A few implications of VA's election results

What suggests a wave is how Democrats won overwhelmingly despite running a bag of mulch for Governor in Virginia.
Well, if that's what one thinks, one'd have to address the probability of a follow-on inference of your proposition, that of the Democrats having not ignored and instead applied the lessons taught by the GOP and Donald Trump. While heeding those lessons may yield gains for the Democrats on a party level and in terms of legislative and executive control, for average individuals it means we are in for a long spate of "races to the bottom." I'm sorry, but I don't see how that is a good thing for any "average" American.

BTW, I'm not disagreeing with you; I'm saying there's likely notably more to it than just that. In fairness, I haven't paid any attention to the specifics about any VA candidate's policy positions or character. Thus, I cannot speak to whether Northam is indeed and predominantly a "bag of much." To the best of recollection, I've never even crossed paths with him at so much as a cocktail party or horserace.

As the federal government grows, the more Blue VA becomes. It's just that simple, it's the only "southern" state Trump didn't carry.

It is good that the democrats get a taste of winning, it will make their repeated losing all the more sour.
To me, the implications are "more of the same".

A party (in this case, the GOP), gets control and immediately proceeds to comically over-interpret its "mandate".

They go too far, and the other party (in this case, the Democrats) gets the momentum and comes roaring back.

A tale as old as time. Neither party learns anything. They're both too full of themselves.
As the federal government grows, the more Blue VA becomes. It's just that simple, it's the only "southern" state Trump didn't carry.
There is some truth in this but it's not that simple. As the gov't grows it draws better educated workers into the area and it creates a solid middle-class. VA is also becoming more urban and more diverse. It is all these factors that mean some parts of VA are solidly blue and dragging the rest of the state in that direction.
As the federal government grows, the more Blue VA becomes. It's just that simple, it's the only "southern" state Trump didn't carry.
There is some truth in this but it's not that simple. As the gov't grows it draws better educated workers into the area and it creates a solid middle-class. VA is also becoming more urban and more diverse. It is all these factors that mean some parts of VA are solidly blue and dragging the rest of the state in that direction.

There are counties in VA Trump carried with as much as 82% of the vote, take a look at the map in the link. There are small blue islands in the State, but their populations are large enough to carry the State.

Virginia Election Results 2016

There are counties in VA Trump carried with as much as 82% of the vote, take a look at the map in the link. There are small blue islands in the State, but their populations are large enough to carry the State.
True and I believe those small blue islands are growing while the red counties continue to shrink.
In a different thread I wrote the following.

I don't live in VA, so I have little vested interest in their gubernatorial race. Moreover, I don't much care whether Democrats or Republicans hold sway. What I care about is that inveterate cads like Trump don't become POTUS. For me, the presidency and who holds it is all about character.

It's unfortunate that we were in 2016 called by the two major parties to choose between two individuals of varying degrees of dubious character. I know some people here will assert that Trump is of better character than Clinton, but I see no basis for that finding.
The sentiments I expressed remain mine; however, upon learning...
  • that Northam won the gubernatorial race,
  • that control of the VA House of Delegates is not only a plausible, but also has a decent change of happening,
  • that Danica Roem defeated 25-year incumbent and staunchy conservative Bob Marshall in the VA 13th District, a region that is not part of the D.C. suburbs (Some might call it part of the D.C. or Richmond exurbs, but doing so has more to do with geographical convenience than with cultural and political mindsets.), and
  • that voter turnout is up by some 700K people...
I cannot help but surmise that:
  • Trump's ability to inspire people to vote works both ways, as it were. That would seem to bode quite well for Democrats' prospects in 2018.
  • Providing lots of policy detail and specifics apparently isn't something voters demand of prospective elective office holders. I can't be entirely sure of that, however, because the Virginians whom I know well and with whom I discuss politics are like me in that they demand details about what a candidate aims to do and how they plan to achieve them. Be that as it may, if my supposition about the electorate's expectations of candidates is so, I suspect their having such a low bar will not bode well for anything or anyone, except perhaps for incompetents and "know nothings" who run for elective office.

The Dems benefitted from the repubs doing nothing. Trump has been golfing while his campaign promises go unfilled. Dems still need to change their message. Should be about the middle class. Not going to win big till they move from transgendered, illegal immigrants, and looking weak on crime.
There are counties in VA Trump carried with as much as 82% of the vote, take a look at the map in the link. There are small blue islands in the State, but their populations are large enough to carry the State.
True and I believe those small blue islands are growing while the red counties continue to shrink.

If it weren't for the government tit sucking bureaucrats trying to protect their jobs, VA would be solidly red.

If it weren't for the government tit sucking bureaucrats trying to protect their jobs, VA would be solidly red.
There are 136,377 federal workers in a state with 5,529,742 registered voters. That's 2.5% so I'm thinking you're a bit out of touch with reality.
“Trumpism is a cancer that will end your political career and steal your honor if you embrace it,” John Weaver, the top strategist for Governor John Kasich (R-OH) told The Daily Beast. “Republicans should hold dear to their time honored fidelity to the constitution and personally to their soul and turn their backs on Trump for the sake of the country first and the party second. The results in Virginia were the the first step toward redemption for the party, though I fear 2018 will be such a shellacking that it will be the true wake up call.”

Ed Gillespie Lost an Election. Then He Was Pulverized by Trump and His Allies.
Another far left race that was supposed to be a landslide that never happened!

Let us see VA was (D) before the election is (D) after the election.

Not much to be proud of there!

.....and YET, your ilk cheered when a republican won Gingrich's old seat in Georgia....Go figure.........LOL
Another far left race that was supposed to be a landslide that never happened!

Let us see VA was (D) before the election is (D) after the election.

Not much to be proud of there!

.....and YET, your ilk cheered when a republican won Gingrich's old seat in Georgia....Go figure.........LOL

See the far left can not comprehend anything other than really old debunked religious narratives.

Once again the far left is still long ways away.

One day people will learn voting far left is never the answer!
If it weren't for the government tit sucking bureaucrats trying to protect their jobs, VA would be solidly red.
There are 136,377 federal workers in a state with 5,529,742 registered voters. That's 2.5% so I'm thinking you're a bit out of touch with reality.

You can multiply that by a factor of 5 when you look at the people that are dependent on those government tit sucking bureaucrats for their jobs. Retailers, restaurants and the like.

In a different thread I wrote the following.

I don't live in VA, so I have little vested interest in their gubernatorial race. Moreover, I don't much care whether Democrats or Republicans hold sway. What I care about is that inveterate cads like Trump don't become POTUS. For me, the presidency and who holds it is all about character.

It's unfortunate that we were in 2016 called by the two major parties to choose between two individuals of varying degrees of dubious character. I know some people here will assert that Trump is of better character than Clinton, but I see no basis for that finding.
The sentiments I expressed remain mine; however, upon learning...
  • that Northam won the gubernatorial race,
  • that control of the VA House of Delegates is not only a plausible, but also has a decent change of happening,
  • that Danica Roem defeated 25-year incumbent and staunchy conservative Bob Marshall in the VA 13th District, a region that is not part of the D.C. suburbs (Some might call it part of the D.C. or Richmond exurbs, but doing so has more to do with geographical convenience than with cultural and political mindsets.), and
  • that voter turnout is up by some 700K people...
I cannot help but surmise that:
  • Trump's ability to inspire people to vote works both ways, as it were. That would seem to bode quite well for Democrats' prospects in 2018.
  • Providing lots of policy detail and specifics apparently isn't something voters demand of prospective elective office holders. I can't be entirely sure of that, however, because the Virginians whom I know well and with whom I discuss politics are like me in that they demand details about what a candidate aims to do and how they plan to achieve them. Be that as it may, if my supposition about the electorate's expectations of candidates is so, I suspect their having such a low bar will not bode well for anything or anyone, except perhaps for incompetents and "know nothings" who run for elective office.
Like you, I'm not in Virginia, so it's all looking at the election with hindsight. But yeah, it's obvious Trump has an effect in getting dem voters out to vote. Trump's attempting to say Gillespie (and other LOSERS) didn't tie themselves closely enough to him ... presumably because his voters stayed home. I'm dubious, but we'll see a few months from now.

However from what little I read, Northam did run a "boring" issues campaign that seemed a little left of center but mainly about good governance.
If it weren't for the government tit sucking bureaucrats trying to protect their jobs, VA would be solidly red.
There are 136,377 federal workers in a state with 5,529,742 registered voters. That's 2.5% so I'm thinking you're a bit out of touch with reality.
You can multiply that by a factor of 5 when you look at the people that are dependent on those government tit sucking bureaucrats for their jobs. Retailers, restaurants and the like.
You could multiply it by 20 and it still wouldn't turn VA red. Face it, most people just don't share your values. Plain and simple.
However from what little I read, Northam did run a "boring" issues campaign that seemed a little left of center but mainly about good governance.
Governors only get a single term in VA so Northam is already a lame duck. It's no surprise the most VA voters don't follow state elections too closely. It was Trump that energized my family to vote, even my daughter who was not very political in past years.

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