A great day in the Republican Party.....

How many times do we have to tell you only three flipped and Jimmy Carter won the south peon?

Democrats will never stop defending their enslavement of blacks....

It was white people who enslaved the blacks.
You do know one of the first slave owners was a black man?

Oh yeah. It was the blacks running the whole slave show here in the states . It was really the white slave owners who were the victims !
That's not what jknowgood posted..... nice attempt at a straw man though.

Slavery has been around for most of recorded human history (and is still around today), of course the clueless seem to believe that it was invented in North America by "white people".

The principle suppliers of African Slaves to the New World were Africans (i.e. blacks capturing blacks and selling them to slavers) and there were 1000's of cases of American Blacks that owned Black slaves prior to the Civil War.

The point of all that being is, that you appear to be clueless with regards to the history of this subject when you post simplistic nonsense like "it was white people that enslaved blacks".
He only knows talking points.
Democrats will never stop defending their enslavement of blacks....

It was white people who enslaved the blacks.
You do know one of the first slave owners was a black man?

Oh yeah. It was the blacks running the whole slave show here in the states . It was really the white slave owners who were the victims !
That's not what jknowgood posted..... nice attempt at a straw man though.

Slavery has been around for most of recorded human history (and is still around today), of course the clueless seem to believe that it was invented in North America by "white people".

The principle suppliers of African Slaves to the New World were Africans (i.e. blacks capturing blacks and selling them to slavers) and there were 1000's of cases of American Blacks that owned Black slaves prior to the Civil War.

The point of all that being is, that you appear to be clueless with regards to the history of this subject when you post simplistic nonsense like "it was white people that enslaved blacks".

No. the point is that you are trying to downplay the history of slavery by moving blame to blacks and Africans .

And this whole thread is a bullshit move to mislead people into thinking the republicans of today would match the republicans of the civil war days . Totally disingenuous.
Lol, try to change the subject when history comes back and slaps your ass. Quit blaming white people for your troubles and maybe you could be happy. Instead of a whiny little bitch.
Democrats will never stop defending their enslavement of blacks....

It was white people who enslaved the blacks.
You do know one of the first slave owners was a black man?

Oh yeah. It was the blacks running the whole slave show here in the states . It was really the white slave owners who were the victims !
That's not what jknowgood posted..... nice attempt at a straw man though.

Slavery has been around for most of recorded human history (and is still around today), of course the clueless seem to believe that it was invented in North America by "white people".

The principle suppliers of African Slaves to the New World were Africans (i.e. blacks capturing blacks and selling them to slavers) and there were 1000's of cases of American Blacks that owned Black slaves prior to the Civil War.

The point of all that being is, that you appear to be clueless with regards to the history of this subject when you post simplistic nonsense like "it was white people that enslaved blacks".

No. the point is that you are trying to downplay the history of slavery by moving blame to blacks and Africans .
I'm not trying to "downplay" anything, I'm attempting to correct your deeply deficient knowledge of history, YOU are trying to rewrite history with simplistic and clearly unschooled pronouncements.

And this whole thread is a bullshit move to mislead people into thinking the republicans of today would match the republicans of the civil war days . Totally disingenuous.
Then why are you posting in it? It's not like you have offered anything even approximating a compelling argument to counter the OP, are you capable of doing so or are you just enamored with reading your own posts?
It was white people who enslaved the blacks.
You do know one of the first slave owners was a black man?

Oh yeah. It was the blacks running the whole slave show here in the states . It was really the white slave owners who were the victims !
That's not what jknowgood posted..... nice attempt at a straw man though.

Slavery has been around for most of recorded human history (and is still around today), of course the clueless seem to believe that it was invented in North America by "white people".

The principle suppliers of African Slaves to the New World were Africans (i.e. blacks capturing blacks and selling them to slavers) and there were 1000's of cases of American Blacks that owned Black slaves prior to the Civil War.

The point of all that being is, that you appear to be clueless with regards to the history of this subject when you post simplistic nonsense like "it was white people that enslaved blacks".

No. the point is that you are trying to downplay the history of slavery by moving blame to blacks and Africans .
I'm not trying to "downplay" anything, I'm attempting to correct your deeply deficient knowledge of history, YOU are trying to rewrite history with simplistic and clearly unschooled pronouncements.

And this whole thread is a bullshit move to mislead people into thinking the republicans of today would match the republicans of the civil war days . Totally disingenuous.
Then why are you posting in it? It's not like you have offered anything even approximating a compelling argument to counter the OP, are you capable of doing so or are you just enamored with reading your own posts?
Democrats are simpletons....it is a huge problem for America....
Democrats will never stop defending their enslavement of blacks....

It was white people who enslaved the blacks.
You do know one of the first slave owners was a black man?

Oh yeah. It was the blacks running the whole slave show here in the states . It was really the white slave owners who were the victims !
That's not what jknowgood posted..... nice attempt at a straw man though.

Slavery has been around for most of recorded human history (and is still around today), of course the clueless seem to believe that it was invented in North America by "white people".

The principle suppliers of African Slaves to the New World were Africans (i.e. blacks capturing blacks and selling them to slavers) and there were 1000's of cases of American Blacks that owned Black slaves prior to the Civil War.

The point of all that being is, that you appear to be clueless with regards to the history of this subject when you post simplistic nonsense like "it was white people that enslaved blacks".

No. the point is that you are trying to downplay the history of slavery by moving blame to blacks and Africans .

And this whole thread is a bullshit move to mislead people into thinking the republicans of today would match the republicans of the civil war days . Totally disingenuous.
Libtards like you are the idiots trying to mislead people. Truth hurts you retarded brain dead scumbags.
You mean "liberals " ended slavery .

How many times do we have to go over the democrat/republican flip in the 60s?
Until you can support it. There should be evidence somewhere of Republicans and Democrats switched parties. Last I looked there were three people.

Did you not see the election map?

Parties come n go and names change . Red state - blue state is mostly constant .
So they swapped names? Yes we know one party shrank and the other grew. I said to find the evidence that they switched parties. There would be evidence of Democrats changing to Republicans and visa versa.

Care to address the electoral maps of Lincoln days vs modern days ?
Every time you lose an argument you deflect, go away little girl.
How many times do we have to go over the democrat/republican flip in the 60s?
Your mentor Herr Goebbels told you how many times you have to.

"If you tell a big enough lie, often enough, people will eventually believe it, and it will become The Truth".
You mean "liberals " ended slavery .

How many times do we have to go over the democrat/republican flip in the 60s?
Until you can support it. There should be evidence somewhere of Republicans and Democrats switched parties. Last I looked there were three people.

Did you not see the election map?

Parties come n go and names change . Red state - blue state is mostly constant .
So they swapped names? Yes we know one party shrank and the other grew. I said to find the evidence that they switched parties. There would be evidence of Democrats changing to Republicans and visa versa.

Care to address the electoral maps of Lincoln days vs modern days ?
Every time you lose an argument you deflect, go away little girl.

How's that a deflection? It proves my point ! Was liberal massachusetts conservative back in the 1860s. ? No . It's always been liberal mass . It voted for Liberal Abe Lincoln .
How many times do we have to go over the democrat/republican flip in the 60s?
Your mentor Herr Goebbels told you how many times you have to.

"If you tell a big enough lie, often enough, people will eventually believe it, and it will become The Truth".

The lie is that the party of Lincoln is the same today as it was then . That's the big lie .
It was white people who enslaved the blacks.
You do know one of the first slave owners was a black man?

Oh yeah. It was the blacks running the whole slave show here in the states . It was really the white slave owners who were the victims !
That's not what jknowgood posted..... nice attempt at a straw man though.

Slavery has been around for most of recorded human history (and is still around today), of course the clueless seem to believe that it was invented in North America by "white people".

The principle suppliers of African Slaves to the New World were Africans (i.e. blacks capturing blacks and selling them to slavers) and there were 1000's of cases of American Blacks that owned Black slaves prior to the Civil War.

The point of all that being is, that you appear to be clueless with regards to the history of this subject when you post simplistic nonsense like "it was white people that enslaved blacks".

No. the point is that you are trying to downplay the history of slavery by moving blame to blacks and Africans .
I'm not trying to "downplay" anything, I'm attempting to correct your deeply deficient knowledge of history, YOU are trying to rewrite history with simplistic and clearly unschooled pronouncements.

And this whole thread is a bullshit move to mislead people into thinking the republicans of today would match the republicans of the civil war days . Totally disingenuous.
Then why are you posting in it? It's not like you have offered anything even approximating a compelling argument to counter the OP, are you capable of doing so or are you just enamored with reading your own posts?

Like I said . I posted the electotal map. Compared wh today's electoral maps the same liberal v conservative states remain for the most part .

History shows us what happened to the traditional dem v GOP makeup after the civil rights era .
On December 6th, 1865, the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified, ending the institution of slavery. “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” With these words, the single greatest change wrought by the Civil War was officially noted in the Constitution.

Meanwhile, democrats celebrate starting their KKK to,terrorize and kill their blacks we just freed.....
I see your masters have programmed you into bleeving the KKK was strictly a Democratic thing. :lol:
I, for one, am always glad when the psuedo-right wingers finally admit their Confederate heritage is the KKK and slavery.

They spent several years vehemently denying the Confederate flag was a symbol of racism, and now every single day they admit it!




I wear the Confederate flag because I am proud of my heritage!


Those old Confederates were slave owners and racists! Yeeeee-haaaaawwwww! That's my proud heritage![
Until you can support it. There should be evidence somewhere of Republicans and Democrats switched parties. Last I looked there were three people.

Did you not see the election map?

Parties come n go and names change . Red state - blue state is mostly constant .
So they swapped names? Yes we know one party shrank and the other grew. I said to find the evidence that they switched parties. There would be evidence of Democrats changing to Republicans and visa versa.

Care to address the electoral maps of Lincoln days vs modern days ?
Every time you lose an argument you deflect, go away little girl.

How's that a deflection? It proves my point ! Was liberal massachusetts conservative back in the 1860s. ? No . It's always been liberal mass . It voted for Liberal Abe Lincoln .
Liberoids of today can't hold a candle to Abe Lincoln. Libtards of today are commie pussies who are everything the founding fathers weren't, lying scumbags.
You do know one of the first slave owners was a black man?

Oh yeah. It was the blacks running the whole slave show here in the states . It was really the white slave owners who were the victims !
That's not what jknowgood posted..... nice attempt at a straw man though.

Slavery has been around for most of recorded human history (and is still around today), of course the clueless seem to believe that it was invented in North America by "white people".

The principle suppliers of African Slaves to the New World were Africans (i.e. blacks capturing blacks and selling them to slavers) and there were 1000's of cases of American Blacks that owned Black slaves prior to the Civil War.

The point of all that being is, that you appear to be clueless with regards to the history of this subject when you post simplistic nonsense like "it was white people that enslaved blacks".

No. the point is that you are trying to downplay the history of slavery by moving blame to blacks and Africans .
I'm not trying to "downplay" anything, I'm attempting to correct your deeply deficient knowledge of history, YOU are trying to rewrite history with simplistic and clearly unschooled pronouncements.

And this whole thread is a bullshit move to mislead people into thinking the republicans of today would match the republicans of the civil war days . Totally disingenuous.
Then why are you posting in it? It's not like you have offered anything even approximating a compelling argument to counter the OP, are you capable of doing so or are you just enamored with reading your own posts?

Like I said . I posted the electotal map. Compared wh today's electoral maps the same liberal v conservative states remain for the most part .

History shows us what happened to the traditional dem v GOP makeup after the civil rights era .
That doesn't demonstrate people switching teams, it's one party growing, the other shrinking. Which was never in question.
suddenly, there are a lot of republicans on this board. prior to the trumpmess they most probably presented themselves as libertarians, anarchists, staunch conservatives (lol), constitutionalists, racists, etc.

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