A dog is killed with more mercy than an unborn baby

My nine years of Catholic education (Sisters of Charity and Franciscan Brothers) taught me the foundation of self sufficiency.

Mine taught me that if you put a sociopathic lesbian in a habit and then expose kids to her, she'll give them nightmares for life.

Seriously, fuck the Catholic Church.

And yes the parents will subsidize the lemonade stand because where else will a child get the resources. Aside form business training, it also teaches a child that Mommy and Daddy have to work hard to earn money to support the family and a kid hawking lemonade for 50 cents a glass will understand.

But that's not "business training". so adults will buy lukewarm lemonade because it's "cute". What does the kid actually learn from that?
When you support birth control, sex education,& state/gov programs that help people with baby's &small children to get off to a good healthy start. then & only then is any thing you say worth a grain of salt.

If Conservatives embrace all of that and even make the first year of childcare free (paid by taxpayers). . .

Would you pro-aborts then support a complete ban on elective abortions?


So much for your red herring attempt to change the subject.
My dog was 14-years-old when we finally had to put her to sleep.

The veternarian was quite gentle, inserting a needle, and then giving the dog an anesthetic so that it would feel no pain, and then a killing drug that gently put it to sleep.

It was a merciful, gentle, painless death, and a far better fate than an unborn human baby gets when it is aborted.

Unborn babies do not receive an anesthetic before they are scraped out of the womb, or torn out with pliers, or sucked out, or torn in pieces by the abortionist. They die a painful, agonizing death that we would not even allow for if done on any animal.

The brutality and savagery of abortion is a gaping, bloody wound that is tearing apart America. Abortion is the reason our nation is pulling apart at the seams, abortion is what is fueling the hatred Americans have for each other nowadays.
If that's what you think, you should be happy.

Firefighter Says Saving One Dog Is ‘More Important’ Than A Million Black People
Deny this.

you mean the doctored tapes which were taken out of context...

Um, so what. Fetuses aren't people. And those DONATED tissues do a lot of good.

Now, if PP were grabbing pregnant women off the street and putting bags over their heads and performing abortions to harvest that sweet, sweet baby meat, you might have a point.

But these are fetuses, usually deformed, that are aborted and the tissue is donated by the women to try to have some good come out of a tragedy.
Deny this.

you mean the doctored tapes which were taken out of context...

Um, so what. Fetuses aren't people. And those DONATED tissues do a lot of good.

Now, if PP were grabbing pregnant women off the street and putting bags over their heads and performing abortions to harvest that sweet, sweet baby meat, you might have a point.

But these are fetuses, usually deformed, that are aborted and the tissue is donated by the women to try to have some good come out of a tragedy.

Don't waste your time. These people are the definition of irrational.
Deny this.

you mean the doctored tapes which were taken out of context...

Um, so what. Fetuses aren't people. And those DONATED tissues do a lot of good.

Now, if PP were grabbing pregnant women off the street and putting bags over their heads and performing abortions to harvest that sweet, sweet baby meat, you might have a point.

But these are fetuses, usually deformed, that are aborted and the tissue is donated by the women to try to have some good come out of a tragedy.

If a child in the fetal stage of their life is not a person. . . Then, what is the legal and Constitutional basis for our nation's more than thirty State and Federal fetal HOMICIDE laws?
Deny this.

you mean the doctored tapes which were taken out of context...

Um, so what. Fetuses aren't people. And those DONATED tissues do a lot of good.

Now, if PP were grabbing pregnant women off the street and putting bags over their heads and performing abortions to harvest that sweet, sweet baby meat, you might have a point.

But these are fetuses, usually deformed, that are aborted and the tissue is donated by the women to try to have some good come out of a tragedy.
/----/ Usually deformed? You just make up facts to justify killing babies for convenience sake. Did you honestly think we'd let you get away with that lie?:
TABLE 2. Percentage of women reporting that specified reasons contributed to their
decision to have an abortion, 2004 and 1987
Reason 2004 1987
(N=1,160) (N=1,900)
Having a baby would dramatically change my life 74 78*
Would interfere with education 38 36
Would interfere with job/employment/career 38 50***
Have other children or dependents 32 22***
Can’t afford a baby now 73 69
Unmarried 42 na
Student or planning to study 34 na
Can’t afford a baby and child care 28 na
Can’t afford the basic needs of life 23 na
Unemployed 22 na
Can’t leave job to take care of a baby 21 na
Would have to find a new place to live 19 na
Not enough support from husband or partner 14 na
Husband or partner is unemployed 12 na
Currently or temporarily on welfare or public assistance 8 na
Don’t want to be a single mother or having relationship problems 48 52*
Not sure about relationship 19 na
Partner and I can’t or don’t want to get married 12 30***
Not in a relationship right now 11 12
Relationship or marriage may break up soon 11 16*
Husband or partner is abusive to me or my children 2 3
Have completed my childbearing 38 28**
Not ready for a(nother) child† 32 36
Don’t want people to know I had sex or got pregnant 25 33*
Don’t feel mature enough to raise a(nother) child 22 27*
Husband or partner wants me to have an abortion 14 24***
Possible problems affecting the health of the fetus 13 14
Physical problem with my health 12 8**
Parents want me to have an abortion 6 8
Was a victim of rape 1 1
Became pregnant as a result of incest <0.5 <0.5
Usually deformed? You just make up facts to justify killing babies for convenience sake. Did you honestly think we'd let you get away with that lie?:

Guy, this is referring to LATE abortions, not all abortions. Try to keep on subject.

Only late abortions produce enough of that sweet, sweet fetus meat to be useful, and those are only done for medical reasons.
Usually deformed? You just make up facts to justify killing babies for convenience sake. Did you honestly think we'd let you get away with that lie?:

Guy, this is referring to LATE abortions, not all abortions. Try to keep on subject.

Only late abortions produce enough of that sweet, sweet fetus meat to be useful, and those are only done for medical reasons.
/----/ you are a disgusting human being and that is being generous. Show a link that backs up your claim.
If a child in the fetal stage of their life is not a person. . . Then, what is the legal and Constitutional basis for our nation's more than thirty State and Federal fetal HOMICIDE laws?


Trust me, when those laws are actually challenged, they'll be struck down.
/----/ They have been on the books for years.
If a child in the fetal stage of their life is not a person. . . Then, what is the legal and Constitutional basis for our nation's more than thirty State and Federal fetal HOMICIDE laws?


Trust me, when those laws are actually challenged, they'll be struck down.

Let's bet on that.

How much are you willing to loose?

Constitutional Challenges to
Unborn Victims (Fetal Homicide) Laws

May 27, 2013

(All challenges were unsuccessful. All challenges were based at least in part on Roe v. Wade and/or denial of equal protection, unless otherwise noted.)

Usually deformed? You just make up facts to justify killing babies for convenience sake. Did you honestly think we'd let you get away with that lie?:

Guy, this is referring to LATE abortions, not all abortions. Try to keep on subject.

Only late abortions produce enough of that sweet, sweet fetus meat to be useful, and those are only done for medical reasons.
/----/ you are a disgusting human being and that is being generous. Show a link that backs up your claim.

Late-Term Abortions Are Rare and 'Partial Birth Abortions' Illegal. Why Do They Keep Dominating the Reproductive-Rights Debate?

Late-term abortions are generally a last resort. While abortion opponents push the idea that women get late-term abortions because they change their minds last minute, or just can't be bothered to do it sooner—that they use late-term abortion "as birth control"—getting a surgical abortion is a serious, invasive, and expensive procedure, especially the later in pregnancy it takes place. Pregnancy itself is also quite difficult on women's bodies, and disruptive to their day-to-day lives. To believe there are women routinely putting their bodies through months of unwanted pregnancy, shelling out thousands of dollars, and undergoing serious surgery rather than use condoms or get an IUD or get an earlier abortion or whatever requires believing not just that most women are immoral or irresponsible but also, and simultaneously, wealthy, stupid, and masochistic. But abortion doctors, medical groups, and people who've gotten late-term abortions themselves all attest that these aren't decisions most women or medical professionals take lightly. Abortions procured in the third-trimester generally involve situations where the mother's life or health is in jeopardy, the fetus will die outside of the womb anyway, or the fetus is found to have a severe genetic abnormality that wasn't previously apparent.
As always...the American people vehemently disagree with you. That's why the laws exist, have so for some time, and have not been "struck down". The only thing that is "bullshit" is your hate, envy, and anti-American sentiments.

Sorry, guy charging someone with murder for accidently killing something the woman it is in can kill at will is bullshit.

Even the bible only treated causing a miscarriage as something worthy of a fine.

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