A Full Pardon For John Roberts?


Sep 23, 2010
Not being a lawyer, I am not sure if Chief Justice Roberts deserves a pardon should Hillarycare II be thrown out:

ObamaCare has been challenged on various legal grounds, but one of its most serious legal threats builds upon the very same Supreme Court decision that held it constitutional. The Washington Times reports on a suit from the Pacific Legal Foundation that has been making its way quietly through the court system:

A challenge filed by the Pacific Legal Foundation contends that the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional because the bill originated in the Senate, not the House. Under the Origination Clause of the Constitution, all bills raising revenue must begin in the House.

The Supreme Court upheld most provisions of the act in June, but Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. took pains in the majority opinion to define Obamacare as a federal tax, not a mandate. That was when the Sacramento, Calif.-based foundation’s attorneys had their “aha” moment.

“The court there quite explicitly says, ‘This is not a law passed under the Commerce Clause; this is just a tax,’” foundation attorney Timothy Sandefur said at a Cato Institute forum on legal challenges to the health care act. “Well, then the Origination Clause ought to apply. The courts should not be out there carving in new exceptions to the Origination Clause.”​

The four liberal justices who participated in the crime with Roberts are hardened criminals; they should be locked behind real bars for life. Before Roberts is pardoned for the worst decision since Roe v. Wade, I’d like to know if he was smart enough to know the ACA was unconstitutional for the reason stated in the above excerpt. I don’t think he did know. If I’m wrong why the hell did he not throw Hillarycare II out to begin with.

It’s not like the Origination Clause is vague or obscure. A few years ago dumbbell Harry Reid proposed a Senate bill designed to raise revenues. I forget the issue, but he had to be reminded that the Senate has no authority to raise revenue. Naturally, lamebrain Reid was not forced to resign because he violated his oath of office for even trying. To be fair to Reid he did a little amateur boxing in his youth; so maybe taking too many punches scrambled his brain.

The test for Roberts’ pardon will come if the High Court hears the case —— not a certainty by any means:

We may find out soon, as the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia is expected to rule on the Justice Department’s motion to dismiss in the very near future.

The lawsuit that might kill ObamaCare
By: John Hayward
4/2/2013 10:07 AM

The lawsuit that might kill ObamaCare | Human Events

That takes the fucking cake.

So you are the new Minister Of Propaganda around here, eh?

That takes the fucking cake.

So you are the new Minister Of Propaganda around here, eh?

To Sallow: I called it HillaryCare II on another message board when it was first proposed, and in countless messages on this board after it became law.

For your edification I was looking ahead. Associating Hussein’s disaster with then-First Lady Hillary Clinton’s healthcare fiasco will count against her big time should she get the nomination in 2016; much more than it counted against Hussein in 2012 because the public is learning exactly what the ACA contains. Bottom line: If you hang with it you smell like it.

That takes the fucking cake.

So you are the new Minister Of Propaganda around here, eh?

To Sallow: I called it HillaryCare II on another message board when it was first proposed, and in countless messages on this board after it became law.

For your edification I was looking ahead. Associating Hussein’s disaster with then-First Lady Hillary Clinton’s healthcare fiasco will count against her big time should she get the nomination in 2016; much more than it counted against Hussein in 2012 because the public is learning exactly what the ACA contains. Bottom line: If you hang with it you smell like it.

It was the Bob Dole plan..and Romney used it in Massachusetts.

You can't get away with re-writing history, Flanders.
It was the Bob Dole plan..and Romney used it in Massachusetts.

You can't get away with re-writing history, Flanders.

To Sallow: Wrong again. Hillary Clinton is the mother of Hillarycare II:

1993-Hillarycare task force.

1994-Bod Dole opposes individual mandates in Hillarycare.

1994-Hillarycare stopped cold.

2006-Romneycare signed into law.

Hillary Clinton later said the failed Healthcare Security Act taught her to take baby steps. In plain English do it incrementally. Hussein is so arrogant he did it all at once. When passing the ACA was in the planning stage Hussein said this about Hillary Clinton’s failure:

“I’ve been doing that with this White House, and they just don’t seem to give it any credibility at all,” Berry said. “They just kept telling us how good it was going to be. The president himself, when that was brought up in one group, said, ‘Well, the big difference here and in ’94 was you’ve got me.’ We’re going to see how much difference that makes now.”

Berry: Obama said "big difference" between '10 and '94 is "me" - On Congress - POLITICO.com

Controlling both Houses may have had something to do with passing Hillarycare II. That’s irrelevant now. The worst thing that can happen to a salesman has happened to Hussein. He is seen as a liar. Even media liberals cringe every time he opens his lying mouth about anything. They are the ones who have to make his lies plausible. His lying will prove fatal in the months ahead.
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Not much question Obamacare is Hillarycare regurgitated.

No question at all the insurance industry got to Roberts. Be a surprise to me if someone close to Roberts isn't living a little higher on the hog than they were before Obamacare was found to be a "tax" instead of unConstitutional coercion of commerce. Roberts' vote on Obamacare almost certainly tracks back to some interesting - and dubious - changes of circumstance inside the Roberts family or near Roberts; if there were any investigative reporters left in America the ruling on Obamacare would be headed back to the news one of these days.

An interesting parallel in changes of opinion is that neocon scum from CT, Lieberman. He championed single payer most of his career. Then his wife began consulting for health care corporations and he ratcheted it up. As her take increased The Lieb's position moved toward "doubts" about single payer and then opposing more government interference. By the time he retired his wife had put enough away his senate pension probably doesn't pay their taxes.
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Not being a lawyer, I am not sure if Chief Justice Roberts deserves a pardon should Hillarycare II be thrown out:

ObamaCare has been challenged on various legal grounds, but one of its most serious legal threats builds upon the very same Supreme Court decision that held it constitutional. The Washington Times reports on a suit from the Pacific Legal Foundation that has been making its way quietly through the court system:

A challenge filed by the Pacific Legal Foundation contends that the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional because the bill originated in the Senate, not the House. Under the Origination Clause of the Constitution, all bills raising revenue must begin in the House.

The Supreme Court upheld most provisions of the act in June, but Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. took pains in the majority opinion to define Obamacare as a federal tax, not a mandate. That was when the Sacramento, Calif.-based foundation’s attorneys had their “aha” moment.

“The court there quite explicitly says, ‘This is not a law passed under the Commerce Clause; this is just a tax,’” foundation attorney Timothy Sandefur said at a Cato Institute forum on legal challenges to the health care act. “Well, then the Origination Clause ought to apply. The courts should not be out there carving in new exceptions to the Origination Clause.”​

The four liberal justices who participated in the crime with Roberts are hardened criminals; they should be locked behind real bars for life. Before Roberts is pardoned for the worst decision since Roe v. Wade, I’d like to know if he was smart enough to know the ACA was unconstitutional for the reason stated in the above excerpt. I don’t think he did know. If I’m wrong why the hell did he not throw Hillarycare II out to begin with.

It’s not like the Origination Clause is vague or obscure. A few years ago dumbbell Harry Reid proposed a Senate bill designed to raise revenues. I forget the issue, but he had to be reminded that the Senate has no authority to raise revenue. Naturally, lamebrain Reid was not forced to resign because he violated his oath of office for even trying. To be fair to Reid he did a little amateur boxing in his youth; so maybe taking too many punches scrambled his brain.

The test for Roberts’ pardon will come if the High Court hears the case —— not a certainty by any means:

We may find out soon, as the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia is expected to rule on the Justice Department’s motion to dismiss in the very near future.

The lawsuit that might kill ObamaCare
By: John Hayward
4/2/2013 10:07 AM

The lawsuit that might kill ObamaCare | Human Events

Man U be smokin dat goood cheet. Wher u get dat goood cheet from?
Supreme Court Justices don't get Pardoned, they get Impeached.

The last time that happened was back in 1805.

Not saying it can't happen but it's highly unlikely.
If it weren't for Chief Justice Roberts, the nation would not know that Obama's ACA is another tax, and in fact, the highest tax hike in history. When this is repeated to a leftist the response is something like :lalala:

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