'A Dark Moment' In US History

Yes, if Trump broke the law he should have to answet it; however, a local DA does not have the authority to prosecute a FEDERAL campaign finance casE.

If there was a truly 'equal justice' system instead of a criminal Democrat partisan weaponized Justic System there would already be a long list of Democrats sitting in jail right now.

I pretty much agree. I suspect this latest Trump hunt will end up like all the others
So back to the subject. You gunna pick up your pitchfork and let that fat loser ruin your life and send you to jail?

I already told you dipshit: THE PROTEST IS AT MARA LAGO. Not in NY.

There ain't gonna be any false flag psyop, and self-satisfied delusional fucktards like you won't be able to wankingly pontificate about it.

Speakee Ingles?

Or are you just gunna continue to run your mouth?

I'm typing man, haven't said a word.

You must be on some quality shrooms.
You are aware that a “defense” isn’t an “excuse.” Aren’t you?

From what we know so far, it is.

It always is a “witch-hunt“ with Trump…

He could shoot a person in broad daylight and…

witch hunt.

Demonstrations are also legal.

Of course they are (unless your a leftist in Florida). But we all know what happened the last time Trump ramped up a mob.

By Golly, I love America.

Me too!
Soros is out in the open about what he wants, and the aims his foundations are well known.

That a nincompoop like you could just brush that off reveals you as the whackadoodle, whackadoodle.
Soros is the rightists big bad bogeyman but he’s an old bogeyman. You’ll have to latch onto a new one when he dies. It looks like Gates is being prepped for the job now.
I already told you dipshit: THE PROTEST IS AT MARA LAGO. Not in NY.

There ain't gonna be any false flag psyop, and self-satisfied delusional fucktards like you won't be able to wankingly pontificate about it.

Speakee Ingles?

I'm typing man, haven't said a word.

You must be on some quality shrooms.
Lol, gunna hang around Mar Lago and get stroked by like minded retards huh. Lol, that will show em. So you are just going to continue to run your mouth then. I get it. You are like odd ball all show and no go. Just minus the empty threats though?
It always is a “witch-hunt“ with Trump…
Truth in labeling.
He could shoot a person in broad daylight and…
You always take humor so seriously?
witch hunt.
Yes. It is. And was. And was before … and before that …..
Of course they are (unless you’re a leftist in Florida).
Coherency be damned?!?!
But we all know what happened the last time Trump ramped up a mob.
Never happened.
You show your love in a weird way.

(I’m guessing you’ve been told that before? 🤔 )
The fact you bring in Soros pretty much relegates your argument to the whackadoodle rubbish bin.

So you are offended when someone brings up the FACT that the NY DA is a Soros acolyte and by facts being used in discussions with you, huh?!

:itsok: poor snowflake

Yeah, if I were a Democrat Troll I would hate for people to point out how Democrats have joined forces with America-hating socialist George Soros to use our government to eliminate their political opponents, too.
Soros is the rightists big bad bogeyman but he’s an old bogeyman. You’ll have to latch onto a new one when he dies. It looks like Gates is being prepped for the job now.
Soros is an open hard leftist, funding the most hard leftist causes that he can....This is a matter of his own words and traceable actions.

You actually like gaslighting yourself, don't you?
I think he just doesn’t care if he breaks the law.
Do any of these high level politicians?
IMO? I don't think any of them do. But that is just my POV.

That isn't much of an answer, do you believe, he intended to violate the FEC rules, specifically concerning campaign finance?

Even the NYT admits, the case is quite flimsy. So, don't you think, making the accusation to some members, that they believe he is, "above the law," is sort of. . . well, playing double standards?

Of these national politicians, whether they are Democrats, establishment Republicans, or this new group of demagogic MAGA politicians, they all believe the rules don't apply anymore, and really, for establishment pols, the rules never have.

SO, the question now becomes, why should the rules now, all of a sudden, apply to Trump, or any of the MAGA demagogue populist pols? :dunno:
I'm as troubled by their fascist tendencies as you are, but if we don't enforce the law on Hillary, or Bush, or Joe Biden, why all of a sudden, is it fair game to enforce them on Trump?

Prosecutors Signal Criminal Charges for Trump Are Likely​

". . .Even if Mr. Trump is indicted, convicting him or sending him to prison will be challenging. The case against the former president hinges on an untested and therefore risky legal theory involving a complex interplay of laws, all amounting to a low-level felony. If Mr. Trump were ultimately convicted, he would face a maximum sentence of four years, though prison time would not be mandatory.. . "


". . In this case, that second crime could be a violation of New York State election law. While hush money is not inherently illegal, the prosecutors could argue that the $130,000 payout effectively became an improper donation to Mr. Trump’s campaign, under the theory that because the money silenced Ms. Daniels, it benefited his candidacy.

Combining the criminal charge with a violation of state election law would be a novel legal theory for any criminal case, let alone one against the former president, raising the possibility that a judge or appellate court could throw it out or reduce the felony charge to a misdemeanor.

This is not the first Manhattan grand jury to hear evidence about Mr. Trump. Before leaving office at the end of 2021, Mr. Bragg’s predecessor, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., had directed prosecutors to begin presenting evidence to an earlier grand jury. That potential case focused on the former president’s business practices, in particular whether he fraudulently inflated his net worth by billions of dollars in order to secure favorable terms on loans and other benefits.. . "

Doesn't the whole thing then, turn on intent? Was his intent to hide it from the voters, or his wife?

And do we, as a nation, wish to appear to have a balanced and fair justice system, or one that plays favorites to this party or candidate or that?

Comey: No evidence that Clinton acted with 'necessary criminal intent'​

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Lol, just more empty words. We get convictions you get hot air. Lol, how many people around Trump have been convicted? Now how many around Biden have been convicted?
Empty words? Try watching something other than CNN. There are bank statements that show over a million dollars in payments to MULTIPLE Biden family members from Chinese nationals.

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