A Call to Arms Part Six

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is Part Six to Michael Boldea's Series titled, " A Call to Arms." It is a teaching series for equipping the Believer for spiritual warfare and teaching us how to live a holy, obedient life unto Jesus and share the Gospel with others. You can read the full teaching on the link. Here is a part of Part Six.

Hand of Help Ministries

The life of a soldier is not an easy one. The Word of God forewarns us that if we desire to be soldiers of Jesus Christ, we will have to endure hardships, we will have to be molded, matured, refined, trained, and battle tested, because all these are necessary steps to making a true soldier.
Not only does a pretend soldier pose a danger to their own person, because they are untrained, ill equipped, and likely fearful of the enemy’s advances, the pretend solder is a danger to those around him as well. Much of the time a pretend soldier serves as a distraction for the true soldiers, because what they are doing is so out of step with what ought to be done, that even the most seasoned warrior is surprised by their actions.

Yes, I know, we like to tell each other God is doing something new all the time, so it’s perfectly fine if some knucklehead is kicking cancer patients in the stomach, but in reality, such individuals are a distraction, and often times a source of shame for the household of faith because of their actions.

It’s one thing to suffer for righteousness’ sake, it’s quite another to suffer due to the actions of some conman which the world automatically associates with you because he calls himself a Christian just as you do.
The Bible tells us our God changes not. He remains the same in perpetuity, and if something worked perfectly well a thousand years, a hundred years, or a day ago, God is wise enough not to mess with it, or try to improve upon it. How can one improve upon perfection? How can one improve upon something God Himself created and put together? { See link for the rest of teaching }
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This is Part Six to Michael Boldea's Series titled, " A Call to Arms." It is a teaching series for equipping the Believer for spiritual warfare and teaching us how to live a holy, obedient life unto Jesus and share the Gospel with others. You can read the full teaching on the link. Here is a part of Part Six.

Hand of Help Ministries

The life of a soldier is not an easy one. The Word of God forewarns us that if we desire to be soldiers of Jesus Christ, we will have to endure hardships, we will have to be molded, matured, refined, trained, and battle tested, because all these are necessary steps to making a true soldier.
Not only does a pretend soldier pose a danger to their own person, because they are untrained, ill equipped, and likely fearful of the enemy’s advances, the pretend solder is a danger to those around him as well. Much of the time a pretend soldier serves as a distraction for the true soldiers, because what they are doing is so out of step with what ought to be done, that even the most seasoned warrior is surprised by their actions.

Yes, I know, we like to tell each other God is doing something new all the time, so it’s perfectly fine if some knucklehead is kicking cancer patients in the stomach, but in reality, such individuals are a distraction, and often times a source of shame for the household of faith because of their actions.

It’s one thing to suffer for righteousness’ sake, it’s quite another to suffer due to the actions of some conman which the world automatically associates with you because he calls himself a Christian just as you do.
The Bible tells us our God changes not. He remains the same in perpetuity, and if something worked perfectly well a thousand years, a hundred years, or a day ago, God is wise enough not to mess with it, or try to improve upon it. How can one improve upon perfection? How can one improve upon something God Himself created and put together? { See link for the rest of teaching }

The beast made a lot of great Christian soldiers who actually believe they are saints of God. LOL

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