A Jew Only Jerusalem?

You're a joke and so is your post. Israel has handed over land too many times to get rockets in their neighborhood for that goodwill.. Every time a prisoner exchange is negotiated, 1 Israeli for THOUSANDS of Trans=Jordanians.. It's all BULLSHIT, smoke n mirrors.. Arafat, the smoking in hell terrorist himself proved it when at the Camp David Summit in 2000 he was handed everything he asked for on a silver platter and turned it down.. Go pedal your terrorist manifesto elsewhere.. that PIG doesn't squeak here.

Israel has returned confiscated land exactly twice in history, both for tactical reasons. The Sinai was too big to hold onto indefinitely, not worth the military resources that would have been required. The return was worth more to them as a PR deal, than it was for military security. And at any rate, they no longer needed security from Egypt, as the US had stepped in, and essentially bought off the Egyptians as a gift to Israel. Gaza, already an overpopulated concentration camp, was not a reasonble possiblity for Jewish settlement. It was better managed from outside the wire than within.

At Oslo, and the other various peace negociations, Palestine was never offered anything other than a South African, bantustan style of existence, with a cut up, rump leftover of what was once all theirs. That's why Arab negociators never accepted the deal. They knew that the population at large would never go for it. They understood history, and the emotional currents that ran through the region.

Israel has consistently refused to negociate in good faith in recent years, for two main reasons. One- they have the unquestioning backing of the US, achieved through bribery, and the bedazzlement of the less informed, such as yourself. Two- through the monopoly on nuclear weapons in the region, which is why they are so worked up about Iran, whose nuclear program will change the dynamics of the region.
"Confusion about the origins of the conflict all too often has obscured Americans’ understanding of its true dimension. It began as a conflict resulting from immigrants struggling to displace the local majority population. All else is derivative from this basic reality.”

– Donald Neff, former Senior Editor, Time Magazine, Fallen Pillars: U.S. Policy towards Palestine and Israel since 1945"

The Catastrophe - Al Nakba

That's about the size of it.
The zionist argument is flawed since Yahweh doesn't and never existed and therefore never gave land to anyone, so-called "jews" or khazars or whoever claims that Yahweh did. If anyone has a claim to the land besides the Palestinian natives, it is the Romans. Besides the concept of a nation based on race is racist.
Funny how today's radical is still clinging to the same old doctrine that was so successful in Stalin's regime and Hitler's socialist Reich. Blame the Jews for everything.
George, if you're going to disagree with the Wiki article I presented, why just use proven-to-lie propaganda BS on video?

Don't you have any words of your own?
So George, I'm curious. At what age did you start hating Jews and at what age did you become obsessed with Jews? No matter what subject in this forum it turns into a rant against Jews. Not one of your thousands of posts is going to gain one inch of ground for your precious Palestinians.
Jews that evict a 94 year old woman from a home she's lived in for 7 decades, should be hated!

And come Judgement Day, the ones responsible for this, are going to get F'd in the A.
Before you demand Jews give up their home and land.. YOU FIRST HYPOCRITE. This land belonged to the Native American prior to the many wars and confiscation of their lands.. So let's see it.. Go and give your home and land to a Native American.. Then come back and talk smack. I'll wait.
Don't change the subject! The thread is about an elderly woman being evicted from a home she's lived at for 7 decades. She didn't sell it. She didn't give it away. She didn't indicate she was thinking of moving. All of a sudden, one day, these fuckin' assholes came up to her and told her she had to leave.

Care to comment on the evil mother-fuckers who would do that to a 94 year old woman?

Or are you just as evil and think what they did is okay?
Sheikh Jarrah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's an article which explains some of the history of this neighborhood. Perhaps if George reads it, it will help him gain a more realistic perspective.
I think this pretty much sums it up in a nutshell...

From your link...

Lawyers for the Jewish families argued that documents from the Ottoman Empire originally used to prove that a Jewish Sephardic organization had purchased the land in question in the 19th century are indeed valid, while Palestinian lawyers brought with them documents from Istanbul's Ottoman archives indicating that the Jewish organization that claims to own the land only rented it, and as such was not the rightful owner, the Kurd family claims that when they pressed the court to look at the new evidence, they were told "it's too late".
The court accepted forgeries from jewish settlers and rejected official Ottoman documents because they were "too late".

How much more fucked can you possibly be?
(That was a figurative "you", not a literal "you",
in case you were wondering)
I'm just curious.. Why are the Jew haters so concerned about the Palestinian plight but never consider their own complicity in robbing Native Americans of everything?? Why is that ok?
Before you demand Jews give up their home and land.. YOU FIRST HYPOCRITE. This land belonged to the Native American prior to the many wars and confiscation of their lands.. So let's see it.. Go and give your home and land to a Native American.. Then come back and talk smack. I'll wait.
Don't change the subject! The thread is about an elderly woman being evicted from a home she's lived at for 7 decades. She didn't sell it. She didn't give it away. She didn't indicate she was thinking of moving. All of a sudden, one day, these fuckin' assholes came up to her and told her she had to leave.

Care to comment on the evil mother-fuckers who would do that to a 94 year old woman?

Or are you just as evil and think what they did is okay?

That is very much the subject.. What about dead Natives, lost history and tribes? Forged deeds, rivers of blood for land? Do you own property here in America?
Before you demand Jews give up their home and land.. YOU FIRST HYPOCRITE. This land belonged to the Native American prior to the many wars and confiscation of their lands.. So let's see it.. Go and give your home and land to a Native American.. Then come back and talk smack. I'll wait.
Don't change the subject! The thread is about an elderly woman being evicted from a home she's lived at for 7 decades. She didn't sell it. She didn't give it away. She didn't indicate she was thinking of moving. All of a sudden, one day, these fuckin' assholes came up to her and told her she had to leave.

Care to comment on the evil mother-fuckers who would do that to a 94 year old woman?

Or are you just as evil and think what they did is okay?

You didn't ask me, but if I may respond?
I think that old woman needs to stay put and the jewish family needs to let her live out what little time she has left right where she is. And maybe they will do that. Maybe not. I would hope they do.
I don't condone everything that happens simply because Israel does it.. Everything is not black and white.. There is evil in every race.. so I don't condone removing this woman at all if that answers your question? Now answer mine.. Do you own property here in the United States or are you just a renter like ole George?
I don't condone everything that happens simply because Israel does it.. Everything is not black and white.. There is evil in every race.. so I don't condone removing this woman at all if that answers your question? Now answer mine..
I appreciate your candor!

Even though that is probably the majority opinion of the normal folk in this world, it's still nice to see someone come out and state it for the record.

Do you own property here in the United States or are you just a renter like ole George?
I'm a renter.
(sold my home 2 years ago)
I don't condone everything that happens simply because Israel does it.. Everything is not black and white.. There is evil in every race.. so I don't condone removing this woman at all if that answers your question? Now answer mine..
I appreciate your candor!

Even though that is probably the majority opinion of the normal folk in this world, it's still nice to see someone come out and state it for the record.

Do you own property here in the United States or are you just a renter like ole George?
I'm a renter.
(sold my home 2 years ago)

No problem.. you've always been cool in my book anyhow.. Love your taste in music :)
You didn't ask me, but if I may respond?
I think that old woman needs to stay put and the jewish family needs to let her live out what little time she has left right where she is. And maybe they will do that. Maybe not. I would hope they do.
I'm hoping the Jewish left, will put some pressure on local authorities to let her stay.

Liberal jews are kick-ass!

I'll save my personal opinions of the Likud Party for another day.
Why is discussing facts and making observations about a racist cult that according to the Talmud hates everyone but their own race "hating" on anyone?

The Jews have been unbelievably kind and patient with palestine. There are still palestinians there when they deserve to be wiped out to the last.

There's no such thing as a Palestinian. These people fled from Jordan mostly as Jordan denied them a home along with all of the other arab nations and made Israel the bad guy regarding their own citizens.. It's all a lie, a big hoax..

In 1948 Mandate Palestine 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million non-Jews, expelling over 700,000 PALESTINIANS from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts.

Things have NOT improved for PALESTINIANS since that time:

"Over the 60 years since Israel’s founding on May 14, 1948, this profound injustice has continued. Palestinian refugees are the largest remaining refugee population in the world.

"1.3 million Palestinians live in Israel as 'Israeli citizens,' but despite their status as citizens, they are subject to systematic discrimination. Many are prohibited from living in the villages and homes from which they were violently expelled, and their property has been confiscated for Jewish-only uses.

"In Orwellian terminology, Israeli law designates these internal refugees as 'present absentees.'12

"In 1967 Israel launched its third war and seized still more Palestinian (and other Arab) land. Israel also attacked a U.S. Navy ship, the USS Liberty, killing and injuring over 200 Americans, an event that remains largely covered-up today, despite efforts by an extraordinary array of high-level military officers and civilian officials to expose it."

The Catastrophe - Al Nakba

Al Nakba in unbiased eyes. If you studied more about it you would have discovered actually that "The Arab Catastrophe" was in fact Arabs running with their tails between their legs, because Arab leader pushed them to leave and escape, promising them "A greater victory" if they unite togather against the Jews.

Maybe 30% of them were expelled. most of them just ran.
So George, I'm curious. At what age did you start hating Jews and at what age did you become obsessed with Jews? No matter what subject in this forum it turns into a rant against Jews. Not one of your thousands of posts is going to gain one inch of ground for your precious Palestinians.
Jews that evict a 94 year old woman from a home she's lived in for 7 decades, should be hated!

And come Judgement Day, the ones responsible for this, are going to get F'd in the A.

My family was expelled from their house in 1936 and their ranch was burned down.

Tough sh*t, right?
You didn't ask me, but if I may respond?
I think that old woman needs to stay put and the jewish family needs to let her live out what little time she has left right where she is. And maybe they will do that. Maybe not. I would hope they do.
I'm hoping the Jewish left, will put some pressure on local authorities to let her stay.

Liberal jews are kick-ass!

I'll save my personal opinions of the Likud Party for another day.

Here is a new add on the streets of Jerusalem-

Maretz (Zehava Galon) add:


"We will stop the 'orthodoxazion' of Jerusalem"

Now Imagine a title saying "We will stop the 'Arabization' of Jerusalem".

What about human rights? It's pure racism against religious Jews.

Leberal fanatic left in Israel is despicable!
"Families in Sheikh Jarrah, a Palestinian village in East Jerusalem, are being evicted from their homes and replaced by Jewish settlers. The al Kurd family, whose 94 year-old matriarch was displaced from her Haifa home in the 1948 war and has resided in Sheikh Jarrah for nearly 60 years, lost half of its home to an Israeli settler family in 2008—and is currently under threat of being evicted from the rest."

East Jerusalem refers to parts of the ancient city annexed by Jordan in 1948 and then taken by force of arms by Israel in 1967. In 1988 the Palestinian Declaration of Independence claimed East Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Palestine.

Israel believes all of Jerusalem is its undivided eternal capital, but most of the world disagrees. Regardless of issues of state sovereignty, how does one justify displacing a 94 year-old victim of al-Nakba from the home she's lived in for seven decades...Jewish Exceptionalism?

A Story Your Reps Should Hear: House Evictions in Sheikh Jarrah

She resided there, but does she have a legal title to the place? Obviously not, or you would have said so.

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