A Fact of LIFE

Why is it always angry, bitter men who are at the forefront of refusing a woman personal rights to her body

When that baby comes out of her body, IT'S NOT HER BODY ANYMORE. This has nothing to do with the choice she made to abort that child, but everything to do with what happens to that child should it survive that choice. Nobody is stopping her from having that abortion, but if the baby comes out of it alive, her rights end right then and there.
Ah the trolls come and then they go just as quickly. What a better society it would be if we could debate each other with well reasoned points instead of calling the other person a liar.

I can't agree more.

If I am factually wrong about something and someone can actually prove that to me. . . I am THANKFULL to them.

Abortion included.

I absolutely hate the thought that an abortion kills a child and how the legality of it denies them their Constitutional protections. However, I am not going to ignore the facts that prove it is so.
If a doctor attempts and fails to abort a fully viable "fetus", and it is still breathing when it comes out, we in the sane, real world, call that BIRTH. Not a botched abortion, BIRTH.

And when you are against saving the child's life in that circumstance, you are rightfully viewed as someone who does not cherish life or understand its value. Killing a living newborn after a failed abortion is not choice, it's EUGENICS.

You made the choice that night. Living with the child is better than living with the knowledge you allowed life to be snuffed out so mercilessly when you had a chance to preserve it.

It's people like you who make me fear for the future of the human species. It's people like you who don't deserve second chances in life. It is quite clear you do not understand the value of a second chance, or more importantly, of a LIFE itself.

Why is it always angry, bitter men who are at the forefront of refusing a woman personal rights to her body?
Is it because they can't get a date, or....what?

It's not. Women who have a heart, who understand that this has nothing to do with a woman's right to her body, oppose the murder of innocents also.

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