A Guide to Basic Differences Between Left and Right


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
This should be a fun thread...
A Guide to Basic Differences Between Left and Right
The irreconcilable dividing lines.
January 17, 2017
Dennis Prager

Source of Human Rights

Left: government

Right: the Creator

Human Nature

Left: basically good (Therefore, society is primarily responsible for evil.)

Right: not basically good (Therefore, the individual is primarily responsible for evil.)

Economic Goal

Left: equality

Right: prosperity

Primary Role of the State

Left: increase and protect equality

Right: increase and protect liberty


Left: as large as possible

Right: as small as possible

Family Ideal

Left: any loving unit of people

Right: a married father and mother, and children

Guiding Trinity

Left: race, gender and class

Right: liberty, In God We Trust and e pluribus unum

Good and Evil

Left: relative to individual and/or society

Right: based on universal absolutes

Humanity's Primary Division(s)

Left: rich and poor; strong and weak

Right: good and evil

Ideal Primary Identity of an American

Left: world citizen

Right: American citizen

How to Make a Good Society

Left: abolish inequality

Right: develop each citizen's moral character

View of America

Left: profoundly morally flawed; inferior to any number of European countries

Right: greatest force for good among nations in world history


Left: a social construct

Right: male and female

Most Important Trait to Cultivate in a Child

Left: self-esteem

Right: self-control

Worth of the Human Fetus

Left: determined by the mother

Right: determined by society rooted in Judeo-Christian values

Primary Source of Crime

Left: poverty, racism and other societal flaws

Right: the criminal's malfunctioning conscience

Place of God and Religion in America

Left: secular government and secular society

Right: secular government and religious society

American Exceptionalism

Left: chauvinistic doctrine

Right: historical reality


A Guide to Basic Differences Between Left and Right
Part 2

Greatest Threat to the World

Left: environmental catastrophe (currently global warming)

Right: evil (currently radical Islamist violence)

International Ideal

Left: world governed by the United Nations, and no single country is dominant

Right: world in which America is the single strongest entity

Primary Reason for Lack of Peace in Middle East

Left: Israeli settlements in the West Bank

Right: Palestinian, Arab and Muslim denial of Jewish state's right to exist

Purpose of Art

Left: challenge status quo and bourgeois sensibilities

Right: produce works of beauty and profundity to elevate the individual and society


Left: ideally universally abolished, except for use by police, the armed forces and registered sportsmen

Right: ideally widely owned by responsible individuals for self-protection and the protection of others


Left: intrinsically significant

Right: intrinsically insignificant

Racial, Ethnic and Gender Diversity at Universities

Left: most important

Right: far less important than ideological diversity

Black America's Primary Problem

Left: racism

Right: lack of fathers

Greatest Playwright

Left: entirely subjective; there is no greatest playwright

Right: Shakespeare


Left: not the answer

Right: sometimes the only answer


Left: wrong, except when directed at the political

Right: wrong, except when directed at evil


Left: all equal

Right: some are better than others

America's Founding Fathers

Left: rich white male slave owners

Right: great men who founded the greatest society

Purpose of Judges

Left: pursue social justice

Right: pursue justice

National Borders

Left: a relic of the past

Right: indispensable for national survival

View of Illegal Immigrants

Left: welcomed guests

Right: illegal immigrants


Left: intrinsically valuable

Right: made for man

A Guide to Basic Differences Between Left and Right
I'm always impressed with the volume of wrong stuff right wingers can memorize.
John Hibbing talks about this on Inquiring Minds. Very interesting! Skip to 10:00 to cut to the chase.

Little wonder we can't convert the other side.
June 19, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


CBS's Scott Pelley putting on his best sour face decided to lecture Republicans on how they're at fault for one of his leftist allies trying to assassinate Republicans.

"It's time to ask whether the attack on the United States Congress, yesterday, was foreseeable, predictable and, to some degree, self-inflicted," Pelley asks.

By self-inflicted, he means it's Trump's fault.

After listing the Pizzagate attack, Pelley conceded that, "Sen. Bernie Sanders has called the president the "most dangerous in history." The shooter yesterday was a Sanders volunteer."

What does any of this have to do with a shooting carried out by a Trump-hating leftist? Just that the media is the enemy of the American people. Its propaganda is shameless, dishonest and utterly uncaring of the truth.

CBS: GOP Baseball Shooting is Trump's Fault

Then he pivoted right back to bashing Republicans.

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