romney all you want. You still have to deal with Obama.

Obama is teaching the nation the dangers of liberalism like no conservative ever could. It's an "only Nixon could go to China" moment. Whether assuming the best possible motives for Obama, the worst, or something in between, he has shown that we shouldn't trust the kind of government he represents.

I'm quite happy with our President's performance. I wish he was more liberal and more understanding of the power of the Presidency. He could do a lot more than he has done if he didn't care so much about the Congress.

Romney was a cause to giggle. How you guys nominated him in 2012 is probably the greatest example of self-sabotage in recent history.
Republicans lost in 2012 for two reasons. Their message did not resonate well with the majority, and the Obama's ground game put a whoopin on that of Romney's. I did some volunteer work in Ohio for Obama. The night before the election we were told that without a doubt, Obama had more than enough votes to win in Ohio. The only way he could lose is if we didn't get the voters to the polls. By the time we wrapped up for the day, before the polls were even closed, they were telling us that Obama had enough votes, that it was a lock.

The so-called "party of personal responsibility" spends a lot of time blaming everyone except themselves, do they not?

Your pants are on fire..just sayin

I'm rubber, you're glue...

The only thing the IRS delay caused was a denial of "tax free" status. What the right wing loons would have you believe is that these groups activities were tied to being able to not pay taxes for raising and spending money. They could raise as much as they want and then spend as much as they want like Wal Mart. It's hardly patriotic to go into it with the angle of "We'll only do it if we can avoid paying taxes on what we raise" Nobody kept these people from campaigning, organizing, or doing any other activity.

Besides, the status exists not for political operations right?

Wow - this is a whole new level of ignorance and absurdity by the libtards! If you haven't received your tax exempt status from the IRS you simply cannot begin your fund raising for campaigning because you'll have no idea if you'll receive your tax exempt status. :cuckoo:

Allow me to dumb it down for you candy-ass, since you are - well - dumb. A Tea Party organization forges ahead not waiting on their tax exempt status. They raise $12 million, and use it for resources (buildings, servers & websites, flyers, and campaign contributions). All $12 million is spent ethically - none is kept, embezzled, etc. Then, 8 months after the election, Uncle Sam shows up and says, "sorry, we have denied your tax exempt status - now where is our cut of the $12 million?"

Ah... where does a person then come up with several million dollars at that point? Can you say prison time....?

Yes folks, candy-ass really is this stupid. And now you know why he gets his ass handed to him in every debate and why he then throws a hissy.


So according to you, their "patriotism" extends only to the point to where they have no skin in the game.


Nobody was prevented from organizing, campaigning, activism, etc...

Those are the facts and they are not in dispute from any learned opposition.

It's going to take an IRS audit, the threat to your family and private business for you to understand.

If A Republican administration directed the spotlight on you through the IRS and various so-called "independent" ((:)lol:))) agencies of government, how would you react?
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Obama won for 3 reasons 1. black pride 2. white guilt, 3. a biased media that refused to properly vet the first black candidate.

Now, can we move on?
Yes, IRS Harassment Blunted The Tea Party Ground Game

It is a well-known fact that the Tea Party movement dealt the president his famous "shellacking" in the 2010 mid-term election. Less well-known is the actual number of votes this new movement delivered-and the continuing effects these votes could have had in 2012 had the movement not been de-mobilized by the IRS.

In a new research paper, Andreas Madestam (from Stockholm University), Daniel Shoag and David Yanagizawa-Drott (both from the Harvard Kennedy School), and I set out to find out how much impact the Tea Party had on voter turnout in the 2010 election. We compared areas with high levels of Tea Party activity to otherwise similar areas with low levels of Tea Party activity, using data from the Census Bureau, the FEC, news reports, and a variety of other sources. We found that the effect was huge: the movement brought the Republican Party some 3-6 million additional votes in House races. That is an astonishing boost, given that all Republican House candidates combined received fewer than 45 million votes. It demonstrates conclusively how important the party's newly energized base was to its landslide victory in those elections, and how worried Democratic strategists must have been about the conservative movement's momentum.

The Tea Party movement's huge success was not the result of a few days of work by an elected official or two, but involved activists all over the country who spent the year and a half leading up to the midterm elections volunteering, organizing, donating, and rallying. Much of these grassroots activities were centered around 501(c)4s, which according to our research were an important component of the Tea Party movement and its rise.

The bottom line is that the Tea Party movement, when properly activated, can generate a huge number of votes-more votes in 2010, in fact, than the vote advantage Obama held over Romney in 2012. The data show that had the Tea Party groups continued to grow at the pace seen in 2009 and 2010, and had their effect on the 2012 vote been similar to that seen in 2010, they would have brought the Republican Party as many as 5 - 8.5 million votes compared to Obama's victory margin of 5 million.

President Obama's margin of victory in some of the key swing states was fairly small: a mere 75,000 votes separated the two contenders in Florida, for example. That is less than 25% of our estimate of what the Tea Party's impact in Florida was in 2010. Looking forward to 2012 in 2010 undermining the Tea Party's efforts there must have seemed quite appealing indeed.

Unfortunately for Republicans, the IRS slowed Tea Party growth before the 2012 election. In March 2010, the IRS decided to single Tea Party groups out for special treatment when applying for tax-exempt status by flagging organizations with names containing "Tea Party," "patriot," or "9/12." For the next two years, the IRS approved the applications of only four such groups, delaying all others while subjecting the applicants to highly intrusive, intimidating requests for information regarding their activities, membership, contacts, Facebook posts, and private thoughts.

As a consequence, the founders, members, and donors of new Tea Party groups found themselves incapable of exercising their constitutional rights, and the Tea Party's impact was muted in the 2012 election cycle. As Toby Marie Walker, who runs the Waco Tea Party, which filed for tax-exempt status in 2010 but didn't receive approval until two months ago, recounted recently: "Our donors dried up. It was intimidating and time-consuming." The Richmond Tea Party went through a similar ordeal, and was only granted tax-exempt status in December, right after the election--three years after its initial request. Its chairman explained the consequences: the episode cost the Richmond Tea Party $17,000 in legal fees and swallowed time the all-volunteer network would have devoted to voter turnout, outreach in black and Latino neighborhoods and other events to highlight the constitution and "the concept of liberty."

RealClearMarkets - Yes, IRS Harassment Blunted The Tea Party Ground Game
The American Press majority doesn't want to risk their good standing in the Democrat Party for this excessive abuse of power with the criminal intent of getting undeserved votes by people who think there is anything truthful about this mob.
Yeah, if he could only get past his major opponent; Mitt Romney.

Laugh at Romney all you want. You still have to deal with Obama.

Obama is teaching the nation the dangers of liberalism like no conservative ever could. It's an "only Nixon could go to China" moment. Whether assuming the best possible motives for Obama, the worst, or something in between, he has shown that we shouldn't trust the kind of government he represents.

I'm quite happy with our President's performance. I wish he was more liberal and more understanding of the power of the Presidency. He could do a lot more than he has done if he didn't care so much about the Congress.

Romney was a cause to giggle. How you guys nominated him in 2012 is probably the greatest example of self-sabotage in recent history.

Yeah, he could end up with even more of his moves declared unconstitutional. :thup:

The ones which are already working their way through the court are already costly enough. Let's add a few more.
Obama won for 3 reasons 1. black pride 2. white guilt, 3. a biased media that refused to properly vet the first black candidate.

Now, can we move on?

Not quite, your list is decidedly skimpy, anemic even.:lol:
Laugh at Romney all you want. You still have to deal with Obama.

Obama is teaching the nation the dangers of liberalism like no conservative ever could. It's an "only Nixon could go to China" moment. Whether assuming the best possible motives for Obama, the worst, or something in between, he has shown that we shouldn't trust the kind of government he represents.

I'm quite happy with our President's performance. I wish he was more liberal and more understanding of the power of the Presidency. He could do a lot more than he has done if he didn't care so much about the Congress.

Romney was a cause to giggle. How you guys nominated him in 2012 is probably the greatest example of self-sabotage in recent history.

Yeah, he could end up with even more of his moves declared unconstitutional. :thup:

The ones which are already working their way through the court are already costly enough. Let's add a few more.

Hopefully he will get to appoint 3 supreme court justices before he leaves in 2016. Maybe the Democrat who looks more and more like he'll take over for him will get to appoint a couple too. Won't have to worry about that then....
Obama and his corrupt handlers are a lawyers dream of never ending opportunity and outrageous income.
Wow - this is a whole new level of ignorance and absurdity by the libtards! If you haven't received your tax exempt status from the IRS you simply cannot begin your fund raising for campaigning because you'll have no idea if you'll receive your tax exempt status. :cuckoo:

Allow me to dumb it down for you candy-ass, since you are - well - dumb. A Tea Party organization forges ahead not waiting on their tax exempt status. They raise $12 million, and use it for resources (buildings, servers & websites, flyers, and campaign contributions). All $12 million is spent ethically - none is kept, embezzled, etc. Then, 8 months after the election, Uncle Sam shows up and says, "sorry, we have denied your tax exempt status - now where is our cut of the $12 million?"

Ah... where does a person then come up with several million dollars at that point? Can you say prison time....?

Yes folks, candy-ass really is this stupid. And now you know why he gets his ass handed to him in every debate and why he then throws a hissy.


So according to you, their "patriotism" extends only to the point to where they have no skin in the game.


Nobody was prevented from organizing, campaigning, activism, etc...

Those are the facts and they are not in dispute from any learned opposition.

It's going to take is an IRS audit, the threat to your family and private business for you to understand.

If A Republican administration directed the spotlight on you through the IRS and various so-called "independent" ((:)lol:))) agencies of government, how would you react?

I would get the fellow "patriots" to understand that payment for their services in this "non profit" organization will be pending the status, inspire them to work for their values, attempt to find loopholes in the code that is supposedly keeping me from making phone calls, knocking on doors, etc...

I agree; the IRS scandal is just that, a scandal. But lets not overstate what the point is; just another excuse as to why Mitt Romney lost the election; as if these TEA party organizations were somehow keeping him from getting his message out.

The voters saw the choice before them and decided to keep our President, Barack Obama.

I'm quite happy with our President's performance. I wish he was more liberal and more understanding of the power of the Presidency. He could do a lot more than he has done if he didn't care so much about the Congress.

Romney was a cause to giggle. How you guys nominated him in 2012 is probably the greatest example of self-sabotage in recent history.

Yeah, he could end up with even more of his moves declared unconstitutional. :thup:

The ones which are already working their way through the court are already costly enough. Let's add a few more.

Hopefully he will get to appoint 3 supreme court justices before he leaves in 2016. Maybe the Democrat who looks more and more like he'll take over for him will get to appoint a couple too. Won't have to worry about that then....

Though the present revelations about the extent of the corruption in Obama's version of "good government" came too late to stop Obama's reelection, it has come in time to curb the kind of damage he could have done with the courts if the media had kept their head in the sand.
Yeah, he could end up with even more of his moves declared unconstitutional. :thup:

The ones which are already working their way through the court are already costly enough. Let's add a few more.

Hopefully he will get to appoint 3 supreme court justices before he leaves in 2016. Maybe the Democrat who looks more and more like he'll take over for him will get to appoint a couple too. Won't have to worry about that then....

Though the present revelations about the extent of the corruption in Obama's version of "good government" came too late to stop Obama's reelection, it has come in time to curb the kind of damage he could have done with the courts if the media had kept their head in the sand.

Not sure what your point was but okay....
I'm quite happy with our President's performance. I wish he was more liberal and more understanding of the power of the Presidency. He could do a lot more than he has done if he didn't care so much about the Congress.

Romney was a cause to giggle. How you guys nominated him in 2012 is probably the greatest example of self-sabotage in recent history.

Jesus - talk about "self-sabotage". This is the most self-sabotaging post in USMB history. This really illustrates just how profoundly unhinged and radical candy-ass is...

First of all stupid, Obama doesn't get a choice about "caring" about the Congress. It's the LAW designed for that whole "balance of powers" thing that appears to upset you. Like all libtards, you crave the dictatorship and wish the presidency were exactly that.

Second, Obama had a super-majority in the Congress. It was his über-radical policies which you are "quite happy with" that caused the American people to come out in droves in the 2010 mid-term and give him the (and I quote Obama here) "shellacking" he received.

You really are a gross and despicable piece of sub-human garbage candy-ass. Everything you crave and advocate for exists in Cuba. I wonder why it is your sorry parasitic ass doesn't move there to experience your "utopia" first-hand?

So according to you, their "patriotism" extends only to the point to where they have no skin in the game.


Nobody was prevented from organizing, campaigning, activism, etc...

Those are the facts and they are not in dispute from any learned opposition.

It's going to take is an IRS audit, the threat to your family and private business for you to understand.

If A Republican administration directed the spotlight on you through the IRS and various so-called "independent" ((:)lol:))) agencies of government, how would you react?

I would get the fellow "patriots" to understand that payment for their services in this "non profit" organization will be pending the status, inspire them to work for their values, attempt to find loopholes in the code that is supposedly keeping me from making phone calls, knocking on doors, etc...

I agree; the IRS scandal is just that, a scandal. But lets not overstate what the point is; just another excuse as to why Mitt Romney lost the election; as if these TEA party organizations were somehow keeping him from getting his message out.

The voters saw the choice before them and decided to keep our President, Barack Obama.


I feel dirty...:lol:

Your answer kinda missed the point but..no matta
I'm quite happy with our President's performance. I wish he was more liberal and more understanding of the power of the Presidency. He could do a lot more than he has done if he didn't care so much about the Congress.

Romney was a cause to giggle. How you guys nominated him in 2012 is probably the greatest example of self-sabotage in recent history.

Jesus - talk about "self-sabotage". This is the most self-sabotaging post in USMB history. This really illustrates just how profoundly unhinged and radical candy-ass is...

First of all stupid, Obama doesn't get a choice about "caring" about the Congress. It's the LAW designed for that whole "balance of powers" thing that appears to upset you. Like all libtards, you crave the dictatorship and wish the presidency were exactly that.

Second, Obama had a super-majority in the Congress. It was his über-radical policies which you are "quite happy with" that caused the American people to come out in droves in the 2010 mid-term and give him the (and I quote Obama here) "shellacking" he received.

You really are a gross and despicable piece of sub-human garbage candy-ass. Everything you crave and advocate for exists in Cuba. I wonder why it is your sorry parasitic ass doesn't move there to experience your "utopia" first-hand?

Candycorn is whistling past the graveyard as Obama's chickens come home to roost.
Romney was a cause to giggle. How you guys nominated him in 2012 is probably the greatest example of self-sabotage in recent history.

This really is a shockingly stupid statement, even by candy-ass standards...

Can any rational person seriously say that there would be any other scenario where candy-ass wouldn't give this same response?

Had Ron Paul received the GOP nomination, do you think his asinine answer here would have been any different? Nope!

Had Rick Perry received the GOP nomination, do you think his asinine answer here would have been any different? Nope!

Had Newt Gingrich received the GOP nomination, do you think his asinine answer here would have been any different? Nope!

Hell, had Hillary Clinton or even Barack Obama himself received the GOP nomination, do you think his asinine answer here would have been any different? Nope! Jack-ass here just knows that if he sees "GOP" behind a persons name, he knows he hates them without even knowing anything about them or what they stand for...

The bottom line, this jerk-off is a disingenuous hard core Socialist (ie parasite), which - in and of itself - is fine. But at least come here and be honest about who and what you are and then you can have a serious discussion on policy or current events.
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I love it when the Party of "Personal Responsibility" is still coming up with lame excuses a year later.

You guys lost. Accept it, learn from it, move the fuck on.

Yep. we lost to a goddamned lying, cheating Chicago mobster. You should all be so proud. Democrats in action! What a fucking joke!

332-206; not joking.

The IRS. Obama's campaign strategy. Not joking. Audit the opposition to death. Leave no man standing.
I'm quite happy with our President's performance. I wish he was more liberal and more understanding of the power of the Presidency. He could do a lot more than he has done if he didn't care so much about the Congress.

Romney was a cause to giggle. How you guys nominated him in 2012 is probably the greatest example of self-sabotage in recent history.

Yeah, he could end up with even more of his moves declared unconstitutional. :thup:

The ones which are already working their way through the court are already costly enough. Let's add a few more.

Hopefully he will get to appoint 3 supreme court justices before he leaves in 2016. Maybe the Democrat who looks more and more like he'll take over for him will get to appoint a couple too. Won't have to worry about that then....

Cue Dredd Scott. But in this case, white people and conservatives.
Yep. we lost to a goddamned lying, cheating Chicago mobster. You should all be so proud. Democrats in action! What a fucking joke!

332-206; not joking.

The IRS. Obama's campaign strategy. Not joking. Audit the opposition to death. Leave no man standing.

Candy-ass is a typical socialist/marxist/communist. In their minds "the ends justifies the means". It doesn't matter that there was rampant voter fraud and Chicago-style politics which rigged the election for Obama. Hell, it doesn't even matter if people were murdered (like they were in Benghazi). As long as the results are more socialism/marxism/communism, then nothing else matters and they are happy.

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