A Discussion About White Supremacy In The United States

And he is a cuck who is siding with people who have every intention of destroying him and his family. He probably was a dumbass skinhead who didn’t have a clue what he was fighting for.

You do realize that there are literally black supremacists who vote Republican, right? Hell, I know a black supremacist lesbian who is a Republican.

Republicans are not threatening black people like Democrats and left wing Europeans threaten white people every day.
I didn't realize that black supremacists were a thing. When did this come about?
And he is a cuck who is siding with people who have every intention of destroying him and his family. He probably was a dumbass skinhead who didn’t have a clue what he was fighting for.

You do realize that there are literally black supremacists who vote Republican, right? Hell, I know a black supremacist lesbian who is a Republican.

Republicans are not threatening black people like Democrats and left wing Europeans threaten white people every day.
I didn't realize that black supremacists were a thing. When did this come about?
Black supremacists are on this forum, idiot.

You have co-signed pretty much all of them. You are also one of them.
The internet has shut pro-white sites and accounts down.

You guys own the racism on the internet now.
That's why I didn't say anything about the Internet, because I didn't want to give you any wiggle room, I said anywhere.

Learn to read dumb-dumb.
The internet has shut pro-white sites and accounts down.

You guys own the racism on the internet now.
That's why I didn't say anything about the Internet, because I didn't want to give you any wiggle room, I said anywhere.

Learn to read dumb-dumb.
Black racism is far more mainstream and accepted.

It is harder to find a black person who isn’t racist than one who is.
He's made himself into a mini-celebrity and sold lots of books with his "reformed skinhead" shtick.
Dollars to donuts, you don't believe that Candace Owens is doing any sort of shtick. #AmIRight?

I personally can't stand her and not because she's black, but because she's boring. And yeah, I'm skeptical of her sincerity. I think she's only popular because cuckservative whites are so desperate to prove they're totally not racist and stuff...
He's made himself into a mini-celebrity and sold lots of books with his "reformed skinhead" shtick.
Dollars to donuts, you don't believe that Candace Owens is doing any sort of shtick. #AmIRight?

I personally can't stand her and not because she's black, but because she's boring. And yeah, I'm skeptical of her sincerity. I think she's only popular because cuckservative whites are so desperate to prove they're totally not racist and stuff...
All these black conservatives are just milking the white guilt.
Is that the only argument you have?

It's really pathetic that people use such tactics on message boards
Pathetic??? Sorry...I live in the real world and can see pain suffering unfairness hate despair everywhere...I've endured hardship and will again but that is not my life's focus...if you allow it to swallow you up while placing blame on others for it you will never overcome....you will grow old and nasty and die alone...you will stunt your life's experiences and shortchange yourself...
All I ask is for the so called "put upon" to move beyond that comfortable crib of distrust and anger and get on with life...for their own good....
There are many many many more of you lunatics all over the net.

From Twitter to Tumblr to YouTube and everywhere in between.
But very little White Supremacists, anywhere...Right?

You just can't get away with "white supremacy" on social media. You'll be banned so fast it will make your head spin. On the other hand, people like Shaun King and the Sarah Silverman still has blue checks next to their names even when they say outrageous and demeaning things about white people so theres a huge double standard.
To be fair there are a few actual White Supremacists out there, but they are easy to find. They are the ones SAYING they are White Supremacists.

That being said they are not part of some coordinated movement, rather they are penny pockets of disgruntled bigoted morons.
Is that a fact? Did you know that White Supremacists have killed more Americans on American soil since 9/11, than were killed on 9/11? Did you know that?
Citation please !!
Stop cryin...we all have crosses to bare....try bringing the races together and stop trying to divide...grow up...life is NOT fare to anyone black or white so knock it off you are looking silly...
Like our President is doing?

Should we be just like the President and "try bringing the races together and stop trying to divide?
Trumpster is just getting votes.

He did the USA a big favor by beating Crooked Hillary.

Be thankful.
Are you talking about the Aryan Brotherhood? because those idiots are more of a prison gang than an actual white supremacist movement.
The Aryan Brotherhood falls under the banner of White Supremacists, but there's more white supremacists out there than just them. Way more.
Prison gang.

Hopefully you will never meet one.

If you do then you deserved it.

But don't worry because the Crip's and Blood's (obviously Negroid by the ebonics) will protect you.
Here's audio of reformed white supremacist Christian Picciolini discussing the rise of White Supremacy in America today...

The average American white racist | Crooked Media

The host is Ana Marie Cox on her podcast 'With Friends Like These'

I've listened to it twice previously, but listening to it again now, and probably will again. Once you've listened to it, let's continue the discussion and address the things they spoke about.
I am really close to iggy-listing you MarcATL .

Militant Negroes are far from my favorite racist group.

I deal with these morons when they play their race card to try to get around trespassing practically every other day.
I do not understand the obsession of hunting for the few remaining White Racists in America and making a big deal out of them. Institutional Racism in America is gone and has been replaced by Racial favoritism for Black people. You will always be able to find individuals who hate other people because they are not like them. Your quest is futile.

It's gone? Really? Racial favoritism for black people? Really?

You with asking the question, "WHY IS BLACK UNEMPLOYMENT DOUBLE THAT OF WHITES IF RACIAL FAVORITISM EXISTS FOR BLACK PEOPLE? But you know you are going to get a totally dumb ass reply.

So it's time to show facts.

Institutional Racism Is Our Way of Life
Endless studies and reports show that racism exists, whether we want to believe it or not.

By Jeff Nesbit, Contributor 

It’s probably time to dust off some of the profound, disturbing statistics on institutional racism in America that have been painstakingly chronicled by groups like the Sentencing Project, the ACLU, American Psychological Association, the Education Department’s Civil Rights office and many others.

Because, apparently, we still don’t get it.

In the wake of Baltimore, Ferguson, New York City and elsewhere, most of us are at least somewhat aware of the nature of police violence against the black community in urban settings.

So maybe we should just start with institutional racism in schools, and work our way forward from there.

Let’s start with pre-school. Black pre-schoolers are far more likely to be suspended than white children, NPR reported. Black children make up 18 percent of the pre-school population, but represent almost half of all out-of-school suspensions.

Once you get to K-12, black children are three times more likely to be suspended than white children. Black students make up almost 40 percent of all school expulsions, and more than two thirds of students referred to police from schools are either black or Hispanic, says the Department of Education.

Even disabled black children suffer from institutional racism. About a fifth of disabled children are black – yet they account for 44 and 42 percent of disabled students put in mechanical restraints or placed in seclusion.

When juveniles hit the court system, it discriminates against blacks as well. Black children are 18 times more likely to be sentenced as adults than white children, and make up nearly 60 percent of children in prisons, according to the APA. Black juvenile offenders are much more likely to be viewed as adults in juvenile detention proceedings than their white counterparts.

In the workplace, black college graduates are twice as likely as whites to struggle to find jobs - the jobless rate for blacks has been double that of whites for decades. A study even found that people with “black-sounding names” had to send out 50 percent more job applications than people with “white-sounding names” just to get a call back.


And it gets worse the higher up the pay scale you go. For every $10,000 increase in pay, blacks’ percentages of holding that job falls by 7 percent compared to whites.

The disparities exist in our neighborhoods and communities. About 73 percent of whites own homes, compared to just 43 percent of blacks. The gap between median household income for whites (about $91,000) compared to blacks (about $7,000) is staggering, and that gap has tripled in just the past 25 years. The median net worth of white families is about $265,000, while it was just $28,500 for blacks.

A black man is three times more likely to be searched at a traffic stop, and six times more likely to go jail than a white person. Blacks make up nearly 40 percent of arrests for violent crimes.

Dem Longshot O’Malley, Back in Baltimore, Finally Gets Noticed – But Not in a Good Way ]
Blacks aren’t pulled over (and subsequently jailed) more frequently because they’re more prone to criminal behavior. They’re pulled over much more frequently because there is an “implicit racial association of black Americans with dangerous or aggressive behavior,” the Sentencing Project found.

The numbers get ridiculous in certain parts of the country, the project found. On the New Jersey Turnpike, for instance, blacks make up 15 percent of drivers, more than 40 percent of stops and 73 percent of arrests – even though they break traffic laws at the same rate as whites. In New York City, blacks and Hispanics were three and four times as likely to be stopped and frisked as whites.

But the disparities become appalling in court.

If a black person kills a white person, they are twice as likely to receive the death sentence as a white person who kills a black person. Local prosecutors are much more likely to upgrade a case to felony murder if you’re black than if you’re white.

Juries are stacked against you if you’re black. Racial bias in jury selection is ridiculous – qualified black jurors are illegally turned away as much as 80 percent of the time in the jury selection process.

The result? About a quarter of juries in death penalty cases have no black jurors, and more than two-thirds have two or less. When a black person is accused of killing a white person – and the jury consists of five or more white males – the odds go way up for a death penalty verdict. Defense lawyers, and prosecutors, know that having just a single black man on the jury substantially changes the odds.

Black people stay in prison longer than white people – up to 20 percent longer than white people serving time for essentially similar crimes. They get much harsher sentences – black people are 38 percent more likely to be sentenced to death than white people for the same crimes.

And the color of the skin of the victims matters greatly in the punishment for capital crimes. Whites and blacks represent about half of murder victims from year to year, but 77 percent of people who are executed killed a white person, while only 13 percent of death row executions represent those who killed a black person.

I could cite hundreds of other statistics, much like these. And we haven’t even touched on efforts to suppress voting, or unbalanced responses to riots, or the bizarre inequities in the never-ending war on drugs.

What they all point to quite clearly is that institutional racism exists in nearly ever corner of American society today, and is what is driving the tension we are seeing on the streets in urban cities. The root causes are what we must deal with, not the symptoms.

So the next time you see someone questioning whether institutional racism exists in America, there’s an obvious answer to the question. We may not like it, but pretending that it doesn’t exist isn’t right, either.

Here's audio of reformed white supremacist Christian Picciolini discussing the rise of White Supremacy in America today...

The average American white racist | Crooked Media

The host is Ana Marie Cox on her podcast 'With Friends Like These'

I've listened to it twice previously, but listening to it again now, and probably will again. Once you've listened to it, let's continue the discussion and address the things they spoke about.
I am really close to iggy-listing you MarcATL .

Militant Negroes are far from my favorite racist group.

I deal with these morons when they play their race card to try to get around trespassing practically every other day.
Why do white people think placing you on iggy is some kind of punishment? We dont want to hear your shit anyway so youre actually doing us a favor.
Yet he has the MALCOM X avatar and hasn't a clue on the real history of Malcom X, MLK . lots if history left out dumbing down American couldn't have more meaning to it when one isn't a clueless fk lol.

But he can't figure out why BLM came out of the wood work, they can't figure out how Trayvon Martin was used to kick all of this racial divide off. It's where the MSM was PROVEN TO USE Psychological WARFARE by pushing a little boy picture of Trayvon, and as the hours went by and people awake began to dig, oh low and behold the " REAL TRAYVON" , then they used what's his name who did it was being a " WHITE MEXICAN" . ........... do we see how the MSM manipulates people and how masses can be done at one time....... ?????????

These gawd dam democratic morons can't see anything even when it's right in front of them.
Big Malcolm X fan are you....?

Trayvon *cough* Martin *cough* vs. *cough* George *cough* Zimmerman

"We won't organize any black man to be a Democrat or a Republican because both of them have sold us out. Both of them have sold us out; both parties have sold us out. Both parties are racist, and the Democratic Party is more racist than the Republican Party." -Malcolm X cough cough

Did Malcolm X say that last night? Or 55 years ago? You guys are republicans and racist. Understand that we see this and your white double talking that tells us how we can't talk about the past while you whites consistently do is not going to pass.
I don't even have to watch it to know it's not a discussion about race. Discussions involve give and take. It's a lecture by racist blacks to justify their demands and false accusations. nothing more.
No it wasn't.
White guy talking to white host. You miss a lot, living in your bubble.
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Actually, if you listen to the podcast (just the first fifteen minutes) you will hear the truth--that the white supremacists are going under a lot of more "palatable" names these days. Including Alt Right.

Wrong. Actual white power types are proud of what they are, and don't hide behind other names.

Alt right is nothing but a word created to link mainstream conservatives and libertarians with fringe white power morons.
You sound like an idiot without a clue. The term Alt Right was created by a white supremacist by the name of Richard Spencer

And you don't think that Richard Spencer would love to be linked to more mainstream conservatives and libertarians?

Hell, they are constantly trying to attach themselves to something more, to inflate their importance.
Hey stupid. That was the point OldLady was making. They want something more palatable to guys like you who pretend you arent racist because you dont have the balls to come out and admit it.

Yes, and my counter point was that that is what the very, very few actual white supremacists want you to think.

They are desperate for any hint of relevance.

ANd lefties willfully being duped by their tricks, is their greatest source of hope and perceived importance.
Yet if there are very very few white supremacists, the white guys I see in the threads on this forum tend to "buy" the WS basic arguments that blacks are lazy, stupid, and violent. As a group, overall, that is not true to begin with, but the higher crime rate etc. is a direct result of poverty, and that is because not all blacks have managed to overcome the generational cycle of poverty and familial dysfunction that was imposed on them by our society all those years ago.
Those things take a long time to change.
Yet he has the MALCOM X avatar and hasn't a clue on the real history of Malcom X, MLK . lots if history left out dumbing down American couldn't have more meaning to it when one isn't a clueless fk lol.

But he can't figure out why BLM came out of the wood work, they can't figure out how Trayvon Martin was used to kick all of this racial divide off. It's where the MSM was PROVEN TO USE Psychological WARFARE by pushing a little boy picture of Trayvon, and as the hours went by and people awake began to dig, oh low and behold the " REAL TRAYVON" , then they used what's his name who did it was being a " WHITE MEXICAN" . ........... do we see how the MSM manipulates people and how masses can be done at one time....... ?????????

These gawd dam democratic morons can't see anything even when it's right in front of them.
Big Malcolm X fan are you....?

Trayvon *cough* Martin *cough* vs. *cough* George *cough* Zimmerman

"We won't organize any black man to be a Democrat or a Republican because both of them have sold us out. Both of them have sold us out; both parties have sold us out. Both parties are racist, and the Democratic Party is more racist than the Republican Party." -Malcolm X cough cough

Did Malcolm X say that last night? Or 55 years ago? You guys are republicans and racist. Understand that we see this and your white double talking that tells us how we can't talk about the past while you whites consistently do is not going to pass.
Yeah Malcolm would have said the same thing except now he would have said the Republican party is the most racist.
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Wrong. Actual white power types are proud of what they are, and don't hide behind other names.

Alt right is nothing but a word created to link mainstream conservatives and libertarians with fringe white power morons.
You sound like an idiot without a clue. The term Alt Right was created by a white supremacist by the name of Richard Spencer

And you don't think that Richard Spencer would love to be linked to more mainstream conservatives and libertarians?

Hell, they are constantly trying to attach themselves to something more, to inflate their importance.
Hey stupid. That was the point OldLady was making. They want something more palatable to guys like you who pretend you arent racist because you dont have the balls to come out and admit it.

Yes, and my counter point was that that is what the very, very few actual white supremacists want you to think.

They are desperate for any hint of relevance.

ANd lefties willfully being duped by their tricks, is their greatest source of hope and perceived importance.
Yet if there are very very few white supremacists, the white guys I see in the threads on this forum tend to "buy" the WS basic arguments that blacks are lazy, stupid, and violent. As a group, overall, that is not true to begin with, but the higher crime rate etc. is a direct result of poverty, and that is because not all blacks have managed to overcome the generational cycle of poverty and familial dysfunction that was imposed on them by our society all those years ago.
Those things take a long time to change.

The thing is there is no higher crime rate. Whites have got to stop telling this lie. We are dying because you refuse to stop doing so. Whites commit more crime and whites need to fix that instead of lying about us.

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