A God Who Hates Women


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
The true war against women & the west...
A God Who Hates Women
The painful tale I have to tell -- after having lived most of my life in several Muslim countries.
December 28, 2015
Dr. Majid Rafizadeh


A God Who Hates Women is the title of my latest book, a memoir. I was driven to write it to counter the unfounded claims of many Western pro-Islam or Eastern Islamist scholars.

In detail, I reveal how Western Muslims scholars are not educated or informed enough, but rely on fallacies created to give the illusion of wisdom. Unlike these so-called scholars or Western imams, I lived most of my life in several Muslim countries. I grew up in both dominant Muslim sects, predominantly Shia and Sunni nations (the Islamic Republic of Iran and Syria).

Rather than depicting fantasies and baseless theories, I attempt to show readers, through my firsthand experiences, what life in a Muslim country or under the Sharia law is actually like. Although this book focuses mainly on Islam, oppression and women, my next upcoming book, “The Renegade: Memoir of Struggle, Defiance and Enlightenment,” sheds light on the untold truth about Islam, and many things I have remained silent about.

For a woman who lives in a Muslim society or under Shari’a law, "choice" is an alien word. Inequality, violence, injustice, abuse, and discrimination are daily nightmares.

Some women become tools of the dominant Islamist culture: they join the system to please the authorities and to get rewards. Others have found no way to survive other than to be forcefully subjugated, controlled and dehumanized.

Many Western pro-Islam and Eastern Islamist scholars argue that Islam is the "religion of peace" and that Islam respects women. They add that Islam has raised women’s socio-political and socio-economic status in the society.

One of the most common examples that Muslim scholars focus on to try to show that Islam supports women is the story of Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, the businesswoman and wife of Muhammad. One writer who brags about Islam’s impact on women argues that Khadijah is a Muslim woman who “was a successful and esteemed business woman.” She goes on to list further examples of this woman's supposed independence: “She turned down many marriage proposals,” “She asked the Prophet to marry her,” “She was an ideal wife; theirs was a true love story,” etc.

The argument that Khadijah is an example of Islam is altogether anchored in fallacies. Khadijah is paraded around as an example of how Islam influenced women to be strong. But the fact is that Khadijah was not the product of Islam. She was the product of pre-Islam or what Muslims call Jahiliyyah (the state of ignorance of guidance from Allah).


A God Who Hates Women
Generally people trying to keep women in their place is actually more about conservatism, especially in poorer countries.

Women serve one purpose, to be the thing that gives birth to children.

In the West this isn't so any more.

However this situation happens as much in India as it does in other, poor Muslim countries, and also poor Christian countries.
Generally people trying to keep women in their place is actually more about conservatism, especially in poorer countries.

Women serve one purpose, to be the thing that gives birth to children.

In the West this isn't so any more.

However this situation happens as much in India as it does in other, poor Muslim countries, and also poor Christian countries.
Yeah Jesus (or one of the many christs in the story) and the disciples weren't to keen on woman either if you read Timothy and such. Their supposed sexual exploits also add to that fact and the church of Rome only carried on that tradition of the Nazarenes and Rome's behavior towards woman.
Generally people trying to keep women in their place is actually more about conservatism, especially in poorer countries.

Women serve one purpose, to be the thing that gives birth to children.

In the West this isn't so any more.

However this situation happens as much in India as it does in other, poor Muslim countries, and also poor Christian countries.

Well can't be that wrong if you can't give and argument back.
Yeah Jesus (or one of the many christs in the story) and the disciples weren't to keen on woman either if you read Timothy and such. Their supposed sexual exploits also add to that fact and the church of Rome only carried on that tradition of the Nazarenes and Rome's behavior towards woman.
The church has progressed and modernized where islam is stuck in the 7th century...:bye1:
Yeah because buyng a woman a drink at a bar and expecting something in return and the women who accept the drink at a bar and sleep with them is a progressed and modern form of Roman prostitution, clearly a more advanced society. *eyes rolling*
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Dalia Mogahed: Mainstreaming Islamic Oppression

Sharia advocate goes on the Daily Show to explain why Islamic oppression of women is, hey, really cool.

January 15, 2016
Robert Spencer


Dalia Mogahed, formerly Barack Obama’s adviser on Muslim affairs, appeared on Trevor Noah’s sinking-like-a-stone Daily Show last week, to explain to a worshipful Noah and an adoring audience that the hijab represented nothing more or less than the “privatization of women’s sexuality” – and who on earth but the most benighted lout could possibly be against that? The burning outrage of Mogahed’s words was probably missed by most Daily Show viewers. It should not be missed by FrontPage readers.

“The privatization of women’s sexuality.” A well-constructed and extraordinarily clever phrase, to be sure. With it, Mogahed suggests that the only people who could possibly object to women wearing hijabs are those who want to objectify women as sexual commodities. In this, we glimpse the subtle manipulation by which Islamic supremacists such as Mogahed have co-opted and silenced feminists whom one might otherwise have expected to have stood up against the Sharia oppression of women. How can one stand with the objectifiers, the pornographers, the users, the haters, against those who simply want to “privatize” their sexuality?

The audience loved this. Noah ate it up. But there are a few audiences before whom Mogahed’s extremely clever act might not play quite as well as it did before the Daily Show. Aqsa Parvez’s Muslim father choked her to death with her hijab after she refused to wear it. Aqsa might have a few choice words for Dalia Mogahed about “privatization” of her sexuality. And then there was Amina Muse Ali, who was a Christian woman in Somalia whom Muslims murdered because she wasn’t wearing a hijab. Forty women were murdered in Iraq in 2007 for not wearing the hijab. They might wish that their sexuality had been a trifle less “privatized” – at least enough for them to be able to continue to breathe air.

Will Dalia Mogahed and Trevor Noah get together on another Daily Show episode to say a few words in memory of Aqsa, Amina, and the forty Iraqi women? Will they honor the memory of Amira, an Egyptian girl who committed suicide after being brutalized for her family for refusing to “privatize” her sexuality and wear the hijab? Will they defend the freedom of Alya Al-Safar, whose Muslim cousin threatened to kill her and harm her family because she stopped privatizing her sexuality and wearing the hijab in Britain? Will they speak up for the Saudi schoolgirls who were burnt alive because firefighters wouldn’t enter their burning school since they weren’t wearing hijab, i.e., their sexuality was insufficiently privatized?

Dalia Mogahed: Mainstreaming Islamic Oppression
The Muslim Man’s Sexual “Rights” Over Non-Muslim Women
The only thing "infidel" women are worth.
February 12, 2016
Raymond Ibrahim

In word and deed, in Islamic and non-Islamic nations, Muslim men appear to think that non-Muslim women—impure “infidels”—exist solely to gratify their sexual urges.

First, consider the beliefs and actions of those committed to waging jihad for the cause of Allah, such as the Islamic State:

In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old [non-Muslim] girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her — it condoned and encouraged it, he insisted. He bound her hands and gagged her. Then he knelt beside the bed and prostrated himself in prayer before getting on top of her. When it was over, he knelt to pray again, bookending the rape with acts of religious devotion. “I kept telling him it hurts — please stop,” said the girl, whose body is so small an adult could circle her waist with two hands. “He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to” Allah.

Yet such behavior is not limited to fanatical jihadis, who have “nothing whatsoever to do with Islam,” as most fools and liars will assure us; rather it permeates the totality of Islamic culture.

Consider recent events in Pakistan: three Christian girls walking home after a hard day’s work were accosted by four “rich and drunk” Muslims—hardly ISIS candidates—in a car. They “misbehaved,” yelled “suggestive and lewd comments,” and harassed the girls to get in their car for “a ride and some fun.” When the girls declined the “invitation,” adding that they were “devout Christians and did not practice sex outside of marriage,” the men became enraged and chased the girls, yelling, “How dare you run away from us, Christian girls are only meant for one thing: the pleasure of Muslim men.” They drove their car into the three girls, killing one and severely injuring the other two.

Or consider the words of human rights activists speaking about another Muslim man’s rape of a 9-year-old Christian girl: “Such incidents occur frequently. Christian girls are considered goods to be damaged at leisure. Abusing them is a right. According to the community’s mentality it is not even a crime. Muslims regard them as spoils of war.”

Once relegated to third world countries like Pakistan and ISIS-controlled areas, the subhuman treatment and sexual abuse of “infidel” women is becoming a common fixture in the West.

Thus recently in Germany, a group of Muslim “refugees” stalked a 25-year-old woman at night, hurled “filthy” insults and taunted her for sex. One told her that “German women are there for sex,” before reaching into her blouse and trousers and groping her.


The Muslim Man’s Sexual “Rights” Over Non-Muslim Women
The true war against women & the west...
A God Who Hates Women
The painful tale I have to tell -- after having lived most of my life in several Muslim countries.
December 28, 2015
Dr. Majid Rafizadeh


A God Who Hates Women is the title of my latest book, a memoir. I was driven to write it to counter the unfounded claims of many Western pro-Islam or Eastern Islamist scholars.

In detail, I reveal how Western Muslims scholars are not educated or informed enough, but rely on fallacies created to give the illusion of wisdom. Unlike these so-called scholars or Western imams, I lived most of my life in several Muslim countries. I grew up in both dominant Muslim sects, predominantly Shia and Sunni nations (the Islamic Republic of Iran and Syria).

Rather than depicting fantasies and baseless theories, I attempt to show readers, through my firsthand experiences, what life in a Muslim country or under the Sharia law is actually like. Although this book focuses mainly on Islam, oppression and women, my next upcoming book, “The Renegade: Memoir of Struggle, Defiance and Enlightenment,” sheds light on the untold truth about Islam, and many things I have remained silent about.

For a woman who lives in a Muslim society or under Shari’a law, "choice" is an alien word. Inequality, violence, injustice, abuse, and discrimination are daily nightmares.

Some women become tools of the dominant Islamist culture: they join the system to please the authorities and to get rewards. Others have found no way to survive other than to be forcefully subjugated, controlled and dehumanized.

Many Western pro-Islam and Eastern Islamist scholars argue that Islam is the "religion of peace" and that Islam respects women. They add that Islam has raised women’s socio-political and socio-economic status in the society.

One of the most common examples that Muslim scholars focus on to try to show that Islam supports women is the story of Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, the businesswoman and wife of Muhammad. One writer who brags about Islam’s impact on women argues that Khadijah is a Muslim woman who “was a successful and esteemed business woman.” She goes on to list further examples of this woman's supposed independence: “She turned down many marriage proposals,” “She asked the Prophet to marry her,” “She was an ideal wife; theirs was a true love story,” etc.

The argument that Khadijah is an example of Islam is altogether anchored in fallacies. Khadijah is paraded around as an example of how Islam influenced women to be strong. But the fact is that Khadijah was not the product of Islam. She was the product of pre-Islam or what Muslims call Jahiliyyah (the state of ignorance of guidance from Allah).


A God Who Hates Women

All religions command a woman to be submissive to men. Know Why??? Men wrote the rules and initiated religion for personal gain and control.

It's all a major load of bull shit!

The Mormon church is one of the newest faiths in the world and ol' Joseph smith and Brigham Young nearly screwed their selves to death around all that young pussy. Between the two of them they had nearly 100 wives.

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All Christian faiths put women in second place to men. It's not just mooslims, Jews also...
I see liberals rush to the defense of Islam, just as I saw them rush to the defense of Communism during the 1980's. Also, they hate capital punishment for convicted murderers but support abortion through all nine months of innocent unborn children.

I can only conclude that liberals are taking their orders from some central source, whether in New York City, Washington D.C., or hell I don't know.
All Christian faiths put women in second place to men. It's not just mooslims, Jews also...
Except Jews are Biblically required to feed, house, clothe them per season and holiday, buy them jewelry for each holiday and birthday and aren't allowed to hit or insult.
Liberals who say Christianity and Judaism is just as bad as Islam are perpetrating a lie, and it's the kind of lie that Joseph Goebbels would call the Big Lie.
Good News: Muslims Allowed to Enslave Infidel Women only in Some Circumstances
How "moderate" Muslims condemn the Islamic State while justifying slavery.
February 15, 2016
Raymond Ibrahim

Seeing the tree and missing the forest is increasingly how Islam’s apologists rationalize away the violence and hate Sharia engenders for the “infidel,” the non-Muslim.

Consider the true significance of yet another learned Muslim justifying the enslavement and rape of non-Muslim women.

Suad Saleh, a female professor of Islamic doctrine at Al Azhar University, correctly defined the Arabic phrase melk al-yamin -- “right hand possession” (Koran 4:3)" -- by saying non-Muslim “female prisoners of wars are ‘those whom you own.’ In order to humiliate them, they become the property of the [Muslim] army commander, or of a Muslim, and he can have sex with them just like he has sex with his wives.”

The Al Azhar professor misses the forest by claiming that the Islamic institution of sex slavery is fair and just, but only sees a tree by complaining that some Muslims exploit it to the detriment of Islam:

"Some [Muslim] opportunists and extremists, who only harm Islam, say: 'I will bring a woman from East Asia, as [as a sex slave] under the status of ‘right hand possessions.’ And with the consent of my wife, I will allocate this woman a room in the house, and will have sex with her as a slave girl.' This is nonsense. This is not prescribed by Islam at all. Islam says that a woman is either a wife or a slave girl. Legitimately-owned slaves come from among prisoners of war."

Ms. Saleh’s comments are not new. Countless Muslims, beginning with Muhammad himself, have confirmed that Islam permits the sexual enslavement of non-Muslim women seized during the jihad. Saleh cannot even take the “honor” of being the first Muslim woman to support this inherently misogynistic creed.

Saleh is correct that some Muslim men twist the “right hand possession” law in ways that allow them to have nonconventional sex. For instance, some years back in Egypt a Muslim scholar formally took a woman to be his “right hand possession,” even though she wasn’t conquered in a jihad and in fact entered the agreement willingly.

Yet what Professor Saleh and many other Muslim apologists fail to understand is that an inherently unjust and uncivilized law -- such as one that permits the sexual enslavement of women simply because they are non-Muslims -- will by nature always be “abused.”


Good News: Muslims Allowed to Enslave Infidel Women only in Some Circumstances
Understanding the Hijab
The widespread misconception about Islamic covering among leftists in the West.
April 27, 2016
Dr. Majid Rafizadeh

I spent most of my life in the Islamic Republic of Iran and Syria until a few years ago. Now, living in the West, I am stunned with all misconceptions and misleading information about Islam. It seems to me that this stems from a large propaganda campaign coming from various platforms ranging from the dominant liberal media to Western Muslim scholars who have never lived in an Islamic country, but only read books published in the West. Liberals are brainwashed to view the West as the victimizers and the Muslims as the victims.

While covering all the misconceptions would require hundreds of books, I am going to only address the truth about the hijab in this article and the fallacies that are taught to ordinary people in the West about veiling, Muslim women, and the idea of victimhood.

(I have covered other truths and aspects of Islam in my memoir, Allah: A God Who Hates Women.)


The First Phase: Indoctrination

The first phase is indoctrinating the idea of hiding one's hair and body in the mind of a woman. The process of indoctrination begins from the moment a baby girl is born.


The Second Phase: The Superficial Pleasure

I call the second phase the superficial pleasure. In most cases, the first phase is followed with connecting fake pleasure with the action; in other words, this is the phase of connecting a bad or painful action with superficial pleasure and happiness.


The Third Phase: Terror

The third phase I identify as imposing terror. The moment the two phases of indoctrination and connecting superficial pleasure with the hijab and hiding the body are fulfilled, the next phase begins, which is the process of imposing terror and fear in the girl in order to fix and cement the action.

This applies to those Muslim women who wear the hijab, but don’t brag about wearing it; these women have gone through this third phase.

Suddenly, the ceremony shifts to the real depiction of Allah, Khoda (in Persian); the Muslim god created by Muslim men. Allah becomes a torturer, an oppressor and a dictator.


The Final Phase: Liberation, Enlightenment and Freedom.

Finally, some women pass phase three and go to the final phase by revolting. I call this phase liberation, enlightenment and freedom.

If the oppression and restrictive laws of Islam go too far, become ubiquitous and unbearable, resistance and enlightenment will occur in some women. (This scenario is more likely to happen for some women who live in a country where religion rules the state -- a theocracy such as the Islamic Republic of Iran -- and where the state imposes Sharia law. In secular countries, i.e. Western countries or those Muslim countries in which the government is mostly secular, Muslim women are more likely to become more “Islamic,” in fact. I discuss the reasons in my book.)

Those few women who rebel go against all the indoctrination imposed on them from the time of their birth, and sometimes they protest regardless of the repercussions.

This is the real truth behind covering the body and wearing the hijab, which liberals need to comprehend if they truly believe in values such as human rights, social justice, freedom and democracy.

Understanding the Hijab

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