A challenge for those of you who call our President a racist.

The only person who can be redily identified in his tweet is Omar.

Quit making up bullshit to deflect and ignore the real issues.


He says “congresswomen” which is plural. If he was just targeting Omar then you’d have a point . He’s obviously using plural in his tweets.

That's entirely figurative, but even if it is not....so?

What does that shit prove?

As in most Trump tweets, you can only say WTF is he talking about?
Trumps use of the English Language is confusing and his thoughts are all over the place.
Makes it easy to defend him because none of it makes sense and is open to multiple interpretations

A fair point. But not an unique one. Plenty of politicians words jump all over the place and contradict themselves.

How do you normally judge a man, who's words contradict themselves?

No, other politicians have a rudimentary understanding of writing and speaking the English language

Our President does not

Whatever you believe the reason to be, plenty of politicians end up at the same place, ie with contradictory words.

So, what has been your way of judging them, in the past?
He is an American who attacks other Americans. What would happen if we Americans all returned to the lands of our ancestors' origins?

I have actually no idea what would happen. My best guess would be, you'd have to fight the equivalent of the Civil War first (just with far deadlier weaponry), and I doubt there would be much to send "back" thereafter.

On the other hand, you could rather do as the Britons did, and send your bottom feeders and other misfits to a recently colonized continent. Just the chances of finding another Australia aren't quite as bright as they were back then. How about Mars?

Finally, since we're putting the joke to this sickening joke of a thread, and since you're having a "German" in the Oval Office, you might evolve from a British to a German "solution" to your problems. Spares you and the world a lot of transportation, not to mention Mars a lot of infestation, doesn't it?

Okay, that was my fill for sick jokes this evening. America ought to do as every decent country on earth does, vote crooks out of office, put their criminals in jail in case they are a threat to others, and educate your folks properly so that they learn to behave as humans toward their kind. Others have done it, so can Americans.
He's a Chameleon... it all depends on the crowd he is trying to reach or standing with at the time....

if being a bigot helps him, he'll portray himself as one,

if being a racist helps him, he'll portray himself as one

if being a Christian helps him, he'll portray himself as one

if being a swap drainer helps him, he'll portray himself as one

if being a swamp lover helps him, he'll portray himself as one

It's hard to say he is really any of those things or holds any of those characteristics, if it is what he needs at the moment to help himself, it is what he becomes.

No person who isn't a bigot, and not a racist, would even "portray" himself as a bigot, or a racist. Not being a bigot or racist requires integrity, and that stands in the way of peddling to bigots or racists. So yeah, he's a bigot and a racist, and there is no evidence whatsoever to the contrary.
Oh I agree, but you are talking about "normal people" and Trump is not a normal person, he has zero compassion, zero empathy, zero morality, with no ethical line that can't be crossed, if it somehow glorifies himself or he needs something for himself etc... his mental disorder of Narcissism causes most of his actions, and controls his every word.... being a Narcissist allows him to be racist and a bigot, with no shame....

Agreed, Trump is a super-human, the God-Emperor. Your feelings don't concern him. Is it possible to cry, whine and moan more?

Do you tithe? The G-d of Abraham charges 10%. What's Trump's rate? Much bang for the buck (pardon the expression)?

Trump cost 1 USD to the American people / year. Best rate possible. Downright yuge winnings.
Nowhere does Trump credit The Obama's poor performance to his skin color.
Then why does he opine voters will judge black candidates on their skin color for generations?
Look at you, asking me disprove a claim you have yet to support.
Nowhere does Trump credit The Obama's poor performance to his skin color.
Disagree? Cite the text.
I'm not asking you to disprove anything. If you can't spot the linkage between his mention of Obama's performance and the likelihood of future black presidents, you're maintaining a determined stupidity.
Thank you for demonstrating you cannot show that Trump credited The Obama's performance on his skin color.
Thank you for demonstrating your determination.
And I thank you for your concession - if the connection is SO obvious, you should have -no- issue demonstrating it.
But, you can't, and you know it.
He's a Chameleon... it all depends on the crowd he is trying to reach or standing with at the time....
if being a bigot helps him, he'll portray himself as one,
if being a racist helps him, he'll portray himself as one
if being a Christian helps him, he'll portray himself as one
if being a swap drainer helps him, he'll portray himself as one
if being a swamp lover helps him, he'll portray himself as one
if being a Zionist helps him, he'll portray himself as one
if being an antisemitic helps him, he'll portray himself as one
Well, he WAS a Democrat, do...
P.S. You don't understand the meaning of non sequitur.
You conclusion does not logically follow from the information before you.
Thus, your non-seq.
You may disagree with the conclusion. That doesn't make it non sequitur.
The fact you cannot demonstrate the necessary relationship between the information you presented and the conclusion you reached makes it, quite literally, a non-seq.
That's funny.
“Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won’t see another black president for generations!”
You know, because the reason Obama did such a poor job was because he was black.
How much relationship do you think I need?
"Necessary relationship":
A can only produce B; B only exists because of A.

The fact you cannot demonstrate the necessary relationship between the information you presented and the conclusion you reached makes it, quite literally, a non-seq
Then why does he opine voters will judge black candidates on their skin color for generations?
Look at you, asking me disprove a claim you have yet to support.
Nowhere does Trump credit The Obama's poor performance to his skin color.
Disagree? Cite the text.
I'm not asking you to disprove anything. If you can't spot the linkage between his mention of Obama's performance and the likelihood of future black presidents, you're maintaining a determined stupidity.
Thank you for demonstrating you cannot show that Trump credited The Obama's performance on his skin color.
Thank you for demonstrating your determination.
And I thank you for your concession - if the connection is SO obvious, you should have -no- issue demonstrating it.
But, you can't, and you know it.

Evidence isn't accepted by Trumpkins.
Look at you, asking me disprove a claim you have yet to support.
Nowhere does Trump credit The Obama's poor performance to his skin color.
Disagree? Cite the text.
I'm not asking you to disprove anything. If you can't spot the linkage between his mention of Obama's performance and the likelihood of future black presidents, you're maintaining a determined stupidity.
Thank you for demonstrating you cannot show that Trump credited The Obama's performance on his skin color.
Thank you for demonstrating your determination.
And I thank you for your concession - if the connection is SO obvious, you should have -no- issue demonstrating it.
But, you can't, and you know it.
Evidence isn't accepted by Trumpkins.
if you had any, you could find out.
But, you don't.
And yo know it.
If the white supremacists love you, you have a problem. Trump purposely avoided alienating these people all along and now he must pay the price.
David Duke is a supporter of Omar. So she is a racist?
Sure he is
Look it up. He likes her hatred for Israel. He made his support for her back in March. So where is your outrage?
Does he like that she is black and a Muslim?
You and your crew of race squealers seem to be the only people who care about her race or religion.

Bootney, it has been the republican party that has used race and religion.
David Duke is a supporter of Omar. So she is a racist?
Sure he is
Look it up. He likes her hatred for Israel. He made his support for her back in March. So where is your outrage?
Does he like that she is black and a Muslim?
You and your crew of race squealers seem to be the only people who care about her race or religion.

Bootney, it has been the republican party that has used race and religion.
Actually it's your party calling others racist 24/7.

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