A hypothetical project for the Great Union


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
This is a hypothetical union that can become reality.

Such a Union should be created on the basis of the historical past of the peoples(оnly a cultural sense! Not racial or genetic) of the Eurasian steppe, who were called Aryans and Huns. Many ethnic groups originated from these peoples on the territory of Russia and Eastern Europe, including Russia (historically, this is Russia from the Don steppe east to Lake Baikal), Ukraine, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Poland and other West Slavic countries, southeastern Germany, as well as part of the middle Asia and the North of India (Aryavarta), as well as the historical Celts.
I believe that the Americans should also join this union. They have a similar background, similar traditions, spirit and culture.
I think Latin America will also join

The word "union" itself is a distortion from the word of the Huns(Huns called also "Unni").

The principles of this union should be as follows:

Respect for the army
Freedom in the right sense
Free republic(confederate)
Romantic spirit and chivalry
Denial of sexual promiscuity and pseudo-liberal monetary values

All this corresponds, among other things, to the sentiments of America, at least of the conservative center, the Great Plains and Texas.

These values are likely to be supported by all of these peoples as a whole. Therefore, the creation of such a Union is a matter of political will. It is based on both a common spirit and a common history.

This is in a nutshell.
The name needs to be left just that: Great Union, it is short and solid, and reflects the essence to the fullest.

This union should also serve as protection against Eurocentrism, Cinese communism and Arab-Islamic expansion, in case of manifestation of inappropriate aggression, including ideological. As well as the attempts of the left to deprive the peoples of freedom, republic and identity

The symbol of Union must be Great Bull

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Confederate Soldier American cowboy culture matches the culture of the Eurasian steppe. Moreover, the cowboys dressed in much the same way as the Hungarian shepherds.
Not just No, but Hell No!!

Traditions are fine. But make a lousy basis for a union.

Patriarchy is simply bullshit. If all the people are not going to be equal, you can keep whatever warped system you have in mind.

Respect for the army is something that should always be plentiful, but cannot be forced.

Freedom in the right sense? What the hell does that mean? Who gets to decide what is the "right sense"?

Free republic(confederate) you'll have to define this more clearly.

Romantic spirit and chivalry can only come from the individual, and cannot be forced.

Denial of sexual promiscuity and pseudo-liberal monetary values? Just more mechanisms for control. Who are you or anyone else to deny people the right to have sex with any consenting adult? And what the hell are "pseudo-liberal monetary values"?
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Freedom in the right sense?
This means that there is no totalitarian coercion, but there is also no licentiousness of villains. Not the freedom of vice, not what the left understands by freedom.
Free republic(confederate) you'll have to define this more clearly.
There is no common center, no federal government, only a meeting of regional representatives.
Romantic spirit and chivalry can only come from the individual, and cannot be forced.
I not said that they should be imposed, but it should be valuable.
Denial of sexual promiscuity and pseudo-liberal monetary values? Just more mechanisms for control. Who are you or anyone else to deny people the right to have sex with any consenting adult? And what the hell are "pseudo-liberal monetary values"?
This is a prerequisite against the decay of society.
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Denial of sexual promiscuity and pseudo-liberal monetary values? Just more mechanisms for control. Who are you or anyone else to deny people the right to have sex with any consenting adult? And what the hell are "pseudo-liberal monetary values"?
Queers and perverts cannot impose their own rules on society. If they just appear in the media or on the street, they are already advertising a culture that threatens tradition. Tradition must have the right to defend themself. By giving unlimited rights to marginalized people, you deprive the people themselves of the right to protect their culture.
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Patriarchy is simply bullshit.
These are double standards. The majority gravitate towards romance and want a man to remain a man and a woman to be a woman. Even feminists themselves love to look feminine and choose a masculine couple. This is the kind of society the people want. America loves supermen and Cinderellas, not hermaphrodites. Hence patriarchy is legitimate.
You are insane. Nothing about the U.S. is even remotely close to Russian Culture, or Germanic culture, etc. I am an ethnic German. My family came out of Germany and the Sudetenland. When we came to America, we became Americans, not Germans. Hell we barely eat frankfurters or sauerkraut. We don't wish to go back, or unionize with our deepest enemy, Russia.
And there were numerous differences, given the era in which they existed.
This is actually a big question. History has been rewritten for the sake of politics. Personally, I believe that the Americans of the Great Plains come from the Great Eurasian Steppe and probably shared a common cultural space with them. They have remarkably similar traditions.
You are insane. Nothing about the U.S. is even remotely close to Russian Culture, or Germanic culture, etc. I am an ethnic German. My family came out of Germany and the Sudetenland. When we came to America, we became Americans, not Germans. Hell we barely eat frankfurters or sauerkraut. We don't wish to go back, or unionize with our deepest enemy, Russia.
I believe that most Americans are not from Europe, Germany itself is inhabited by ethnic Germans by a maximum of a quarter.

Only the East Coast of US was originally inhabited by colonists from Europe and Africa, the Great Plains were not part of the United States for a long time.

The feud between Germany and Russia is now a circus, they cooperate. Historical Muscovy of 18 century was de facto created by the Germans (and this is bad).

By the way, America is just opposed to the German-Prussian spirit of communality and punctuality, so if you are a Pan-Germanist you are definitely not an American.
This means that there is no totalitarian coercion, but there is also no licentiousness of villains. Not the freedom of vice, not what the left understands by freedom.

There is no common center, no federal government, only a meeting of regional representatives.

I not said that they should be imposed, but it should be valuable.

This is a prerequisite against the decay of society.

Either the people are free or they are not. You want to take away the personal freedom of people's sexuality. And then claim to promote freedom? That is laughably insane.

There does need to be a central gov't. Who provides the military? Who provides arbitration among people? Are the individual regions allowed to make their own laws? So one region could be more free and another more oppressed?

So you plan to air commercials saying "Be Chivalrous"?

Against the decay of society? LMAO!! Homosexuality has been around as long as mankind. Even when it was illegal, it was practiced. You don't want freedom. You want things that make you uncomfortable to be hidden from view.
Queers and perverts cannot impose their own rules on society. If they just appear in the media or on the street, they are already advertising a culture that threatens tradition. Tradition must have the right to defend themself. By giving unlimited rights to marginalized people, you deprive the people themselves of the right to protect their culture.

If two gay men or two lesbians appear on the street or in the media, exactly what part of your culture is in danger? The culture of beating up queers? Yeah, that won't happen.

And no one is imposing THEIR rules on anyone. They are imposing the rules that do not allow them to be marginalized, attacked, or discriminated against.
I believe that most Americans are not from Europe, Germany itself is inhabited by ethnic Germans by a maximum of a quarter.

Only the East Coast of US was originally inhabited by colonists from Europe and Africa, the Great Plains were not part of the United States for a long time.

The feud between Germany and Russia is now a circus, they cooperate. Historical Muscovy of 18 century was de facto created by the Germans (and this is bad).

By the way, America is just opposed to the German-Prussian spirit of communality and punctuality, so if you are a Pan-Germanist you are definitely not an American.

I am American, plain and simple. My heritage and ancestry are German, but I am American. You have a thought process very similar to a certain someone from Austria.
These are double standards. The majority gravitate towards romance and want a man to remain a man and a woman to be a woman. Even feminists themselves love to look feminine and choose a masculine couple. This is the kind of society the people want. America loves supermen and Cinderellas, not hermaphrodites. Hence patriarchy is legitimate.

Patriarchy means men are always in charge. I know too many men that I wouldn't put in charge of a goldfish, and too many women I would trust to run a company or a country.

Gender is not a standard for authority.
This is actually a big question. History has been rewritten for the sake of politics. Personally, I believe that the Americans of the Great Plains come from the Great Eurasian Steppe and probably shared a common cultural space with them. They have remarkably similar traditions.

Or people in the United States simply left the East Coast and migrated west. Is it cultural similarities or similarities in the environment in which they lived? Both cultures inhabited a wide open grassland. Of course there are similarities.
I am American, plain and simple. My heritage and ancestry are German, but I am American. You have a thought process very similar to a certain someone from Austria.
Austria is anti-Germany. You are not American in spirit but by your passport only
This is clearly not what Bismarck meant.


Personally, I don't give a damn what Bismark meant.

Either people are free to be who they choose or they are not. I see a man enjoying his freedom and a woman enjoying hers. I think the issue is with your perception.

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