A Jew Only Jerusalem?

You didn't ask me, but if I may respond?
I think that old woman needs to stay put and the jewish family needs to let her live out what little time she has left right where she is. And maybe they will do that. Maybe not. I would hope they do.
I'm hoping the Jewish left, will put some pressure on local authorities to let her stay.

Liberal jews are kick-ass!

I'll save my personal opinions of the Likud Party for another day.

Likud are scumbags.

I vote every day for Ayelet Shaked:cool:
There is no policy to create an all Jewish Jerusalem.

The UN, liberals and the Palestinians desire to Wipe Israel off the map.
Drive the Jews into the sea.

I've said it before, so many liberal ideas look like Hitlers.
Probably because all liberals are genocidal nazis.
They are mad because some Jews survived their holocaust.

well too bad for them:lol:
There's no such thing as a Palestinian. These people fled from Jordan mostly as Jordan denied them a home along with all of the other arab nations and made Israel the bad guy regarding their own citizens.. It's all a lie, a big hoax..

In 1948 Mandate Palestine 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million non-Jews, expelling over 700,000 PALESTINIANS from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts.

Things have NOT improved for PALESTINIANS since that time:

"Over the 60 years since Israel’s founding on May 14, 1948, this profound injustice has continued. Palestinian refugees are the largest remaining refugee population in the world.

"1.3 million Palestinians live in Israel as 'Israeli citizens,' but despite their status as citizens, they are subject to systematic discrimination. Many are prohibited from living in the villages and homes from which they were violently expelled, and their property has been confiscated for Jewish-only uses.

"In Orwellian terminology, Israeli law designates these internal refugees as 'present absentees.'12

"In 1967 Israel launched its third war and seized still more Palestinian (and other Arab) land. Israel also attacked a U.S. Navy ship, the USS Liberty, killing and injuring over 200 Americans, an event that remains largely covered-up today, despite efforts by an extraordinary array of high-level military officers and civilian officials to expose it."

The Catastrophe - Al Nakba

Al Nakba in unbiased eyes. If you studied more about it you would have discovered actually that "The Arab Catastrophe" was in fact Arabs running with their tails between their legs, because Arab leader pushed them to leave and escape, promising them "A greater victory" if they unite togather against the Jews.

Maybe 30% of them were expelled. most of them just ran.

30% of 750,000 = Arab Catastrophe?
How many Arab civilians did the numerically superior Israeli forces murder in 1948?
Zionist forces destroyed 531 Palestinian towns and committed 33 massacres none of which can reasonably be blamed on "Arab leaders."

If you continue to annex the West Bank, you will find yourselves as despised world-wide as the Nazis in 1945.
In 1948 Mandate Palestine 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million non-Jews, expelling over 700,000 PALESTINIANS from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts.

Things have NOT improved for PALESTINIANS since that time:

"Over the 60 years since Israel’s founding on May 14, 1948, this profound injustice has continued. Palestinian refugees are the largest remaining refugee population in the world.

"1.3 million Palestinians live in Israel as 'Israeli citizens,' but despite their status as citizens, they are subject to systematic discrimination. Many are prohibited from living in the villages and homes from which they were violently expelled, and their property has been confiscated for Jewish-only uses.

"In Orwellian terminology, Israeli law designates these internal refugees as 'present absentees.'12

"In 1967 Israel launched its third war and seized still more Palestinian (and other Arab) land. Israel also attacked a U.S. Navy ship, the USS Liberty, killing and injuring over 200 Americans, an event that remains largely covered-up today, despite efforts by an extraordinary array of high-level military officers and civilian officials to expose it."

The Catastrophe - Al Nakba

Al Nakba in unbiased eyes. If you studied more about it you would have discovered actually that "The Arab Catastrophe" was in fact Arabs running with their tails between their legs, because Arab leader pushed them to leave and escape, promising them "A greater victory" if they unite togather against the Jews.

Maybe 30% of them were expelled. most of them just ran.

30% of 750,000 = Arab Catastrophe?
How many Arab civilians did the numerically superior Israeli forces murder in 1948?
Zionist forces destroyed 531 Palestinian towns and committed 33 massacres none of which can reasonably be blamed on "Arab leaders."

If you continue to annex the West Bank, you will find yourselves as despised world-wide as the Nazis in 1945.

We're despised worldwide no matter what we do.

Better be a hated living person, than a loved dead one.
"Confusion about the origins of the conflict all too often has obscured Americans’ understanding of its true dimension. It began as a conflict resulting from immigrants struggling to displace the local majority population. All else is derivative from this basic reality.”

– Donald Neff, former Senior Editor, Time Magazine, Fallen Pillars: U.S. Policy towards Palestine and Israel since 1945"

The Catastrophe - Al Nakba

That's about the size of it.

Zionism is one more subject most Americans are ignorant of.
Specifically, how the founding fathers of Zionism viewed their colonizing adventure and its dependence on Empire:

"It is the] iron law of every colonizing movement, a law which knows of no exceptions, a law which existed in all times and under all circumstances.

"If you wish to colonize a land in which people are already living, you must provide a garrison on your behalf Or else-or else, give up your colonization, for without an armed force which will render physically impossible any attempts to destroy or prevent this colonization, colonization is impossible, not 'difficult,' not 'dangerous' but impossible!...

"Zionism is a colonizing adventure and therefore it stands or falls by the question of armed force.

"It is important to build, it is important to speak Hebrew, but, unfortunately, it is even more important to be able to shoot-or else I am through with playing at colonization."

The Hidden Roots of Zionism
Al Nakba in unbiased eyes. If you studied more about it you would have discovered actually that "The Arab Catastrophe" was in fact Arabs running with their tails between their legs, because Arab leader pushed them to leave and escape, promising them "A greater victory" if they unite togather against the Jews.

Maybe 30% of them were expelled. most of them just ran.

30% of 750,000 = Arab Catastrophe?
How many Arab civilians did the numerically superior Israeli forces murder in 1948?
Zionist forces destroyed 531 Palestinian towns and committed 33 massacres none of which can reasonably be blamed on "Arab leaders."

If you continue to annex the West Bank, you will find yourselves as despised world-wide as the Nazis in 1945.

We're despised worldwide no matter what we do.

Better be a hated living person, than a loved dead one.

What happens when world-wide economic sanctions have the same effect on Israel as they had on South Africa a generation ago?
Funny how today's radical is still clinging to the same old doctrine that was so successful in Stalin's regime and Hitler's socialist Reich. Blame the Jews for everything.

Do you think a Jew-only Jerusalem would have appealed to Stalin or Hitler?
It's even funnier how conservatives think Hitler was a socialist, BTW.
george, from your link at ifamericansKnew.org -
about the owner -
Alison has received national awards for her groundbreaking work from the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), from the Council for American Islamic relations (CAIR),
sounds rather biased, doesn't she?
I'm just curious.. Why are the Jew haters so concerned about the Palestinian plight but never consider their own complicity in robbing Native Americans of everything?? Why is that ok?


This thread's about the continuing Zionist colonization of Jerusalem.
If you're honestly concerned about US ethnic cleansing, visit the History Forum:

"SO IS this 'peace process' serious? What does Netanyahu want?

"Does he want to enter the history books as the 'Israeli de Gaulle', the wise Zionist leader who put an end to 120 years of conflict?

"Or is he just another smart guy who is making a tactical move to avoid a tussle with the US and stop the de-legitimization process at least for a while?

"As it looks now, de Gaulle in his heaven can relax. No competitor in sight.

"There is not the slightest indication of any peace orientation. Quite the contrary. Our government is using the new 'peace process' as a smoke screen behind which the settlement bulldozer is working full time

"The government condemns the EU boycott resolution because it “harms the peace process”. It rejects all demands for freezing the settlements because this would “obstruct the peace process”.

"Investing hundreds of millions in settlements which under any imaginable peace agreement will have to be evacuated is, it seems, favorable for peace.

So is there hope? Time to quote again the Yiddish saying: 'If God wills, even a broomstick can shoot!'”

A World Record for Chutzpah » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
GeorgiePorgie is a mindless bigot drone bitch.

I have yet to see it post anything of value.

It believes its own bullshit propaganda, maybe.

But that only underscores what a stupid ignorant drone it is.
Funny how today's radical is still clinging to the same old doctrine that was so successful in Stalin's regime and Hitler's socialist Reich. Blame the Jews for everything.

Do you think a Jew-only Jerusalem would have appealed to Stalin or Hitler?
It's even funnier how conservatives think Hitler was a socialist, BTW.

Abu Mazen declaired his goel is a Muslim-only Palestine.

Where was your wild protest then?
30% of 750,000 = Arab Catastrophe?
How many Arab civilians did the numerically superior Israeli forces murder in 1948?
Zionist forces destroyed 531 Palestinian towns and committed 33 massacres none of which can reasonably be blamed on "Arab leaders."

If you continue to annex the West Bank, you will find yourselves as despised world-wide as the Nazis in 1945.

We're despised worldwide no matter what we do.

Better be a hated living person, than a loved dead one.

What happens when world-wide economic sanctions have the same effect on Israel as they had on South Africa a generation ago?

Heard what that Tamrud movement's spokesmen said today?

That is what we should have told you Liberals long ago.
I'm just curious.. Why are the Jew haters so concerned about the Palestinian plight but never consider their own complicity in robbing Native Americans of everything?? Why is that ok?

Your arguement fails to advance your case, any way posters here respond. If we were to go to the extreme, and agree that colonization of the new world was absolutely wrong, and Europe and Africa better get ready to recieve massive amounts of refugees, then Jews in Palestine equally have no case for remaining.

If we were to go the other way, and say no, we must live with what exists, but of course with equal rights for all, and no discrimination based on race or ethnicity, then Israel is still in trouble. Clearly Israel is based on preference for those of the Jewish religion, and those in the occupied territories do not have equal rights.

Your going to have to try again.
"Confusion about the origins of the conflict all too often has obscured Americans’ understanding of its true dimension. It began as a conflict resulting from immigrants struggling to displace the local majority population. All else is derivative from this basic reality.”

– Donald Neff, former Senior Editor, Time Magazine, Fallen Pillars: U.S. Policy towards Palestine and Israel since 1945"

The Catastrophe - Al Nakba

That's about the size of it.

Zionism is one more subject most Americans are ignorant of.
Specifically, how the founding fathers of Zionism viewed their colonizing adventure and its dependence on Empire:

"It is the] iron law of every colonizing movement, a law which knows of no exceptions, a law which existed in all times and under all circumstances.

"If you wish to colonize a land in which people are already living, you must provide a garrison on your behalf Or else-or else, give up your colonization, for without an armed force which will render physically impossible any attempts to destroy or prevent this colonization, colonization is impossible, not 'difficult,' not 'dangerous' but impossible!...

"Zionism is a colonizing adventure and therefore it stands or falls by the question of armed force.

"It is important to build, it is important to speak Hebrew, but, unfortunately, it is even more important to be able to shoot-or else I am through with playing at colonization."

The Hidden Roots of Zionism

The fatal error made by Jews was that they were too late. Colonialism was still accepted in the early 20th century, but by the late '40s, the wind of change was blowing, and the idea of moving in and taking land from "aboriginals" was rapidly going out of style. In 1900 they may have gotten away with it. 1948 was too late.
We're despised worldwide no matter what we do.

Better be a hated living person, than a loved dead one.

What happens when world-wide economic sanctions have the same effect on Israel as they had on South Africa a generation ago?

World wide sanctions should be put in place against SA now.
Do you know what's going on in SA at the moment?
(Hint, it's not all peace, love and rainbow nation, ask the indigenous people's of SA, the real indigenous people's).

It's not great, but at least they have the power to make their own choices. And that counts for a lot.
Israel officially recognizes Palestine and the rights of Palestinians.
Palestine desires to murder all Jews by drowning.
And the liberals say the Palestinians are the good guys?

Israel is a peacful nation.
Palestine is a ghetto slum.
Ah well.

The PA endorses the 2002 peace plan put forward by Saudi Arabia and the Arab League. Far from drowning Jews, it provides for the generous allowance of having them keep the vast majority of Palestine, including the most desriable areas. It does insist on a Palestinain state, and a return of refugees, or a financial settlement for them. You are going to have to go a little further than Fox News if you want to actually know what is going on.
Question for liberal limp wristers: Where is your outrage over non muslims not beign allowed to even set food in mecca or medina, let alone not being able to live there?

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