A History of Handouts

First off I am a man. Second you had no business saying what you did. The facts are what they are. 3 trillion is not wasted on anything and the back in they day you're talking about never existed. I've seen what you've seen and more. We need to invest in our citizens and not the military. Whites such as you are unable to deal with the hard cold truth, but that's exactly what you are about to see.

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”. This was a study done by the Kellogg Foundation, using information it had studied and assessed from the Center for American Progress, National Urban League Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the U.S. Department of Justice.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

Over the course of the past several decades we have heard over and over how if we cut taxes we stimulate growth. But it seems that if we erase racism, racist policies and racist policy decisions that adversely affects COMMUNITIES, that we could erase many of the problems we see today. We are talking about serious increases in GDP, deficit reductions, increased tax revenue, more tax payers instead of more needing public assistance, increased corporate profits which means more jobs and yet there remains a great resistance to do this. Again, racism is more than racial slurs or racist comments. Racism in America has had a negative economic impact on the black community, other communities of color and in fact, the entire country.

Let me break down what white racism has done to this nation. While certain whites gloat about how successful they have been as a race and lecture others about how they have failed, facts show they have created the problems being complained about today. If not for racism everyone would be better off economically, fewer people would be on the public dime, tax revenues would increase at every level, we’d have a smaller deficit, or possibly no national deficit or debt. Crime would be reduced dramatically, unemployment very well would be less than 1 percent. More than likely the increased tax revenue could help provide free education and health care to all American citizens. After reading study after study shoes us that virtually every economic problem we have stems from the racism that has denied people of color opportunity.

Well fortunately weve moved past the old days. There arent any more slaves and everyone has equal rights.
Things are done differently today and white racism remains a major problem. Those with white fragility refuse to admit this.
Name the top 3 worst attacks against blacks this month. Lets see if this is a problem or not.

445 shot and killed and 2200 shot and wounded in Chicago this year, the majority of them being black or Hispanic.

Chicago Crime 2019 | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!

Want to take a guess how many of those shootings were done by white Christian conservative gun-owning Trump-supporting NRA-members?

Of course, blind ideological racists like IM2 don't like to talk about that.
Chicago is not the only city in the nation and this thread is not about Chicago. But sure as the sun rises every day one of you white blind ideological racists try diverting, trolling and attempting to hijack threads when the topic is about ANYTHING that shoots down your little delusion about the supremacy of the saltine.

36,000 people die because of guns annually white boy. The majority of them don't live in Chicago and are white.
Most of those gun deaths are from suicides, which arent violent crimes. Either you are intentionally lying, or you are just ignorant, but you can shove that 36,000 number up your ass.
445 shot and killed and 2200 shot and wounded in Chicago this year, the majority of them being black or Hispanic.

Chicago Crime 2019 | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!

Want to take a guess how many of those shootings were done by white Christian conservative gun-owning Trump-supporting NRA-members?

Of course, blind ideological racists like IM2 don't like to talk about that.
Chicago is not the only city in the nation and this thread is not about Chicago. But sure as the sun rises every day one of you white blind ideological racists try diverting, trolling and attempting to hijack threads when the topic is about ANYTHING that shoots down your little delusion about the supremacy of the saltine.

36,000 people die because of guns annually white boy. The majority of them don't live in Chicago and are white.

According to CBS News, of those 36,000, nearly two-thirds of them are suicides..

Nearly 40,000 People Died From Guns in U.S. Last Year, Highest in 50 Years | csbnnews

That leaves 12,000 victims of homicides or accidents. Now comes the fun part: The 2010 Bureau of Justice Statistics report concluded that 93% of black homicide victims from 1980 through 2008 were killed by black offenders. The 2007 U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics report also showed that blacks were victims of 7,999 homicides in 2005.

324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years

Now do the math: That would amount to 279,965 black people murdered by other black people over a period of 35 years. Now don't come crying to me about "racist white people" when your own worst enemy is your own race. You are full of shit.

Here we go with the same silly trifling white racist bullshit. This thread is about the history of free shit given to whites by this government. You are looking for any strawman you can because you know that what you believe is a lie. White racism involved public policy and that is more dangerous than the fact that 93 percent of blacks killed was by another black person. Especially given the fact that during the same time frame 86 percent of whites that were killed were killed by other whites and 53 percent of gang related homicides were committed by white gangs.

The fact that you refuse to acknowledge these numbers while trying to tell me what not to talk to you about shows 2 things, 1. the extent of the problem of white racism and; 2. white fragility. This thread is about the history of free shit given to whites by this government. The more you refuse to recognize the facts, the more you try what you have just done, the more continuing history of white privilege will be shown to you.

Kept Out: Banks Across U.S. Caught Systematically Rejecting People of Color for Home Loans
Published on Feb 15, 2018

Do you know what systematically people of color are rejected from home loans? Welfare doesnt cut it. Whites on welfare cant get a loan either, but you are color blind to see that also. Only the liberals use color as a weapon against their opponents to stir up the stupid so they can rant and rave about how life is unfair, then liberals Barney Frank and Chris Dodd make banking rules so it is even harder for middle class blacks and whites to get a home. Did you know that you moron? Of course not, you have your head up your ass and do what ever the liberals tell you to do.

Black Home Buyers Denied Mortgages More Than Twice As Often As Whites, Report Finds

Black and Hispanic homebuyers are significantly more likely to get turned down for a conventional mortgage loan, according to new data.

A recent analysis from Zillow shows that in 2016, nearly 21% of black applicants were denied a conventional loan, while 15.5% of Hispanics were. Those rates are down from 2007, when black applicants were turned down 34.3% of the time and Hispanics faced denials on 30% of applications. The national denial rate is down, too, dropping from 18% in 2007 to 9.8% in 2016.

Still, even with the reduction over the past decade, a major gap exists between loan denials for white and Asian applicants and those of black and Hispanic applicants. In 2016, Asian applicants were denied a conventional loan in 10.4% of cases — slightly more than the national average — and whites in only 8.1%. The gap widens even further in certain geographic locations — particularly in the North and on the Atlantic Coast.

Black Home Buyers Denied Mortgages More Than Twice As Often As Whites, Report Finds

No one is going to give a bunch of broke scrubs loans.
Here we go with the same silly trifling white racist bullshit. This thread is about the history of free shit given to whites by this government. You are looking for any strawman you can because you know that what you believe is a lie. White racism involved public policy and that is more dangerous than the fact that 93 percent of blacks killed was by another black person. Especially given the fact that during the same time frame 86 percent of whites that were killed were killed by other whites and 53 percent of gang related homicides were committed by white gangs.

The fact that you refuse to acknowledge these numbers while trying to tell me what not to talk to you about shows 2 things, 1. the extent of the problem of white racism and; 2. white fragility. This thread is about the history of free shit given to whites by this government. The more you refuse to recognize the facts, the more you try what you have just done, the more continuing history of white privilege will be shown to you.

Kept Out: Banks Across U.S. Caught Systematically Rejecting People of Color for Home Loans
Published on Feb 15, 2018

Why shouldn't banks do that? The last time the government forced them to loan money to minorities who couldn't pay it back, it caused a mortgage housing crisis that spawned an 8-year long recession.

Since that's not what caused the recession according to the fed chair at that time, watch the video. Because loans are being denied when whites and blacks meet the criteria.

Not my problem. Like they say, "Gob bless the child that has his own..."

I'm just showing you examples of white privilege. That's what has helped you to get what you have.

You know both of us in the picture used our "white privilege" to make something of ourselves because black victimhood, keeps you in the Ghetto(iron works). Stupid people black and now white, are falling for the black victimhood, as shown in this scene from Gran Torino.

Hiring Discrimination Against Black Americans Hasn’t Declined in 25 Years

Race is often at the forefront of American conversation. It has lately emerged with new urgency around discussions of policing, immigration, First Amendment rights, and even professional football. And yet even as we are confronted with dramatic examples of ongoing racial tensions, most white Americans remain convinced that race is no longer central to one’s opportunities in life. Polling data shows that many believe these lingering conflicts represent the actions of a few bad apples and aren’t in sync with the larger trend toward systemic racial equality.

Are these beliefs accurate? What do we know about long-term trends in racial discrimination?

Discrimination, given how it often manifests subtly, is notoriously difficult to measure in any context. And until recently we have not had much information that we could use to reliably assess changes in discrimination over time. However, in our recent study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, we were able to analyze trends in discrimination by performing a meta-analysis from all available field experiments pertaining to one area: racial discrimination in hiring. We focused on experiments performed since 1990, when field studies became more numerous and their methodologically improved. We analyzed data from 24 field experiments, which included data from more than 54,000 applications across more than 25,000 positions.

We chose field experiments as a sample because they are widely regarded as the most valid method to assess discrimination. They generally come in two major types: Résumé audits, done through the mail or online, submit fictitious résumés with equivalent qualifications and ethnically identifiable names. And in-person audits — done with trained pairs of testers, white and nonwhite — have participants apply for jobs. By examining the rates of callbacks, or invitations to job interviews, for white and nonwhite applicants with equivalent qualifications, these studies provide high-quality measures of rates of discrimination in hiring.

Broadly, our meta-analysis of callback rates from all existing field experiments showed evidence of discrimination against both black and Latino applicants. Since 1990 white applicants received, on average, 36% more callbacks than black applicants and 24% more callbacks than Latino applicants with identical résumés.

For black applicants we found no change in hiring rates over time. In the figure below, the dots represent results from 21 studies contrasting white and black applicants, based on a total of 42,708 applications for 20,990 positions. The line shows the overall trend. The line slants slightly upward, but it’s statistically indistinguishable from a flat line.


Hiring Discrimination Against Black Americans Hasn’t Declined in 25 Years
Well fortunately weve moved past the old days. There arent any more slaves and everyone has equal rights.
Things are done differently today and white racism remains a major problem. Those with white fragility refuse to admit this.
Name the top 3 worst attacks against blacks this month. Lets see if this is a problem or not.

445 shot and killed and 2200 shot and wounded in Chicago this year, the majority of them being black or Hispanic.

Chicago Crime 2019 | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!

Want to take a guess how many of those shootings were done by white Christian conservative gun-owning Trump-supporting NRA-members?

Of course, blind ideological racists like IM2 don't like to talk about that.
Chicago is not the only city in the nation and this thread is not about Chicago. But sure as the sun rises every day one of you white blind ideological racists try diverting, trolling and attempting to hijack threads when the topic is about ANYTHING that shoots down your little delusion about the supremacy of the saltine.

36,000 people die because of guns annually white boy. The majority of them don't live in Chicago and are white.
Most of those gun deaths are from suicides, which arent violent crimes. Either you are intentionally lying, or you are just ignorant, but you can shove that 36,000 number up your ass.

Arrests, by Race and Ethnicity, 2016. White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race and accounted for 59.0 percent of those arrests.

Table 21
445 shot and killed and 2200 shot and wounded in Chicago this year, the majority of them being black or Hispanic.

Chicago Crime 2019 | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!

Want to take a guess how many of those shootings were done by white Christian conservative gun-owning Trump-supporting NRA-members?

Of course, blind ideological racists like IM2 don't like to talk about that.
Chicago is not the only city in the nation and this thread is not about Chicago. But sure as the sun rises every day one of you white blind ideological racists try diverting, trolling and attempting to hijack threads when the topic is about ANYTHING that shoots down your little delusion about the supremacy of the saltine.

36,000 people die because of guns annually white boy. The majority of them don't live in Chicago and are white.

According to CBS News, of those 36,000, nearly two-thirds of them are suicides..

Nearly 40,000 People Died From Guns in U.S. Last Year, Highest in 50 Years | csbnnews

That leaves 12,000 victims of homicides or accidents. Now comes the fun part: The 2010 Bureau of Justice Statistics report concluded that 93% of black homicide victims from 1980 through 2008 were killed by black offenders. The 2007 U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics report also showed that blacks were victims of 7,999 homicides in 2005.

324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years

Now do the math: That would amount to 279,965 black people murdered by other black people over a period of 35 years. Now don't come crying to me about "racist white people" when your own worst enemy is your own race. You are full of shit.

Here we go with the same silly trifling white racist bullshit. This thread is about the history of free shit given to whites by this government. You are looking for any strawman you can because you know that what you believe is a lie. White racism involved public policy and that is more dangerous than the fact that 93 percent of blacks killed was by another black person. Especially given the fact that during the same time frame 86 percent of whites that were killed were killed by other whites and 53 percent of gang related homicides were committed by white gangs.

The fact that you refuse to acknowledge these numbers while trying to tell me what not to talk to you about shows 2 things, 1. the extent of the problem of white racism and; 2. white fragility. This thread is about the history of free shit given to whites by this government. The more you refuse to recognize the facts, the more you try what you have just done, the more continuing history of white privilege will be shown to you.

Kept Out: Banks Across U.S. Caught Systematically Rejecting People of Color for Home Loans
Published on Feb 15, 2018

Do you know what systematically people of color are rejected from home loans? Welfare doesnt cut it. Whites on welfare cant get a loan either, but you are color blind to see that also. Only the liberals use color as a weapon against their opponents to stir up the stupid so they can rant and rave about how life is unfair, then liberals Barney Frank and Chris Dodd make banking rules so it is even harder for middle class blacks and whites to get a home. Did you know that you moron? Of course not, you have your head up your ass and do what ever the liberals tell you to do.

Black Home Buyers Denied Mortgages More Than Twice As Often As Whites, Report Finds

Black and Hispanic homebuyers are significantly more likely to get turned down for a conventional mortgage loan, according to new data.

A recent analysis from Zillow shows that in 2016, nearly 21% of black applicants were denied a conventional loan, while 15.5% of Hispanics were. Those rates are down from 2007, when black applicants were turned down 34.3% of the time and Hispanics faced denials on 30% of applications. The national denial rate is down, too, dropping from 18% in 2007 to 9.8% in 2016.

Still, even with the reduction over the past decade, a major gap exists between loan denials for white and Asian applicants and those of black and Hispanic applicants. In 2016, Asian applicants were denied a conventional loan in 10.4% of cases — slightly more than the national average — and whites in only 8.1%. The gap widens even further in certain geographic locations — particularly in the North and on the Atlantic Coast.

Black Home Buyers Denied Mortgages More Than Twice As Often As Whites, Report Finds

Do you see anything here that might alarm you? Why is it that more than 35% of abortions end up being from black women? If you think that your race could stop killing its babies there might be more of you. Of course the rate of denials is higher because there are less of you around. That is just statistical data, that you didnt bother to show....

US Population by Race 2018 • live population
US Population by Race [Total Population] 100.0
White Alone 76.6
Black or African American Alone 13.4
American Indian and Alaska Native Alone 1.3
Asian Alone 5.8
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 0.2
Two or More Races 2.7
Hispanic or Latino [already included in respective Race(s) above, so not to be considered in total] (18.1)
White Alone, Neither Hispanic nor Latino [already included in respective Race(s) above, so not to be considered in total] (60.7)

BlackGenocide.org | Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America. 78% of their clinics are in minority communities. Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 35% of the abortions in America. Are we being targeted? Isn't that genocide?

Sorry Jethro but this thread is about thistory of white government dependence. Seems like whites are still bound by those chains of government dependence slavery. That is why you voted for and continue to support donald punk. Don't preach to me white boy, because all you got is due to the government.

Why Do Poor White People Vote For Trump & The Republican Party?

Dude, if you are a dude, I hate the fucking government, I used to work for it, trying to save it money for the year. At the end of the year they would bring in 75 in color TVs and real nice furniture to upgrade their offices, while their furniture and TVs worked just fine. Go back and see what I have seen before. Cut all welfare and Medicaid, because if you dont work, you dont eat, sorry, but that was they way it was back in the day, and people got by. If you go to prison, no fucking 3 meals, unless your family brings it, or you are out in the fields make your own for the prisoners. 1 trillion dollars a year is wasted on the War on Poverty and we still have poverty. Time to end it, and put the money into the military where they actually work, and keep US safe.

First off I am a man. Second you had no business saying what you did. The facts are what they are. 3 trillion is not wasted on anything and the back in they day you're talking about never existed. I've seen what you've seen and more. We need to invest in our citizens and not the military. Whites such as you are unable to deal with the hard cold truth, but that's exactly what you are about to see.

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”. This was a study done by the Kellogg Foundation, using information it had studied and assessed from the Center for American Progress, National Urban League Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the U.S. Department of Justice.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

Over the course of the past several decades we have heard over and over how if we cut taxes we stimulate growth. But it seems that if we erase racism, racist policies and racist policy decisions that adversely affects COMMUNITIES, that we could erase many of the problems we see today. We are talking about serious increases in GDP, deficit reductions, increased tax revenue, more tax payers instead of more needing public assistance, increased corporate profits which means more jobs and yet there remains a great resistance to do this. Again, racism is more than racial slurs or racist comments. Racism in America has had a negative economic impact on the black community, other communities of color and in fact, the entire country.

Let me break down what white racism has done to this nation. While certain whites gloat about how successful they have been as a race and lecture others about how they have failed, facts show they have created the problems being complained about today. If not for racism everyone would be better off economically, fewer people would be on the public dime, tax revenues would increase at every level, we’d have a smaller deficit, or possibly no national deficit or debt. Crime would be reduced dramatically, unemployment very well would be less than 1 percent. More than likely the increased tax revenue could help provide free education and health care to all American citizens. After reading study after study shoes us that virtually every economic problem we have stems from the racism that has denied people of color opportunity.

Ah yes, that investing from the government again. Sure hasn't worked for the 50 years it has been implemented, because their still is poverty in the inner cities. Oh, and by the way, without the military there wouldn't be a country because it would be taken over by China (that Obama was willing to do). But what is really working is President Trump's policies of bringing Jobs( a 3 letter word to Joe Biden) back to the US and allowing more people an opportunity to use their God given gifts to make something of themselves, not government handouts you so much want for yourself......

Government invested in whites in every way since 1776. Learn that before you post more stupid opinion. Because trump has created fewer jobs than Obama and we had 7 years of job growth before trump took office. Obama expanded wars and utilized drones to attack all over the planet. So he was not willing to give China shit.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

This is the reality you refuse to face.

Oh really, back in the day, before welfare was given out by the liberals, people had to work for a living or else they starved. That was where family came in, but then those liberals thought that if Uncle Sugar started giving free stuff, all the dumbasses in America would vote for them...Guess what? It worked because dumbasses like you vote for the very people who are enslaved to the government, white, black, brown, or whatever, bunch of dumbasses....

How White People Made It Big By Getting Government Handouts

“The demographics are changing. It's not a traditional America anymore,” a glum Bill O'Reilly said during Fox News' Election Day coverage. “And the voters, many of them, feel that this economic system is stacked against them and they want stuff... People feel that they are entitled to things. And which candidate, between the two, is going to give them things?”

What O'Reilly — and other members of what the Fox host called the "white establishment" who are blaming Obama's re-election on minority-group moochers — aren't mentioning is that white Americans have their own long tradition of using voting power to get an economic leg up. O'Reilly's own Irish-Catholic cohort is now seen as just another group that makes up the “traditional” establishment. But when the Irish were chased to America by famine and British repression during the 19th century, they faced violent attacks from nativist groups, political cartoons caricaturing them as apes, “Help Wanted — No Irish Need Apply” signs, and a butcher knife–wielding, one-eyed Daniel Day Lewis. Desperately poor, uneducated, and barred from even menial jobs, the one tool the Irish had at their disposal was their sheer numbers — according to Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Nathan Glazer's book Beyond the Melting Pot, by 1855, 28% of New Yorkers were Irish-born, with cities like Boston experiencing a similar surge. The Irish turned out in droves to support urban Democratic political machines, and in return collected the Christmas turkeys and government jobs that came with their newfound power.

They weren't the only underclass group to benefit from government. “The Irish,” says Nasaw, “were competed with and replaced by Italians in Boston and East Boston and New York. Jews in Brooklyn. Greeks in other cities.”

There was a pause in the pattern when Congress heavily curtailed immigration in the 1920s. That left the Irish, Italian, and Jewish political machines in charge for longer than their natural life cycle, turning groups once considered dangerous usurpers of traditional Protestant power into traditional, respectable groups in their own right.

The modern "handout" system, though, is more roundabout than it used to be. Political patronage in the late 19th century was so brazen that a man who'd campaigned for James Garfield in 1880 shot and killed the new president simply because an expected job never materialized. In the 20th century, good government reformers created hiring guidelines that thinned the number of jobs a politician could hand out to supporters. Politicians adjusted by steering more social services like public housing, health care, and anti-poverty programs to voters rather than giving them jobs outright, and their campaigns became less centered around mobilizing the proletariat and more centered on campaign contributions from companies and wealthy individuals (who, of course, were looking for their own forms of patronage via tax breaks, government contracts, and tariffs).

Things are done differently today and white racism remains a major problem. Those with white fragility refuse to admit this.
Name the top 3 worst attacks against blacks this month. Lets see if this is a problem or not.

445 shot and killed and 2200 shot and wounded in Chicago this year, the majority of them being black or Hispanic.

Chicago Crime 2019 | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!

Want to take a guess how many of those shootings were done by white Christian conservative gun-owning Trump-supporting NRA-members?

Of course, blind ideological racists like IM2 don't like to talk about that.
Chicago is not the only city in the nation and this thread is not about Chicago. But sure as the sun rises every day one of you white blind ideological racists try diverting, trolling and attempting to hijack threads when the topic is about ANYTHING that shoots down your little delusion about the supremacy of the saltine.

36,000 people die because of guns annually white boy. The majority of them don't live in Chicago and are white.
Most of those gun deaths are from suicides, which arent violent crimes. Either you are intentionally lying, or you are just ignorant, but you can shove that 36,000 number up your ass.

Arrests, by Race and Ethnicity, 2016. White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race and accounted for 59.0 percent of those arrests.

Table 21
So in other words, whites are underrepresented by our percentage of the population? Whoa, now im seeing that Blacks are WAAAAYYYYY overrepresented. Blacks are committing violent crimes at tremendously high rates!

I appreciate the good news about white people, but man, seeing those statistics about blacks is a real bummer.
Chicago is not the only city in the nation and this thread is not about Chicago. But sure as the sun rises every day one of you white blind ideological racists try diverting, trolling and attempting to hijack threads when the topic is about ANYTHING that shoots down your little delusion about the supremacy of the saltine.

36,000 people die because of guns annually white boy. The majority of them don't live in Chicago and are white.

According to CBS News, of those 36,000, nearly two-thirds of them are suicides..

Nearly 40,000 People Died From Guns in U.S. Last Year, Highest in 50 Years | csbnnews

That leaves 12,000 victims of homicides or accidents. Now comes the fun part: The 2010 Bureau of Justice Statistics report concluded that 93% of black homicide victims from 1980 through 2008 were killed by black offenders. The 2007 U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics report also showed that blacks were victims of 7,999 homicides in 2005.

324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years

Now do the math: That would amount to 279,965 black people murdered by other black people over a period of 35 years. Now don't come crying to me about "racist white people" when your own worst enemy is your own race. You are full of shit.

Here we go with the same silly trifling white racist bullshit. This thread is about the history of free shit given to whites by this government. You are looking for any strawman you can because you know that what you believe is a lie. White racism involved public policy and that is more dangerous than the fact that 93 percent of blacks killed was by another black person. Especially given the fact that during the same time frame 86 percent of whites that were killed were killed by other whites and 53 percent of gang related homicides were committed by white gangs.

The fact that you refuse to acknowledge these numbers while trying to tell me what not to talk to you about shows 2 things, 1. the extent of the problem of white racism and; 2. white fragility. This thread is about the history of free shit given to whites by this government. The more you refuse to recognize the facts, the more you try what you have just done, the more continuing history of white privilege will be shown to you.

Kept Out: Banks Across U.S. Caught Systematically Rejecting People of Color for Home Loans
Published on Feb 15, 2018

Do you know what systematically people of color are rejected from home loans? Welfare doesnt cut it. Whites on welfare cant get a loan either, but you are color blind to see that also. Only the liberals use color as a weapon against their opponents to stir up the stupid so they can rant and rave about how life is unfair, then liberals Barney Frank and Chris Dodd make banking rules so it is even harder for middle class blacks and whites to get a home. Did you know that you moron? Of course not, you have your head up your ass and do what ever the liberals tell you to do.

Black Home Buyers Denied Mortgages More Than Twice As Often As Whites, Report Finds

Black and Hispanic homebuyers are significantly more likely to get turned down for a conventional mortgage loan, according to new data.

A recent analysis from Zillow shows that in 2016, nearly 21% of black applicants were denied a conventional loan, while 15.5% of Hispanics were. Those rates are down from 2007, when black applicants were turned down 34.3% of the time and Hispanics faced denials on 30% of applications. The national denial rate is down, too, dropping from 18% in 2007 to 9.8% in 2016.

Still, even with the reduction over the past decade, a major gap exists between loan denials for white and Asian applicants and those of black and Hispanic applicants. In 2016, Asian applicants were denied a conventional loan in 10.4% of cases — slightly more than the national average — and whites in only 8.1%. The gap widens even further in certain geographic locations — particularly in the North and on the Atlantic Coast.

Black Home Buyers Denied Mortgages More Than Twice As Often As Whites, Report Finds

Do you see anything here that might alarm you? Why is it that more than 35% of abortions end up being from black women? If you think that your race could stop killing its babies there might be more of you. Of course the rate of denials is higher because there are less of you around. That is just statistical data, that you didnt bother to show....

US Population by Race 2018 • live population
US Population by Race [Total Population] 100.0
White Alone 76.6
Black or African American Alone 13.4
American Indian and Alaska Native Alone 1.3
Asian Alone 5.8
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 0.2
Two or More Races 2.7
Hispanic or Latino [already included in respective Race(s) above, so not to be considered in total] (18.1)
White Alone, Neither Hispanic nor Latino [already included in respective Race(s) above, so not to be considered in total] (60.7)

BlackGenocide.org | Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America. 78% of their clinics are in minority communities. Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 35% of the abortions in America. Are we being targeted? Isn't that genocide?

Black Genocide




A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Reasoning: Extreme Right, Propaganda

Notes: Black Genocide is a radical anti-abortion website that promotes the idea that Black’s have been targeted to have abortions. This site relies on very old debunked conspiracies and consistently fails in fact checking.

Black Genocide - Media Bias/Fact Check

In 1976, sociologist Irving Louis Horowitz published an analysis of black genocide and concluded that racist vigilantism and sporadic action by individual whites was to blame for the various statistics that show blacks suffering from higher death rates. Horowitz concluded that the US government could not be implicated as a conspirator and that there was no conspiracy to engage in concerted black genocide.[65]

Political scientist Joy A. James wrote in 2013 that the "logical conclusion" of American racism is genocide and that members of the black elite are complicit, along with white Americans, in carrying out black genocide.[66]


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Name the top 3 worst attacks against blacks this month. Lets see if this is a problem or not.

445 shot and killed and 2200 shot and wounded in Chicago this year, the majority of them being black or Hispanic.

Chicago Crime 2019 | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!

Want to take a guess how many of those shootings were done by white Christian conservative gun-owning Trump-supporting NRA-members?

Of course, blind ideological racists like IM2 don't like to talk about that.
Chicago is not the only city in the nation and this thread is not about Chicago. But sure as the sun rises every day one of you white blind ideological racists try diverting, trolling and attempting to hijack threads when the topic is about ANYTHING that shoots down your little delusion about the supremacy of the saltine.

36,000 people die because of guns annually white boy. The majority of them don't live in Chicago and are white.
Most of those gun deaths are from suicides, which arent violent crimes. Either you are intentionally lying, or you are just ignorant, but you can shove that 36,000 number up your ass.

Arrests, by Race and Ethnicity, 2016. White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race and accounted for 59.0 percent of those arrests.

Table 21
So in other words, whites are underrepresented by our percentage of the population? Whoa, now im seeing that Blacks are WAAAAYYYYY overrepresented. Blacks are committing violent crimes at tremendously high rates!

I appreciate the good news about white people, but man, seeing those statistics about blacks is a real bummer.

In other words, whites make up 59 percent of the people who are arrested for participating in violent crime. What this means is that if a violent crime happens, more than likely the person participating in that crime will be white.
445 shot and killed and 2200 shot and wounded in Chicago this year, the majority of them being black or Hispanic.

Chicago Crime 2019 | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!

Want to take a guess how many of those shootings were done by white Christian conservative gun-owning Trump-supporting NRA-members?

Of course, blind ideological racists like IM2 don't like to talk about that.
Chicago is not the only city in the nation and this thread is not about Chicago. But sure as the sun rises every day one of you white blind ideological racists try diverting, trolling and attempting to hijack threads when the topic is about ANYTHING that shoots down your little delusion about the supremacy of the saltine.

36,000 people die because of guns annually white boy. The majority of them don't live in Chicago and are white.
Most of those gun deaths are from suicides, which arent violent crimes. Either you are intentionally lying, or you are just ignorant, but you can shove that 36,000 number up your ass.

Arrests, by Race and Ethnicity, 2016. White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race and accounted for 59.0 percent of those arrests.

Table 21
So in other words, whites are underrepresented by our percentage of the population? Whoa, now im seeing that Blacks are WAAAAYYYYY overrepresented. Blacks are committing violent crimes at tremendously high rates!

I appreciate the good news about white people, but man, seeing those statistics about blacks is a real bummer.

In other words, whites make up 59 percent of the people who are arrested for participating in violent crime. What this means is that if a violent crime happens, more than likely the person participating in that crime will be white.
Whites are underrepresented when it comes to violent crime, but even then, most of those numbers are from typical fist fights, which no one is concerned about. Meanwhile, all the shit people do worry about is mostly committed by blacks. Over HALF of all murders and robberies are committed by blacks, who are only 13% of the population.

Whites are doing awesome and blacks are horrendous, when it comes to crime.
Chicago is not the only city in the nation and this thread is not about Chicago. But sure as the sun rises every day one of you white blind ideological racists try diverting, trolling and attempting to hijack threads when the topic is about ANYTHING that shoots down your little delusion about the supremacy of the saltine.

36,000 people die because of guns annually white boy. The majority of them don't live in Chicago and are white.
Most of those gun deaths are from suicides, which arent violent crimes. Either you are intentionally lying, or you are just ignorant, but you can shove that 36,000 number up your ass.

Arrests, by Race and Ethnicity, 2016. White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race and accounted for 59.0 percent of those arrests.

Table 21
So in other words, whites are underrepresented by our percentage of the population? Whoa, now im seeing that Blacks are WAAAAYYYYY overrepresented. Blacks are committing violent crimes at tremendously high rates!

I appreciate the good news about white people, but man, seeing those statistics about blacks is a real bummer.

In other words, whites make up 59 percent of the people who are arrested for participating in violent crime. What this means is that if a violent crime happens, more than likely the person participating in that crime will be white.
Whites are underrepresented when it comes to violent crime, but even then, most of those numbers are from typical fist fights, which no one is concerned about. Meanwhile, all the shit people do worry about is mostly committed by blacks. Over HALF of all murders and robberies are committed by blacks, who are only 13% of the population.

Whites are doing awesome and blacks are horrendous, when it comes to crime.

Whites represent 59 percent of all violent crimes committed and 70 percent of all crimes. Entire populations don't commit crimes only a small part do, so the most accurate measure is done using only the participants in crime. Your standard has no merit.

Krivo and Peterson’s analysis of crime data in Columbus, Ohio shows that economic disadvantage, not race, is the strongest predictor of violence in a particular neighborhood. “In fact,” they conclude, “violent crime rates for extremely disadvantaged white neighborhoods are more similar to rates for extremely disadvantaged black areas than to rates for other types of white neighborhoods.”

Studies like these suggest that racial disparities in murder rates stem from a variety of structural causes, most notably economic inequality. (To dig deeper, see Krivo and Peterson’s study controlling for neighborhood disadvantage, as well as the Violence Policy Center’s recent study of black homicide victimization.)
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3 Stats from the Department of Justice Disprove Racist Talking Points on Crime

1) White violent criminals disproportionately attack White victims. “Among White victims, a higher percentage of victimizations were committed by white offenders (57 percent) than offenders of any other race. White victims perceived the offender to be Black in 15 percent of violent victimizations and Hispanic in 11 percent.”

2) White-on-White crime exceeds Latinx-on-Latinx crime rates, as well as those for crimes committed across races. “During 2012-15, the rate of White-on-White violent crime (12.0 per 1,000 White persons) was about four times higher than Black-on-White violent crime (3.1 per 1,000). The rate of Black-on-Black violent crime (16.5 per 1,000 Black persons) was more than five times higher than White-on-Black violent crime (2.8 per 1,000). The rate of Hispanic-on-Hispanic violent crime (8.3 per 1,000 Hispanic persons) was about double the rate of White-on-Hispanic (4.1 per 1,000) and Black-on-Hispanic (4.2 per 1,000) violent crime. As with violent crime, the rates of serious violent crime and simple assault were higher for intraracial victimizations than interracial victimizations.”

3) White offenders are the group most likely to assault Black strangers.“The percentage of violence committed against a Black victim by a white offender who was a stranger (50 percent) was higher than the percentage committed by a Black offender who was a stranger (38 percent).”

Read the full report here, and its summary here.

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