A Challenge to Democrats on Here, re Illegal Alien "assylum seekers."

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
You think that illegals should be able to cross our border and automatically stay as long as they just say that they are seeking assylum?

Here's the challenge:

Offer room in your home for an assylum seeker - specifically one who crossed the border illegally and only claimed assylum when caught. When the "newcomer" moves in, call the local media and offer an interview. Someone will take you up on that. When it is published, post the story here, so we know that you really did it.

If your kids each have their own rooms, have them move in to the same room, to make space for the illegal. After all, Democratic governments are closing down children's schools to make room for illegals. Only black kids so far, but soon they will even need to push whites out.

What's a reasonable time for you to meet this challenge? Let's say sixty days. If no one does this by May 10th, then I will consider you to have failed to meet this simple test of your sincerity.
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You think that illegals should be able to cross our border and automatically stay as long as they just say that they are seeking assylum?

Here's the challenge:

Offer room in your home for an assylum seeker - specifically one who crossed the border illegally and only claimed assylum when caught. When the "newcomer" moves in, call the local media and offer an interview. Someone will take you up on that. When it is published, post the story here, so we know that you really did it.

If your kids each have their own rooms, have them move in to the same room, to make space for the illegal. After all, Democratic governments are closing down children's schools to make room for illegals. Only black kids so far, but soon they will even need to push whites out.

What's a reasonable time for you to meet this challenge? Let's say sixty days. If no one does this by May 10th, then I will consider you to have failed to meet this simple test of your sincerity.

you may not like the law, but last week or so would have been a great time to change it. another opportunity lost

at any rate, i was almost about to believe the boprder was a problem , but when trump said "stop, do not fix it " i knew that dear leader does not care if the border is fixed or not, as long as he can use it in the campaign.

i really look forward to the impeachment hearings so that mayorkas can explain this in detail to the american people.
you may not like the law, but last week or so would have been a great time to change it. another opportunity lost

at any rate, i was almost about to believe the boprder was a problem , but when trump said "stop, do not fix it " i knew that dear leader does not care if the border is fixed or not, as long as he can use it in the campaign.

i really look forward to the impeachment hearings so that mayorkas can explain this in detail to the american people.
Why did Biden deliberately wreck the border and then wait until election year to offer a solution?
The Browning of America ( Forced Diversity ) is not negotiable with the Collectivist Democommies
The Browning of America ( Forced Diversity ) is not negotiable with the Collectivist Democommies

The best part of the "browning of America" is how much it scares the living shit out of people like you. The very idea you might have to see brown people more than now is too much for your little self to deal with.
The best part of the "browning of America" is how much it scares the living shit out of people like you. The very idea you might have to see brown people more than now is too much for your little self to deal with.
I lived in South Central ( Near Florence & Normandy ) in early 90s so no
So you’re afraid to answer.

Oh, there was a question.

You think that illegals should be able to cross our border and automatically stay as long as they just say that they are seeking asylum?

No. I do not think that.

But I like the idea of your challenge. I think we should do one for those opposed to abortion. Give them 6 months to adopt a child whose parents did not want it, if not then we will consider the to have failed to meet this simple test of their sincerity.

Maybe we could do it with those that think our teachers are not doing a good job, 6 months to start teaching or we doubt their sincerity.

I am sure we can come up with others.
Oh, there was a question.

You think that illegals should be able to cross our border and automatically stay as long as they just say that they are seeking asylum?

No. I do not think that.
Neither does Trump.
But I like the idea of your challenge. I think we should do one for those opposed to abortion. Give them 6 months to adopt a child whose parents did not want it, if not then we will consider the to have failed to meet this simple test of their sincerity.
I’ll put my name on the list for adoption and six minutes. Then I’ll wait and wait and wait. With so many babies being aborted there is a long waitlist for couples, and singles I suppose, seeking to adopt. Many many wonderful homes are available to babies if we would just stop killing them. There is no such thing as a “unwanted baby.”
Maybe we could do it with those that think our teachers are not doing a good job, 6 months to start teaching or we doubt their sincerity.

I am sure we can come up with others.
and none of them would make any sense. I am a teacher, and if taxpayers want to criticize the way teachers do their jobs, they have every right to. They paythe freight don’t they?

Why would you imagine that teacher should somehow be immune to criticism, or that there should be some requirement to be able to criticize them?
Neither does Trump.

yet he didn't really do shit about it while in office.

I’ll put my name on the list for adoption and six minutes. Then I’ll wait and wait and wait. With so many babies being aborted there is a long waitlist for couples, and singles I suppose, seeking to adopt. Many many wonderful homes are available to babies if we would just stop killing them. There is no such thing as a “unwanted baby.”

There are more than 400,000 kids in the Foster Care system. They all need real, forever homes. Put your money where you mouth is.

and none of them would make any sense. I am a teacher, and if taxpayers want to criticize the way teachers do their jobs, they have every right to. They paythe freight don’t they?

Why would you imagine that teacher should somehow be immune to criticism, or that there should be some requirement to be able to criticize them?

To show they are sincere since one cannot do that unless they make some grand gesture to prove their sincerity. I am just going with your plan, and now you are poo pooing it.
yet he didn't really do shit about it while in office.

There are more than 400,000 kids in the Foster Care system. They all need real, forever homes. Put your money where you mouth is.
Not every kid in foster care is up for adoption. Even if they were your admonition that you must be willing to adopt a kid would only apply to people who oppose
killing teenagers, or young children. Abortion is done to the youngest of babies and babies are always in demand.
To show they are sincere since one cannot do that unless they make some grand gesture to prove their sincerity. I am just going with your plan, and now you are poo pooing it.
Not sure what your on about.
Not every kid in foster care is up for adoption. Even if they were your admonition that you must be willing to adopt a kid would only apply to people who oppose
killing teenagers, or young children. Abortion is done to the youngest of babies and babies are always in demand.

A human is a human. Why do you only care about the humans in the womb? That seems pretty shitty to say the least.

But it is good you can be so open about it.

Not sure what your on about.

As per your OP, one needs to make some grand gesture to prove their sincerity, or does that only apply to people not from your beloved party?

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