A damn earthquake woke me up today!

Actually, I have posted on this several times in the last several years. Especially the differences between other states disposal methods and the ones in Oklahoma. I'm not going to hunt it all down for you.

Edmond residents file earthquake lawsuit against 12 oil companies
I don't give a fuck what you do, you smug asshole. You made a statement you can't back up. I don't follow you so haven't seen what you posted, why would you assume I had?

But if you are too lazy/stupid to post any substantive content, I'm too lazy to leave this site.

I am not at all surprised by your denial. Why not provide something to back yourself with something scientifically factual before making as ass out of yourself by calling people names?
That "L" on your forehead is there for a reason, ya know.
You have to prove something before it can be denied. I'm surprised you don't know things most of us learn by the time we are 7.

We know Earthquakes have happened since day one, climate change too. It's up to you to prove man made involvement, your opinion might be very important to you but it's meaningless to me.

Your post that I questioned, was an example of sophomoric maturity, which matches your inability to look at the big picture.
Grow up.
I questioned your intellect. So far ...zip. You don't get to bluff your way through it. If you can't back up your shit, it's your problem. You don't have the tools to grow up.

You have been presented a number of links from other posters as evidence. But like a small and lazy child you just stick to your denial without any scientific evidence to back yourself.
Try this one, it's got pictures and everything for your simple little mind.

Fracking, Earthquakes and Visual Storytelling
We don't get them often but there was a big one (for us) about 15 years ago. Saw my truck jump around and my big CRT monitor almost did a face plant, I had to save it. People saw the road rolling like a roller coaster. Fun stuff.
I just felt my bed shaking and freaked out. Thought someone was in my room. Very distressing way to wake up.

Same thing happened to me in Phoenix back in late '87 or early '88....Mexico City, their BIG ONE. Bed was shaking, dog was racing around yipping...it went on for about a minute. FREAKY.
I'm not talking about cows. It's about the oil. Nationalize the oil.

Hey dumbass...you nationalize the oil who will take the RISK of of hitting dry wells and market price collapses? Nobody, that's who. You pinheads have no idea how the world works.
I'm not talking about cows. It's about the oil. Nationalize the oil.

Hey dumbass...you nationalize the oil who will take the RISK of of hitting dry wells and market price collapses? Nobody, that's who. You pinheads have no idea how the world works.

Hey, fucktwit......nationalizing the oil will allow people to rebuild and replace. It's a national resource.
The Oklahoma Earthquakes today were 2 miles deep. Right smack in the fracking waste water injection zone. Can't keep pumping fluids underground & not expect to get a sink hole, earthquake, blowout or water table contamination.
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Actually, I have posted on this several times in the last several years. Especially the differences between other states disposal methods and the ones in Oklahoma. I'm not going to hunt it all down for you.

Edmond residents file earthquake lawsuit against 12 oil companies
I don't give a fuck what you do, you smug asshole. You made a statement you can't back up. I don't follow you so haven't seen what you posted, why would you assume I had?

But if you are too lazy/stupid to post any substantive content, I'm too lazy to leave this site.
God, but you are a dumb fuck. Most areas have faults created by an active crust on this planet. Those faults were created by tension or compression, and, since the fault was created, those forces have continued to put stress on that fault. Pump a liquid under high pressure down into that fault, and you have lubricated it. So it fails, and that creates and earthquake. This was first investigated in the 1960's in Colorado.

Injection Wells Spawn Powerful Earthquakes [Video]
First earthquake I was in that I noticed was in Washington state in 1964. I was working a night shift, 6 pm to usually around 4 in the morning. So I was sound asleep in my third floor room when the quake hit. I woke up on my feet, watching the rocks on top of my dresser drawers dancing back and forth. I knew what was going on, but beyond that, my brain was not working. Walked over to the windows and threw them wide open, to see if the building around were still standing. So there I stood with the windows wide open, buck naked. Finally, it sank in that I should probably not be there, and then remembered the large brick chimney that went up through on corner of my room. By then the quake, a 6.4, had ceased the rock and rolling. There was a crack in that chimney that had not been there before. Other than that, no damage. Just had to pick up a few of my rocks off the floor.

Been in a few since then, including a small one in San Francisco. Always interesting to see people's reactions to them.
Having lived in California my whole life Earthquakes are not rare. While hiking in the high country one summer a 20 yr old from Kansas was standing reading the Park Ranger board when an Earthquake rolled though. He had never experienced one and it freaked him out. It was one of those rolling wave quakes, where it feels like an ocean wave moving under the ground.

Then we went fishing and there was a woman naked sunning herself on a rock 15 feet from the trail at the lake. So, you know, we know now Earthquakes are good omens don't we!
Wow, a two second search. Let me go spend the rest of the day on it!

The governor acknowledged it.
Gov. Mary Fallin acknowledges “direct correlation” between earthquakes and disposal wells
Wow, a guy says so so it must be true!

Can you back it up or just throw out links like a monkey?

Actually, I have posted on this several times in the last several years. Especially the differences between other states disposal methods and the ones in Oklahoma. I'm not going to hunt it all down for you.

Edmond residents file earthquake lawsuit against 12 oil companies
I don't give a fuck what you do, you smug asshole. You made a statement you can't back up. I don't follow you so haven't seen what you posted, why would you assume I had?

But if you are too lazy/stupid to post any substantive content, I'm too lazy to leave this site.
God, but you are a dumb fuck. Most areas have faults created by an active crust on this planet. Those faults were created by tension or compression, and, since the fault was created, those forces have continued to put stress on that fault. Pump a liquid under high pressure down into that fault, and you have lubricated it. So it fails, and that creates and earthquake. This was first investigated in the 1960's in Colorado.

Injection Wells Spawn Powerful Earthquakes [Video]
You stupid arrogant swine. You can't bully me into accepting your beliefs as gospel. If you have some evidence then post it. spending a second on a link, tossing it out there and dancing around in victory proves what a dishonest dimwit you are.

To recap:
The claim was made that fracking caused it.
I questioned the allegation and pointed out that earthquakes have always been with us.
Several asswipes were outraged and tried to bully me into submission, with nothing but a link and a dance.

I don't know about anyone else but that puerile crap quit working on me when I was around 7 or 8.
Dunno where it was but it shook the heck out of my bed & dresser just after 7 am today. And I live in Kansas City lol. First one I've ever felt.


Sissy, you ought to have experienced The 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. I had left work and arrived at the then Sheratan Hotel with to meet several of my colleagues to watch the World Series. I parked in my then 3/4 ton Dodge Van, and as I listened to the pregame, the van began to rock and roll. I got out of the van as dozens of people came running out of the exit to the hotel. I knew what is was, and that it was the big one, but far away. I saw the waves on the tarmac, and the light poles sway on the general aviation airport behind us.
My father in law was on the San Mateo Bridge when that hit...he said it was like riding a bungee cord.

Wow, that must have been crazy. Was he going East or West? Did he know about the freeway collapse in Oakland? I ask because my radio went to static as I parked the van, my first and momentary cause of what the hell .... then I knew it was a big one.
Should have been a fun thread sharing interesting experiences but........

I agree, Sissy quakes in CA are too common to note. However, in 1957 I was taking a spelling test when we had a 5.7 quake, and we were about a 2-3 miles from the epicenter. Most quakes are rolling waves and your hear them before you feel them; this one was a jolt and loud crash all at once, and then we felt the waves; I remember the round lamps in the ceiling swinging back and forth. We had a substitute that day, and she calmly paused when the quake was over and went on with the next word.
I just felt my bed shaking and freaked out. Thought someone was in my room. Very distressing way to wake up.
I thought the cat was on the bed and walking around.

Had been through a couple of minor ones in California decades ago.

Expect to feel a few more:
Strong Oklahoma earthquake felt from Nebraska to Texas
An increase in magnitude 3.0 or greater earthquakes in Oklahoma has been linked to underground disposal of wastewater from oil and natural gas production. State regulators have asked producers to reduce wastewater disposal volumes in earthquake-prone regions of the state.

Some parts of Oklahoma now match northern California for the nation's most shake-prone, and one Oklahoma region has a 1 in 8 chance of a damaging quake in 2016, with other parts closer to 1 in 20.
Dunno where it was but it shook the heck out of my bed & dresser just after 7 am today. And I live in Kansas City lol. First one I've ever felt.

Blame it on the debt, karma is going to kick this country's ass
My family near Denton, TX all has to go to the store to buy all their drinking water in jugs, because oil companies have destroyed their water supplies.

Texas Oil Tycoon T. Boone Pickens captured the clean North Texas Water & hordes it at his ranch to sells it to Texans at high prices.

You're making shit up

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