A democrat victory will crash the markets

More stupid questions from a guy who doesn't give a crap about anybody but himself.

I know right, how dare me ask you to support your claims on here. The very thought of that must make you break out in hives
I think I get GG's mentality...
He's into statistics and 10K people being murdered out of 10M is not statistically significant.
I've watched this moron for over a year. He makes a lot of statements but isn't big on substantiation. One thing for sure, he rides the political fence so that you can't put any blame on him. He isn't sharp enough to realize that his moronic voting for people who have no chance is the reason for many of the problems he laments. No one likes the policy of voting for the lesser of two evils, but burying your head in the sand is worse.
I know right, how dare me ask you to support your claims on here. The very thought of that must make you break out in hives
I answered for you...1 dead person a day means nothing to you.
I find it rational that a Libertarian doesn't watch the news because you're living in your safe place.
I've watched this moron for over a year. He makes a lot of statements but isn't big on substantiation. One thing for sure, he rides the political fence so that you can't put any blame on him. He isn't sharp enough to realize that his moronic voting for people who have no chance is the reason for many of the problems he laments. No one likes the policy of voting for the lesser of two evils, but burying your head in the sand is worse.
The very definition of a Libertarian.
In God we Trust.

As expressed on Nazi soldiers' belt buckles: Gott mit uns

In America the side of fascism has already laid claim to religion. No fascist regime can rise to power without it.
haha in God We Trust isn’t fascist
The Republicans are the ones who are hell bent on destroying the country. They want to take over this country and take away our rights.
No, no. libs have been in control of the house, senate, and executive the last two years. Get your facts straight and quit lying. We're sick of it.
You're maintaining that the Democratic party can make a comeback. If the R victory is as big as predicted, you better check that hat at the door!

It won't be acceptable in America for a period of years.

Thats funny stuff but we lived through two years of libs burning down cities, rape, pillaging, looting, theft, murder etc. With libs in control crime has become rampant.
"Mechanisms"? Oh...you mean people voting? I can't believe all of the liberals who have been screaming to the high heavens about "election deniers" for the past two years who suddenly think that THIS election is "rigged" before the results are even in because it appears you're about to get your ass handed to you? Do you even grasp how stupid that makes you look?
I'm a Canadian and I'm rooting for the R side. The reason being that I'm rooting for Trump's acceptance that will be inferred with a big R win.

And the reason why I favour Trump is because I greatly fear that Biden will blunder into nuclear world war in America's war with Russia.

I also believe that Russia/Putin has something on Trump that can be used to hurt Trump's attraction to a majority of the American people.

Likely the 'pissing hookers', or events that were directly associated with that behaviour by Trump.

Would Trump sincerely take the antiwar side? Would he be risking his life to do so?
I'm a Canadian and I'm rooting for the R side. The reason being that I'm rooting for Trump's acceptance that will be inferred with a big R win.

And the reason why I favour Trump is because I greatly fear that Biden will blunder into nuclear world war in America's war with Russia.

I also believe that Russia/Putin has something on Trump that can be used to hurt Trump's attraction to a majority of the American people.

Likely the 'pissing hookers', or events that were directly associated with that behaviour by Trump.

Would Trump sincerely take the antiwar side? Would he be risking his life to do so?

Roflmao... just roflmao
I answered for you...1 dead person a day means nothing to you.

More than 7000 people die in this country each and every day...why do I not see you making post about them all if they all mean so much to you.

I find it rational that a Libertarian doesn't watch the news because you're living in your safe place.

You are correct, I never watch the news. Worst possible way to get information. That you get your news that way is obvious.
I've watched this moron for over a year. He makes a lot of statements but isn't big on substantiation.

That is bullshit and you know it. I back up ever claim I make. Your buttbuddy Independent has never back up a thing he has posted on here....EVER and yet you are in lockstep with him.

You people are a fucking joke.
Thats funny stuff but we lived through two years of libs burning down cities, rape, pillaging, looting, theft, murder etc. With libs in control crime has become rampant.
Crime has become rampant in America in the last two years and the claim that it's on account of the D party is a very powerful talking point if the election is an R wave.
Few will have the courage to resist the tide!
More than 7000 people die in this country each and every day...why do I not see you making post about them all if they all mean so much to you.

You are correct, I never watch the news. Worst possible way to get information. That you get your news that way is obvious.
Why do I see you denying that this happens mostly in Blue Cities?
I have Democrat friends and relatives living in Manhattan and they aren't voting for the Ass this time around.
He isn't sharp enough to realize that his moronic voting for people who have no chance is the reason for many of the problems he laments.

People in Cali vote for the Repub for POTUS who has no chance are winning, are the morons also?

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