A Civil War if Trump is not reinstated

The OP cannot be taken seriously.

He wrings his hands over 140 cops being injured on 1/6, yet fails to mention the 4,000 cops injured nationwide during the previous summer of love by rocks, bottles, Molotov cocktails, fireworks, and lasers. And prosecutors in those Dimm cities let the majority of those perps get away with no prosecution!

The OP is a goddamned joke and fool.
The Trump cult
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
"Many of the supporters who gathered for the Saturday rally in Wellington, Ohio, wore memorabilia and carried signs with slogans like "Trump won" and "Biden sucks" displayed across them".

The orange grifter, still fleecing his gullible herd.

Oh noes signs that said Biden sucks, wonder why is that, is it because of

Gas over $3 bucks a gallon?

Inflation sky high?

California unemployment rate 7.9%?

It will cost $2,500 per instance of “fun” during the “not boring” and totally “fun, fun, fun for everyone” speaking tour of Donald Trump and Bill O’Reilly.

The pair of former occupants from the White House and Fox News will charge more than $7,500 per “Very Important Person” ticket to The History Tour in Texas and Florida in December.

While the 11 December tour date at the BB&T Centre in Sunrise, Florida, appeared to be sold out of VIP tickets, the next night at the Amway Centre in Orlando had a pair for sale, each with a $327.35 service fee, $3.50 facility charge and $5 order processing fee.

In Texas, however, tickets to the 19 December tour date at the American Airlines Centre in Dallas tacked on a $938.25 service fee, $5.40 order processing fee, and $154.82 in tax for tickets that could only be bought as a pair of two.

For that $17,048.72, or $8,524.36 per VIP ticket, a lucky attendee gets a seat in the front row floor seat – section 7, row A, seats 9 and 10 – “with a 45 min pre-show Meet & Greet, plus a photo of the ticketholder with President Donald J Trump and Bill O’Reilly”.

The fleecing continues.

What does that have to do with my post?
Because your comment had nothing to do with mine.
Do you even read your own posts?
Do you read yours?

What does your comment have to do with the grifter Trump fleecing his herd?

You bring up fuel prices, unemployment and inflation, like Biden Must be doing it on purpose.
Uhm in your post you brought up how upset you were they carried signs Biden sucks and I EXPLAINED WHY!
Trump's gullible herd can buy all the Chinese made Biden sucks flags they want.

At least the orange grifter isn't fleecing the US anymore, besides the cost of his prosecution.

January 21 2021
Former President Trump's four adult children and their two spouses are receiving Secret Service protection for an additional six months following Trump's departure from office, former administration officials confirmed to ABC News.

Additionally, ABC News has learned that Trump's former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, former National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien, and former Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin are also receiving Secret Service protection beyond Trump's term.

Damned 3 more weeks of grifting?
Why does that upset you, are you planning something against his children?
The OP cannot be taken seriously.

He wrings his hands over 140 cops being injured on 1/6, yet fails to mention the 4,000 cops injured nationwide during the previous summer of love by rocks, bottles, Molotov cocktails, fireworks, and lasers. And prosecutors in those Dimm cities let the majority of those perps get away with no prosecution!

The OP is a goddamned joke and fool.
The Trump cult
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
"Many of the supporters who gathered for the Saturday rally in Wellington, Ohio, wore memorabilia and carried signs with slogans like "Trump won" and "Biden sucks" displayed across them".

The orange grifter, still fleecing his gullible herd.

Oh noes signs that said Biden sucks, wonder why is that, is it because of

Gas over $3 bucks a gallon?

Inflation sky high?

California unemployment rate 7.9%?

It will cost $2,500 per instance of “fun” during the “not boring” and totally “fun, fun, fun for everyone” speaking tour of Donald Trump and Bill O’Reilly.

The pair of former occupants from the White House and Fox News will charge more than $7,500 per “Very Important Person” ticket to The History Tour in Texas and Florida in December.

While the 11 December tour date at the BB&T Centre in Sunrise, Florida, appeared to be sold out of VIP tickets, the next night at the Amway Centre in Orlando had a pair for sale, each with a $327.35 service fee, $3.50 facility charge and $5 order processing fee.

In Texas, however, tickets to the 19 December tour date at the American Airlines Centre in Dallas tacked on a $938.25 service fee, $5.40 order processing fee, and $154.82 in tax for tickets that could only be bought as a pair of two.

For that $17,048.72, or $8,524.36 per VIP ticket, a lucky attendee gets a seat in the front row floor seat – section 7, row A, seats 9 and 10 – “with a 45 min pre-show Meet & Greet, plus a photo of the ticketholder with President Donald J Trump and Bill O’Reilly”.

The fleecing continues.

What does that have to do with my post?
Because your comment had nothing to do with mine.
Do you even read your own posts?
Do you read yours?

What does your comment have to do with the grifter Trump fleecing his herd?

You bring up fuel prices, unemployment and inflation, like Biden Must be doing it on purpose.
Someone is doing it on purpose.
Sure, an opinion article from the Conservative Treehouse?
That's "proof".
The OP cannot be taken seriously.

He wrings his hands over 140 cops being injured on 1/6, yet fails to mention the 4,000 cops injured nationwide during the previous summer of love by rocks, bottles, Molotov cocktails, fireworks, and lasers. And prosecutors in those Dimm cities let the majority of those perps get away with no prosecution!

The OP is a goddamned joke and fool.
The Trump cult
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
"Many of the supporters who gathered for the Saturday rally in Wellington, Ohio, wore memorabilia and carried signs with slogans like "Trump won" and "Biden sucks" displayed across them".

The orange grifter, still fleecing his gullible herd.

Oh noes signs that said Biden sucks, wonder why is that, is it because of

Gas over $3 bucks a gallon?

Inflation sky high?

California unemployment rate 7.9%?

It will cost $2,500 per instance of “fun” during the “not boring” and totally “fun, fun, fun for everyone” speaking tour of Donald Trump and Bill O’Reilly.

The pair of former occupants from the White House and Fox News will charge more than $7,500 per “Very Important Person” ticket to The History Tour in Texas and Florida in December.

While the 11 December tour date at the BB&T Centre in Sunrise, Florida, appeared to be sold out of VIP tickets, the next night at the Amway Centre in Orlando had a pair for sale, each with a $327.35 service fee, $3.50 facility charge and $5 order processing fee.

In Texas, however, tickets to the 19 December tour date at the American Airlines Centre in Dallas tacked on a $938.25 service fee, $5.40 order processing fee, and $154.82 in tax for tickets that could only be bought as a pair of two.

For that $17,048.72, or $8,524.36 per VIP ticket, a lucky attendee gets a seat in the front row floor seat – section 7, row A, seats 9 and 10 – “with a 45 min pre-show Meet & Greet, plus a photo of the ticketholder with President Donald J Trump and Bill O’Reilly”.

The fleecing continues.

What does that have to do with my post?
Because your comment had nothing to do with mine.
Do you even read your own posts?
Do you read yours?

What does your comment have to do with the grifter Trump fleecing his herd?

You bring up fuel prices, unemployment and inflation, like Biden Must be doing it on purpose.
Uhm in your post you brought up how upset you were they carried signs Biden sucks and I EXPLAINED WHY!
Trump's gullible herd can buy all the Chinese made Biden sucks flags they want.

At least the orange grifter isn't fleecing the US anymore, besides the cost of his prosecution.

January 21 2021
Former President Trump's four adult children and their two spouses are receiving Secret Service protection for an additional six months following Trump's departure from office, former administration officials confirmed to ABC News.

Additionally, ABC News has learned that Trump's former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, former National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien, and former Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin are also receiving Secret Service protection beyond Trump's term.

Damned 3 more weeks of grifting?
Why does that upset you, are you planning something against his children?
It should upset everyone.
No other president has done that.

The "Billionare" can't afford his own security.................................for his own damned adult children?

May 8 2021
Donald Trump’s adult children reportedly cost taxpayers $140,000 in Secret Service security in the month after the clan’s patriarch left the White House in January.
Ordinarily, family members of a president lose their security detail when they leave office. But in the case of the four Trump siblings and two of their spouses, the former president issued a directive to extend post-presidency protections by six months.

A former President’s children lose Secret Service protection at the age of 16, or 10 years after the presidency. Usually, upon the end of the president's term, unless they still live with their parents.
The OP cannot be taken seriously.

He wrings his hands over 140 cops being injured on 1/6, yet fails to mention the 4,000 cops injured nationwide during the previous summer of love by rocks, bottles, Molotov cocktails, fireworks, and lasers. And prosecutors in those Dimm cities let the majority of those perps get away with no prosecution!

The OP is a goddamned joke and fool.
The Trump cult
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
"Many of the supporters who gathered for the Saturday rally in Wellington, Ohio, wore memorabilia and carried signs with slogans like "Trump won" and "Biden sucks" displayed across them".

The orange grifter, still fleecing his gullible herd.

Oh noes signs that said Biden sucks, wonder why is that, is it because of

Gas over $3 bucks a gallon?

Inflation sky high?

California unemployment rate 7.9%?

It will cost $2,500 per instance of “fun” during the “not boring” and totally “fun, fun, fun for everyone” speaking tour of Donald Trump and Bill O’Reilly.

The pair of former occupants from the White House and Fox News will charge more than $7,500 per “Very Important Person” ticket to The History Tour in Texas and Florida in December.

While the 11 December tour date at the BB&T Centre in Sunrise, Florida, appeared to be sold out of VIP tickets, the next night at the Amway Centre in Orlando had a pair for sale, each with a $327.35 service fee, $3.50 facility charge and $5 order processing fee.

In Texas, however, tickets to the 19 December tour date at the American Airlines Centre in Dallas tacked on a $938.25 service fee, $5.40 order processing fee, and $154.82 in tax for tickets that could only be bought as a pair of two.

For that $17,048.72, or $8,524.36 per VIP ticket, a lucky attendee gets a seat in the front row floor seat – section 7, row A, seats 9 and 10 – “with a 45 min pre-show Meet & Greet, plus a photo of the ticketholder with President Donald J Trump and Bill O’Reilly”.

The fleecing continues.

What does that have to do with my post?
Because your comment had nothing to do with mine.
Do you even read your own posts?
Do you read yours?

What does your comment have to do with the grifter Trump fleecing his herd?

You bring up fuel prices, unemployment and inflation, like Biden Must be doing it on purpose.
Uhm in your post you brought up how upset you were they carried signs Biden sucks and I EXPLAINED WHY!
Trump's gullible herd can buy all the Chinese made Biden sucks flags they want.

At least the orange grifter isn't fleecing the US anymore, besides the cost of his prosecution.

January 21 2021
Former President Trump's four adult children and their two spouses are receiving Secret Service protection for an additional six months following Trump's departure from office, former administration officials confirmed to ABC News.

Additionally, ABC News has learned that Trump's former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, former National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien, and former Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin are also receiving Secret Service protection beyond Trump's term.

Damned 3 more weeks of grifting?
Why does that upset you, are you planning something against his children?
No, I'll let the prosecutors take care of that.
The OP cannot be taken seriously.

He wrings his hands over 140 cops being injured on 1/6, yet fails to mention the 4,000 cops injured nationwide during the previous summer of love by rocks, bottles, Molotov cocktails, fireworks, and lasers. And prosecutors in those Dimm cities let the majority of those perps get away with no prosecution!

The OP is a goddamned joke and fool.
The Trump cult
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
"Many of the supporters who gathered for the Saturday rally in Wellington, Ohio, wore memorabilia and carried signs with slogans like "Trump won" and "Biden sucks" displayed across them".

The orange grifter, still fleecing his gullible herd.

Oh noes signs that said Biden sucks, wonder why is that, is it because of

Gas over $3 bucks a gallon?

Inflation sky high?

California unemployment rate 7.9%?

It will cost $2,500 per instance of “fun” during the “not boring” and totally “fun, fun, fun for everyone” speaking tour of Donald Trump and Bill O’Reilly.

The pair of former occupants from the White House and Fox News will charge more than $7,500 per “Very Important Person” ticket to The History Tour in Texas and Florida in December.

While the 11 December tour date at the BB&T Centre in Sunrise, Florida, appeared to be sold out of VIP tickets, the next night at the Amway Centre in Orlando had a pair for sale, each with a $327.35 service fee, $3.50 facility charge and $5 order processing fee.

In Texas, however, tickets to the 19 December tour date at the American Airlines Centre in Dallas tacked on a $938.25 service fee, $5.40 order processing fee, and $154.82 in tax for tickets that could only be bought as a pair of two.

For that $17,048.72, or $8,524.36 per VIP ticket, a lucky attendee gets a seat in the front row floor seat – section 7, row A, seats 9 and 10 – “with a 45 min pre-show Meet & Greet, plus a photo of the ticketholder with President Donald J Trump and Bill O’Reilly”.

The fleecing continues.

What does that have to do with my post?
Because your comment had nothing to do with mine.
Do you even read your own posts?
Do you read yours?

What does your comment have to do with the grifter Trump fleecing his herd?

You bring up fuel prices, unemployment and inflation, like Biden Must be doing it on purpose.
Uhm in your post you brought up how upset you were they carried signs Biden sucks and I EXPLAINED WHY!
Trump's gullible herd can buy all the Chinese made Biden sucks flags they want.

At least the orange grifter isn't fleecing the US anymore, besides the cost of his prosecution.

January 21 2021
Former President Trump's four adult children and their two spouses are receiving Secret Service protection for an additional six months following Trump's departure from office, former administration officials confirmed to ABC News.

Additionally, ABC News has learned that Trump's former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, former National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien, and former Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin are also receiving Secret Service protection beyond Trump's term.

Damned 3 more weeks of grifting?
Why does that upset you, are you planning something against his children?
It should upset everyone.
No other president has done that.

The "Billionare" can't afford his own security.................................for his own damned adult children?

May 8 2021
Donald Trump’s adult children reportedly cost taxpayers $140,000 in Secret Service security in the month after the clan’s patriarch left the White House in January.
Ordinarily, family members of a president lose their security detail when they leave office. But in the case of the four Trump siblings and two of their spouses, the former president issued a directive to extend post-presidency protections by six months.

A former President’s children lose Secret Service protection at the age of 16, or 10 years after the presidency. Usually, upon the end of the president's term, unless they still live with their parents.
Oh please with all the waste in government you focus on this?

You have way to much TDS , seek help
The OP cannot be taken seriously.

He wrings his hands over 140 cops being injured on 1/6, yet fails to mention the 4,000 cops injured nationwide during the previous summer of love by rocks, bottles, Molotov cocktails, fireworks, and lasers. And prosecutors in those Dimm cities let the majority of those perps get away with no prosecution!

The OP is a goddamned joke and fool.
The Trump cult
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
"Many of the supporters who gathered for the Saturday rally in Wellington, Ohio, wore memorabilia and carried signs with slogans like "Trump won" and "Biden sucks" displayed across them".

The orange grifter, still fleecing his gullible herd.

Oh noes signs that said Biden sucks, wonder why is that, is it because of

Gas over $3 bucks a gallon?

Inflation sky high?

California unemployment rate 7.9%?

It will cost $2,500 per instance of “fun” during the “not boring” and totally “fun, fun, fun for everyone” speaking tour of Donald Trump and Bill O’Reilly.

The pair of former occupants from the White House and Fox News will charge more than $7,500 per “Very Important Person” ticket to The History Tour in Texas and Florida in December.

While the 11 December tour date at the BB&T Centre in Sunrise, Florida, appeared to be sold out of VIP tickets, the next night at the Amway Centre in Orlando had a pair for sale, each with a $327.35 service fee, $3.50 facility charge and $5 order processing fee.

In Texas, however, tickets to the 19 December tour date at the American Airlines Centre in Dallas tacked on a $938.25 service fee, $5.40 order processing fee, and $154.82 in tax for tickets that could only be bought as a pair of two.

For that $17,048.72, or $8,524.36 per VIP ticket, a lucky attendee gets a seat in the front row floor seat – section 7, row A, seats 9 and 10 – “with a 45 min pre-show Meet & Greet, plus a photo of the ticketholder with President Donald J Trump and Bill O’Reilly”.

The fleecing continues.

What does that have to do with my post?
Because your comment had nothing to do with mine.
Do you even read your own posts?
Do you read yours?

What does your comment have to do with the grifter Trump fleecing his herd?

You bring up fuel prices, unemployment and inflation, like Biden Must be doing it on purpose.
Someone is doing it on purpose.
Sure, an opinion article from the Conservative Treehouse?
That's "proof".
Exactly how many times does the mainstream media need to be caught red-handed lying, covering up facts, and censoring truth, before it's okay to get information from other sources then?
Give me a number.....
The OP cannot be taken seriously.

He wrings his hands over 140 cops being injured on 1/6, yet fails to mention the 4,000 cops injured nationwide during the previous summer of love by rocks, bottles, Molotov cocktails, fireworks, and lasers. And prosecutors in those Dimm cities let the majority of those perps get away with no prosecution!

The OP is a goddamned joke and fool.
The Trump cult
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
"Many of the supporters who gathered for the Saturday rally in Wellington, Ohio, wore memorabilia and carried signs with slogans like "Trump won" and "Biden sucks" displayed across them".

The orange grifter, still fleecing his gullible herd.

Oh noes signs that said Biden sucks, wonder why is that, is it because of

Gas over $3 bucks a gallon?

Inflation sky high?

California unemployment rate 7.9%?

It will cost $2,500 per instance of “fun” during the “not boring” and totally “fun, fun, fun for everyone” speaking tour of Donald Trump and Bill O’Reilly.

The pair of former occupants from the White House and Fox News will charge more than $7,500 per “Very Important Person” ticket to The History Tour in Texas and Florida in December.

While the 11 December tour date at the BB&T Centre in Sunrise, Florida, appeared to be sold out of VIP tickets, the next night at the Amway Centre in Orlando had a pair for sale, each with a $327.35 service fee, $3.50 facility charge and $5 order processing fee.

In Texas, however, tickets to the 19 December tour date at the American Airlines Centre in Dallas tacked on a $938.25 service fee, $5.40 order processing fee, and $154.82 in tax for tickets that could only be bought as a pair of two.

For that $17,048.72, or $8,524.36 per VIP ticket, a lucky attendee gets a seat in the front row floor seat – section 7, row A, seats 9 and 10 – “with a 45 min pre-show Meet & Greet, plus a photo of the ticketholder with President Donald J Trump and Bill O’Reilly”.

The fleecing continues.

What does that have to do with my post?
Because your comment had nothing to do with mine.
Do you even read your own posts?
Do you read yours?

What does your comment have to do with the grifter Trump fleecing his herd?

You bring up fuel prices, unemployment and inflation, like Biden Must be doing it on purpose.
Uhm in your post you brought up how upset you were they carried signs Biden sucks and I EXPLAINED WHY!
Trump's gullible herd can buy all the Chinese made Biden sucks flags they want.

At least the orange grifter isn't fleecing the US anymore, besides the cost of his prosecution.

January 21 2021
Former President Trump's four adult children and their two spouses are receiving Secret Service protection for an additional six months following Trump's departure from office, former administration officials confirmed to ABC News.

Additionally, ABC News has learned that Trump's former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, former National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien, and former Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin are also receiving Secret Service protection beyond Trump's term.

Damned 3 more weeks of grifting?
Why does that upset you, are you planning something against his children?
It should upset everyone.
No other president has done that.

The "Billionare" can't afford his own security.................................for his own damned adult children?

May 8 2021
Donald Trump’s adult children reportedly cost taxpayers $140,000 in Secret Service security in the month after the clan’s patriarch left the White House in January.
Ordinarily, family members of a president lose their security detail when they leave office. But in the case of the four Trump siblings and two of their spouses, the former president issued a directive to extend post-presidency protections by six months.

A former President’s children lose Secret Service protection at the age of 16, or 10 years after the presidency. Usually, upon the end of the president's term, unless they still live with their parents.
Oh please with all the waste in government you focus on this?

You have way to much TDS , seek help
Give me a break.
That's part of the waste, for a criminal, grifter and his crime family.
Normal people hate criminals, republicans elect them.
The OP cannot be taken seriously.

He wrings his hands over 140 cops being injured on 1/6, yet fails to mention the 4,000 cops injured nationwide during the previous summer of love by rocks, bottles, Molotov cocktails, fireworks, and lasers. And prosecutors in those Dimm cities let the majority of those perps get away with no prosecution!

The OP is a goddamned joke and fool.
The Trump cult
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
"Many of the supporters who gathered for the Saturday rally in Wellington, Ohio, wore memorabilia and carried signs with slogans like "Trump won" and "Biden sucks" displayed across them".

The orange grifter, still fleecing his gullible herd.

Oh noes signs that said Biden sucks, wonder why is that, is it because of

Gas over $3 bucks a gallon?

Inflation sky high?

California unemployment rate 7.9%?

It will cost $2,500 per instance of “fun” during the “not boring” and totally “fun, fun, fun for everyone” speaking tour of Donald Trump and Bill O’Reilly.

The pair of former occupants from the White House and Fox News will charge more than $7,500 per “Very Important Person” ticket to The History Tour in Texas and Florida in December.

While the 11 December tour date at the BB&T Centre in Sunrise, Florida, appeared to be sold out of VIP tickets, the next night at the Amway Centre in Orlando had a pair for sale, each with a $327.35 service fee, $3.50 facility charge and $5 order processing fee.

In Texas, however, tickets to the 19 December tour date at the American Airlines Centre in Dallas tacked on a $938.25 service fee, $5.40 order processing fee, and $154.82 in tax for tickets that could only be bought as a pair of two.

For that $17,048.72, or $8,524.36 per VIP ticket, a lucky attendee gets a seat in the front row floor seat – section 7, row A, seats 9 and 10 – “with a 45 min pre-show Meet & Greet, plus a photo of the ticketholder with President Donald J Trump and Bill O’Reilly”.

The fleecing continues.

What does that have to do with my post?
Because your comment had nothing to do with mine.
Do you even read your own posts?
Do you read yours?

What does your comment have to do with the grifter Trump fleecing his herd?

You bring up fuel prices, unemployment and inflation, like Biden Must be doing it on purpose.
Someone is doing it on purpose.
Sure, an opinion article from the Conservative Treehouse?
That's "proof".
Exactly how many times does the mainstream media need to be caught red-handed lying, covering up facts, and censoring truth, before it's okay to get information from other sources then?
Give me a number.....
Yeah, I know.

“Stick with us. Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news. … What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”

Because Trump said so.
The OP cannot be taken seriously.

He wrings his hands over 140 cops being injured on 1/6, yet fails to mention the 4,000 cops injured nationwide during the previous summer of love by rocks, bottles, Molotov cocktails, fireworks, and lasers. And prosecutors in those Dimm cities let the majority of those perps get away with no prosecution!

The OP is a goddamned joke and fool.
The Trump cult
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
"Many of the supporters who gathered for the Saturday rally in Wellington, Ohio, wore memorabilia and carried signs with slogans like "Trump won" and "Biden sucks" displayed across them".

The orange grifter, still fleecing his gullible herd.

Oh noes signs that said Biden sucks, wonder why is that, is it because of

Gas over $3 bucks a gallon?

Inflation sky high?

California unemployment rate 7.9%?

It will cost $2,500 per instance of “fun” during the “not boring” and totally “fun, fun, fun for everyone” speaking tour of Donald Trump and Bill O’Reilly.

The pair of former occupants from the White House and Fox News will charge more than $7,500 per “Very Important Person” ticket to The History Tour in Texas and Florida in December.

While the 11 December tour date at the BB&T Centre in Sunrise, Florida, appeared to be sold out of VIP tickets, the next night at the Amway Centre in Orlando had a pair for sale, each with a $327.35 service fee, $3.50 facility charge and $5 order processing fee.

In Texas, however, tickets to the 19 December tour date at the American Airlines Centre in Dallas tacked on a $938.25 service fee, $5.40 order processing fee, and $154.82 in tax for tickets that could only be bought as a pair of two.

For that $17,048.72, or $8,524.36 per VIP ticket, a lucky attendee gets a seat in the front row floor seat – section 7, row A, seats 9 and 10 – “with a 45 min pre-show Meet & Greet, plus a photo of the ticketholder with President Donald J Trump and Bill O’Reilly”.

The fleecing continues.

What does that have to do with my post?
Because your comment had nothing to do with mine.
Do you even read your own posts?
Do you read yours?

What does your comment have to do with the grifter Trump fleecing his herd?

You bring up fuel prices, unemployment and inflation, like Biden Must be doing it on purpose.
Uhm in your post you brought up how upset you were they carried signs Biden sucks and I EXPLAINED WHY!
Trump's gullible herd can buy all the Chinese made Biden sucks flags they want.

At least the orange grifter isn't fleecing the US anymore, besides the cost of his prosecution.

January 21 2021
Former President Trump's four adult children and their two spouses are receiving Secret Service protection for an additional six months following Trump's departure from office, former administration officials confirmed to ABC News.

Additionally, ABC News has learned that Trump's former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, former National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien, and former Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin are also receiving Secret Service protection beyond Trump's term.

Damned 3 more weeks of grifting?
Why does that upset you, are you planning something against his children?
It should upset everyone.
No other president has done that.

The "Billionare" can't afford his own security.................................for his own damned adult children?

May 8 2021
Donald Trump’s adult children reportedly cost taxpayers $140,000 in Secret Service security in the month after the clan’s patriarch left the White House in January.
Ordinarily, family members of a president lose their security detail when they leave office. But in the case of the four Trump siblings and two of their spouses, the former president issued a directive to extend post-presidency protections by six months.

A former President’s children lose Secret Service protection at the age of 16, or 10 years after the presidency. Usually, upon the end of the president's term, unless they still live with their parents.
Oh please with all the waste in government you focus on this?

You have way to much TDS , seek help
Give me a break.
That's part of the waste, for a criminal, grifter and his crime family.
Normal people hate criminals, republicans elect them.
Once again what do you have against protecting a past president and his family?

It's peanuts ..
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
Don't worry Mac, these cats talk tough and say what they are going to do and blah, blah, blah.

When I served I saw when the shit hits the fan most of these cowards will piss their pants, they look tough shooting bottles and beer cans when those cans and bottles shoot back no so much.
Yeah, no doubt most of them are just online Rambos.
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
When you have an election that one side swears was rigged against them. And then you have investigations on top of investigations, and audits on top of audits, and law suits on top of law suits that all confirm the election results to be truthful. And the side still swears it was rigged against them eight months after the fact.... I'm afraid all that is left is violent confrontation between that side and the society that has accepted the confirmed election results. There will be bloodshed. The silly part is that the "regular guys" who portray themselves as average Americans are willing to kill for someone who is certainly not, in any way, patriotic, average, moral, or even decent. Trump is a despicable pervert.

Its going to be a shame that so many of his people are going to be killed dying for such a pathetic excuse for a man.
Lol, I would not worry much. I have some Trumpster friends that tell me how hard core they are but flee the room when I clean fish or dress a deer. Lol. Ya they are hard core.
Agree 100%.

There is no compromise when it comes to two things; religion and patriotism.
All they portray themselves as is righteous and patriotic. So they are full of shit
All terrorists think of themselves as righteous and patriotic.

Its going to be a shame that so many of his people are going to be killed dying for such a pathetic excuse for a man.
I try to get my head around this, I ask them a lot of questions and try to understand, but I can only get so far. There is so much here that is just a mystery to me, and their devotion to that person, of all people, is at the heart of it.
The prime example of a cult.
I went a long time trying to avoid that word, but there are just too many similarities.
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.

A loon, like so many here.

He's been poisoned by his #fakenews media, and his willingness and gullibility in believing the lies.
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
"Many of the supporters who gathered for the Saturday rally in Wellington, Ohio, wore memorabilia and carried signs with slogans like "Trump won" and "Biden sucks" displayed across them".

The orange grifter, still fleecing his gullible herd.

Oh noes signs that said Biden sucks, wonder why is that, is it because of

Gas over $3 bucks a gallon?

Inflation sky high?

California unemployment rate 7.9%?


Its going to be a shame that so many of his people are going to be killed dying for such a pathetic excuse for a man.
I try to get my head around this, I ask them a lot of questions and try to understand, but I can only get so far. There is so much here that is just a mystery to me, and their devotion to that person, of all people, is at the heart of it.
The prime example of a cult.
Does trumpers pray to him like liberals pray to Obama?

( Would you like me to post that you tube video one more time of a little boy praying to Obama?)
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.

A loon, like so many here.

He's been poisoned by his #fakenews media, and his willingness and gullibility in believing the lies.
And they really believe all of it. I wish they knew better and were just lying. This is worse.
The OP cannot be taken seriously.

He wrings his hands over 140 cops being injured on 1/6, yet fails to mention the 4,000 cops injured nationwide during the previous summer of love by rocks, bottles, Molotov cocktails, fireworks, and lasers. And prosecutors in those Dimm cities let the majority of those perps get away with no prosecution!

The OP is a goddamned joke and fool.
The Trump cult
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
"Many of the supporters who gathered for the Saturday rally in Wellington, Ohio, wore memorabilia and carried signs with slogans like "Trump won" and "Biden sucks" displayed across them".

The orange grifter, still fleecing his gullible herd.

Oh noes signs that said Biden sucks, wonder why is that, is it because of

Gas over $3 bucks a gallon?

Inflation sky high?

California unemployment rate 7.9%?

It will cost $2,500 per instance of “fun” during the “not boring” and totally “fun, fun, fun for everyone” speaking tour of Donald Trump and Bill O’Reilly.

The pair of former occupants from the White House and Fox News will charge more than $7,500 per “Very Important Person” ticket to The History Tour in Texas and Florida in December.

While the 11 December tour date at the BB&T Centre in Sunrise, Florida, appeared to be sold out of VIP tickets, the next night at the Amway Centre in Orlando had a pair for sale, each with a $327.35 service fee, $3.50 facility charge and $5 order processing fee.

In Texas, however, tickets to the 19 December tour date at the American Airlines Centre in Dallas tacked on a $938.25 service fee, $5.40 order processing fee, and $154.82 in tax for tickets that could only be bought as a pair of two.

For that $17,048.72, or $8,524.36 per VIP ticket, a lucky attendee gets a seat in the front row floor seat – section 7, row A, seats 9 and 10 – “with a 45 min pre-show Meet & Greet, plus a photo of the ticketholder with President Donald J Trump and Bill O’Reilly”.

The fleecing continues.

What does that have to do with my post?
Because your comment had nothing to do with mine.
Do you even read your own posts?
Do you read yours?

What does your comment have to do with the grifter Trump fleecing his herd?

You bring up fuel prices, unemployment and inflation, like Biden Must be doing it on purpose.
Uhm in your post you brought up how upset you were they carried signs Biden sucks and I EXPLAINED WHY!
Trump's gullible herd can buy all the Chinese made Biden sucks flags they want.

At least the orange grifter isn't fleecing the US anymore, besides the cost of his prosecution.

January 21 2021
Former President Trump's four adult children and their two spouses are receiving Secret Service protection for an additional six months following Trump's departure from office, former administration officials confirmed to ABC News.

Additionally, ABC News has learned that Trump's former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, former National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien, and former Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin are also receiving Secret Service protection beyond Trump's term.

Damned 3 more weeks of grifting?
Why does that upset you, are you planning something against his children?
It should upset everyone.
No other president has done that.

The "Billionare" can't afford his own security.................................for his own damned adult children?

May 8 2021
Donald Trump’s adult children reportedly cost taxpayers $140,000 in Secret Service security in the month after the clan’s patriarch left the White House in January.
Ordinarily, family members of a president lose their security detail when they leave office. But in the case of the four Trump siblings and two of their spouses, the former president issued a directive to extend post-presidency protections by six months.

A former President’s children lose Secret Service protection at the age of 16, or 10 years after the presidency. Usually, upon the end of the president's term, unless they still live with their parents.
Oh please with all the waste in government you focus on this?

You have way to much TDS , seek help
Give me a break.
That's part of the waste, for a criminal, grifter and his crime family.
Normal people hate criminals, republicans elect them.
Once again what do you have against protecting a past president and his family?

It's peanuts ..
What do you have against a "Billionaire" providing protection for his ADULT family?

Because he/they are "special" no other president was, nor did they consider themselves to be.
The OP cannot be taken seriously.

He wrings his hands over 140 cops being injured on 1/6, yet fails to mention the 4,000 cops injured nationwide during the previous summer of love by rocks, bottles, Molotov cocktails, fireworks, and lasers. And prosecutors in those Dimm cities let the majority of those perps get away with no prosecution!

The OP is a goddamned joke and fool.
The Trump cult
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
"Many of the supporters who gathered for the Saturday rally in Wellington, Ohio, wore memorabilia and carried signs with slogans like "Trump won" and "Biden sucks" displayed across them".

The orange grifter, still fleecing his gullible herd.

Oh noes signs that said Biden sucks, wonder why is that, is it because of

Gas over $3 bucks a gallon?

Inflation sky high?

California unemployment rate 7.9%?

It will cost $2,500 per instance of “fun” during the “not boring” and totally “fun, fun, fun for everyone” speaking tour of Donald Trump and Bill O’Reilly.

The pair of former occupants from the White House and Fox News will charge more than $7,500 per “Very Important Person” ticket to The History Tour in Texas and Florida in December.

While the 11 December tour date at the BB&T Centre in Sunrise, Florida, appeared to be sold out of VIP tickets, the next night at the Amway Centre in Orlando had a pair for sale, each with a $327.35 service fee, $3.50 facility charge and $5 order processing fee.

In Texas, however, tickets to the 19 December tour date at the American Airlines Centre in Dallas tacked on a $938.25 service fee, $5.40 order processing fee, and $154.82 in tax for tickets that could only be bought as a pair of two.

For that $17,048.72, or $8,524.36 per VIP ticket, a lucky attendee gets a seat in the front row floor seat – section 7, row A, seats 9 and 10 – “with a 45 min pre-show Meet & Greet, plus a photo of the ticketholder with President Donald J Trump and Bill O’Reilly”.

The fleecing continues.

What does that have to do with my post?
Because your comment had nothing to do with mine.
Do you even read your own posts?
Do you read yours?

What does your comment have to do with the grifter Trump fleecing his herd?

You bring up fuel prices, unemployment and inflation, like Biden Must be doing it on purpose.
Uhm in your post you brought up how upset you were they carried signs Biden sucks and I EXPLAINED WHY!
Trump's gullible herd can buy all the Chinese made Biden sucks flags they want.

At least the orange grifter isn't fleecing the US anymore, besides the cost of his prosecution.

January 21 2021
Former President Trump's four adult children and their two spouses are receiving Secret Service protection for an additional six months following Trump's departure from office, former administration officials confirmed to ABC News.

Additionally, ABC News has learned that Trump's former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, former National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien, and former Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin are also receiving Secret Service protection beyond Trump's term.

Damned 3 more weeks of grifting?
Why does that upset you, are you planning something against his children?
It should upset everyone.
No other president has done that.

The "Billionare" can't afford his own security.................................for his own damned adult children?

May 8 2021
Donald Trump’s adult children reportedly cost taxpayers $140,000 in Secret Service security in the month after the clan’s patriarch left the White House in January.
Ordinarily, family members of a president lose their security detail when they leave office. But in the case of the four Trump siblings and two of their spouses, the former president issued a directive to extend post-presidency protections by six months.

A former President’s children lose Secret Service protection at the age of 16, or 10 years after the presidency. Usually, upon the end of the president's term, unless they still live with their parents.
Oh please with all the waste in government you focus on this?

You have way to much TDS , seek help
Give me a break.
That's part of the waste, for a criminal, grifter and his crime family.
Normal people hate criminals, republicans elect them.
Once again what do you have against protecting a past president and his family?

It's peanuts ..
What do you have against a "Billionaire" providing protection for his ADULT family?

Because he/they are "special" no other president was, nor did they consider themselves to be.
He always had his own security dumb ass, the guy wanted the best of the best for back up

Its going to be a shame that so many of his people are going to be killed dying for such a pathetic excuse for a man.
I try to get my head around this, I ask them a lot of questions and try to understand, but I can only get so far. There is so much here that is just a mystery to me, and their devotion to that person, of all people, is at the heart of it.
The prime example of a cult.
I went a long time trying to avoid that word, but there are just too many similarities.
Jim Jones wished he had one as gullible as Trump's.
No other way to describe it.

Its going to be a shame that so many of his people are going to be killed dying for such a pathetic excuse for a man.
I try to get my head around this, I ask them a lot of questions and try to understand, but I can only get so far. There is so much here that is just a mystery to me, and their devotion to that person, of all people, is at the heart of it.
The prime example of a cult.
I went a long time trying to avoid that word, but there are just too many similarities.
Jim Jones wished he had one as gullible as Trump's.
No other way to describe it.
Oh please you drink the liberal Kool aid every day, you're a sheep bro.

No other words to describe your posts on here
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
When you have an election that one side swears was rigged against them. And then you have investigations on top of investigations, and audits on top of audits, and law suits on top of law suits that all confirm the election results to be truthful. And the side still swears it was rigged against them eight months after the fact.... I'm afraid all that is left is violent confrontation between that side and the society that has accepted the confirmed election results. There will be bloodshed. The silly part is that the "regular guys" who portray themselves as average Americans are willing to kill for someone who is certainly not, in any way, patriotic, average, moral, or even decent. Trump is a despicable pervert.

Its going to be a shame that so many of his people are going to be killed dying for such a pathetic excuse for a man.
Lol, I would not worry much. I have some Trumpster friends that tell me how hard core they are but flee the room when I clean fish or dress a deer. Lol. Ya they are hard core.
Agree 100%.

There is no compromise when it comes to two things; religion and patriotism.
All they portray themselves as is righteous and patriotic. So they are full of shit
All terrorists think of themselves as righteous and patriotic.
I don't agree. If they were actual patriots...they would be standing up; chest out...stating that they were there and they'd do it again! Instead, Zip Tie guy says that he "found" the zip ties.

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