A few implications of VA's election results


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
In a different thread I wrote the following.

I don't live in VA, so I have little vested interest in their gubernatorial race. Moreover, I don't much care whether Democrats or Republicans hold sway. What I care about is that inveterate cads like Trump don't become POTUS. For me, the presidency and who holds it is all about character.

It's unfortunate that we were in 2016 called by the two major parties to choose between two individuals of varying degrees of dubious character. I know some people here will assert that Trump is of better character than Clinton, but I see no basis for that finding.
The sentiments I expressed remain mine; however, upon learning...
  • that Northam won the gubernatorial race,
  • that control of the VA House of Delegates is not only a plausible, but also has a decent change of happening,
  • that Danica Roem defeated 25-year incumbent and staunchy conservative Bob Marshall in the VA 13th District, a region that is not part of the D.C. suburbs (Some might call it part of the D.C. or Richmond exurbs, but doing so has more to do with geographical convenience than with cultural and political mindsets.), and
  • that voter turnout is up by some 700K people...
I cannot help but surmise that:
  • Trump's ability to inspire people to vote works both ways, as it were. That would seem to bode quite well for Democrats' prospects in 2018.
  • Providing lots of policy detail and specifics apparently isn't something voters demand of prospective elective office holders. I can't be entirely sure of that, however, because the Virginians whom I know well and with whom I discuss politics are like me in that they demand details about what a candidate aims to do and how they plan to achieve them. Be that as it may, if my supposition about the electorate's expectations of candidates is so, I suspect their having such a low bar will not bode well for anything or anyone, except perhaps for incompetents and "know nothings" who run for elective office.
What suggests a wave is how Democrats won overwhelmingly despite running a bag of mulch for Governor in Virginia.
What suggests a wave is how Democrats won overwhelmingly despite running a bag of mulch for Governor in Virginia.
Well, if that's what one thinks, one'd have to address the probability of a follow-on inference of your proposition, that of the Democrats having not ignored and instead applied the lessons taught by the GOP and Donald Trump. While heeding those lessons may yield gains for the Democrats on a party level and in terms of legislative and executive control, for average individuals it means we are in for a long spate of "races to the bottom." I'm sorry, but I don't see how that is a good thing for any "average" American.

BTW, I'm not disagreeing with you; I'm saying there's likely notably more to it than just that. In fairness, I haven't paid any attention to the specifics about any VA candidate's policy positions or character. Thus, I cannot speak to whether Northam is indeed and predominantly a "bag of much." To the best of recollection, I've never even crossed paths with him at so much as a cocktail party or horserace.
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Here is the ad that the wetback leftard clown posse faction was running in Virginia.........leftards will stoop to anything.

Virginia will be sorry when they see the rest of the nation besides California Illinois, NY kick ass and take advantage of the new Trump economy...Reap what you sow...Too bad for you......suckers!!!!
Virginia will be sorry when they see the rest of the nation besides California Illinois, NY kick ass and take advantage of the new Trump economy...Reap what you sow...Too bad for you......suckers!!!!
You mean Obama's economy

Here is the ad that the wetback leftard clown posse faction was running in Virginia.........leftards will stoop to anything.

Good for him....modeling it after those loser alt-righties who justifiable got multiple year sentences for doing that very thing.

Should a non-leftard politician have made a political ad showing footage of young blacks playing the "knock-out" game against a black leftard opponent? Raging little balls of hate such as yourself would have been livid. You are a pathetic little weasel....62 years old and you still suffer from arrested development.
You mean Obama's economy
Obama's legacy could have been great but Obama came in to office to wreck America and rebuild it his way. And to destroy the Republican Party. We the real majority said no...the patriots will always win, the lovers of freedom and the people that want a check on Government will always win. You Obama saps are Big Government tit sucker losers. Trump has reversed so much Obama damage in his first year and you don't even know it. Hey Seen any Russian collusion lately? Sucker!
Here is the ad that the wetback leftard clown posse faction was running in Virginia.........leftards will stoop to anything.

wetback, eh?

That's reason #1 your masters lost

Reason #2 ~ You think you con clowns have a copyright on red meat for the base?

Silly you

Hey, dipshit, I am not a U.S citizen and a de facto employee of USA.INC. I took back my pre 14th amendment status by getting out from under the Uniform Commercial Code. I am simply an observer and a very educated one at that and I can say unequivocally that you are a mere child that suffers from arrested development.
Here is the ad that the wetback leftard clown posse faction was running in Virginia.........leftards will stoop to anything.

wetback, eh?

That's reason #1 your masters lost

Reason #2 ~ You think you con clowns have a copyright on red meat for the base?

Silly you

Hey, dipshit, I am not a U.S citizen and a de facto employee of USA.INC. I took back my pre 14th amendment status by getting out from under the Uniform Commercial Code. I am simply an observer and a very educated one at that and I can say unequivocally that you are a mere child that suffers from arrested development.


I completely forgot you're one of those delusional "sovereign citizen" fuckwits.

Nope, dumb fuck.......there is no such thing as a "sovereign". What I know is so far above your ability to comprehend that it is simply easier to mock and make fun of you than to explain. Frankly, you are not worth the time and you lack the intelligence to grasp the magnitude of the situation.


Whatever you say, clown shoes.

You propose nothing because you know nothing of worth that is of value to this forum. You are just a flaming douche and an overall intellectual lightweight...but what the hell, it's your cyber dime.....spend it as you wish. I grant you my "permission". (snicker)
In a different thread I wrote the following.

I don't live in VA, so I have little vested interest in their gubernatorial race. Moreover, I don't much care whether Democrats or Republicans hold sway. What I care about is that inveterate cads like Trump don't become POTUS. For me, the presidency and who holds it is all about character.

It's unfortunate that we were in 2016 called by the two major parties to choose between two individuals of varying degrees of dubious character. I know some people here will assert that Trump is of better character than Clinton, but I see no basis for that finding.
The sentiments I expressed remain mine; however, upon learning...
  • that Northam won the gubernatorial race,
  • that control of the VA House of Delegates is not only a plausible, but also has a decent change of happening,
  • that Danica Roem defeated 25-year incumbent and staunchy conservative Bob Marshall in the VA 13th District, a region that is not part of the D.C. suburbs (Some might call it part of the D.C. or Richmond exurbs, but doing so has more to do with geographical convenience than with cultural and political mindsets.), and
  • that voter turnout is up by some 700K people...
I cannot help but surmise that:
  • Trump's ability to inspire people to vote works both ways, as it were. That would seem to bode quite well for Democrats' prospects in 2018.
  • Providing lots of policy detail and specifics apparently isn't something voters demand of prospective elective office holders. I can't be entirely sure of that, however, because the Virginians whom I know well and with whom I discuss politics are like me in that they demand details about what a candidate aims to do and how they plan to achieve them. Be that as it may, if my supposition about the electorate's expectations of candidates is so, I suspect their having such a low bar will not bode well for anything or anyone, except perhaps for incompetents and "know nothings" who run for elective office.

What we're witnessing is the Trump effect in these races. They were won by a bigger margins than expected. 2018 is going to be a blow-out of Republicans especially in the purple states.

Now we will start to see Congressional Republicans from these purple and blue states running from Trump. They may even have to campaign against him in their states to have a shot of retaining their seats.
In a different thread I wrote the following.

I don't live in VA, so I have little vested interest in their gubernatorial race. Moreover, I don't much care whether Democrats or Republicans hold sway. What I care about is that inveterate cads like Trump don't become POTUS. For me, the presidency and who holds it is all about character.

It's unfortunate that we were in 2016 called by the two major parties to choose between two individuals of varying degrees of dubious character. I know some people here will assert that Trump is of better character than Clinton, but I see no basis for that finding.
The sentiments I expressed remain mine; however, upon learning...
  • that Northam won the gubernatorial race,
  • that control of the VA House of Delegates is not only a plausible, but also has a decent change of happening,
  • that Danica Roem defeated 25-year incumbent and staunchy conservative Bob Marshall in the VA 13th District, a region that is not part of the D.C. suburbs (Some might call it part of the D.C. or Richmond exurbs, but doing so has more to do with geographical convenience than with cultural and political mindsets.), and
  • that voter turnout is up by some 700K people...
I cannot help but surmise that:
  • Trump's ability to inspire people to vote works both ways, as it were. That would seem to bode quite well for Democrats' prospects in 2018.
  • Providing lots of policy detail and specifics apparently isn't something voters demand of prospective elective office holders. I can't be entirely sure of that, however, because the Virginians whom I know well and with whom I discuss politics are like me in that they demand details about what a candidate aims to do and how they plan to achieve them. Be that as it may, if my supposition about the electorate's expectations of candidates is so, I suspect their having such a low bar will not bode well for anything or anyone, except perhaps for incompetents and "know nothings" who run for elective office.

Another far left race that was supposed to be a landslide that never happened!

Let us see VA was (D) before the election is (D) after the election.

Not much to be proud of there!
Medication for what, Joe????? Be specific.........give me your cyber dime store analysis. I am always entertained by the musings of the terminally stupid and ignorant.

Paranoid delusions.

List of Paranoid Disorder Medications (5 Compared) - Drugs.com

Zyprexa. Maybe Risperdal.

That's why your the doctor!

First you need to admit you have a problem, now I am glad you far elf drones will do something about it!
Medication for what, Joe????? Be specific.........give me your cyber dime store analysis. I am always entertained by the musings of the terminally stupid and ignorant.

Paranoid delusions.

List of Paranoid Disorder Medications (5 Compared) - Drugs.com

Zyprexa. Maybe Risperdal.

That's why your the doctor!

First you need to admit you have a problem, now I am glad you far elf drones will do something about it!

Far elf drones.
Medication for what, Joe????? Be specific.........give me your cyber dime store analysis. I am always entertained by the musings of the terminally stupid and ignorant.

Paranoid delusions.

List of Paranoid Disorder Medications (5 Compared) - Drugs.com

Zyprexa. Maybe Risperdal.

That's why your the doctor!

First you need to admit you have a problem, now I am glad you far elf drones will do something about it!

Far elf drones.

Yep you are a far left drone!

And you prove why the far left should never be in charge of anything!

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