A Fight To The Death!

Care to point out the untruth I stated?

I'll wait.

Still waiting... :eusa_whistle:

Waiting for what?

.....to be identified as a liar?

I can't really blame you from retreating.

Especially since I posted no falsehood whatsoever, and now that you went back to check you know that too.

You could just wipe the egg off your face and admit you got me confused with somebody else, or you could continue to rub it all over yourself.

Makes no diff to me.
Hey Politicalchic,

I thought you were supposedly bashing my brains in.

In boxing the boxer who fails to react to counterpunches is the one who is getting their brains bashed in.

First of all....I have not used the phrase "bashing my brains in."

That would suppose that you had said organ in the first place.

Secondly....I have proven over and over that you were wrong on both counts:

1. your claim that Stephen Gould was not a Marxist...


2. that Marxist theory was not the basis for his attempt to support Darwin's theory, by altering it via 'Punctuated Equilibrium'

Really I have. You're just too stupid to realize same....or too dishonest to admit it.

BUT....I do take a guilty pleasure in rubbing your face in it, so....even though I have given you far more education than I should allot.....here, one more time....and using the sources in this thread itself.....

Take notes:

1.' The Socialist Worker Online mentions that Gould was on the advisory boards of the journalRethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School.' Gasper, Phil, ‘A scientist of the people’, Socialist Worker Online, 7 June 2002, p8

2. '.... Gould followed in the footsteps of one of his intellectual heroes, Frederick Engels--Karl Marx's close collaborator....' Ibid.

3. "... Gould also shared Engels' enthusiasm for understanding the natural world dialectically--in other words, consisting of complex and dynamic interactive processes…classical laws of dialectics [formulated by Engels]..." Ibid.

4. "WITH FELLOW paleontologist Niles Eldredge, Gould proposed the theory of "punctuated equilibrium." ...Gould freely admitted that he was attracted to the theory because of his knowledge of Hegel and Marx."

5. " A famous quote made by Gould is that within his Jewish-Marxist family subculture he learned his Marxism ‘at his daddy's knee’... , it is clear from Gould’s work that he was strongly influenced by Marxist beliefs. In his book The Culture of Critique, evolutionist author Kevin MacDonald writes that Gould has ‘acknowledged that his theory of evolution as punctuated equilibria was attractive to him as a Marxist because it posited periodic revolutionary upheavals in evolution rather than conservative, gradualist change’
MacDonald, Kevin, ‘The Culture of Critique’

6. Many agree that Gould allowed his Marxist philosophy to influence his science. He has even been labelled, by other evolutionists, ‘muddle-headed, hypocritical, blinded by Marxism, and rhetorically dishonest’
Stephen Jay Gould: Marxist and Atheist? by David Noebel, Summit Ministries, 23 March 2007

7. " The figure he most closely resembled in these respects was the British biologist of the 1930’s, J. B. S. Haldane, a founder of the modern genetical theory of evolution, a wonderful essayist on science for the general public, and an idiosyncratic Marxist and columnist for the Daily Worker who finally split with the Communist Party over its demand that scientific claims follow Party doctrine. What characterizes Steve Gould’s work is its consistent radicalism....
.... Steve’s theory of episodic evolution and his adherence to Marx’s theory of historical stages.. . He identified himself as a Marxist .... by insisting on his adherence to a Marxist viewpoint, he took the opportunity offered to him by his immense fame and legitimacy as a public intellectual to make a broad public think again about the validity of a Marxist analysis.
Stephen Jay Gould? What Does it Mean to Be a Radical? :: Monthly Review

8. "And in The Panda's Thumb Gould points out that: "In the Soviet Union, for example, scientists are trained with a very different philosophy of change - the so-called dialectical laws, reformulated by Engels from Hegel's philosophy. The dialectical laws are explicitly punctuational.... but it suggests that change occurs in large leaps following a slow accumulation of stresses that a system resists until it reaches the breaking point..... Oppress the workers more and more and bring on the revolution. Eldredge and I were fascinated to learn that many Russian palaeontologists support a model similar to our punctuated equilibria."..... Above all he provided more scientific evidence that strengthens the position of Marxism, for it proves that dialectical materialism is not a fantastic notion thought up by Marx himself, but it is simply the reflection of the real material world as it is.
A tribute to a great scientist: Stephen Jay Gould

9. Gould himself, like his colleagues Richard Lewontin and Steven Rose, freely acknowledged Marxist sympathies .... American National Biography Online: Gould, Stephen Jay

10. "The late Stephen Jay Gould; jewish palaeontologist, public intellectual and marxist,... Gould’s involvement in Marxist causes; such as Students for a Democratic Society (along with his celebrated jewish confrere Richard Lewontin who still regularly writes for Trotksyite rags such as the ‘New Left Review’),... Gould was; like Lewontin, prolific in his support of Marxist causes...." Semitic Controversies: Lies, Damned Lies and Stephen Jay Gould

11. "Gould along with other Marxist and socialist critics ... the method he employed which is very clearly compatible with, if not derived from, Marxist methodology... Throughout his life Gould continued to participate in socialist forums, such as the annual Socialist Scholars Conference and events at the Brecht Forum (on whose board he served) including the meeting on the 150th anniversary of the Communist Manifesto." An Appreciation of Stephen Jay Gould | Solidarity

Note, especially, how #3,4,5,7,8, and 11 speak to his derivation of 'Punctuated Equilibrium' from Marx's theory of history.

Go ahead.....deny.

Wanna retract
1. your claim that Stephen Gould was not a Marxist...


2. that Marxist theory was not the basis for his attempt to support Darwin's theory, by altering it via 'Punctuated Equilibrium'

Last edited:
Hey Politicalchic,

I thought you were supposedly bashing my brains in.

In boxing the boxer who fails to react to counterpunches is the one who is getting their brains bashed in.

First of all....I have not used the phrase "bashing my brains in."

That would suppose that you had said organ in the first place.

Secondly....I have proven over and over that you were wrong on both counts:

1. your claim that Stephen Gould was not a Marxist...


2. that Marxist theory was not the basis for his attempt to support Darwin's theory, by altering it via 'Punctuated Equilibrium'

Really I have. You're just too stupid to realize same....or too dishonest to admit it.

BUT....I do take a guilty pleasure in rubbing your face in it, so....even though I have given you far more education than I should allot.....here, one more time....and using the sources in this thread itself.....

Take notes:

1.' The Socialist Worker Online mentions that Gould was on the advisory boards of the journalRethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School.' Gasper, Phil, ‘A scientist of the people’, Socialist Worker Online, 7 June 2002, p8

2. '.... Gould followed in the footsteps of one of his intellectual heroes, Frederick Engels--Karl Marx's close collaborator....' Ibid.

3. "... Gould also shared Engels' enthusiasm for understanding the natural world dialectically--in other words, consisting of complex and dynamic interactive processes…classical laws of dialectics [formulated by Engels]..." Ibid.

4. "WITH FELLOW paleontologist Niles Eldredge, Gould proposed the theory of "punctuated equilibrium." ...Gould freely admitted that he was attracted to the theory because of his knowledge of Hegel and Marx."

5. " A famous quote made by Gould is that within his Jewish-Marxist family subculture he learned his Marxism ‘at his daddy's knee’... , it is clear from Gould’s work that he was strongly influenced by Marxist beliefs. In his book The Culture of Critique, evolutionist author Kevin MacDonald writes that Gould has ‘acknowledged that his theory of evolution as punctuated equilibria was attractive to him as a Marxist because it posited periodic revolutionary upheavals in evolution rather than conservative, gradualist change’
MacDonald, Kevin, ‘The Culture of Critique’

6. Many agree that Gould allowed his Marxist philosophy to influence his science. He has even been labelled, by other evolutionists, ‘muddle-headed, hypocritical, blinded by Marxism, and rhetorically dishonest’
Stephen Jay Gould: Marxist and Atheist? by David Noebel, Summit Ministries, 23 March 2007

7. " The figure he most closely resembled in these respects was the British biologist of the 1930’s, J. B. S. Haldane, a founder of the modern genetical theory of evolution, a wonderful essayist on science for the general public, and an idiosyncratic Marxist and columnist for the Daily Worker who finally split with the Communist Party over its demand that scientific claims follow Party doctrine. What characterizes Steve Gould’s work is its consistent radicalism....
.... Steve’s theory of episodic evolution and his adherence to Marx’s theory of historical stages.. . He identified himself as a Marxist .... by insisting on his adherence to a Marxist viewpoint, he took the opportunity offered to him by his immense fame and legitimacy as a public intellectual to make a broad public think again about the validity of a Marxist analysis.
Stephen Jay Gould? What Does it Mean to Be a Radical? :: Monthly Review

8. "And in The Panda's Thumb Gould points out that: "In the Soviet Union, for example, scientists are trained with a very different philosophy of change - the so-called dialectical laws, reformulated by Engels from Hegel's philosophy. The dialectical laws are explicitly punctuational.... but it suggests that change occurs in large leaps following a slow accumulation of stresses that a system resists until it reaches the breaking point..... Oppress the workers more and more and bring on the revolution. Eldredge and I were fascinated to learn that many Russian palaeontologists support a model similar to our punctuated equilibria."..... Above all he provided more scientific evidence that strengthens the position of Marxism, for it proves that dialectical materialism is not a fantastic notion thought up by Marx himself, but it is simply the reflection of the real material world as it is.
A tribute to a great scientist: Stephen Jay Gould

9. Gould himself, like his colleagues Richard Lewontin and Steven Rose, freely acknowledged Marxist sympathies .... American National Biography Online: Gould, Stephen Jay

10. "The late Stephen Jay Gould; jewish palaeontologist, public intellectual and marxist,... Gould’s involvement in Marxist causes; such as Students for a Democratic Society (along with his celebrated jewish confrere Richard Lewontin who still regularly writes for Trotksyite rags such as the ‘New Left Review’),... Gould was; like Lewontin, prolific in his support of Marxist causes...." Semitic Controversies: Lies, Damned Lies and Stephen Jay Gould

11. "Gould along with other Marxist and socialist critics ... the method he employed which is very clearly compatible with, if not derived from, Marxist methodology... Throughout his life Gould continued to participate in socialist forums, such as the annual Socialist Scholars Conference and events at the Brecht Forum (on whose board he served) including the meeting on the 150th anniversary of the Communist Manifesto." An Appreciation of Stephen Jay Gould | Solidarity

Note, especially, how #3,4,5,7,8, and 11 speak to his derivation of 'Punctuated Equilibrium' from Marx's theory of history.

Go ahead.....deny.

Wanna retract
1. your claim that Stephen Gould was not a Marxist...


2. that Marxist theory was not the basis for his attempt to support Darwin's theory, by altering it via 'Punctuated Equilibrium'


One of the clues typical to spotting cutting and pasting of creationist lies and fraud are the snipped, edited and parsed "quotes" that they drench a thread with. This is typical behavior for Princess who steals ruthlessly from creation ministries.

Anyone notice the cut and paste from "Summit Ministries"?
Hey Politicalchic,

I thought you were supposedly bashing my brains in.

In boxing the boxer who fails to react to counterpunches is the one who is getting their brains bashed in.

First of all....I have not used the phrase "bashing my brains in."

That would suppose that you had said organ in the first place.

Secondly....I have proven over and over that you were wrong on both counts:

1. your claim that Stephen Gould was not a Marxist...


2. that Marxist theory was not the basis for his attempt to support Darwin's theory, by altering it via 'Punctuated Equilibrium'

Really I have. You're just too stupid to realize same....or too dishonest to admit it.

BUT....I do take a guilty pleasure in rubbing your face in it, so....even though I have given you far more education than I should allot.....here, one more time....and using the sources in this thread itself.....

Take notes:

1.' The Socialist Worker Online mentions that Gould was on the advisory boards of the journalRethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School.' Gasper, Phil, ‘A scientist of the people’, Socialist Worker Online, 7 June 2002, p8

2. '.... Gould followed in the footsteps of one of his intellectual heroes, Frederick Engels--Karl Marx's close collaborator....' Ibid.

3. "... Gould also shared Engels' enthusiasm for understanding the natural world dialectically--in other words, consisting of complex and dynamic interactive processes…classical laws of dialectics [formulated by Engels]..." Ibid.

4. "WITH FELLOW paleontologist Niles Eldredge, Gould proposed the theory of "punctuated equilibrium." ...Gould freely admitted that he was attracted to the theory because of his knowledge of Hegel and Marx."

5. " A famous quote made by Gould is that within his Jewish-Marxist family subculture he learned his Marxism ‘at his daddy's knee’... , it is clear from Gould’s work that he was strongly influenced by Marxist beliefs. In his book The Culture of Critique, evolutionist author Kevin MacDonald writes that Gould has ‘acknowledged that his theory of evolution as punctuated equilibria was attractive to him as a Marxist because it posited periodic revolutionary upheavals in evolution rather than conservative, gradualist change’
MacDonald, Kevin, ‘The Culture of Critique’

6. Many agree that Gould allowed his Marxist philosophy to influence his science. He has even been labelled, by other evolutionists, ‘muddle-headed, hypocritical, blinded by Marxism, and rhetorically dishonest’
Stephen Jay Gould: Marxist and Atheist? by David Noebel, Summit Ministries, 23 March 2007

7. " The figure he most closely resembled in these respects was the British biologist of the 1930’s, J. B. S. Haldane, a founder of the modern genetical theory of evolution, a wonderful essayist on science for the general public, and an idiosyncratic Marxist and columnist for the Daily Worker who finally split with the Communist Party over its demand that scientific claims follow Party doctrine. What characterizes Steve Gould’s work is its consistent radicalism....
.... Steve’s theory of episodic evolution and his adherence to Marx’s theory of historical stages.. . He identified himself as a Marxist .... by insisting on his adherence to a Marxist viewpoint, he took the opportunity offered to him by his immense fame and legitimacy as a public intellectual to make a broad public think again about the validity of a Marxist analysis.
Stephen Jay Gould? What Does it Mean to Be a Radical? :: Monthly Review

8. "And in The Panda's Thumb Gould points out that: "In the Soviet Union, for example, scientists are trained with a very different philosophy of change - the so-called dialectical laws, reformulated by Engels from Hegel's philosophy. The dialectical laws are explicitly punctuational.... but it suggests that change occurs in large leaps following a slow accumulation of stresses that a system resists until it reaches the breaking point..... Oppress the workers more and more and bring on the revolution. Eldredge and I were fascinated to learn that many Russian palaeontologists support a model similar to our punctuated equilibria."..... Above all he provided more scientific evidence that strengthens the position of Marxism, for it proves that dialectical materialism is not a fantastic notion thought up by Marx himself, but it is simply the reflection of the real material world as it is.
A tribute to a great scientist: Stephen Jay Gould

9. Gould himself, like his colleagues Richard Lewontin and Steven Rose, freely acknowledged Marxist sympathies .... American National Biography Online: Gould, Stephen Jay

10. "The late Stephen Jay Gould; jewish palaeontologist, public intellectual and marxist,... Gould’s involvement in Marxist causes; such as Students for a Democratic Society (along with his celebrated jewish confrere Richard Lewontin who still regularly writes for Trotksyite rags such as the ‘New Left Review’),... Gould was; like Lewontin, prolific in his support of Marxist causes...." Semitic Controversies: Lies, Damned Lies and Stephen Jay Gould

11. "Gould along with other Marxist and socialist critics ... the method he employed which is very clearly compatible with, if not derived from, Marxist methodology... Throughout his life Gould continued to participate in socialist forums, such as the annual Socialist Scholars Conference and events at the Brecht Forum (on whose board he served) including the meeting on the 150th anniversary of the Communist Manifesto." An Appreciation of Stephen Jay Gould | Solidarity

Note, especially, how #3,4,5,7,8, and 11 speak to his derivation of 'Punctuated Equilibrium' from Marx's theory of history.

Go ahead.....deny.

Wanna retract
1. your claim that Stephen Gould was not a Marxist...


2. that Marxist theory was not the basis for his attempt to support Darwin's theory, by altering it via 'Punctuated Equilibrium'


One of the clues typical to spotting cutting and pasting of creationist lies and fraud are the snipped, edited and parsed "quotes" that they drench a thread with. This is typical behavior for Princess who steals ruthlessly from creation ministries.

Anyone notice the cut and paste from "Summit Ministries"?

What kind of imbecile objects to the source when the statement is true?

Oh....right....your kind of imbecile.....one that cannot contend with the quote itself.

To the point....why didn't you say you agree with the other imbecile....and

1. your claim that Stephen Gould was not a Marxist...


2. that Marxist theory was not the basis for his attempt to support Darwin's theory, by altering it via 'Punctuated Equilibrium'

Because I am, as usual, totally correct.

First of all....I have not used the phrase "bashing my brains in."

That would suppose that you had said organ in the first place.

Secondly....I have proven over and over that you were wrong on both counts:

1. your claim that Stephen Gould was not a Marxist...


2. that Marxist theory was not the basis for his attempt to support Darwin's theory, by altering it via 'Punctuated Equilibrium'

Really I have. You're just too stupid to realize same....or too dishonest to admit it.

BUT....I do take a guilty pleasure in rubbing your face in it, so....even though I have given you far more education than I should allot.....here, one more time....and using the sources in this thread itself.....

Take notes:

1.' The Socialist Worker Online mentions that Gould was on the advisory boards of the journalRethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School.' Gasper, Phil, ‘A scientist of the people’, Socialist Worker Online, 7 June 2002, p8

2. '.... Gould followed in the footsteps of one of his intellectual heroes, Frederick Engels--Karl Marx's close collaborator....' Ibid.

3. "... Gould also shared Engels' enthusiasm for understanding the natural world dialectically--in other words, consisting of complex and dynamic interactive processes…classical laws of dialectics [formulated by Engels]..." Ibid.

4. "WITH FELLOW paleontologist Niles Eldredge, Gould proposed the theory of "punctuated equilibrium." ...Gould freely admitted that he was attracted to the theory because of his knowledge of Hegel and Marx."

5. " A famous quote made by Gould is that within his Jewish-Marxist family subculture he learned his Marxism ‘at his daddy's knee’... , it is clear from Gould’s work that he was strongly influenced by Marxist beliefs. In his book The Culture of Critique, evolutionist author Kevin MacDonald writes that Gould has ‘acknowledged that his theory of evolution as punctuated equilibria was attractive to him as a Marxist because it posited periodic revolutionary upheavals in evolution rather than conservative, gradualist change’
MacDonald, Kevin, ‘The Culture of Critique’

6. Many agree that Gould allowed his Marxist philosophy to influence his science. He has even been labelled, by other evolutionists, ‘muddle-headed, hypocritical, blinded by Marxism, and rhetorically dishonest’
Stephen Jay Gould: Marxist and Atheist? by David Noebel, Summit Ministries, 23 March 2007

7. " The figure he most closely resembled in these respects was the British biologist of the 1930’s, J. B. S. Haldane, a founder of the modern genetical theory of evolution, a wonderful essayist on science for the general public, and an idiosyncratic Marxist and columnist for the Daily Worker who finally split with the Communist Party over its demand that scientific claims follow Party doctrine. What characterizes Steve Gould’s work is its consistent radicalism....
.... Steve’s theory of episodic evolution and his adherence to Marx’s theory of historical stages.. . He identified himself as a Marxist .... by insisting on his adherence to a Marxist viewpoint, he took the opportunity offered to him by his immense fame and legitimacy as a public intellectual to make a broad public think again about the validity of a Marxist analysis.
Stephen Jay Gould? What Does it Mean to Be a Radical? :: Monthly Review

8. "And in The Panda's Thumb Gould points out that: "In the Soviet Union, for example, scientists are trained with a very different philosophy of change - the so-called dialectical laws, reformulated by Engels from Hegel's philosophy. The dialectical laws are explicitly punctuational.... but it suggests that change occurs in large leaps following a slow accumulation of stresses that a system resists until it reaches the breaking point..... Oppress the workers more and more and bring on the revolution. Eldredge and I were fascinated to learn that many Russian palaeontologists support a model similar to our punctuated equilibria."..... Above all he provided more scientific evidence that strengthens the position of Marxism, for it proves that dialectical materialism is not a fantastic notion thought up by Marx himself, but it is simply the reflection of the real material world as it is.
A tribute to a great scientist: Stephen Jay Gould

9. Gould himself, like his colleagues Richard Lewontin and Steven Rose, freely acknowledged Marxist sympathies .... American National Biography Online: Gould, Stephen Jay

10. "The late Stephen Jay Gould; jewish palaeontologist, public intellectual and marxist,... Gould’s involvement in Marxist causes; such as Students for a Democratic Society (along with his celebrated jewish confrere Richard Lewontin who still regularly writes for Trotksyite rags such as the ‘New Left Review’),... Gould was; like Lewontin, prolific in his support of Marxist causes...." Semitic Controversies: Lies, Damned Lies and Stephen Jay Gould

11. "Gould along with other Marxist and socialist critics ... the method he employed which is very clearly compatible with, if not derived from, Marxist methodology... Throughout his life Gould continued to participate in socialist forums, such as the annual Socialist Scholars Conference and events at the Brecht Forum (on whose board he served) including the meeting on the 150th anniversary of the Communist Manifesto." An Appreciation of Stephen Jay Gould | Solidarity

Note, especially, how #3,4,5,7,8, and 11 speak to his derivation of 'Punctuated Equilibrium' from Marx's theory of history.

Go ahead.....deny.

Wanna retract
1. your claim that Stephen Gould was not a Marxist...


2. that Marxist theory was not the basis for his attempt to support Darwin's theory, by altering it via 'Punctuated Equilibrium'


One of the clues typical to spotting cutting and pasting of creationist lies and fraud are the snipped, edited and parsed "quotes" that they drench a thread with. This is typical behavior for Princess who steals ruthlessly from creation ministries.

Anyone notice the cut and paste from "Summit Ministries"?

What kind of imbecile objects to the source when the statement is true?

Oh....right....your kind of imbecile.....one that cannot contend with the quote itself.

To the point....why didn't you say you agree with the other imbecile....and

1. your claim that Stephen Gould was not a Marxist...


2. that Marxist theory was not the basis for his attempt to support Darwin's theory, by altering it via 'Punctuated Equilibrium'

Because I am, as usual, totally correct.


You're as befuddled as usual.

Still no explanation for your nonsensical cut and paste from the Canadian science fiction writer who you attempted to represent as an authority on biology.

I'll take it you agree with me that you're a liar and a fraud?

Because you are as usual, a mindless cut and paster with the intellectual skills of drywall spackle.
One of the clues typical to spotting cutting and pasting of creationist lies and fraud are the snipped, edited and parsed "quotes" that they drench a thread with. This is typical behavior for Princess who steals ruthlessly from creation ministries.

Anyone notice the cut and paste from "Summit Ministries"?

What kind of imbecile objects to the source when the statement is true?

Oh....right....your kind of imbecile.....one that cannot contend with the quote itself.

To the point....why didn't you say you agree with the other imbecile....and

1. your claim that Stephen Gould was not a Marxist...


2. that Marxist theory was not the basis for his attempt to support Darwin's theory, by altering it via 'Punctuated Equilibrium'

Because I am, as usual, totally correct.


You're as befuddled as usual.

Still no explanation for your nonsensical cut and paste from the Canadian science fiction writer who you attempted to represent as an authority on biology.

I'll take it you agree with me that you're a liar and a fraud?

Because you are as usual, a mindless cut and paster with the intellectual skills of drywall spackle.

1. your claim that Stephen Gould was not a Marxist...


2. that Marxist theory was not the basis for his attempt to support Darwin's theory, by altering it via 'Punctuated Equilibrium'

No comment?

That's the smartest thing you've done in months.

Too bad I had to force you to do it.....
Care to point out the untruth I stated?

I'll wait.

So how is that alleged untruth of mine coming along?

You got a link yet? A quote? Anything?

Didn't you say I attacked Darwin?

And the same about atheists?

If so.....you're a liar.

Unless you have reconsidered since....

So you don't have any proof that I posted an untruth.

Duly noted and your concession acknowledged.

PS: If didn't post such an untruth, you could've spared yourself this embarrassment.
So how is that alleged untruth of mine coming along?

You got a link yet? A quote? Anything?

Didn't you say I attacked Darwin?

And the same about atheists?

If so.....you're a liar.

Unless you have reconsidered since....

So you don't have any proof that I posted an untruth.

Duly noted and your concession acknowledged.

PS: If didn't post such an untruth, you could've spared yourself this embarrassment.

1. In post #49 you agreed to this:
Quote: Originally Posted by WinterBorn View Post
I have seen the occasional atheist who is anti-religion. But most are simply apathetic about it.

I notice you have a serious thing about attacking Darwin, the theory of evolution, and atheists.

Funny that you want to point fingers at people for doing what you have been doing.
And yet she still manages to fool almost 30% of the membership here.

But whatcha gonna do?

2. Can you explain this:
Post #53.....
Me: Where have I attacked Darwin, or atheists?

You: the emoticon of laughter, meaning that my statement was laughable.

3. Post #58

Me: An admission that you have no examples of attacks on Darwin?

Or on those who choose to be atheists?


You: You accept a lot of shit that is demonstrably false. Why should this be any different?

4. Post #67
You: The entire premise of your failed argument is an attack on Darwin.

But I digress...

5. Post #70
You: You've given me the impression that you have contempt for Darwin, Darwinism, the scientific study of evolution and yes, even atheists.

Are you about to deny that the import of the above is exactly as I stated...and, as your efforts are untrue....

....you're a liar.
Didn't you say I attacked Darwin?

And the same about atheists?

If so.....you're a liar.

Unless you have reconsidered since....

So you don't have any proof that I posted an untruth.

Duly noted and your concession acknowledged.

PS: If didn't post such an untruth, you could've spared yourself this embarrassment.

1. In post #49 you agreed to this:
Quote: Originally Posted by WinterBorn View Post
I have seen the occasional atheist who is anti-religion. But most are simply apathetic about it.

I notice you have a serious thing about attacking Darwin, the theory of evolution, and atheists.

Funny that you want to point fingers at people for doing what you have been doing.
And yet she still manages to fool almost 30% of the membership here.

But whatcha gonna do?

2. Can you explain this:
Post #53.....
Me: Where have I attacked Darwin, or atheists?

You: the emoticon of laughter, meaning that my statement was laughable.

3. Post #58

Me: An admission that you have no examples of attacks on Darwin?

Or on those who choose to be atheists?


You: You accept a lot of shit that is demonstrably false. Why should this be any different?

4. Post #67
You: The entire premise of your failed argument is an attack on Darwin.

But I digress...

5. Post #70
You: You've given me the impression that you have contempt for Darwin, Darwinism, the scientific study of evolution and yes, even atheists.

Are you about to deny that the import of the above is exactly as I stated...and, as your efforts are untrue....

....you're a liar.

That's a long way to go for absolutely nothing PC.

Again, you have not produced this alleged untruth that I posted.


Because I never posted one.

The only liar in this exchange is you.
What kind of imbecile objects to the source when the statement is true?

Oh....right....your kind of imbecile.....one that cannot contend with the quote itself.

To the point....why didn't you say you agree with the other imbecile....and

1. your claim that Stephen Gould was not a Marxist...


2. that Marxist theory was not the basis for his attempt to support Darwin's theory, by altering it via 'Punctuated Equilibrium'

Because I am, as usual, totally correct.


You're as befuddled as usual.

Still no explanation for your nonsensical cut and paste from the Canadian science fiction writer who you attempted to represent as an authority on biology.

I'll take it you agree with me that you're a liar and a fraud?

Because you are as usual, a mindless cut and paster with the intellectual skills of drywall spackle.

1. your claim that Stephen Gould was not a Marxist...


2. that Marxist theory was not the basis for his attempt to support Darwin's theory, by altering it via 'Punctuated Equilibrium'

No comment?

That's the smartest thing you've done in months.

Too bad I had to force you to do it.....

You're still befuddled.

It was your claim that Gould was a Marxist. You made no case for that.

Worse yet, in the alternate reality you inhabit, you tried to represent a Canadian science fiction author as a biologist.

You're not just a liar, you're a fraud.

Don't you agree?
You're as befuddled as usual.

Still no explanation for your nonsensical cut and paste from the Canadian science fiction writer who you attempted to represent as an authority on biology.

I'll take it you agree with me that you're a liar and a fraud?

Because you are as usual, a mindless cut and paster with the intellectual skills of drywall spackle.

1. your claim that Stephen Gould was not a Marxist...


2. that Marxist theory was not the basis for his attempt to support Darwin's theory, by altering it via 'Punctuated Equilibrium'

No comment?

That's the smartest thing you've done in months.

Too bad I had to force you to do it.....

You're still befuddled.

It was your claim that Gould was a Marxist. You made no case for that.

Worse yet, in the alternate reality you inhabit, you tried to represent a Canadian science fiction author as a biologist.

You're not just a liar, you're a fraud.

Don't you agree?

"It was your claim that Gould was a Marxist. You made no case for that."


I was soooooo hoping you'd fall into that trap....and I could coax you into making that insane claim!!

Now....I'm perfectly willing to allow any readers to compare your babble to post #84, and to get a glimpse at your character, and make a judgment about your mental stability.
So you don't have any proof that I posted an untruth.

Duly noted and your concession acknowledged.

PS: If didn't post such an untruth, you could've spared yourself this embarrassment.

1. In post #49 you agreed to this:
Quote: Originally Posted by WinterBorn View Post
I have seen the occasional atheist who is anti-religion. But most are simply apathetic about it.

I notice you have a serious thing about attacking Darwin, the theory of evolution, and atheists.

Funny that you want to point fingers at people for doing what you have been doing.
And yet she still manages to fool almost 30% of the membership here.

But whatcha gonna do?

2. Can you explain this:
Post #53.....
Me: Where have I attacked Darwin, or atheists?

You: the emoticon of laughter, meaning that my statement was laughable.

3. Post #58

Me: An admission that you have no examples of attacks on Darwin?

Or on those who choose to be atheists?


You: You accept a lot of shit that is demonstrably false. Why should this be any different?

4. Post #67
You: The entire premise of your failed argument is an attack on Darwin.

But I digress...

5. Post #70
You: You've given me the impression that you have contempt for Darwin, Darwinism, the scientific study of evolution and yes, even atheists.

Are you about to deny that the import of the above is exactly as I stated...and, as your efforts are untrue....

....you're a liar.

That's a long way to go for absolutely nothing PC.

Again, you have not produced this alleged untruth that I posted.


Because I never posted one.

The only liar in this exchange is you.

I'm content to allow any readers to see your series of posts, and decide who the liar is.
1. In post #49 you agreed to this:
Quote: Originally Posted by WinterBorn View Post
I have seen the occasional atheist who is anti-religion. But most are simply apathetic about it.

I notice you have a serious thing about attacking Darwin, the theory of evolution, and atheists.

Funny that you want to point fingers at people for doing what you have been doing.
And yet she still manages to fool almost 30% of the membership here.

But whatcha gonna do?

2. Can you explain this:
Post #53.....
Me: Where have I attacked Darwin, or atheists?

You: the emoticon of laughter, meaning that my statement was laughable.

3. Post #58

Me: An admission that you have no examples of attacks on Darwin?

Or on those who choose to be atheists?


You: You accept a lot of shit that is demonstrably false. Why should this be any different?

4. Post #67
You: The entire premise of your failed argument is an attack on Darwin.

But I digress...

5. Post #70
You: You've given me the impression that you have contempt for Darwin, Darwinism, the scientific study of evolution and yes, even atheists.

Are you about to deny that the import of the above is exactly as I stated...and, as your efforts are untrue....

....you're a liar.

That's a long way to go for absolutely nothing PC.

Again, you have not produced this alleged untruth that I posted.


Because I never posted one.

The only liar in this exchange is you.

I'm content to allow any readers to see your series of posts, and decide who the liar is.

I don't blame you for retreating.

At this point it's all you have.

I mean, you've certainly had more than enough opportunity to produce this alleged untruth that you accused me of posting, and so far...


Anyway, I hope you can indeed find contentment in your hasty retreat.
1. your claim that Stephen Gould was not a Marxist...


2. that Marxist theory was not the basis for his attempt to support Darwin's theory, by altering it via 'Punctuated Equilibrium'

No comment?

That's the smartest thing you've done in months.

Too bad I had to force you to do it.....

You're still befuddled.

It was your claim that Gould was a Marxist. You made no case for that.

Worse yet, in the alternate reality you inhabit, you tried to represent a Canadian science fiction author as a biologist.

You're not just a liar, you're a fraud.

Don't you agree?

"It was your claim that Gould was a Marxist. You made no case for that."


I was soooooo hoping you'd fall into that trap....and I could coax you into making that insane claim!!

Now....I'm perfectly willing to allow any readers to compare your babble to post #84, and to get a glimpse at your character and make a judgment about your mental stability.

Befuddled is the normal state of affairs for you.

With so many of your fraudulent, cut and paste "quotes"shown to be lies, why would you attempt to pass off a science fiction writer as an authority on biology?

When you litter every thread with phony " quotes", I understand you're not interested in their truth or accuracy. However, a reasonable person would make some effort to assess the veracity of posts.

You just mindlessly cut and paste from creationist ministries and are clueless as to the innaccuracies and lies you promote on behalf of charlatans and frauds.

Thus, you are an accomplice to fraud.

Wouldn't you agree?
You're still befuddled.

It was your claim that Gould was a Marxist. You made no case for that.

Worse yet, in the alternate reality you inhabit, you tried to represent a Canadian science fiction author as a biologist.

You're not just a liar, you're a fraud.

Don't you agree?

"It was your claim that Gould was a Marxist. You made no case for that."


I was soooooo hoping you'd fall into that trap....and I could coax you into making that insane claim!!

Now....I'm perfectly willing to allow any readers to compare your babble to post #84, and to get a glimpse at your character and make a judgment about your mental stability.

Befuddled is the normal state of affairs for you.

With so many of your fraudulent, cut and paste "quotes"shown to be lies, why would you attempt to pass off a science fiction writer as an authority on biology?

When you litter every thread with phony " quotes", I understand you're not interested in their truth or accuracy. However, a reasonable person would make some effort to assess the veracity of posts.

You just mindlessly cut and paste from creationist ministries and are clueless as to the innaccuracies and lies you promote on behalf of charlatans and frauds.

Thus, you are an accomplice to fraud.

Wouldn't you agree?

This is really great.

Hey....did you notice that the sad sack who actually posted that Gould wasn't a Marxist, and that he didn't cop 'Punctuated Equilibrium" from Marxism wandered off to lick her wounds, as I neatly destroyed her denials?

You didn't notice?

And that left you, the wanna-be, to continue the failed denials.

Funny how you've been used, huh?
"It was your claim that Gould was a Marxist. You made no case for that."


I was soooooo hoping you'd fall into that trap....and I could coax you into making that insane claim!!

Now....I'm perfectly willing to allow any readers to compare your babble to post #84, and to get a glimpse at your character and make a judgment about your mental stability.

Befuddled is the normal state of affairs for you.

With so many of your fraudulent, cut and paste "quotes"shown to be lies, why would you attempt to pass off a science fiction writer as an authority on biology?

When you litter every thread with phony " quotes", I understand you're not interested in their truth or accuracy. However, a reasonable person would make some effort to assess the veracity of posts.

You just mindlessly cut and paste from creationist ministries and are clueless as to the innaccuracies and lies you promote on behalf of charlatans and frauds.

Thus, you are an accomplice to fraud.

Wouldn't you agree?

This is really great.

Hey....did you notice that the sad sack who actually posted that Gould wasn't a Marxist, and that he didn't cop 'Punctuated Equilibrium" from Marxism wandered off to lick her wounds, as I neatly destroyed her denials?

You didn't notice?

And that left you, the wanna-be, to continue the failed denials.

Funny how you've been used, huh?

Funny how I found no peer-reviewed work by the science fiction writer you tried to represent as an authority on biology.

And you thought your lies and misrepresentation would pass under the radar.

What a shame that your cut and paste lies are so easy to expose as frauds.

Funny how you have been exposed as a liar and a fraud in multiple threads yet here you are cutting and pasting the same lies .

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