A closer look at GOP front runner, a true parasite

Wouldn't you have to make an argument before someone can argue back?
"If Mr. Romney were really running as a private equity executive, how would he view what his campaign regards as one of the nation's most pressing issues, the national debt?

"Right at the top of his campaign's home page, Mr. Romney proclaims, 'We have a moral responsibility not to spend more than we take in.' The United States' debt is such a problem, it's like an addiction: 'The first step toward recovery is admitting we have a problem and refusing to allow any more irresponsible borrowing,' his site says.

"It's almost as if Mr. Romney never worked in — what's that other phrase for private equity? — oh yes, a leveraged buyout firm. Leverage as in debt, debt and more debt. Debt amplifies the returns of L.B.O. firms. Indeed, they often saddle companies with extra debt precisely so that their investors can cash out faster, a technique Bain deployed under Mr. Romney's watch."

From CEO to Candidate, Romney Flip-Flops on Debt - ProPublica
"If Mr. Romney were really running as a private equity executive, how would he view what his campaign regards as one of the nation's most pressing issues, the national debt?

"Right at the top of his campaign's home page, Mr. Romney proclaims, 'We have a moral responsibility not to spend more than we take in.' The United States' debt is such a problem, it's like an addiction: 'The first step toward recovery is admitting we have a problem and refusing to allow any more irresponsible borrowing,' his site says.

"It's almost as if Mr. Romney never worked in — what's that other phrase for private equity? — oh yes, a leveraged buyout firm. Leverage as in debt, debt and more debt. Debt amplifies the returns of L.B.O. firms. Indeed, they often saddle companies with extra debt precisely so that their investors can cash out faster, a technique Bain deployed under Mr. Romney's watch."

From CEO to Candidate, Romney Flip-Flops on Debt - ProPublica
well, I belive Romney is't winning shit - too many people will rather vote for Obama just to make sure this anti American does not win.
"If Mr. Romney were really running as a private equity executive, how would he view what his campaign regards as one of the nation's most pressing issues, the national debt?

"Right at the top of his campaign's home page, Mr. Romney proclaims, 'We have a moral responsibility not to spend more than we take in.' The United States' debt is such a problem, it's like an addiction: 'The first step toward recovery is admitting we have a problem and refusing to allow any more irresponsible borrowing,' his site says.

"It's almost as if Mr. Romney never worked in — what's that other phrase for private equity? — oh yes, a leveraged buyout firm. Leverage as in debt, debt and more debt. Debt amplifies the returns of L.B.O. firms. Indeed, they often saddle companies with extra debt precisely so that their investors can cash out faster, a technique Bain deployed under Mr. Romney's watch."

From CEO to Candidate, Romney Flip-Flops on Debt - ProPublica
well, I belive Romney is't winning shit - too many people will rather vote for Obama just to make sure this anti American does not win.

So you think people are going to vote for Obama, whose got countless "anti-American" positions to ensure that Romney, who has none, doesn't win?
So you think people are going to vote for Obama, whose got countless "anti-American" positions to ensure that Romney, who has none, doesn't win?
Correct: there are more stupid people in America then there are retards. (retards being those who would vote for someone like Romney)
"If Mr. Romney were really running as a private equity executive, how would he view what his campaign regards as one of the nation's most pressing issues, the national debt?

"Right at the top of his campaign's home page, Mr. Romney proclaims, 'We have a moral responsibility not to spend more than we take in.' The United States' debt is such a problem, it's like an addiction: 'The first step toward recovery is admitting we have a problem and refusing to allow any more irresponsible borrowing,' his site says.

"It's almost as if Mr. Romney never worked in — what's that other phrase for private equity? — oh yes, a leveraged buyout firm. Leverage as in debt, debt and more debt. Debt amplifies the returns of L.B.O. firms. Indeed, they often saddle companies with extra debt precisely so that their investors can cash out faster, a technique Bain deployed under Mr. Romney's watch."

From CEO to Candidate, Romney Flip-Flops on Debt - ProPublica
well, I belive Romney is't winning shit - too many people will rather vote for Obama just to make sure this anti American does not win.
Democrats like Obama depend on the 1% to fund their campaigns the same way Republicans like Romney and Gingrich do. None of the major candidates is likely to punish the Wall Street criminals who presided over an epidemic of mortgage fraud that the FBI began warning about in 2004.

Let's draw some lines in the sand here.
How bad would this economy have to be next November to convince you to vote against every Republican/Democrat running for reelection?

8%, 10%, 12% official unemployment?
War with Iran?
The next "martial law" bailout for Wall Street's bad European debts?

"Choosing" between Obama and Romney or Gingrich won't affect any of those issues, and those issues will have major affects on all of us and our childrens' children.

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