A Burning Question about the NYC attack and terrorism in general...

So, nobody will address the fact that every country listed never attacks us while we sign arms deals with Saudi Arabia?

You disingenuous partisan hacks.

Do you remember how Trump was lambasted for even saying a ban on Muslims?
So...let me get this straight...the Democrats get to scream bloody hatred at Trump for the very idea of banning muslims...but then also get to question why that ban doesn't include more nations?

It's not that it doesn't ban more nations. It's that it doesn't ban the ONLY nations known to attack us. North Korea? Really? We remove Sudan from the list and add North Korea? Has anybody here ever even seen a North Korean?

They look just like South Koreans dumb ass!
Except none of the countries on Trump's ban list ever carry out terror attacks in America. In fact he took Sudan off the list the very same day a Sudanese immigrant attacked us. It's nothing more than meaningless lip service for his supporters.

That Sudanese immigrant had been in the US for 20 years.

Epic FAIL on your part!

If you want to apply some lip service, go right ahead!

And if that immigrant from Uzbekistan had been here for only 5 minutes it wouldn't matter because Uzbekistan isn't on Trump's list.

The ban would not have stopped this guy, but what about others that wouldn't have been here for only 5 minutes from a country on the list?

Why is this so hard for liberals to wrap their tiny little minds around?
So, nobody will address the fact that every country listed never attacks us while we sign arms deals with Saudi Arabia?

You disingenuous partisan hacks.
A select few from Saudi Arabia attacks US and you want all Saudi's to pay for it? We just had 2 liberals one in Virgina(shooting up congressmen) and one in Las Vegas(shooting up young kids) so should we ban all liberals and put them in jail?


Your "select few" Saudis carried out an attack that took over 3000 American lives in a single day. The greatest attack ever on American soil.

And what was one of the reasons they attacked? That's right, because the Saudi government kicked Bin Laden and his buddies out of the country.

Who has ever said that Saudi Arabia kicking Bin Laden out was one of the reasons they attacked the United States? How does that make any sense?

It does to anyone with a brain. I'm sorry that you cannot meet that low of a standard. Keep trying!
So, nobody will address the fact that every country listed never attacks us while we sign arms deals with Saudi Arabia?

You disingenuous partisan hacks.

Do you remember how Trump was lambasted for even saying a ban on Muslims?
So...let me get this straight...the Democrats get to scream bloody hatred at Trump for the very idea of banning muslims...but then also get to question why that ban doesn't include more nations?

It's not that it doesn't ban more nations. It's that it doesn't ban the ONLY nations known to attack us. North Korea? Really? We remove Sudan from the list and add North Korea? Has anybody here ever even seen a North Korean?

They look just like South Koreans dumb ass!

That's the dumbest reasoning ever. Most Americans wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a Korean and a Vietnamese. An Iraqi from an Iranian. A Somalian from a... every country in Africa.
North Koreans are already under very strict travel restrictions imposed by their own government. Trump added them to the list because he thought it sounded good.
Except none of the countries on Trump's ban list ever carry out terror attacks in America. In fact he took Sudan off the list the very same day a Sudanese immigrant attacked us. It's nothing more than meaningless lip service for his supporters.

That Sudanese immigrant had been in the US for 20 years.

Epic FAIL on your part!

If you want to apply some lip service, go right ahead!

And if that immigrant from Uzbekistan had been here for only 5 minutes it wouldn't matter because Uzbekistan isn't on Trump's list.

The ban would not have stopped this guy, but what about others that wouldn't have been here for only 5 minutes from a country on the list?

Why is this so hard for liberals to wrap their tiny little minds around?
This says it all....

So, nobody will address the fact that every country listed never attacks us while we sign arms deals with Saudi Arabia?

You disingenuous partisan hacks.
A select few from Saudi Arabia attacks US and you want all Saudi's to pay for it? We just had 2 liberals one in Virgina(shooting up congressmen) and one in Las Vegas(shooting up young kids) so should we ban all liberals and put them in jail?


Your "select few" Saudis carried out an attack that took over 3000 American lives in a single day. The greatest attack ever on American soil.
Your precious liberal shot down 50 young kids and wounded 500 others. The greatest single attack of liberalism on American soil, since the civil war. Why do you liberals hate the United States and the children of US citizens?

Paddock wasn't a liberal, but we already know you know this.
Paddock was a Bernie Supporter, also you don't see conservatives out there shooting up young kids at a country western event. But then you are too stupid to realize that.

Time to find some other liberal to piss off, because you keep saying the same thing over and over, hoping it will come true.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Please stop using the "young kids' description. It is an appeal to emotion. They weren't anywhere close to "young kids". Most of those country acts are well over the age of 40, and their fan base is not far behind. I do not have the data but I would be willing to bet that there were no "kids' among the victims.
While the government, politicians , political pundits and media fight the good fight *cough* ... Take the opportunity to arm yourselves while you still have it.

Pursue qualified training in situation awareness, close quarter combat and tactical evaluation.
Be responsible and thoughtful with your desire to be prepared.
Learn the proper use of a firearm ... Become familiar with options available ... And get qualified instructions on how to properly assess threats and manage response.

They are not going to be able to fix everything ... Be conscientious, and prepare yourself.

Dear Democrats...

Why send thoughts and prayers to victims of terrorism when you resist any attempt to save lives by addressing the problem directly? Why bother when you're too consumed by your own political agenda? Does this not make your "thoughts and prayers" meaningless?

Spare me your sanctimony about "the Muslim ban". What happened in New York yesterday requires far more than "thoughts and prayers"; we need action, to weed out the radicals who distort their own faith to take innocent life. You want us to have sympathy on the refugees fleeing their war torn countries, but apparently none on the Americans that some of these wolves in sheep's clothing kill indiscriminately.

I've heard and seen enough. I've stopped short of labeling all of Islam as a dangerous ideology, mainly because I know Muslims that put some of the best practicing Christians in our society under a table. Christianity had to deal with its radical elements, so too should Islam. If not, that is what armed conflict is for. We will deal with its radical elements if it will not.

Do more than pray or mourn, stop standing in the way. Do your job and put the safety and welfare of the American citizenry first. Radical Islamic Terrorism is real. What will you do about it?


An upset American citizen

If only Democrats went after terrorists suspects the way they went after Manafort....if only
You have absolutely no leg to stand on for that statement.

I find it bizarre that anyone would (1) drag party affiliation into the issue of terrorism, and (2) would pretend that all of the governmental organizations that the U.S. has that are involved in fighting terrorism do not exist. Apparently, according to Crusader Frank, the U.S. is making no efforts to fight terrorism, there is no CIA or Dept. of Homeland Security, there are no FBI agents out there investigating suspicious people, nobody working security at our airports, nobody cruising the internet to find suspicious traffic, and this is all the fault of one of our political parties.

The FBI, the Obama people in it anyway, conducted a predawn raid on Mueller because they had a heads up from the Obama people at the NSA that Mueller was holding back information. If only they would have looked at Saipov that closely.

If only

Your post makes no sense whatsoever. I suggest you check your names.
The solution is simple, all cars must be retrofitted to be dirven by gps guidance computers only with all manual steering removed. All registered cars that fail to meet this requirement upon 90 days of the law's passage will be confiscated.

Didn't you already start this nonsense in another thread? It's boring, ignorant, and a waste of electrons!
So, nobody will address the fact that every country listed never attacks us while we sign arms deals with Saudi Arabia?

You disingenuous partisan hacks.

Do you remember how Trump was lambasted for even saying a ban on Muslims?
So...let me get this straight...the Democrats get to scream bloody hatred at Trump for the very idea of banning muslims...but then also get to question why that ban doesn't include more nations?

It's not that it doesn't ban more nations. It's that it doesn't ban the ONLY nations known to attack us. North Korea? Really? We remove Sudan from the list and add North Korea? Has anybody here ever even seen a North Korean?

They look just like South Koreans dumb ass!

That's the dumbest reasoning ever. Most Americans wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a Korean and a Vietnamese. An Iraqi from an Iranian. A Somalian from a... every country in Africa.

You brought it up, so you must be the dumb one!

I have bad news for you. I can distinguish every one you mentioned.

Korean and Japanese look differently, just like Swedes and Italians. Iraqis are Arab and Iranians are Persians. Somalis have a look very distinctive from other Africans, and generally just look stupid because they have a goofy facial structure.

Now, back to your useless mental meanderings!
The whole premise of this post is ridiculous. Regardless whether a Democratic or Republican president is at the helm they all have troops over in the middle east killing thousands of Muslims every year. Whatever reasons the administration has for all these killings more and more Muslims will join terrorist organizations from home and abroad. America's actions have been recruiting terrorism for years.

Maybe our President should travel the world and apologize for all our evil. Oh, wait a minute, we tried that already.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
No President ever did that so cram it.
The whole premise of this post is ridiculous. Regardless whether a Democratic or Republican president is at the helm they all have troops over in the middle east killing thousands of Muslims every year. Whatever reasons the administration has for all these killings more and more Muslims will join terrorist organizations from home and abroad. America's actions have been recruiting terrorism for years.
So you think if we stopped killing Muslims they will stop trying to create a world caliphate?
This is no game, it is survival. It is us or them.
It wouldn't happen overnight but it would definitely slow things. America is not fighting terrorism, they are creating terrorism. The problem is most Americans are too stupid to realize this.
To say "America" is creating terrorism is not accurate.

"Terrorism" is created by the Zionist controlled entities of Mossad and CIA for the purpose of manipulating the US to use the US military for the benefit of Israel.
To say "America" is creating terrorism is not accurate.

"Terrorism" is created by the Zionist controlled entities of Mossad and CIA for the purpose of manipulating the US to use the US military for the benefit of Israel.
"Amerca" is correct because the majority of Americans keep voting Republican and Democrat. Every leader from those parties keeps bombing the crap out of the middle east.
Idiot sub humans who parrot the "US" media, "preachers" and the like do vote for the 2 parties, which are completely sold out and that is true.

But the sub in the pews and the idiot leftist who thinks his farting is warming the planet are misled, lied to...


not treasonous

Only when they act or deliberately spread lies are they guilty....
Except none of the countries on Trump's ban list ever carry out terror attacks in America. In fact he took Sudan off the list the very same day a Sudanese immigrant attacked us. It's nothing more than meaningless lip service for his supporters.

That Sudanese immigrant had been in the US for 20 years.

Epic FAIL on your part!

If you want to apply some lip service, go right ahead!

And if that immigrant from Uzbekistan had been here for only 5 minutes it wouldn't matter because Uzbekistan isn't on Trump's list.

The ban would not have stopped this guy, but what about others that wouldn't have been here for only 5 minutes from a country on the list?

Why is this so hard for liberals to wrap their tiny little minds around?
This says it all....

View attachment 158366
Except none of the countries on Trump's ban list ever carry out terror attacks in America. In fact he took Sudan off the list the very same day a Sudanese immigrant attacked us. It's nothing more than meaningless lip service for his supporters.

That Sudanese immigrant had been in the US for 20 years.

Epic FAIL on your part!

If you want to apply some lip service, go right ahead!

And if that immigrant from Uzbekistan had been here for only 5 minutes it wouldn't matter because Uzbekistan isn't on Trump's list.

The ban would not have stopped this guy, but what about others that wouldn't have been here for only 5 minutes from a country on the list?

Why is this so hard for liberals to wrap their tiny little minds around?
This says it all....

View attachment 158366

Where is the picture of the western-suited "Christian" man holding a sign that says he's "with" the guy holding the "Islam demands" sign, since the right-wing guys who just call themselves, laughingly, "Christian" exhibit the identical sentiments? Looks like they are brothers. Death to gays, no free speech, women the sex slaves of their husbands? Same thing. Just the costume is different. Come on dobson, frankie graham, jim boy duggar, tony perkins, jeffress, lively, and your friends, go over and give that guy in the keffiyeh a great, big brotherly hug.
These monkey men are all the same.
Except none of the countries on Trump's ban list ever carry out terror attacks in America. In fact he took Sudan off the list the very same day a Sudanese immigrant attacked us. It's nothing more than meaningless lip service for his supporters.

That Sudanese immigrant had been in the US for 20 years.

Epic FAIL on your part!

If you want to apply some lip service, go right ahead!

And if that immigrant from Uzbekistan had been here for only 5 minutes it wouldn't matter because Uzbekistan isn't on Trump's list.

The ban would not have stopped this guy, but what about others that wouldn't have been here for only 5 minutes from a country on the list?

Why is this so hard for liberals to wrap their tiny little minds around?
This says it all....

View attachment 158366
Except none of the countries on Trump's ban list ever carry out terror attacks in America. In fact he took Sudan off the list the very same day a Sudanese immigrant attacked us. It's nothing more than meaningless lip service for his supporters.

That Sudanese immigrant had been in the US for 20 years.

Epic FAIL on your part!

If you want to apply some lip service, go right ahead!

And if that immigrant from Uzbekistan had been here for only 5 minutes it wouldn't matter because Uzbekistan isn't on Trump's list.

The ban would not have stopped this guy, but what about others that wouldn't have been here for only 5 minutes from a country on the list?

Why is this so hard for liberals to wrap their tiny little minds around?
This says it all....

View attachment 158366

Where is the picture of the western-suited "Christian" man holding a sign that says he's "with" the guy holding the "Islam demands" sign, since the right-wing guys who just call themselves, laughingly, "Christian" exhibit the identical sentiments? Looks like they are brothers. Death to gays, no free speech, women the sex slaves of their husbands? Same thing. Just the costume is different. Come on dobson, frankie graham, jim boy duggar, tony perkins, jeffress, lively, and your friends, go over and give that guy in the keffiyeh a great, big brotherly hug.
These monkey men are all the same.

Who of those people have even suggested "death to gays"? Who advocates no free speech except liberals in ANTIFA?

You really are a piece of work! You are incredibly stupid and don't even realize it! Sad!
Except none of the countries on Trump's ban list ever carry out terror attacks in America. In fact he took Sudan off the list the very same day a Sudanese immigrant attacked us. It's nothing more than meaningless lip service for his supporters.

That Sudanese immigrant had been in the US for 20 years.

Epic FAIL on your part!

If you want to apply some lip service, go right ahead!

And if that immigrant from Uzbekistan had been here for only 5 minutes it wouldn't matter because Uzbekistan isn't on Trump's list.

The ban would not have stopped this guy, but what about others that wouldn't have been here for only 5 minutes from a country on the list?

Why is this so hard for liberals to wrap their tiny little minds around?
This says it all....

View attachment 158366
Except none of the countries on Trump's ban list ever carry out terror attacks in America. In fact he took Sudan off the list the very same day a Sudanese immigrant attacked us. It's nothing more than meaningless lip service for his supporters.

That Sudanese immigrant had been in the US for 20 years.

Epic FAIL on your part!

If you want to apply some lip service, go right ahead!

And if that immigrant from Uzbekistan had been here for only 5 minutes it wouldn't matter because Uzbekistan isn't on Trump's list.

The ban would not have stopped this guy, but what about others that wouldn't have been here for only 5 minutes from a country on the list?

Why is this so hard for liberals to wrap their tiny little minds around?
This says it all....

View attachment 158366

Where is the picture of the western-suited "Christian" man holding a sign that says he's "with" the guy holding the "Islam demands" sign, since the right-wing guys who just call themselves, laughingly, "Christian" exhibit the identical sentiments? Looks like they are brothers. Death to gays, no free speech, women the sex slaves of their husbands? Same thing. Just the costume is different. Come on dobson, frankie graham, jim boy duggar, tony perkins, jeffress, lively, and your friends, go over and give that guy in the keffiyeh a great, big brotherly hug.
These monkey men are all the same.

Obama's people, and yes BOFF of them..
The whole premise of this post is ridiculous. Regardless whether a Democratic or Republican president is at the helm they all have troops over in the middle east killing thousands of Muslims every year. Whatever reasons the administration has for all these killings more and more Muslims will join terrorist organizations from home and abroad. America's actions have been recruiting terrorism for years.

Maybe our President should travel the world and apologize for all our evil. Oh, wait a minute, we tried that already.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
No President ever did that so cram it.

Cram this:


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