A damn earthquake woke me up today!

Actually, you need to, unless you are on the side of the globalists, then I wouldn't expect it.
Speculation, nothing more. It is pushed by those pushing for those proponents for green energy. Just as the epa has lost cases when their fallacious evidence was examined in other cases related to fracking and drilling.


there were big earthquakes in Oklahoma back in the 1800's. No fracking going on then.
Look at all the fault lines and geologic provinces there.
It will be awesome sauce here. How much would you lose, Ice?

Try again.

Try again.
I'm not talking about cows. It's about the oil. Nationalize the oil.

Hey dumbass...you nationalize the oil who will take the RISK of of hitting dry wells and market price collapses? Nobody, that's who. You pinheads have no idea how the world works.

Hey, fucktwit......nationalizing the oil will allow people to rebuild and replace. It's a national resource.

HAHAHAHAHA! It belongs to those who find it and bring it to market, creep.
Wow, a guy says so so it must be true!

Can you back it up or just throw out links like a monkey?

Actually, I have posted on this several times in the last several years. Especially the differences between other states disposal methods and the ones in Oklahoma. I'm not going to hunt it all down for you.

Edmond residents file earthquake lawsuit against 12 oil companies
I don't give a fuck what you do, you smug asshole. You made a statement you can't back up. I don't follow you so haven't seen what you posted, why would you assume I had?

But if you are too lazy/stupid to post any substantive content, I'm too lazy to leave this site.
God, but you are a dumb fuck. Most areas have faults created by an active crust on this planet. Those faults were created by tension or compression, and, since the fault was created, those forces have continued to put stress on that fault. Pump a liquid under high pressure down into that fault, and you have lubricated it. So it fails, and that creates and earthquake. This was first investigated in the 1960's in Colorado.

Injection Wells Spawn Powerful Earthquakes [Video]
You stupid arrogant swine. You can't bully me into accepting your beliefs as gospel. If you have some evidence then post it. spending a second on a link, tossing it out there and dancing around in victory proves what a dishonest dimwit you are.

To recap:
The claim was made that fracking caused it.
I questioned the allegation and pointed out that earthquakes have always been with us.
Several asswipes were outraged and tried to bully me into submission, with nothing but a link and a dance.

I don't know about anyone else but that puerile crap quit working on me when I was around 7 or 8.
Naw, we handed back the kind of shit you dish out, and now you are all offended. LOL

No, we have not been having earthquakes like the recent ones in the past. That is just a dumbshit lie on your part.

Induced Earthquakes

Now that is a USGS site, and I do believe that they know a lot more about earthquakes than you ever will.
Dunno where it was but it shook the heck out of my bed & dresser just after 7 am today. And I live in Kansas City lol. First one I've ever felt.


All these areas are part of the New Madrid earthquake area. Were we to get a repeat of that quake, a definate possibility, there would be major damage from the Mexican border to Canada.

Historic Earthquakes

What Chicago guy who don't know?

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