A Democratic Republic or Authoritarianism

Do you support Trumpism?

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What this country needs is much more stricter national use of proper pronoun laws,....for freedom!

We Will never get them with facist drumpf!
Weep for the children

Truth is sometimes boring to people who like to fantasize about everything.

I wonder when these people will learn...

Donald J. Trump, the great president of the USA, is not a socialist, any type of socialist, like their promised leader Sanders.
hmm, really
Really.. I dont see Trumpsters beating up gay guys like ANTIFA did. I dont see Trumpsters hating on Jews like You libtards do. I dont see Trumpsters running over people because they dont think like they do. The hateful group is you, you ,you....
You forgot about Charlottesville and Heather Heyer?
Truth is sometimes boring to people who like to fantasize about everything.

I wonder when these people will learn...

Donald J. Trump, the great president of the USA, is not a socialist, any type of socialist, like their promised leader Sanders.
hmm, really
Really.. I dont see Trumpsters beating up gay guys like ANTIFA did. I dont see Trumpsters hating on Jews like You libtards do. I dont see Trumpsters running over people because they dont think like they do. The hateful group is you, you ,you....
You forgot about Charlottesville and Heather Heyer?

Charlottesville was an accident... and it was ultimately because antifa decided attack lawful protesters. A other sign of your hatred and inability to leave people alone.

I wonder when these people will learn...

Donald J. Trump, the great president of the USA, is not a socialist, any type of socialist, like their promised leader Sanders.
hmm, really

I wonder when these people will learn...

Donald J. Trump, the great president of the USA, is not a socialist, any type of socialist, like their promised leader Sanders.
hmm, really

A distortion. Not true. and this is why the left keeps calling Trump divisive... because they keep pushing this crap. You create the divisiveness.
Neo Nazis are a tiny fraction of people.
Which do you support:

Today it is clear we are living in a new normal. The current Senators, under the leadership of McConnell has demonstrated that one person can have a major impact on our form of government. There is no doubt that Authoritarianism is now, with no thanks to 51 Senators, a new form of governance, i.e. Trumpism.

IMO, Trumpism is akin to fascism, and a reader with an open mind and who has watched the behavior of Trump and McConnell will see much similarity to these 14 points:

14 signs of fascism - Google Search
Wow! You're describing the your Socialist party, not the Republican party.
Let's cite a few "Nationalists," as that was one on your list: Gandhi, was a Nationalist, Mao Zedong, was a Nationalist, Hitler (of the National Socialist German Workers Party), was a Nationalist and racist. Fidel Castro, was a Nationalist, FDR, was a Nationalist...….the list goes on.
Identifying enemies as a unifying cause: The National SOCIALIST German Workers Party (Nazi's), identified Jews as the enemy and inferior. The Marxist-Leninist SOCIALIST nations, including the Soviet Union, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba and the "Democratic" Peoples Republic of North Korea identify any Capitalist nations as either adversaries or enemies of their world domination goals. Your Socialist brothers and sisters are no different. You identify heterosexual white males as the enemy (identifying an enemy for unification).
Rampant Sexism: Fascism (a state run socialist government) came about under Mussolini, an era when sexism existed pretty much across the globe. Men tended to dominate women in most nations, still very much do in Islamic nations. Here in the U.S., there is NO glass ceiling for women, if they are willing to work hard towards their goals and put in long hours, as males do and the only reason we don't have a female president yet, is that we haven't had a good enough one in the running. If and when Candace Owens runs for the office in 2024, she's definitely got my vote.
Religion and Government go hand in hand: Mussolini's Fascist (SOCIALIST) government was in Italy and the Catholic church was extremely influential in Italy, as most Italians were Catholic. In Nazi Germany (again, a SOCIALIST nation) however, the church had no significant sway over the government. In the USA, whether you are talking about Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, or Buddhists, they vote and some vote for so-called Democrats and others vote Republican. I suspect that the churches encourage their followers to go with Republicans, as it was the Republicans that gave them the tax break.
Labor power suppressed: In SOCIALIST nations, if you aren't at work, your local handler will check on you and you had better actually be sick, attending some funeral, or dead, otherwise it's "back to work." They expect you to be working to support the SOCIALIST agenda, or else you're a slacker and will be addressed accordingly. In the US, you simply call in and claim to be sick, if you decide to play hooky for a day or two. As so pay gaps between the rich and poor, well, if you happen to think that some company isn't paying you enough, you simply quit and apply at a company that better fits your needs (and hint, your needs aren't having the same income as the head of the company, because, you're not the head of the company.
Obsession with crime and punishment: If you don't think that your city, county or, state, should obsess with law enforcement, the next time your home is burglarized, your personally robbed or beaten, or your car stolen or broken into, don't call the cops. They won't obsess over your problem if you don't call them.. And, if you object to prices going up in retail stores, well, those increases are because of your pesky criminals shoplifting and the stores raising prices to cover the cost of stolen items and if they didn't they'd eventually go out of business, then you could make your own products.
No. I do not support Trumpism. He's a bad used-car salesman. I wouldn't trust him to walk my dog. I sure as hell don't trust him to run my government.
Truth is sometimes boring to people who like to fantasize about everything.

I wonder when these people will learn...

Donald J. Trump, the great president of the USA, is not a socialist, any type of socialist, like their promised leader Sanders.
hmm, really
Really.. I dont see Trumpsters beating up gay guys like ANTIFA did. I dont see Trumpsters hating on Jews like You libtards do. I dont see Trumpsters running over people because they dont think like they do. The hateful group is you, you ,you....
You forgot about Charlottesville and Heather Heyer?
Ah yes, Charlottesville where Gov Ralphie permitted the KKK to peacefully protest and then ANTIFA showed up and started the fight. Why did Ralphie allow the Clan to march in Virginia? Oh yeah, Ralphie was either in black face or dressed as a klansman.
Truth is sometimes boring to people who like to fantasize about everything.

I wonder when these people will learn...

Donald J. Trump, the great president of the USA, is not a socialist, any type of socialist, like their promised leader Sanders.
hmm, really
Really.. I dont see Trumpsters beating up gay guys like ANTIFA did. I dont see Trumpsters hating on Jews like You libtards do. I dont see Trumpsters running over people because they dont think like they do. The hateful group is you, you ,you....
You forgot about Charlottesville and Heather Heyer?

One case. One. How many hundreds of videos of you left wing nutjobs are there on YouTube and all you have is that one case to counter ALL of the left wing violence.

Get a life clown boi.
Truth is sometimes boring to people who like to fantasize about everything.

I wonder when these people will learn...

Donald J. Trump, the great president of the USA, is not a socialist, any type of socialist, like their promised leader Sanders.
hmm, really
Really.. I dont see Trumpsters beating up gay guys like ANTIFA did. I dont see Trumpsters hating on Jews like You libtards do. I dont see Trumpsters running over people because they dont think like they do. The hateful group is you, you ,you....
You forgot about Charlottesville and Heather Heyer?

One case. One. How many hundreds of videos of you left wing nutjobs are there on YouTube and all you have is that one case to counter ALL of the left wing violence.

Get a life clown boi.
All US extremist killings in 2018 were from the far right.

Who on the left is killing people? Connor Betts?
He killed his own sister.

Right-wing terrorism is once again responsible for more deaths on U.S. soil (107) than jihadi terrorism (104) since 9/11, according to data collected by New America.
I wonder when these people will learn...

Donald J. Trump, the great president of the USA, is not a socialist, any type of socialist, like their promised leader Sanders.
hmm, really
Really.. I dont see Trumpsters beating up gay guys like ANTIFA did. I dont see Trumpsters hating on Jews like You libtards do. I dont see Trumpsters running over people because they dont think like they do. The hateful group is you, you ,you....
You forgot about Charlottesville and Heather Heyer?

One case. One. How many hundreds of videos of you left wing nutjobs are there on YouTube and all you have is that one case to counter ALL of the left wing violence.

Get a life clown boi.
All US extremist killings in 2018 were from the far right.

Who on the left is killing people? Connor Betts?
He killed his own sister.

Right-wing terrorism is once again responsible for more deaths on U.S. soil (107) than jihadi terrorism (104) since 9/11, according to data collected by New America.

Nazi's are leftwing. Hate to break it to ya.

Why do you schlubbs keep acting like all this "fascism" that you're wringing your hands over, just sprung into being out of nowhere on 20 Jan '17?

Grow the fuck up.


Why don't you get an education, and learn how to write something more than your usual curmudgeonly act? We have never had a POTUS such as trump, who has more personality disorders than you have in your tool box.

wry you are just not used to a guy who burps and farts in public....find a candidate who can beat the guy instead of coming up with bottom of the barrel people and you wont have to do threads like this....

I have very thick skin, I've dealt with some of the worst of the worst in my 32 year career, words don't hurt me. In my opinion trump is on the bottom of the barrel; he is both inept and antisocial. Both factors make him dangerous; especially now that The Senate has given him carte blanche, and he has never shown to have empathy.

Oh, you poor little liar. Whenever someone refutes your arguments you call them names and pout like a little girl.

Oh the irony. When has anyone refuted my argument? Post one which has in this thread!
Which do you support:

Today it is clear we are living in a new normal. The current Senators, under the leadership of McConnell has demonstrated that one person can have a major impact on our form of government. There is no doubt that Authoritarianism is now, with no thanks to 51 Senators, a new form of governance, i.e. Trumpism.

IMO, Trumpism is akin to fascism, and a reader with an open mind and who has watched the behavior of Trump and McConnell will see much similarity to these 14 points:

14 signs of fascism - Google Search

Oh bull shit! stop your whining. Presidents have done things that could be called abusing their power in one way or another going at Least back to FDR who targeted his political enemies... and you have what Ted Kennedy did with the Russians when he tried to kneecap Ronald Reagan before an election.
Only difference now is Trump is not your guy.

No refutation here!
Why don't you get an education, and learn how to write something more than your usual curmudgeonly act? We have never had a POTUS such as trump, who has more personality disorders than you have in your tool box.

wry you are just not used to a guy who burps and farts in public....find a candidate who can beat the guy instead of coming up with bottom of the barrel people and you wont have to do threads like this....

I have very thick skin, I've dealt with some of the worst of the worst in my 32 year career, words don't hurt me. In my opinion trump is on the bottom of the barrel; he is both inept and antisocial. Both factors make him dangerous; especially now that The Senate has given him carte blanche, and he has never shown to have empathy.
I have very thick skin,


An image of Hope Hicks trying to cool off The Donald whose rage caused his Attorney Michael Cohen to chain him to calm down when she told him, "No Donnie, I won't let you do that!"
Bwaaaaahbhhaaaaaa…...That thick skin sure look thin as hell...
Cohen is a liar just like Adam Shitface….

No refutation here.
Which do you support:

Today it is clear we are living in a new normal. The current Senators, under the leadership of McConnell has demonstrated that one person can have a major impact on our form of government. There is no doubt that Authoritarianism is now, with no thanks to 51 Senators, a new form of governance, i.e. Trumpism.

IMO, Trumpism is akin to fascism, and a reader with an open mind and who has watched the behavior of Trump and McConnell will see much similarity to these 14 points:

14 signs of fascism - Google Search
Your thread is misleading as fuck.

We hate authoritarianism. To the extent "Trumpism" is authoritarianism, we hate it.

So, you hate authoritarianism now?

Why do you want to destroy the right to keep and bear arms?


Ne Refutation here.
Which do you support:

Today it is clear we are living in a new normal. The current Senators, under the leadership of McConnell has demonstrated that one person can have a major impact on our form of government. There is no doubt that Authoritarianism is now, with no thanks to 51 Senators, a new form of governance, i.e. Trumpism.

IMO, Trumpism is akin to fascism, and a reader with an open mind and who has watched the behavior of Trump and McConnell will see much similarity to these 14 points:

14 signs of fascism - Google Search

This tired bullshit again?

No refutation here.
We've already decided our nation is going down the shitter. It's just a question of whether we'll swirl to the left, or to the right. ie will we tilt socialist or fascist? I can't care.
Which do you support:

Today it is clear we are living in a new normal. The current Senators, under the leadership of McConnell has demonstrated that one person can have a major impact on our form of government. There is no doubt that Authoritarianism is now, with no thanks to 51 Senators, a new form of governance, i.e. Trumpism.

IMO, Trumpism is akin to fascism, and a reader with an open mind and who has watched the behavior of Trump and McConnell will see much similarity to these 14 points:

14 signs of fascism - Google Search
Wow! You're describing the your Socialist party, not the Republican party.
Let's cite a few "Nationalists," as that was one on your list: Gandhi, was a Nationalist, Mao Zedong, was a Nationalist, Hitler (of the National Socialist German Workers Party), was a Nationalist and racist. Fidel Castro, was a Nationalist, FDR, was a Nationalist...….the list goes on.
Identifying enemies as a unifying cause: The National SOCIALIST German Workers Party (Nazi's), identified Jews as the enemy and inferior. The Marxist-Leninist SOCIALIST nations, including the Soviet Union, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba and the "Democratic" Peoples Republic of North Korea identify any Capitalist nations as either adversaries or enemies of their world domination goals. Your Socialist brothers and sisters are no different. You identify heterosexual white males as the enemy (identifying an enemy for unification).
Rampant Sexism: Fascism (a state run socialist government) came about under Mussolini, an era when sexism existed pretty much across the globe. Men tended to dominate women in most nations, still very much do in Islamic nations. Here in the U.S., there is NO glass ceiling for women, if they are willing to work hard towards their goals and put in long hours, as males do and the only reason we don't have a female president yet, is that we haven't had a good enough one in the running. If and when Candace Owens runs for the office in 2024, she's definitely got my vote.
Religion and Government go hand in hand: Mussolini's Fascist (SOCIALIST) government was in Italy and the Catholic church was extremely influential in Italy, as most Italians were Catholic. In Nazi Germany (again, a SOCIALIST nation) however, the church had no significant sway over the government. In the USA, whether you are talking about Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, or Buddhists, they vote and some vote for so-called Democrats and others vote Republican. I suspect that the churches encourage their followers to go with Republicans, as it was the Republicans that gave them the tax break.
Labor power suppressed: In SOCIALIST nations, if you aren't at work, your local handler will check on you and you had better actually be sick, attending some funeral, or dead, otherwise it's "back to work." They expect you to be working to support the SOCIALIST agenda, or else you're a slacker and will be addressed accordingly. In the US, you simply call in and claim to be sick, if you decide to play hooky for a day or two. As so pay gaps between the rich and poor, well, if you happen to think that some company isn't paying you enough, you simply quit and apply at a company that better fits your needs (and hint, your needs aren't having the same income as the head of the company, because, you're not the head of the company.
Obsession with crime and punishment: If you don't think that your city, county or, state, should obsess with law enforcement, the next time your home is burglarized, your personally robbed or beaten, or your car stolen or broken into, don't call the cops. They won't obsess over your problem if you don't call them.. And, if you object to prices going up in retail stores, well, those increases are because of your pesky criminals shoplifting and the stores raising prices to cover the cost of stolen items and if they didn't they'd eventually go out of business, then you could make your own products.

In re Nationalism v Patriotism:


In re rampant sexism: Attacks on R v. W, attacking Planned Parenthood, attacking the #metoo movement, cutting VAWA,

In re Labor Movement: Weakening NLRB using a euphemism: Right to Work

Employee Rights | NLRB | Public Website
I wonder when these people will learn...

Donald J. Trump, the great president of the USA, is not a socialist, any type of socialist, like their promised leader Sanders.
hmm, really
Really.. I dont see Trumpsters beating up gay guys like ANTIFA did. I dont see Trumpsters hating on Jews like You libtards do. I dont see Trumpsters running over people because they dont think like they do. The hateful group is you, you ,you....
You forgot about Charlottesville and Heather Heyer?

One case. One. How many hundreds of videos of you left wing nutjobs are there on YouTube and all you have is that one case to counter ALL of the left wing violence.

Get a life clown boi.
All US extremist killings in 2018 were from the far right.

Who on the left is killing people? Connor Betts?
He killed his own sister.

Right-wing terrorism is once again responsible for more deaths on U.S. soil (107) than jihadi terrorism (104) since 9/11, according to data collected by New America.
I notice that when black on black murders that are more than the extremist, that is left out of the picture because it doesnt fit your liberal agenda. By the way, Far Right Socialists (Fascists) are the ones doing it, not Law Abiding Citizens who are NRA members.

Now I will apologize...I am sorry that you are dumber than a box of rocks, and need to be dumped in the deepest part of the Pacific.

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