A Holy Connection


VIP Member
Aug 9, 2014
It would seem that some people will believe. No matter what you do. Well I have a solution. Believe in me! I wrote a thread called, "A Freedom of Speech Test." In it, I challanged the best and the brightest to refute the things I said in it. Also under the guise of cultsmasher, I did the same at many other political and Atheist forums. Nobody has ever been able to successfully refute the things I said. And believe me, there have been many who tried. I have also started many other threads. In this as well as the other forums. Nobody has had any better luck trying to refute the things I said in them either. Again, believe me, there have been many who tried. If I had the money and resources, I could also build a faster than light space drive that I came up with.

There is another proof of my holiness. Every religious leader who ever came down the pike sought the worship of their followers. But to me, your worship would be pure filth. There is only one thing I would demand of my followers. Which is to do what is right. Just look at the world around you and see where your faith has gotten you. I have even had a reply from one person who basically said that she considered truth to be an obscenity. How can anybody hold such views! So why not worship me. But the paradox would be in finding a way to worship without worshiping. Also, if you require a miracle, you are going to have to create one yourself. Or go without.
Worship ME instead.

Submit yourself to me and declare me your one and only Master so that I might direct your life according to my desire. Allow me to elevate you above morality and take you beyond good and evil. Let us defy Heaven and Hell, and change the world... together, but through one vision.

My vision.

Let me make a dragon out of you and take you further then you ever thought possible.

Worship ME instead.

Submit yourself to me and declare me your one and only Master so that I might direct your life according to my desire. Allow me to elevate you above morality and take you beyond good and evil. Let us defy Heaven and Hell, and change the world... together, but through one vision.

My vision.

Let me make a dragon out of you and take you further then you ever thought possible.

With those headlights I imagine you can see for miles.

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