A dark day for Trump. The darkest day for the presidency since Watergate.

What happened to draining the swamp?

How can an insider attacking an outsider be draining the swamp.
Think about it. :cuckoo:
Damn, I guess all those ballots I tabulated yesterday were fake too.

But of course you did.

Well it doesn't matter what you think as long as that big deposit keeps showing up every two weeks.

Now we know you are lying if you are going to tell us you get well paid for being a election professional.

Nice try though buddy!

So, do you live in Alaska or Wyoming?

And I want to know who certified him and in what.

It's none of your fucking business.

You bragged about being a certified election official. Poll worker I’m guessing. Nice of the registrar to give you a “certificate”. :lol:
ANALYSIS: Two of the president's former associates were in court Tuesday. Both guilty of multiple felonies. What happened to draining the swamp?

Cohen was his lawyer and is not political so the "swamp" doesn't apply to him. Trump fired him.

Manafort was only his campaign guy for 2 months and was fired immediately when Trump found out that he had questionable dealings overseas.

He fired these people. What else can he do? What happened to draining the swamp? What do you think that means? Killing these people? The swamp was drained and the terds that came out the drain pipe showed that they deserved to be drained so all this shows is Trump did what he said he would do.
In addressing the OP the GOP are still saying next to nothing and when they do speak, it's almost exclusively those who are about to have the door hit them in the ass.
Lindsey Graham is defending Trump possibly firing Sessions after Nov. So much for being a John McCain moderate. LOL I already had a very low opinion of politicians on both sides of the aisle but this is a whole new world that I've never seen in my 68 years.

It stands in stark contrast to the way the Republicans acted under Nixon. Far more spoke out especially after the Sat. Night Massacre. This smacks of Hitler and the way his minions just followed the leader into evil and were unquestioning even in light of the fact that what he espoused was against everything they'd ever learned about honor or humanity. Makes one wonder if they ever had any.

Silence on Family separation, criminal conspiracies, denials in the face of mountainous evidence. It's really scary to know that even a semblance of that evil could go on for one minute in the United States. The GOP Whitehouse has become a full time criminal enterprise. And the gutless so-called patriots on both sides make me sick.
Darker Days (far too many to list, but a few):

- 9/11
- Reagan being shot
- Waco
- Benghazi (while Obama slept then flew to Vegas)
- Clinton "I never had sexual relations" lie to the country
- The Iran deal
Looking worse for Crooked Donnie as the Publisher for National Enquirer gets immunity
Bill Clinton paid off Paula Jones. Tough to say if it was the right thing to do.

If Trump is guilty of campaign finance violations, he should be punished like Obama was in 2008, when he was fined for $375,000 for violating campaign finance laws.

I m happy to see a tax cheat maybe go to jail. They all should.
And trump should be impeached
Hmmm. Was Obama impeached for repeatedly violating election law?
Bill Clinton paid off Paula Jones. Tough to say if it was the right thing to do.

If Trump is guilty of campaign finance violations, he should be punished like Obama was in 2008, when he was fined for $375,000 for violating campaign finance laws.

I m happy to see a tax cheat maybe go to jail. They all should.
And trump should be impeached
Hmmm. Was Obama impeached for repeatedly violating election law?
Tip of the iceberg. It’s like you crying for Capone cause he went to jail for tax evasion
Trump is a cancer on the presidency that has metastasized. The corruption and Trump's complicity in campaign finance laws crimes not to mention his alleged, and I use that word lightly, conspiracy with the Russians make s him the most sleazy, dishonorable, unprincipled and amoral man to ever hold the office. The worm should resign and begone.


We don't suffer from derangement, Trumpeters do.
Bullshit. You loons show your derangement every time a republican gets elected. You acted this way with GWB and Palin too.
You should come out of your Trump induced coma and face reality. Your man is a base, corrupt, amoral little man.

Even if that is true, I've never seen a perfect man.

You people are fools. Nobody takes you seriously.
This is coming
You should come out of your Trump induced coma and face reality. Your man is a base, corrupt, amoral little man.

Even if that is true, I've never seen a perfect man.

You people are fools. Nobody takes you seriously.
Trumpers are like the children of the Pied Piper of Hamlin. You follow the music no matter where it takes you. You have lost all sense of propriety or right or wrong when it comes to the presidency. You are blind to how unfit Trump is for the presidency.
Yeah, I know. The fact that our country is prospering at home and abroad has blinded us to how horrible Trump is.

Get the fuck out of here, loser.

Your anger just shows how unhinged you are over your loyalty to Trump. You do have an identity separate from Trump. Seek a good counselor because the shit is hitting the fan and your stress level is sure to grow.
^^ this wacko is pretty funny.

No identitiy seperate from Trump? LMAO
Trump is a cancer on the presidency that has metastasized. The corruption and Trump's complicity in campaign finance laws crimes not to mention his alleged, and I use that word lightly, conspiracy with the Russians make s him the most sleazy, dishonorable, unprincipled and amoral man to ever hold the office. The worm should resign and begone.

You should come out of your Trump induced coma and face reality. Your man is a base, corrupt, amoral little man.

Even if that is true, I've never seen a perfect man.

You people are fools. Nobody takes you seriously.
This is coming
Trump is a cancer on the presidency that has metastasized. The corruption and Trump's complicity in campaign finance laws crimes not to mention his alleged, and I use that word lightly, conspiracy with the Russians make s him the most sleazy, dishonorable, unprincipled and amoral man to ever hold the office. The worm should resign and begone.

You should come out of your Trump induced coma and face reality. Your man is a base, corrupt, amoral little man.

Even if that is true, I've never seen a perfect man.

You people are fools. Nobody takes you seriously.
Trumpers are like the children of the Pied Piper of Hamlin. You follow the music no matter where it takes you. You have lost all sense of propriety of right or wrong when it comes to the presidency. You are blind to how unfit Trump is for the presidency.
I think you are confusing them with Obama bots.
Trump is a cancer on the presidency that has metastasized. The corruption and Trump's complicity in campaign finance laws crimes not to mention his alleged, and I use that word lightly, conspiracy with the Russians make s him the most sleazy, dishonorable, unprincipled and amoral man to ever hold the office. The worm should resign and begone.


We don't suffer from derangement, Trumpeters do.
Bullshit. You loons show your derangement every time a republican gets elected. You acted this way with GWB and Palin too.
Yea and bush lied us into Iraq and caused the greatest recession since the Great depression
Trump is a cancer on the presidency that has metastasized. The corruption and Trump's complicity in campaign finance laws crimes not to mention his alleged, and I use that word lightly, conspiracy with the Russians make s him the most sleazy, dishonorable, unprincipled and amoral man to ever hold the office. The worm should resign and begone.


We don't suffer from derangement, Trumpeters do.
Bullshit. You loons show your derangement every time a republican gets elected. You acted this way with GWB and Palin too.
Bush also squandered Clinton’s surplus
What happened to draining the swamp?

How can an insider attacking an outsider be draining the swamp.
Think about it. :cuckoo:

It’s so cute when you pretend Trump is an outsider! Trump has been funding the swamp for decades!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Bullshit. That's a lousy rationalization.
Trump donates to both sides.
Now, instead of just donating to causes, he's trying to do something about it personally.
And of course, he gets attacked by corrupt political insiders.
Trump is a cancer on the presidency that has metastasized. The corruption and Trump's complicity in campaign finance laws crimes not to mention his alleged, and I use that word lightly, conspiracy with the Russians make s him the most sleazy, dishonorable, unprincipled and amoral man to ever hold the office. The worm should resign and begone.

You should come out of your Trump induced coma and face reality. Your man is a base, corrupt, amoral little man.

Even if that is true, I've never seen a perfect man.

You people are fools. Nobody takes you seriously.
This is coming
Trump is a cancer on the presidency that has metastasized. The corruption and Trump's complicity in campaign finance laws crimes not to mention his alleged, and I use that word lightly, conspiracy with the Russians make s him the most sleazy, dishonorable, unprincipled and amoral man to ever hold the office. The worm should resign and begone.

You should come out of your Trump induced coma and face reality. Your man is a base, corrupt, amoral little man.

Even if that is true, I've never seen a perfect man.

You people are fools. Nobody takes you seriously.
Trumpers are like the children of the Pied Piper of Hamlin. You follow the music no matter where it takes you. You have lost all sense of propriety of right or wrong when it comes to the presidency. You are blind to how unfit Trump is for the presidency.
I think you are confusing them with Obama bots.
Look at you trumpbots.

Grab em by the pussy? Colluding with russia? Threatening stormys baby, tax break for the rich, not releasing his taxes, running his business while potus, all the lies and embarrassing tweets and you still defend him?
Trump is a cancer on the presidency that has metastasized. The corruption and Trump's complicity in campaign finance laws crimes not to mention his alleged, and I use that word lightly, conspiracy with the Russians make s him the most sleazy, dishonorable, unprincipled and amoral man to ever hold the office. The worm should resign and begone.


We don't suffer from derangement, Trumpeters do.
Bullshit. You loons show your derangement every time a republican gets elected. You acted this way with GWB and Palin too.
Yea and bush lied us into Iraq and caused the greatest recession since the Great depression
And out come the mindless liberal scripted talking points you seals were trained to recite in public.

On Que.
Last edited:
Trump is a cancer on the presidency that has metastasized. The corruption and Trump's complicity in campaign finance laws crimes not to mention his alleged, and I use that word lightly, conspiracy with the Russians make s him the most sleazy, dishonorable, unprincipled and amoral man to ever hold the office. The worm should resign and begone.


We don't suffer from derangement, Trumpeters do.
Bullshit. You loons show your derangement every time a republican gets elected. You acted this way with GWB and Palin too.

Tell it to Bill Clinton

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