A Jew Only Jerusalem?

Sheikh Jarrah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's an article which explains some of the history of this neighborhood. Perhaps if George reads it, it will help him gain a more realistic perspective.

"In 2001, Israeli settlers moved into a sealed section of the al-Kurd family's house and refused to leave, claiming the property was owned by Jews.[23]

"In 2008, the Jerusalem District Court ruled that the Shimon Hatzadik property belonged to the Sephardi Community Committee.

"The Arab families had protected tenant status as long as they paid rent but several families refused to pay, ending in their eviction. The al-Kurds were evicted in November 2008. Muhammad al-Kurd, the head of the family, died eleven days later.

"The court ruling was based on an Ottoman-era bill of sale whose authenticity was challenged in 2009 on the grounds that the building had only been rented to the Sephardi group.[24] Fawzieh al-Kurd continued to protest the eviction, moving into an encampment in East Jerusalem.[23][25]

"Lawyers for the Jewish families argued that documents from the Ottoman Empire originally used to prove that a Jewish Sephardic organization had purchased the land in question in the 19th century are indeed valid, while Palestinian lawyers brought with them documents from Istanbul's Ottoman archives indicating that the Jewish organization that claims to own the land only rented it, and as such was not the rightful owner, the Kurd family claims that when they pressed the court to look at the new evidence, they were told 'it's too late'".[26]

"Moreover, the Palestinian families and their supporters maintained that Ottoman documents that Israel's Supreme Court had validated were in fact forgeries, and that the original ruling and therefore evictions relating to that ruling should be reversed.[27][28]

"The lawyer for the Israeli families emphasized that the land deeds were authentic, according to many Israeli courts[26] The Israeli court decision (resulting in the aforementioned evictions) stated that the document presented by the Palestinian families was a forgery, while the document of Jewish ownership was authentic.[29]"

Sheikh Jarrah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Families in Sheikh Jarrah, a Palestinian village in East Jerusalem, are being evicted from their homes and replaced by Jewish settlers. The al Kurd family, whose 94 year-old matriarch was displaced from her Haifa home in the 1948 war and has resided in Sheikh Jarrah for nearly 60 years, lost half of its home to an Israeli settler family in 2008—and is currently under threat of being evicted from the rest."

East Jerusalem refers to parts of the ancient city annexed by Jordan in 1948 and then taken by force of arms by Israel in 1967. In 1988 the Palestinian Declaration of Independence claimed East Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Palestine.

Israel believes all of Jerusalem is its undivided eternal capital, but most of the world disagrees. Regardless of issues of state sovereignty, how does one justify displacing a 94 year-old victim of al-Nakba from the home she's lived in for seven decades...Jewish Exceptionalism?

A Story Your Reps Should Hear: House Evictions in Sheikh Jarrah

1. Israel beleives it's capital is undivided because it IS undivided. Iraq could claim half of Washington DC belongs to them but that doesn't make it so no matter how much the world wants it.

2. There must be more to this story. If the Israeli's wanted this woman and her family completely out they would have done so in 2008, not taken half of the property.
I'm still waiting.. Have you contacted any Native American PAC or charity and offered to sign over your land and home(s)?

I'm still waiting to discover any land or home(s) I own.
Since I've been a renter all my life, do I have moral standing to condemn Israel's creeping annexation of Palestine? Possibly you could contact some Zionist PACs or charities who could contribute to your ISP fees?
I'm still waiting.. Have you contacted any Native American PAC or charity and offered to sign over your land and home(s)?

I'm still waiting to discover any land or home(s) I own.
Since I've been a renter all my life, do I have moral standing to condemn Israel's creeping annexation of Palestine? Possibly you could contact some Zionist PACs or charities who could contribute to your ISP fees?

You want us to believe that no one in your entire family owns property?? LMAO
I'm still waiting.. Have you contacted any Native American PAC or charity and offered to sign over your land and home(s)?

I'm still waiting to discover any land or home(s) I own.
Since I've been a renter all my life, do I have moral standing to condemn Israel's creeping annexation of Palestine? Possibly you could contact some Zionist PACs or charities who could contribute to your ISP fees?

14,000 post against them greedy Jews has not stopped the creep. Maybe you should change your name to Don. Seems you're tilting at windmills.
Sheikh Jarrah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's an article which explains some of the history of this neighborhood. Perhaps if George reads it, it will help him gain a more realistic perspective.

"In 2001, Israeli settlers moved into a sealed section of the al-Kurd family's house and refused to leave, claiming the property was owned by Jews.[23]

"In 2008, the Jerusalem District Court ruled that the Shimon Hatzadik property belonged to the Sephardi Community Committee.

"The Arab families had protected tenant status as long as they paid rent but several families refused to pay, ending in their eviction. The al-Kurds were evicted in November 2008. Muhammad al-Kurd, the head of the family, died eleven days later.

"The court ruling was based on an Ottoman-era bill of sale whose authenticity was challenged in 2009 on the grounds that the building had only been rented to the Sephardi group.[24] Fawzieh al-Kurd continued to protest the eviction, moving into an encampment in East Jerusalem.[23][25]

"Lawyers for the Jewish families argued that documents from the Ottoman Empire originally used to prove that a Jewish Sephardic organization had purchased the land in question in the 19th century are indeed valid, while Palestinian lawyers brought with them documents from Istanbul's Ottoman archives indicating that the Jewish organization that claims to own the land only rented it, and as such was not the rightful owner, the Kurd family claims that when they pressed the court to look at the new evidence, they were told 'it's too late'".[26]

"Moreover, the Palestinian families and their supporters maintained that Ottoman documents that Israel's Supreme Court had validated were in fact forgeries, and that the original ruling and therefore evictions relating to that ruling should be reversed.[27][28]

"The lawyer for the Israeli families emphasized that the land deeds were authentic, according to many Israeli courts[26] The Israeli court decision (resulting in the aforementioned evictions) stated that the document presented by the Palestinian families was a forgery, while the document of Jewish ownership was authentic.[29]"

Sheikh Jarrah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now there you go. The Israeli's aren't being malicious, they are evicting for non payment. This would happen in any country. It cracks me up that Americans get all bent on this shit when the same could be said about the Native Americans. Do American's REALLY own their property? If chief Eagle walked up to you and said, that's my house it's on my land, would you get out? NO of couse not because what is considered the law of the current land says it's yours. If the courts of the land say they are not the owners and the papers are forged, and they have refused to pay to live there, then they have every right to evict even if the woman is 94 years old. The ruling didn't favor the Palestinian agenda but that doesn't make the ruling dishonest or biased.
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The Jews have been unbelievably kind and patient with palestine. There are still palestinians there when they deserve to be wiped out to the last.

There's no such thing as a Palestinian. These people fled from Jordan mostly as Jordan denied them a home along with all of the other arab nations and made Israel the bad guy regarding their own citizens.. It's all a lie, a big hoax..

In 1948 Mandate Palestine 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million non-Jews, expelling over 700,000 PALESTINIANS from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts.

Things have NOT improved for PALESTINIANS since that time:

"Over the 60 years since Israel’s founding on May 14, 1948, this profound injustice has continued. Palestinian refugees are the largest remaining refugee population in the world.

"1.3 million Palestinians live in Israel as 'Israeli citizens,' but despite their status as citizens, they are subject to systematic discrimination. Many are prohibited from living in the villages and homes from which they were violently expelled, and their property has been confiscated for Jewish-only uses.

"In Orwellian terminology, Israeli law designates these internal refugees as 'present absentees.'12

"In 1967 Israel launched its third war and seized still more Palestinian (and other Arab) land. Israel also attacked a U.S. Navy ship, the USS Liberty, killing and injuring over 200 Americans, an event that remains largely covered-up today, despite efforts by an extraordinary array of high-level military officers and civilian officials to expose it."

The Catastrophe - Al Nakba
Ban the fucking scumbag A-rabs from Jerusalem.

Oh nozies.

That would be like banning Jews from that black box Kaaba shit in Mecca.

The horror.

Get the fuck over it.

Jerusalem belongs to the Jews.

Arabs/Muzzies are permitted there only as a matter of Jewish discretion.

As it should be.
Sheikh Jarrah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's an article which explains some of the history of this neighborhood. Perhaps if George reads it, it will help him gain a more realistic perspective.

"In 2001, Israeli settlers moved into a sealed section of the al-Kurd family's house and refused to leave, claiming the property was owned by Jews.[23]

"In 2008, the Jerusalem District Court ruled that the Shimon Hatzadik property belonged to the Sephardi Community Committee.

"The Arab families had protected tenant status as long as they paid rent but several families refused to pay, ending in their eviction. The al-Kurds were evicted in November 2008. Muhammad al-Kurd, the head of the family, died eleven days later.

"The court ruling was based on an Ottoman-era bill of sale whose authenticity was challenged in 2009 on the grounds that the building had only been rented to the Sephardi group.[24] Fawzieh al-Kurd continued to protest the eviction, moving into an encampment in East Jerusalem.[23][25]

"Lawyers for the Jewish families argued that documents from the Ottoman Empire originally used to prove that a Jewish Sephardic organization had purchased the land in question in the 19th century are indeed valid, while Palestinian lawyers brought with them documents from Istanbul's Ottoman archives indicating that the Jewish organization that claims to own the land only rented it, and as such was not the rightful owner, the Kurd family claims that when they pressed the court to look at the new evidence, they were told 'it's too late'".[26]

"Moreover, the Palestinian families and their supporters maintained that Ottoman documents that Israel's Supreme Court had validated were in fact forgeries, and that the original ruling and therefore evictions relating to that ruling should be reversed.[27][28]

"The lawyer for the Israeli families emphasized that the land deeds were authentic, according to many Israeli courts[26] The Israeli court decision (resulting in the aforementioned evictions) stated that the document presented by the Palestinian families was a forgery, while the document of Jewish ownership was authentic.[29]"

Sheikh Jarrah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now there you go. The Israeli's aren't being malicious, they are evicting for non payment. This would happen in any country. It cracks me up that Americans get all bent on this shit when the same could be said about the Native Americans. Do American's REALLY own their property? If chief Eagle walked up to you and said, that's my house it's on my land, would you get out? NO of couse not because what is considered the law of the current land says it's yours. If the courts of the land say they are not the owners and the papers are forged, and they have refused to pay to live there, then they have every right to evict even if the woman is 94 years old. The ruling didn't favor the Palestinain agenda but that doesn't make the ruling dishonest or biased.

Watch | Just Vision
George the Squatter and his family have stolen land and property from the Native American, according to his logic regarding war and the spoils of war.. thus George and his family need to surrender all property to the Native American - Put up or shut up Squatter.
Ban the fucking scumbag A-rabs from Jerusalem.

Oh nozies.

That would be like banning Jews from that black box Kaaba shit in Mecca.

The horror.

Get the fuck over it.

Jerusalem belongs to the Jews.

Arabs/Muzzies are permitted there only as a matter of Jewish discretion.

As it should be.

"Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza Strip – the final 22% of mandatory Palestine – and began building settlements for Jewish Israelis on land confiscated from Palestinian Muslims and Christians. It has demolished more than 24,145 Palestinian homes since 1967. In 2005 Israel returned Gazan land to its owners, but continues to control its borders, ports, and air space, turning Gaza into a large prison, where 1.5 million people are held under what a UN Human Rights Commissioner described as 'catastrophic' conditions."

Jews stealing land...who would've thought?

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The Jews have been unbelievably kind and patient with palestine. There are still palestinians there when they deserve to be wiped out to the last.

There's no such thing as a Palestinian. These people fled from Jordan mostly as Jordan denied them a home along with all of the other arab nations and made Israel the bad guy regarding their own citizens.. It's all a lie, a big hoax..

In 1948 Mandate Palestine 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million non-Jews, expelling over 700,000 PALESTINIANS from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts.

Things have NOT improved for PALESTINIANS since that time:

"Over the 60 years since Israel’s founding on May 14, 1948, this profound injustice has continued. Palestinian refugees are the largest remaining refugee population in the world.

"1.3 million Palestinians live in Israel as 'Israeli citizens,' but despite their status as citizens, they are subject to systematic discrimination. Many are prohibited from living in the villages and homes from which they were violently expelled, and their property has been confiscated for Jewish-only uses.

"In Orwellian terminology, Israeli law designates these internal refugees as 'present absentees.'12

"In 1967 Israel launched its third war and seized still more Palestinian (and other Arab) land. Israel also attacked a U.S. Navy ship, the USS Liberty, killing and injuring over 200 Americans, an event that remains largely covered-up today, despite efforts by an extraordinary array of high-level military officers and civilian officials to expose it."

The Catastrophe - Al Nakba

Hey sunshine, it' wasn't the Jews who enforced the 1948 mandate it was the Brits who had control of the land at the time. They offered to split the land between the Jews and the so called Palestinians/AKA muslims. The Jews said Yes and the so called Palestinians said no they wanted all or nothing. Brits said fine and gave them nothing. Sorry for ya.

1967 bigger Muslim countries were poised to attack Israel and wound up getting their asses kicked by a country the size of New Jersey. ROLMAO! They have been butt hurt ever since. Yes the Israeli's confiscated some of their land but let me ask you. If the Muslim countries had won in 67 would Isreal still exsist? fuck no, they would have taken the land away. So now you tell me why the winners of that war should do any less than what was going to be done to them. Muslims have a sense of entitlement that they should always get their way no matter waht and are poor losers. The Refugees who are squawking now are nothing more than squatters because all the countries that they once belonged to still exsist. They should have just gone back to the new borders of those countries.

As for Gaza and the newly given Palestinian territories, Isreal should never have given them those lands. A mistake Israel has been paying for ever since. Maybe some day they will realize their mistake and do what they should have done in the first place, run the malcontents out to their land and into the arms of their muslim brothers. BTW their muslim brothers don't want them either. Just sayin.
Excuse me .. Do you live in America?

For my entire life.

Before you demand Jews give up their home and land.. YOU FIRST HYPOCRITE. This land belonged to the Native American prior to the many wars and confiscation of their lands.. So let's see it.. Go and give your home and land to a Native American.. Then come back and talk smack. I'll wait.

You have a philosophical point, but not a very pragmatic one. Yes, land was seized from aboriginals in America, by violent means. Today though, there is an equality of ethnic groups, enforced by law. What was wrong in the past has been exposed and acknowledged. An aboriginal person in America today is completely free, and has the rights of all citizens. Contrast this with hudled masses of Arabs waiting at checkpoints (in their own country) to pass through and do business or go to work or visit family, under the guns of Israeli soldiers.

No one in North America or Israel is going to give up and go "home". What is more to the point is settling on a just peace, not one dictated by Israel, because they happen to be on top right now. Israel needs to step up to the plate, and negociate honestly. That's the only way forward.
Blacks only in Harlem? When a Jewish landlord evicted a tenant in Harlem in 1995 Al Sharpton's mob set fire to the place and 7 people were either shot or burned to death in Freddie's Fashion Mart.
George the Squatter and his family have stolen land and property from the Native American, according to his logic regarding war and the spoils of war.. thus George and his family need to surrender all property to the Native American - Put up or shut up Squatter.

Are you sure you're an American Gun Pussy?

"American taxpayers give Israel more than $8 million per day, even though surveys reveal that 73% of Americans oppose taking sides on Israel-Palestine. Because of Israel’s powerful US lobby, Congress gives far more money to Israel than to all of sub-Saharan Africa put together.

"In its 60 years of existence, Israel, the size of New Jersey, has received more U.S. tax money than any other nation.

"While most Americans are unaware of these facts (studies have shown that media report on Israeli deaths at rates up to 13 times greater than they report on Palestinian deaths) governmental actions are making Americans responsible for a continuing catastrophe of historic proportions – and which is, in addition, creating extremely damaging enmity to the US itself.

"Israel partisans have played a significant role in promoting U.S. attacks on Iraq and Iran."

Still searching for those WMDs?

The Catastrophe - Al Nakba
George the Squatter and his family have stolen land and property from the Native American, according to his logic regarding war and the spoils of war.. thus George and his family need to surrender all property to the Native American - Put up or shut up Squatter.

Are you sure you're an American Gun Pussy?

"American taxpayers give Israel more than $8 million per day, even though surveys reveal that 73% of Americans oppose taking sides on Israel-Palestine. Because of Israel’s powerful US lobby, Congress gives far more money to Israel than to all of sub-Saharan Africa put together.

"In its 60 years of existence, Israel, the size of New Jersey, has received more U.S. tax money than any other nation.

"While most Americans are unaware of these facts (studies have shown that media report on Israeli deaths at rates up to 13 times greater than they report on Palestinian deaths) governmental actions are making Americans responsible for a continuing catastrophe of historic proportions – and which is, in addition, creating extremely damaging enmity to the US itself.

"Israel partisans have played a significant role in promoting U.S. attacks on Iraq and Iran."

Still searching for those WMDs?

The Catastrophe - Al Nakba

What's the matter Squatter? Did I hit a nerve? Let us know when your entire family gives all of their property to include homes and land over to any Native Americans.. Thanks Hypocrite! :)
For my entire life.

Before you demand Jews give up their home and land.. YOU FIRST HYPOCRITE. This land belonged to the Native American prior to the many wars and confiscation of their lands.. So let's see it.. Go and give your home and land to a Native American.. Then come back and talk smack. I'll wait.

You have a philosophical point, but not a very pragmatic one. Yes, land was seized from aboriginals in America, by violent means. Today though, there is an equality of ethnic groups, enforced by law. What was wrong in the past has been exposed and acknowledged. An aboriginal person in America today is completely free, and has the rights of all citizens. Contrast this with hudled masses of Arabs waiting at checkpoints (in their own country) to pass through and do business or go to work or visit family, under the guns of Israeli soldiers.

No one in North America or Israel is going to give up and go "home". What is more to the point is settling on a just peace, not one dictated by Israel, because they happen to be on top right now. Israel needs to step up to the plate, and negociate honestly. That's the only way forward.

You're a joke and so is your post. Israel has handed over land too many times to get rockets in their neighborhood for that goodwill.. Every time a prisoner exchange is negotiated, 1 Israeli for THOUSANDS of Trans=Jordanians.. It's all BULLSHIT, smoke n mirrors.. Arafat, the smoking in hell terrorist himself proved it when at the Camp David Summit in 2000 he was handed everything he asked for on a silver platter and turned it down.. Go pedal your terrorist manifesto elsewhere.. that PIG doesn't squeak here.
There's no such thing as a Palestinian. These people fled from Jordan mostly as Jordan denied them a home along with all of the other arab nations and made Israel the bad guy regarding their own citizens.. It's all a lie, a big hoax..

In 1948 Mandate Palestine 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million non-Jews, expelling over 700,000 PALESTINIANS from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts.

Things have NOT improved for PALESTINIANS since that time:

"Over the 60 years since Israel’s founding on May 14, 1948, this profound injustice has continued. Palestinian refugees are the largest remaining refugee population in the world.

"1.3 million Palestinians live in Israel as 'Israeli citizens,' but despite their status as citizens, they are subject to systematic discrimination. Many are prohibited from living in the villages and homes from which they were violently expelled, and their property has been confiscated for Jewish-only uses.

"In Orwellian terminology, Israeli law designates these internal refugees as 'present absentees.'12

"In 1967 Israel launched its third war and seized still more Palestinian (and other Arab) land. Israel also attacked a U.S. Navy ship, the USS Liberty, killing and injuring over 200 Americans, an event that remains largely covered-up today, despite efforts by an extraordinary array of high-level military officers and civilian officials to expose it."

The Catastrophe - Al Nakba

Hey sunshine, it' wasn't the Jews who enforced the 1948 mandate it was the Brits who had control of the land at the time. They offered to split the land between the Jews and the so called Palestinians/AKA muslims. The Jews said Yes and the so called Palestinians said no they wanted all or nothing. Brits said fine and gave them nothing. Sorry for ya.

1967 bigger Muslim countries were poised to attack Israel and wound up getting their asses kicked by a country the size of New Jersey. ROLMAO! They have been butt hurt ever since. Yes the Israeli's confiscated some of their land but let me ask you. If the Muslim countries had won in 67 would Isreal still exsist? fuck no, they would have taken the land away. So now you tell me why the winners of that war should do any less than what was going to be done to them. Muslims have a sense of entitlement that they should always get their way no matter waht and are poor losers. The Refugees who are squawking now are nothing more than squatters because all the countries that they once belonged to still exsist. They should have just gone back to the new borders of those countries.

As for Gaza and the newly given Palestinian territories, Isreal should never have given them those lands. A mistake Israel has been paying for ever since. Maybe some day they will realize their mistake and do what they should have done in the first place, run the malcontents out to their land and into the arms of their muslim brothers. BTW their muslim brothers don't want them either. Just sayin.

Hey, Hasbara...stick to writing bad fiction.
With the backing of the UN, 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million Arab Palestinians in 1948 after the Brits decapitated the Arab leadership in 1936-39. In 1967 Israel attacked Egypt without provocation three days before killing 34 US servicemen in international waters. In case you're completely ignorant of international law, the Fourth Geneva Convention makes it completely illegal for Jews to fill the territories they occupy with their civilians...you know... like "Jews" from Russia or bumfuck Bulgaria looking for some West Bank welfare paid for by US taxpayers. Currently the Jewish state is circling the same drain White South Africa disappeared into twenty years ago. Can you swim?
George the Squatter and his family have stolen land and property from the Native American, according to his logic regarding war and the spoils of war.. thus George and his family need to surrender all property to the Native American - Put up or shut up Squatter.

Are you sure you're an American Gun Pussy?

"American taxpayers give Israel more than $8 million per day, even though surveys reveal that 73% of Americans oppose taking sides on Israel-Palestine. Because of Israel’s powerful US lobby, Congress gives far more money to Israel than to all of sub-Saharan Africa put together.

"In its 60 years of existence, Israel, the size of New Jersey, has received more U.S. tax money than any other nation.

"While most Americans are unaware of these facts (studies have shown that media report on Israeli deaths at rates up to 13 times greater than they report on Palestinian deaths) governmental actions are making Americans responsible for a continuing catastrophe of historic proportions – and which is, in addition, creating extremely damaging enmity to the US itself.

"Israel partisans have played a significant role in promoting U.S. attacks on Iraq and Iran."

Still searching for those WMDs?

The Catastrophe - Al Nakba

What's the matter Squatter? Did I hit a nerve? Let us know when your entire family gives all of their property to include homes and land over to any Native Americans.. Thanks Hypocrite! :)

"Confusion about the origins of the conflict all too often has obscured Americans’ understanding of its true dimension. It began as a conflict resulting from immigrants struggling to displace the local majority population. All else is derivative from this basic reality.”

– Donald Neff, former Senior Editor, Time Magazine, Fallen Pillars: U.S. Policy towards Palestine and Israel since 1945"

Let me know when you find the nerve to admit you know nothing about the history of Zionism and colonialism.

The Catastrophe - Al Nakba

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