A French Jewish Frauder: I Gave Netanyahu 1$ Million!

Al Jazeera: Where ARE Arafat’s Stolen Billions?

It seems Yasir Arafat may be dead physically, but his story has regained new life as new inquiries are raised as to the cause of his death. The inevitable accusation on Al-Jazeera is that the Israeli government secretly murdered him. This accusation would be taken a lot more seriously had Al Jazeera in 2010 not formerly opined that the shark attacking tourists off the Egyptian coast was also an Israeli plot. Now, it’s hard to take anything Al Jazeera says about Israel seriously.

Instead of a CSI style murder investigation with little proof, Al Jazeera should act like actual investigative journalists and hire forensic accountants to conduct a financial autopsy of his handling of the finances of the Palestinian economy. A news media seeking the truth should inform the public how Arafat used the Palestinians as a scapegoat of suffering to be milked for his own profit, and how any remnant of the stolen money should be regained and used to actually help the Palestinian people.

In 2009, U.S. officials estimate Arafat’s personal nest egg at between $1 billion and $3 billion. His wife and daughter received a $100,000 a month out of the Palestinian budget, living the high life in Paris. Where did all this wealth come from?

World Bank official Palestinian Salman Fayyad became finance minister in 2003, and immediately began seeing why Palestinians seemed so squeezed by the economy and how Arafat was staying so financially prosperous. According to a study of Arafat’s finances done in 2003, Fayyad showed that:

“although the money for the portfolio came from public funds like Palestinian taxes, virtually none of it was used for the Palestinian people; it was all controlled by Arafat. And none of these dealings were made public.”

Arafat had used a system of monopolies in commodities and staples like flour and cement to fleece the people, farming out lucrative contracts to friends to price gouge his own people. When Salman Fayyad broke up one monopoly, the price of gas went down 20 percent for gas and 80 percent less for diesel fuel.

Shadowed by the conflict, no one paid much attention to the bottom line. Therefore, perpetual war seemed to suit Arafat well financially, even as it condemned his people to violence, refugee camps and hopelessness.

Here is what Arafat said to a delegation of West Bank Palestinians who wanted to form their own state in that region:

“We shall oppose the establishment of this state to the member of the Palestinian people, for if ever such a state is established it will spell the end of the Palestinian cause.”

Arafat rightly feared that a state would the end of the gravy train of foreign aid and unfair economic practices. His actual cause, crony capitalism, price gouging and embezzling funds would be far more noticeable in a stable country. Therefore, he did everything to achieve the impossible goal to “destroy Israel”, neglecting any prospect for a smaller state with a peaceful and viable future.

Investigating Arafat’s death is any journalist’s privilege, if they feel there is a story. But why have mainstream media ignored the financial crimes against people living today? Arafat’s stolen billions belongs either to the donors (like the United States or Europe) or for the intended purpose of the betterment of the Palestinian people. So far, it’s still in the hands of Arafat’s family. This is a crime.

So, Al Jazeera, want to take up the challenge and break the story? Feel free to use this article as a starting point for a real investigation into a heinous crime. I imagine writing a Palestinian story where Israel is not the bad guy will be less enjoyable, but don’t the Palestinians deserve justice?

If Arafat want a rich life he would leave the occupied Ramallah to live in Switzerland, he refused to leave Palestine.

It seems that you don't have a comment on this topic news.
Arafat did have Swiss and European bank accounts where he hid all the stolen money.

Why should he have left? You are not very smart are you. It would mean the end of conning and stealing from his people while he looks like a hero asking them to blow themselves up for a false invented cause.

What does Arafat's alleged misappropriation of funds have to do with Israel's oppression of the Palestinians?
Arafat was the prototype for Arabs-Moslems oppressing Arabs-Moslems posing as Pal'istanians. The welfare fraud money was too good to pass up.
And when he died a new group of Jihadi fraudster thieves stepped in.
Al Jazeera: Where ARE Arafat’s Stolen Billions?

It seems Yasir Arafat may be dead physically, but his story has regained new life as new inquiries are raised as to the cause of his death. The inevitable accusation on Al-Jazeera is that the Israeli government secretly murdered him. This accusation would be taken a lot more seriously had Al Jazeera in 2010 not formerly opined that the shark attacking tourists off the Egyptian coast was also an Israeli plot. Now, it’s hard to take anything Al Jazeera says about Israel seriously.

Instead of a CSI style murder investigation with little proof, Al Jazeera should act like actual investigative journalists and hire forensic accountants to conduct a financial autopsy of his handling of the finances of the Palestinian economy. A news media seeking the truth should inform the public how Arafat used the Palestinians as a scapegoat of suffering to be milked for his own profit, and how any remnant of the stolen money should be regained and used to actually help the Palestinian people.

In 2009, U.S. officials estimate Arafat’s personal nest egg at between $1 billion and $3 billion. His wife and daughter received a $100,000 a month out of the Palestinian budget, living the high life in Paris. Where did all this wealth come from?

World Bank official Palestinian Salman Fayyad became finance minister in 2003, and immediately began seeing why Palestinians seemed so squeezed by the economy and how Arafat was staying so financially prosperous. According to a study of Arafat’s finances done in 2003, Fayyad showed that:

“although the money for the portfolio came from public funds like Palestinian taxes, virtually none of it was used for the Palestinian people; it was all controlled by Arafat. And none of these dealings were made public.”

Arafat had used a system of monopolies in commodities and staples like flour and cement to fleece the people, farming out lucrative contracts to friends to price gouge his own people. When Salman Fayyad broke up one monopoly, the price of gas went down 20 percent for gas and 80 percent less for diesel fuel.

Shadowed by the conflict, no one paid much attention to the bottom line. Therefore, perpetual war seemed to suit Arafat well financially, even as it condemned his people to violence, refugee camps and hopelessness.

Here is what Arafat said to a delegation of West Bank Palestinians who wanted to form their own state in that region:

“We shall oppose the establishment of this state to the member of the Palestinian people, for if ever such a state is established it will spell the end of the Palestinian cause.”

Arafat rightly feared that a state would the end of the gravy train of foreign aid and unfair economic practices. His actual cause, crony capitalism, price gouging and embezzling funds would be far more noticeable in a stable country. Therefore, he did everything to achieve the impossible goal to “destroy Israel”, neglecting any prospect for a smaller state with a peaceful and viable future.

Investigating Arafat’s death is any journalist’s privilege, if they feel there is a story. But why have mainstream media ignored the financial crimes against people living today? Arafat’s stolen billions belongs either to the donors (like the United States or Europe) or for the intended purpose of the betterment of the Palestinian people. So far, it’s still in the hands of Arafat’s family. This is a crime.

So, Al Jazeera, want to take up the challenge and break the story? Feel free to use this article as a starting point for a real investigation into a heinous crime. I imagine writing a Palestinian story where Israel is not the bad guy will be less enjoyable, but don’t the Palestinians deserve justice?

If Arafat want a rich life he would leave the occupied Ramallah to live in Switzerland, he refused to leave Palestine.

It seems that you don't have a comment on this topic news.
Arafat did have Swiss and European bank accounts where he hid all the stolen money.

Why should he have left? You are not very smart are you. It would mean the end of conning and stealing from his people while he looks like a hero asking them to blow themselves up for a false invented cause.

Stealing what from his people?!
Goofy, all palestinians lands were stolen by khazar settlers since 60 years.
Al Jazeera: Where ARE Arafat’s Stolen Billions?

It seems Yasir Arafat may be dead physically, but his story has regained new life as new inquiries are raised as to the cause of his death. The inevitable accusation on Al-Jazeera is that the Israeli government secretly murdered him. This accusation would be taken a lot more seriously had Al Jazeera in 2010 not formerly opined that the shark attacking tourists off the Egyptian coast was also an Israeli plot. Now, it’s hard to take anything Al Jazeera says about Israel seriously.

Instead of a CSI style murder investigation with little proof, Al Jazeera should act like actual investigative journalists and hire forensic accountants to conduct a financial autopsy of his handling of the finances of the Palestinian economy. A news media seeking the truth should inform the public how Arafat used the Palestinians as a scapegoat of suffering to be milked for his own profit, and how any remnant of the stolen money should be regained and used to actually help the Palestinian people.

In 2009, U.S. officials estimate Arafat’s personal nest egg at between $1 billion and $3 billion. His wife and daughter received a $100,000 a month out of the Palestinian budget, living the high life in Paris. Where did all this wealth come from?

World Bank official Palestinian Salman Fayyad became finance minister in 2003, and immediately began seeing why Palestinians seemed so squeezed by the economy and how Arafat was staying so financially prosperous. According to a study of Arafat’s finances done in 2003, Fayyad showed that:

“although the money for the portfolio came from public funds like Palestinian taxes, virtually none of it was used for the Palestinian people; it was all controlled by Arafat. And none of these dealings were made public.”

Arafat had used a system of monopolies in commodities and staples like flour and cement to fleece the people, farming out lucrative contracts to friends to price gouge his own people. When Salman Fayyad broke up one monopoly, the price of gas went down 20 percent for gas and 80 percent less for diesel fuel.

Shadowed by the conflict, no one paid much attention to the bottom line. Therefore, perpetual war seemed to suit Arafat well financially, even as it condemned his people to violence, refugee camps and hopelessness.

Here is what Arafat said to a delegation of West Bank Palestinians who wanted to form their own state in that region:

“We shall oppose the establishment of this state to the member of the Palestinian people, for if ever such a state is established it will spell the end of the Palestinian cause.”

Arafat rightly feared that a state would the end of the gravy train of foreign aid and unfair economic practices. His actual cause, crony capitalism, price gouging and embezzling funds would be far more noticeable in a stable country. Therefore, he did everything to achieve the impossible goal to “destroy Israel”, neglecting any prospect for a smaller state with a peaceful and viable future.

Investigating Arafat’s death is any journalist’s privilege, if they feel there is a story. But why have mainstream media ignored the financial crimes against people living today? Arafat’s stolen billions belongs either to the donors (like the United States or Europe) or for the intended purpose of the betterment of the Palestinian people. So far, it’s still in the hands of Arafat’s family. This is a crime.

So, Al Jazeera, want to take up the challenge and break the story? Feel free to use this article as a starting point for a real investigation into a heinous crime. I imagine writing a Palestinian story where Israel is not the bad guy will be less enjoyable, but don’t the Palestinians deserve justice?

If Arafat want a rich life he would leave the occupied Ramallah to live in Switzerland, he refused to leave Palestine.

It seems that you don't have a comment on this topic news.
Arafat did have Swiss and European bank accounts where he hid all the stolen money.

Why should he have left? You are not very smart are you. It would mean the end of conning and stealing from his people while he looks like a hero asking them to blow themselves up for a false invented cause.

Stealing what from his people?!
Goofy, all palestinians lands were stolen by khazar settlers since 60 years.
The leader of the Palestinian national movement was receiving wires into his secret European bank accounts and instead of spending it on his people, he encouraged them to jihad and martyr themselves, so that he could get even more money. Once the pedophile terrorist pervert thief died of AIDS in a hospital in France, his wife executed the plan, which was to steal the billions of his people's money and leave them out hanging dry.
That would be Dubai as the most wanted are all living there. The people who deal drugs and murder for gain all have hovels in Dubai.
To be fair, they only give refuge to Jewish gangsters.

The settlers are sometimes worst than gangsters in the world.
Nothing matches Islamist thugs though. They use and abuse their religion as sanction for their barbarism and thuggery.

The Israelis are no slouches at thuggery. They claim their religion allowed them to evict the rightful inhabitants of Palestine. Now that's thuggery and barbarism.

LINK to the recent arab muslim migrants being the rightful inhabitants. What treaty gave them the land after they gave it away in 1917 ?
To be fair, they only give refuge to Jewish gangsters.

The settlers are sometimes worst than gangsters in the world.
Nothing matches Islamist thugs though. They use and abuse their religion as sanction for their barbarism and thuggery.

The Israelis are no slouches at thuggery. They claim their religion allowed them to evict the rightful inhabitants of Palestine. Now that's thuggery and barbarism.
Same shit different thread.

Maybe instead of your repetitive whining, derailing and trolling you can tell us why the wife of the thug founder of the Palestinian movement Arafat, is hiding in Europe and isn't helping out those poor suffering fraudsters known as the Palestinians with a single dime, and why does she refuse to set foot there? Go ahead. Unless the whole movement was a fraud like all your claims, and an attempt to trick his people into killing themselves so that he could line up his bloody pockets.

Would you live under Israeli occupation and oppression if you had the money to live comfortably on the Cote d'Azur?

Would you live under islamonazi occupation and oppression if you could escape with your life. Why do so many muslims want to live in Israel if it is so bad ?
Nothing matches Islamist thugs though. They use and abuse their religion as sanction for their barbarism and thuggery.

The Israelis are no slouches at thuggery. They claim their religion allowed them to evict the rightful inhabitants of Palestine. Now that's thuggery and barbarism.
Same shit different thread.

Maybe instead of your repetitive whining, derailing and trolling you can tell us why the wife of the thug founder of the Palestinian movement Arafat, is hiding in Europe and isn't helping out those poor suffering fraudsters known as the Palestinians with a single dime, and why does she refuse to set foot there? Go ahead. Unless the whole movement was a fraud like all your claims, and an attempt to trick his people into killing themselves so that he could line up his bloody pockets.

Would you live under Israeli occupation and oppression if you had the money to live comfortably on the Cote d'Azur?
Didn't say anything about moving there. Take your meds and pay attention, I asked why she never visits, and why she hasn't donated jack, for the billions her and her terrorist thug husband stole? Maybe because they will arrest and hang her?

Why would she visit a place under Israeli occupation? You are a nutter.

To be treated by the best doctors in the world, and then to discuss long term savings with the best financial experts in the world ?
Al Jazeera: Where ARE Arafat’s Stolen Billions?

It seems Yasir Arafat may be dead physically, but his story has regained new life as new inquiries are raised as to the cause of his death. The inevitable accusation on Al-Jazeera is that the Israeli government secretly murdered him. This accusation would be taken a lot more seriously had Al Jazeera in 2010 not formerly opined that the shark attacking tourists off the Egyptian coast was also an Israeli plot. Now, it’s hard to take anything Al Jazeera says about Israel seriously.

Instead of a CSI style murder investigation with little proof, Al Jazeera should act like actual investigative journalists and hire forensic accountants to conduct a financial autopsy of his handling of the finances of the Palestinian economy. A news media seeking the truth should inform the public how Arafat used the Palestinians as a scapegoat of suffering to be milked for his own profit, and how any remnant of the stolen money should be regained and used to actually help the Palestinian people.

In 2009, U.S. officials estimate Arafat’s personal nest egg at between $1 billion and $3 billion. His wife and daughter received a $100,000 a month out of the Palestinian budget, living the high life in Paris. Where did all this wealth come from?

World Bank official Palestinian Salman Fayyad became finance minister in 2003, and immediately began seeing why Palestinians seemed so squeezed by the economy and how Arafat was staying so financially prosperous. According to a study of Arafat’s finances done in 2003, Fayyad showed that:

“although the money for the portfolio came from public funds like Palestinian taxes, virtually none of it was used for the Palestinian people; it was all controlled by Arafat. And none of these dealings were made public.”

Arafat had used a system of monopolies in commodities and staples like flour and cement to fleece the people, farming out lucrative contracts to friends to price gouge his own people. When Salman Fayyad broke up one monopoly, the price of gas went down 20 percent for gas and 80 percent less for diesel fuel.

Shadowed by the conflict, no one paid much attention to the bottom line. Therefore, perpetual war seemed to suit Arafat well financially, even as it condemned his people to violence, refugee camps and hopelessness.

Here is what Arafat said to a delegation of West Bank Palestinians who wanted to form their own state in that region:

“We shall oppose the establishment of this state to the member of the Palestinian people, for if ever such a state is established it will spell the end of the Palestinian cause.”

Arafat rightly feared that a state would the end of the gravy train of foreign aid and unfair economic practices. His actual cause, crony capitalism, price gouging and embezzling funds would be far more noticeable in a stable country. Therefore, he did everything to achieve the impossible goal to “destroy Israel”, neglecting any prospect for a smaller state with a peaceful and viable future.

Investigating Arafat’s death is any journalist’s privilege, if they feel there is a story. But why have mainstream media ignored the financial crimes against people living today? Arafat’s stolen billions belongs either to the donors (like the United States or Europe) or for the intended purpose of the betterment of the Palestinian people. So far, it’s still in the hands of Arafat’s family. This is a crime.

So, Al Jazeera, want to take up the challenge and break the story? Feel free to use this article as a starting point for a real investigation into a heinous crime. I imagine writing a Palestinian story where Israel is not the bad guy will be less enjoyable, but don’t the Palestinians deserve justice?

If Arafat want a rich life he would leave the occupied Ramallah to live in Switzerland, he refused to leave Palestine.

It seems that you don't have a comment on this topic news.

The comment is why no similar hatchet job on the Palestinian leaders who have defrauded $trillions from international aid, and still are with impunity. This is why abu mazen wont step down he has too much to lose from lost aid monies paid to him directly.
Al Jazeera: Where ARE Arafat’s Stolen Billions?

It seems Yasir Arafat may be dead physically, but his story has regained new life as new inquiries are raised as to the cause of his death. The inevitable accusation on Al-Jazeera is that the Israeli government secretly murdered him. This accusation would be taken a lot more seriously had Al Jazeera in 2010 not formerly opined that the shark attacking tourists off the Egyptian coast was also an Israeli plot. Now, it’s hard to take anything Al Jazeera says about Israel seriously.

Instead of a CSI style murder investigation with little proof, Al Jazeera should act like actual investigative journalists and hire forensic accountants to conduct a financial autopsy of his handling of the finances of the Palestinian economy. A news media seeking the truth should inform the public how Arafat used the Palestinians as a scapegoat of suffering to be milked for his own profit, and how any remnant of the stolen money should be regained and used to actually help the Palestinian people.

In 2009, U.S. officials estimate Arafat’s personal nest egg at between $1 billion and $3 billion. His wife and daughter received a $100,000 a month out of the Palestinian budget, living the high life in Paris. Where did all this wealth come from?

World Bank official Palestinian Salman Fayyad became finance minister in 2003, and immediately began seeing why Palestinians seemed so squeezed by the economy and how Arafat was staying so financially prosperous. According to a study of Arafat’s finances done in 2003, Fayyad showed that:

“although the money for the portfolio came from public funds like Palestinian taxes, virtually none of it was used for the Palestinian people; it was all controlled by Arafat. And none of these dealings were made public.”

Arafat had used a system of monopolies in commodities and staples like flour and cement to fleece the people, farming out lucrative contracts to friends to price gouge his own people. When Salman Fayyad broke up one monopoly, the price of gas went down 20 percent for gas and 80 percent less for diesel fuel.

Shadowed by the conflict, no one paid much attention to the bottom line. Therefore, perpetual war seemed to suit Arafat well financially, even as it condemned his people to violence, refugee camps and hopelessness.

Here is what Arafat said to a delegation of West Bank Palestinians who wanted to form their own state in that region:

“We shall oppose the establishment of this state to the member of the Palestinian people, for if ever such a state is established it will spell the end of the Palestinian cause.”

Arafat rightly feared that a state would the end of the gravy train of foreign aid and unfair economic practices. His actual cause, crony capitalism, price gouging and embezzling funds would be far more noticeable in a stable country. Therefore, he did everything to achieve the impossible goal to “destroy Israel”, neglecting any prospect for a smaller state with a peaceful and viable future.

Investigating Arafat’s death is any journalist’s privilege, if they feel there is a story. But why have mainstream media ignored the financial crimes against people living today? Arafat’s stolen billions belongs either to the donors (like the United States or Europe) or for the intended purpose of the betterment of the Palestinian people. So far, it’s still in the hands of Arafat’s family. This is a crime.

So, Al Jazeera, want to take up the challenge and break the story? Feel free to use this article as a starting point for a real investigation into a heinous crime. I imagine writing a Palestinian story where Israel is not the bad guy will be less enjoyable, but don’t the Palestinians deserve justice?

If Arafat want a rich life he would leave the occupied Ramallah to live in Switzerland, he refused to leave Palestine.

It seems that you don't have a comment on this topic news.
Arafat did have Swiss and European bank accounts where he hid all the stolen money.

Why should he have left? You are not very smart are you. It would mean the end of conning and stealing from his people while he looks like a hero asking them to blow themselves up for a false invented cause.

Stealing what from his people?!
Goofy, all palestinians lands were stolen by khazar settlers since 60 years.

When was the land given to them under international treaty then. You know like when the Ottomans gave the land to the LoN after losing the war, and the LoN gave the land to the Jews and Saudi royal family. When was it given to illegal arab muslim immigrants after 1923 ?

Don't forget that Arafat was Egyptianso he was an illegal immigrant, and khazar was a fiction based on an epic poem
Last edited:
The settlers are sometimes worst than gangsters in the world.
Nothing matches Islamist thugs though. They use and abuse their religion as sanction for their barbarism and thuggery.

The Israelis are no slouches at thuggery. They claim their religion allowed them to evict the rightful inhabitants of Palestine. Now that's thuggery and barbarism.
Same shit different thread.

Maybe instead of your repetitive whining, derailing and trolling you can tell us why the wife of the thug founder of the Palestinian movement Arafat, is hiding in Europe and isn't helping out those poor suffering fraudsters known as the Palestinians with a single dime, and why does she refuse to set foot there? Go ahead. Unless the whole movement was a fraud like all your claims, and an attempt to trick his people into killing themselves so that he could line up his bloody pockets.

Would you live under Israeli occupation and oppression if you had the money to live comfortably on the Cote d'Azur?

Why do so many muslims want to live in Israel if it is so bad ?


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