A Jew Only Jerusalem?

Funny how today's radical is still clinging to the same old doctrine that was so successful in Stalin's regime and Hitler's socialist Reich. Blame the Jews for everything.

Do you think a Jew-only Jerusalem would have appealed to Stalin or Hitler?
It's even funnier how conservatives think Hitler was a socialist, BTW.

Abu Mazen declaired his goel is a Muslim-only Palestine.

Where was your wild protest then?

Any attempt to inflict an Arab ethnocracy on Palestine would result in exactly the same type of global economic sanctions heading toward Jews in Tel Aviv or currently oppressing Persians in Iran being inflicted upon Muslims in the West Bank and Gaza. (Would they notice?)

A federation of Israel, Palestine, and Jordan with free movement of goods, capital, and labor between each nation seems like a good starting point for any authentic peace process. Not that most rich Jews, Muslims, or Christians have the slightest interest in Peace anywhere.
We're despised worldwide no matter what we do.

Better be a hated living person, than a loved dead one.

What happens when world-wide economic sanctions have the same effect on Israel as they had on South Africa a generation ago?

Heard what that Tamrud movement's spokesmen said today?

That is what we should have told you Liberals long ago.

Liberals in the US and elsewhere (mistakenly, IMHO) championed the creation of your state. Be careful what you wish for, Zioness.

As far as Tamrud, this is the latest I can find:

"Egypt was locked in a tense standoff on Monday (7/2013) after a day of huge rallies in which at least ten people were killed. The protesters demand the resignation of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi and some of them are saying that the military needs to step in, if Morsi refuses to step down."

What will you have to say when Egypt's food riots come to Israel?

Tense Standoff in Egypt, 10 Killed So Far - Middle East - News - Israel National News
Israel officially recognizes Palestine and the rights of Palestinians.
Palestine desires to murder all Jews by drowning.
And the liberals say the Palestinians are the good guys?

Israel is a peacful nation.
Palestine is a ghetto slum.
Ah well.
Why don't you explain why your heroic Jews need to distinguish between "citizenship" and "nationality"?

"Israel refused to recognize an Israeli nationality at the country's establishment in 1948, making an unusual distinction between 'citizenship' and 'nationality.'

"Although all Israelis qualify as 'citizens of Israel,' the state is defined as belonging to the 'Jewish nation,' meaning not only the 5.6 million Israeli Jews but also more than seven million Jews in the diaspora.

"Critics say the special status of Jewish nationality has been a way to undermine the citizenship rights of non-Jews in Israel, especially the fifth of the population who are Arab.

"Some 30 laws in Israel specifically privilege Jews, including in the areas of immigration rights, naturalization, access to land and employment."

Jonathan Cook, "'Israeli Nation' vs. 'Jewish State'"
We're despised worldwide no matter what we do.

Better be a hated living person, than a loved dead one.

What happens when world-wide economic sanctions have the same effect on Israel as they had on South Africa a generation ago?

World wide sanctions should be put in place against SA now.
Do you know what's going on in SA at the moment?
(Hint, it's not all peace, love and rainbow nation, ask the indigenous people's of SA, the real indigenous people's).
Why don't you start that thread in the appropriate forum if you actually have the slightest concern for the bushmen?
What happens when world-wide economic sanctions have the same effect on Israel as they had on South Africa a generation ago?

World wide sanctions should be put in place against SA now.
Do you know what's going on in SA at the moment?
(Hint, it's not all peace, love and rainbow nation, ask the indigenous people's of SA, the real indigenous people's).
Why don't you start that thread in the appropriate forum if you actually have the slightest concern for the bushmen?

You tell 'em George. This thread is all about them greedy Jews you're obsessed with..
Israel officially recognizes Palestine and the rights of Palestinians.
Palestine desires to murder all Jews by drowning.
And the liberals say the Palestinians are the good guys?

Israel is a peacful nation.
Palestine is a ghetto slum.
Ah well.
Why don't you explain why your heroic Jews need to distinguish between "citizenship" and "nationality"?

"Israel refused to recognize an Israeli nationality at the country's establishment in 1948, making an unusual distinction between 'citizenship' and 'nationality.'

"Although all Israelis qualify as 'citizens of Israel,' the state is defined as belonging to the 'Jewish nation,' meaning not only the 5.6 million Israeli Jews but also more than seven million Jews in the diaspora.

"Critics say the special status of Jewish nationality has been a way to undermine the citizenship rights of non-Jews in Israel, especially the fifth of the population who are Arab.

"Some 30 laws in Israel specifically privilege Jews, including in the areas of immigration rights, naturalization, access to land and employment."

Jonathan Cook, "'Israeli Nation' vs. 'Jewish State'"

Nice rant hitler.
You know why, hitler.
Now shut the fuck up, hitler.
What's your problem with history, Golda?
"The head of the campaign for Israeli nationality, Uzzi Ornan, a retired linguistics professor, said: 'It is absurd that Israel, which recognizes dozens of different nationalities, refuses to recognize the one nationality it is supposed to represent...'"

"Mr. Ornan, 86, said that denying a common Israeli nationality was the linchpin of state-sanctioned discrimination against the Arab population.

"There are even two laws -- the Law of Return for Jews and the Citizenship Law for Arabs -- that determine how you belong to the state," he said. 'What kind of democracy divides its citizens into two kinds?'"

Answer the question, Golda.

Jonathan Cook, "'Israeli Nation' vs. 'Jewish State'"
World wide sanctions should be put in place against SA now.
Do you know what's going on in SA at the moment?
(Hint, it's not all peace, love and rainbow nation, ask the indigenous people's of SA, the real indigenous people's).
Why don't you start that thread in the appropriate forum if you actually have the slightest concern for the bushmen?

You tell 'em George. This thread is all about them greedy Jews you're obsessed with..
Right on cue, 'Stain

A World Record for Chutzpah » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

"THE DAY the new settlement projects were announced, Netanyahu fired off to John Kerry a furious protest against the ongoing Palestinian 'incitement' against Israel. This missive could interest the adjudicators of the Guinness record for Chutzpah.

"The main evidence for Mahmoud Abbas’ perfidy, in Netanyahu’s letter, is a text in which a minor Palestinian official called for a Palestinian state 'from Rosh Hanikra to Eilat.' Rosh Hanikra (Ras Naqura in Arabic) is on the Lebanese border, so this state would include all of Israel. Also, during a soccer event in Ramallah, anti-Israeli shouts were heard.

Awful, just awful. Kerry should spring from his seat in fury. Were it not for the fact that almost all leading Likud members proclaim that the whole of historical Palestine belongs to Israel, and Naftali Bennett, a pillar of Netanyahu’s government coalition, just announced that the Palestinians 'can forget about' a Palestinian state."
That's about the size of it.

Zionism is one more subject most Americans are ignorant of.
Specifically, how the founding fathers of Zionism viewed their colonizing adventure and its dependence on Empire:

"It is the] iron law of every colonizing movement, a law which knows of no exceptions, a law which existed in all times and under all circumstances.

"If you wish to colonize a land in which people are already living, you must provide a garrison on your behalf Or else-or else, give up your colonization, for without an armed force which will render physically impossible any attempts to destroy or prevent this colonization, colonization is impossible, not 'difficult,' not 'dangerous' but impossible!...

"Zionism is a colonizing adventure and therefore it stands or falls by the question of armed force.

"It is important to build, it is important to speak Hebrew, but, unfortunately, it is even more important to be able to shoot-or else I am through with playing at colonization."

The Hidden Roots of Zionism

The fatal error made by Jews was that they were too late. Colonialism was still accepted in the early 20th century, but by the late '40s, the wind of change was blowing, and the idea of moving in and taking land from "aboriginals" was rapidly going out of style. In 1900 they may have gotten away with it. 1948 was too late.
IMHO, in 1900, Zionism was a nationalist response by a section of Jews to the resurgence of anti-Semitism in (Eastern) Europe; it can't be properly understood outside the context of European society in the age of imperialism.

"Zionism and Imperialism

"To acquire the land for his state,(Theodor) Herzl was willing to beg from the table of every imperialist power, no matter how criminal.

"He courted them all-the German Kaiser, the Turks, the Russian Tsar, and the British Empire.

"In 1896, He entered into negotiations with the Turkish Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, which had ruled over Palestine for more than five hundred years.

"HerzI offered the Sultan a deal-in exchange for giving Palestine to the Jews, the Zionist movement would help soften world condemnation of Turkey for its genocidal campaign against the Armenians. He even pledged to meet with Armenian leaders to convince them to call off their resistance struggle! In his diary, Herzl wrote..."

The Hidden Roots of Zionism
Why don't you start that thread in the appropriate forum if you actually have the slightest concern for the bushmen?

You tell 'em George. This thread is all about them greedy Jews you're obsessed with..
Right on cue, 'Stain

A World Record for Chutzpah » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

"THE DAY the new settlement projects were announced, Netanyahu fired off to John Kerry a furious protest against the ongoing Palestinian 'incitement' against Israel. This missive could interest the adjudicators of the Guinness record for Chutzpah.

"The main evidence for Mahmoud Abbas’ perfidy, in Netanyahu’s letter, is a text in which a minor Palestinian official called for a Palestinian state 'from Rosh Hanikra to Eilat.' Rosh Hanikra (Ras Naqura in Arabic) is on the Lebanese border, so this state would include all of Israel. Also, during a soccer event in Ramallah, anti-Israeli shouts were heard.

Awful, just awful. Kerry should spring from his seat in fury. Were it not for the fact that almost all leading Likud members proclaim that the whole of historical Palestine belongs to Israel, and Naftali Bennett, a pillar of Netanyahu’s government coalition, just announced that the Palestinians 'can forget about' a Palestinian state."

Breaking news, Comrade. Bennett is right. There will never be a Palestinian state. I'm breathlessly awaiting your next 14,000 threads denouncing them greedy Jews.
World wide sanctions should be put in place against SA now.
Do you know what's going on in SA at the moment?
(Hint, it's not all peace, love and rainbow nation, ask the indigenous people's of SA, the real indigenous people's).
Why don't you start that thread in the appropriate forum if you actually have the slightest concern for the bushmen?

Did I bring up the subject Adolf?
Yeah, Golda.
You did.
ADHD or was the abortion a failure?
Question for liberal limp wristers: Where is your outrage over non muslims not beign allowed to even set food in mecca or medina, let alone not being able to live there?

It's not about the Jews, so who cares

Have you noticed the difference in Power between rich Muslim parasites in Mecca and Medina and rich Jew parasites in London, New York, and Tel Aviv? Israel has the mushroom arsenal and the paranoia to invoke the Samson complex; not so for the Saudis.

The Jewish state is inflicting an illegal occupation on Muslims in Palestine while the Saudis are not inflicting their nation on Jews.

You probably should consider the possibility that some day you will have to choose between the West Bank and the Negev because one day all the rich parasites in New York and London (and Riyadh) will find it in their economic self interest to boycott and divest from all revenue streams originating from Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza.

Then all the Jews will find out who cares.
What happens when world-wide economic sanctions have the same effect on Israel as they had on South Africa a generation ago?

Heard what that Tamrud movement's spokesmen said today?

That is what we should have told you Liberals long ago.

Liberals in the US and elsewhere (mistakenly, IMHO) championed the creation of your state. Be careful what you wish for, Zioness.

As far as Tamrud, this is the latest I can find:

"Egypt was locked in a tense standoff on Monday (7/2013) after a day of huge rallies in which at least ten people were killed. The protesters demand the resignation of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi and some of them are saying that the military needs to step in, if Morsi refuses to step down."

What will you have to say when Egypt's food riots come to Israel?

Tense Standoff in Egypt, 10 Killed So Far - Middle East - News - Israel National News

What Sisi said is that they are not threatened by USA's empty scoldings, that the threat of cutting of the budget won't make them back out of fighting terrorism.

First time I agree with them.

Your government pushes them deep into the crap, and then pushes their heads back in when they try to get out.

They are not PC anymore.

Time will come when we learn the method.
Israel officially recognizes Palestine and the rights of Palestinians.
Palestine desires to murder all Jews by drowning.
And the liberals say the Palestinians are the good guys?

Israel is a peacful nation.
Palestine is a ghetto slum.
Ah well.

The PA endorses the 2002 peace plan put forward by Saudi Arabia and the Arab League. Far from drowning Jews, it provides for the generous allowance of having them keep the vast majority of Palestine, including the most desriable areas. It does insist on a Palestinain state, and a return of refugees, or a financial settlement for them. You are going to have to go a little further than Fox News if you want to actually know what is going on.
I don't watch fox.
But I have travelled the most of the world.
Your ignorance shows, hitler boy.

There are no refugees.
Fucking nomads that want a free house are not refugees.
They should move to the Arab state.
Let Israel live in peace and freedom.
Which the genocidal process suggested by Saudi would not.
So far all your remedies involve genocide.
You nazis have only one solution, haven't you!!
Who paid for your travel?
Valhalla or the Ivy League?
'Still bitter about all those scholarships that got away?
Maybe you should learn the definition of "genocide."

"1. There are now 7 million Palestinian refugees (4.3 million registered with the UNHCR); 85% of Christian Palestinians have fled.

"2. 1.5 million Palestinian Israelis live under race-based Apartheid laws (Nazi- and Apartheid-style compulsory race-based ID at all times; race-based marriage prohibition laws; race-based discrimination over property acquisition, property rights, social participation, travel in their own country and family reunion).

"3. 4 million Occupied Palestinians are held as prisoners in increasingly abusive conditions in what outstanding Jewish American scholar Professor Noam Chomsky of the 63-Nobel-Laureate MIT describes as a 'Prison' (they are held without charge or trial in effectively several major Concentration Camps - Gaza, Samaria and Judaea; their capital city has been stolen and violated together with the Third most Sacred site in Islam)."

Israel: 60 years of Palestinian Genocide, by Gideon Polya - internationalnews

See if you can responds to the content and not its source, Val.
GeorgiePorgie is a mindless bigot drone bitch.

I have yet to see it post anything of value.

It believes its own bullshit propaganda, maybe.

But that only underscores what a stupid ignorant drone it is.

"A World Record for Chutzpah."
A World Record for Chutzpah » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Ha ha ha!!
A nazi rag!!
Ha ha ha!!!
Uri Avnery has lived in Israel longer than the Jewish state has existed:

"Uri Avnery (Hebrew: אורי אבנרי*, also transliterated Uri Avneri, born 10 September 1923) is an Israeli writer and founder of the Gush Shalom peace movement.

"A member of the Irgun as a teenager, Avnery sat in the Knesset from 1965–74 and 1979–81..."

"He is famous for crossing the lines during the Siege of Beirut to meet Yassir Arafat on 3 July 1982, the first time the Palestinian leader ever met with an Israeli. Avnery is the author of several books about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including 1948: A Soldier’s Tale, the Bloody Road to Jerusalem (2008); Israel’s Vicious Circle (2008); and My Friend, the Enemy (1986)."

Now get really funny and convince me you know more about Netanyahu than he does.

"ONE OF the problems is that absolutely nobody knows what Netanyahu really wants. Perhaps not even he.

"The Prime Minister is now the loneliest person in Israel. He has no friends. He trusts nobody, and nobody around him trusts him.

"His colleagues in the Likud leadership quite openly despise him, regarding him as a man of no principles, without a backbone, giving in to every pressure. This seems to have been the opinion of his late father, who once declared that Binyamin would make a good foreign minister, but certainly not a prime minister."

A World Record for Chutzpah » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Heard what that Tamrud movement's spokesmen said today?

That is what we should have told you Liberals long ago.

Liberals in the US and elsewhere (mistakenly, IMHO) championed the creation of your state. Be careful what you wish for, Zioness.

As far as Tamrud, this is the latest I can find:

"Egypt was locked in a tense standoff on Monday (7/2013) after a day of huge rallies in which at least ten people were killed. The protesters demand the resignation of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi and some of them are saying that the military needs to step in, if Morsi refuses to step down."

What will you have to say when Egypt's food riots come to Israel?

Tense Standoff in Egypt, 10 Killed So Far - Middle East - News - Israel National News

What Sisi said is that they are not threatened by USA's empty scoldings, that the threat of cutting of the budget won't make them back out of fighting terrorism.

First time I agree with them.

Your government pushes them deep into the crap, and then pushes their heads back in when they try to get out.

They are not PC anymore.

Time will come when we learn the method.

Sisi knows the loss of $1.2 billion from the Pentagon will be covered ten times over by Saudis and rich Gulf Arabs. FWIW, I see the riots in Egypt as the opening rounds of global food riots that may by-pass Israel and the US but neither superpower will be immune to whatever comes next.

"Just over two years since Egypt's dictator President Hosni Mubarak resigned , little has changed. Cairo's infamous Tahrir Square has remained a continual site of clashes between demonstrators and security forces, despite a newly elected president. It's the same story in Tunisia, and Libya where protests and civil unrest have persisted under now ostensibly democratic governments.

"The problem is that the political changes brought about by the Arab spring were largely cosmetic. Scratch beneath the surface, and one finds the same deadly combination of environmental, energy and economic crises."

Why food riots are likely to become the new normal | Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed | Environment | theguardian.com
Liberals in the US and elsewhere (mistakenly, IMHO) championed the creation of your state. Be careful what you wish for, Zioness.

As far as Tamrud, this is the latest I can find:

"Egypt was locked in a tense standoff on Monday (7/2013) after a day of huge rallies in which at least ten people were killed. The protesters demand the resignation of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi and some of them are saying that the military needs to step in, if Morsi refuses to step down."

What will you have to say when Egypt's food riots come to Israel?

Tense Standoff in Egypt, 10 Killed So Far - Middle East - News - Israel National News

What Sisi said is that they are not threatened by USA's empty scoldings, that the threat of cutting of the budget won't make them back out of fighting terrorism.

First time I agree with them.

Your government pushes them deep into the crap, and then pushes their heads back in when they try to get out.

They are not PC anymore.

Time will come when we learn the method.

Sisi knows the loss of $1.2 billion from the Pentagon will be covered ten times over by Saudis and rich Gulf Arabs. FWIW, I see the riots in Egypt as the opening rounds of global food riots that may by-pass Israel and the US but neither superpower will be immune to whatever comes next.

"Just over two years since Egypt's dictator President Hosni Mubarak resigned , little has changed. Cairo's infamous Tahrir Square has remained a continual site of clashes between demonstrators and security forces, despite a newly elected president. It's the same story in Tunisia, and Libya where protests and civil unrest have persisted under now ostensibly democratic governments.

"The problem is that the political changes brought about by the Arab spring were largely cosmetic. Scratch beneath the surface, and one finds the same deadly combination of environmental, energy and economic crises."

Why food riots are likely to become the new normal | Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed | Environment | theguardian.com

No need for food riots Comrade. Hey wasn't it one of those greedy Jews who fed 5000 with 2 fishes and 5 loaves of bread? Problem solved Comrade.
What Sisi said is that they are not threatened by USA's empty scoldings, that the threat of cutting of the budget won't make them back out of fighting terrorism.

First time I agree with them.

Your government pushes them deep into the crap, and then pushes their heads back in when they try to get out.

They are not PC anymore.

Time will come when we learn the method.

Sisi knows the loss of $1.2 billion from the Pentagon will be covered ten times over by Saudis and rich Gulf Arabs. FWIW, I see the riots in Egypt as the opening rounds of global food riots that may by-pass Israel and the US but neither superpower will be immune to whatever comes next.

"Just over two years since Egypt's dictator President Hosni Mubarak resigned , little has changed. Cairo's infamous Tahrir Square has remained a continual site of clashes between demonstrators and security forces, despite a newly elected president. It's the same story in Tunisia, and Libya where protests and civil unrest have persisted under now ostensibly democratic governments.

"The problem is that the political changes brought about by the Arab spring were largely cosmetic. Scratch beneath the surface, and one finds the same deadly combination of environmental, energy and economic crises."

Why food riots are likely to become the new normal | Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed | Environment | theguardian.com

No need for food riots Comrade. Hey wasn't it one of those greedy Jews who fed 5000 with 2 fishes and 5 loaves of bread? Problem solved Comrade.
Sure thing, 'Stain.
Right after He stashed those WMDs in Baghdad.
Are you still looking?
In 1948 Mandate Palestine 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million non-Jews, expelling over 700,000 PALESTINIANS from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts.

Things have NOT improved for PALESTINIANS since that time:

"Over the 60 years since Israel’s founding on May 14, 1948, this profound injustice has continued. Palestinian refugees are the largest remaining refugee population in the world.

"1.3 million Palestinians live in Israel as 'Israeli citizens,' but despite their status as citizens, they are subject to systematic discrimination. Many are prohibited from living in the villages and homes from which they were violently expelled, and their property has been confiscated for Jewish-only uses.

"In Orwellian terminology, Israeli law designates these internal refugees as 'present absentees.'12

"In 1967 Israel launched its third war and seized still more Palestinian (and other Arab) land. Israel also attacked a U.S. Navy ship, the USS Liberty, killing and injuring over 200 Americans, an event that remains largely covered-up today, despite efforts by an extraordinary array of high-level military officers and civilian officials to expose it."

The Catastrophe - Al Nakba

Hey sunshine, it' wasn't the Jews who enforced the 1948 mandate it was the Brits who had control of the land at the time. They offered to split the land between the Jews and the so called Palestinians/AKA muslims. The Jews said Yes and the so called Palestinians said no they wanted all or nothing. Brits said fine and gave them nothing. Sorry for ya.

1967 bigger Muslim countries were poised to attack Israel and wound up getting their asses kicked by a country the size of New Jersey. ROLMAO! They have been butt hurt ever since. Yes the Israeli's confiscated some of their land but let me ask you. If the Muslim countries had won in 67 would Isreal still exsist? fuck no, they would have taken the land away. So now you tell me why the winners of that war should do any less than what was going to be done to them. Muslims have a sense of entitlement that they should always get their way no matter waht and are poor losers. The Refugees who are squawking now are nothing more than squatters because all the countries that they once belonged to still exsist. They should have just gone back to the new borders of those countries.

As for Gaza and the newly given Palestinian territories, Isreal should never have given them those lands. A mistake Israel has been paying for ever since. Maybe some day they will realize their mistake and do what they should have done in the first place, run the malcontents out to their land and into the arms of their muslim brothers. BTW their muslim brothers don't want them either. Just sayin.

Hey, Hasbara...stick to writing bad fiction.
With the backing of the UN, 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million Arab Palestinians in 1948 after the Brits decapitated the Arab leadership in 1936-39. In 1967 Israel attacked Egypt without provocation three days before killing 34 US servicemen in international waters. In case you're completely ignorant of international law, the Fourth Geneva Convention makes it completely illegal for Jews to fill the territories they occupy with their civilians...you know... like "Jews" from Russia or bumfuck Bulgaria looking for some West Bank welfare paid for by US taxpayers. Currently the Jewish state is circling the same drain White South Africa disappeared into twenty years ago. Can you swim?

:) I guess you need a history lesson.

Mandatory Palestine (English: Palestine;[1] Arabic: فلسطين* Filasţīn; Hebrew: פָּלֶשְׂתִּינָה (א"י) Palestína (EY), where "EY" indicates "Eretz Yisrael") was a geopolitical entity under British administration, carved out of Ottoman Southern Syria after World War I. British civil administration in Palestine operated from 1920 until 1948.

:) Oh look there were Jews in Israel before 1948. Oh look the Arabs refused to co-operate.

1. Samuel tried to establish self-governing institutions in Palestine, as required by the mandate, but was frustrated by the refusal of the Arab leadership to co-operate with any institution which included Jewish participation.[8] When Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Kamil al-Husayni died in March 1921, High Commissioner Samuel appointed his half-brother Mohammad Amin al-Husayni to the position. Amin al-Husayni, a member of the al-Husayni clan of Jerusalem, was an Arab nationalist and Muslim leader. As Grand Mufti, as well as the other influential positions that he held during this period, al-Husayni played a key role in violent opposition to Zionism.

:) Oh look Arabs don't co-operate again.

2. The 1922 Palestine Order in Council established a Legislative Council, which was to consist of 23 members; 12 elected, 10 appointed and the High Commissioner.[13] Of the 12 elected members, eight were to be Muslim Arabs, two Christian Arabs and two Jews.[14] Arabs protested against the distribution of the seats, arguing that as they constituted 88% of the population, having only 43% of the seats was unfair.[14] Elections were held in February and March 1923, but due to an Arab boycott, the results were annulled and a 12-member Advisory Council was established.[13]

:) Oh look Muslims make terrorist cells, what a surprise from the religion of peace.

1930s: Arab resistance and armed insurgency

3. In 1930, Sheikh Izz ad-Din al-Qassam arrived in Palestine and organised and established the Black Hand, an anti-Zionist and anti-British militant organisation. He recruited and arranged military training for peasants and by 1935 he had enlisted between 200 and 800 men. The cells were equipped with bombs and firearms, which they used to kill Zionist settlers in the area, as well as engaging in a campaign of vandalism of the settlers-planted trees and British constructed rail-lines.[16] In November 1935, two of his men engaged in a firefight with a Palestine police patrol hunting fruit thieves and a policeman was killed. Following the incident, British police launched a manhunt and surrounded al-Qassam in a cave near Ya'bad. In the ensuing battle, al-Qassam was killed.[16]

:) Oh look the Arabs get their asses kicked

Arab revolt:

4. By the time the revolt concluded in March 1939, more than 5,000 Arabs, 400 Jews, and 200 Britons had been killed and at least 15,000 Arabs were wounded.[20] The Revolt resulted in the deaths of 5,000 Palestinian Arabs and the wounding of 10,000. In total, 10% of the adult Arab male population was killed, wounded, imprisoned, or exiled.(Khalidi 2001, p. 26) From 1936 to 1945, whilst establishing collaborative security arrangements with the Jewish Agency, the British confiscated 13,200 firearms from Arabs and 521 weapons from Jews.(Khalidi 1987, p. 845)\

:)Oh look Arabs offered their own state and rejected it.
Partition proposals

5. In 1937, the Peel Commission proposed a partition between a small Jewish state, whose Arab population would have to be transferred, and an Arab state to be attached to Jordan. The proposal was rejected by the Arabs. The two main Jewish leaders, Chaim Weizmann and David Ben-Gurion, had convinced the Zionist Congress to approve equivocally the Peel recommendations as a basis for more negotiation.[21][22][23][24][25]

:)Oh look another Arab rejection of thier own state in 1947, are we seeing a pattern here?

6. On 29 November, the UN General Assembly, voting 33 to 13, with 10 abstentions, adopted a resolution recommending the adoption and implementation of the Plan of Partition with Economic Union as Resolution 181 (II).,[37] while making some adjustments to the boundaries between the two states proposed by it. The division was to take effect on the date of British withdrawal. The partition plan required that the proposed states grant full civil rights to all people within their borders, regardless of race, religion or gender. It is important to note that the UN General Assembly is only granted the power to make recommendations, therefore, UNGAR 181 was not legally binding.[38] Both the U.S. and the Soviet Union supported the resolution. Haiti, Liberia, and the Philippines changed their votes at the last moment after concerted pressure from the U.S. and from Zionist organisations.[39][40][41] The five members of the Arab League, who were voting members at the time, voted against the Plan.

The Jewish Agency, which was the Jewish state-in-formation, accepted the plan, and nearly all the Jews in Palestine rejoiced at the news. Israeli history books mention 29 November as the most important date in the creation of Israel as it refers to UNGA 181 of 1947 Partition of the Mandate of Palestine into two states and whereof Israel's Proclamation of Independence refers to UNGA 181 as its source of sovereignty in Ph's 9 & 15.[citation needed]

The partition plan was rejected out of hand by Palestinian Arab leadership and by most of the Arab population.[citation needed] Meeting in Cairo on November and December 1947, the Arab League then adopted a series of resolutions aimed at a military solution to the conflict.

Britain announced that it would accept the partition plan, but refused to enforce it, arguing it was not accepted by the Arabs. Britain also refused to share the administration of Palestine with the UN Palestine Commission during the transitional period. In September 1947, the British government announced that the Mandate for Palestine would end at midnight on 14 May 1948.[42][43][44]

Some Jewish organisations also opposed the proposal. Irgun leader Menachem Begin announced: "The partition of the Homeland is illegal. It will never be recognized. The signature by institutions and individuals of the partition agreement is invalid. It will not bind the Jewish people. Jerusalem was and will forever be our capital. Eretz Israel will be restored to the people of Israel. All of it. And for ever."[45] These views were publicly rejected by the majority of the nascent Jewish state.[citation needed]

:) 1948 Arab Israeli war: Note that Egypt got control of Gaza and NO PALESTINIAN STATE WAS CREATED. lol:rofl:

7. The 1948 Arab–Israeli War or the First Arab–Israeli War was fought between the State of Israel and a military coalition of Arab states and Palestinian Arab forces. This war was the second stage of the 1948 Palestine war, known in Arabic as al-Nakba (Arabic: النكبة*, "The Catastrophe") and in Hebrew as the Milkhemet Ha'atzma'ut (Hebrew: מלחמת העצמאות*, "War of Independence") or Milkhemet Hashikhrur (Hebrew: מלחמת השחרור* "War of Liberation").

The war was preceded by a period of civil war in the territory of the Mandatory Palestine between Jewish Yishuv forces and Palestinian Arab forces in response to the UN Partition Plan. An alliance of Arab states intervened on the Palestinian side, turning the civil war into a war between sovereign states. The fighting took place mostly on the former territory of the British Mandate and for a short time also in the Sinai Peninsula and southern Lebanon.[16]

As a result of the war, the State of Israel kept nearly all the area that had been recommended by the UN General Assembly Resolution 181 and took control of almost 60% of the area allocated to the proposed Arab state,[17] including the Jaffa, Lydda and Ramle area, Galilee, some parts of the Negev, a wide strip along the Tel-Aviv-Jerusalem road, West Jerusalem, and some territories in the West Bank. Transjordan took control of the remainder of the West Bank and East-Jerusalem, and the Egyptian military took control of the Gaza Strip. No Arab Palestinian state was created. Armistice agreements were signed between all belligerents except Iraqis and Palestinians.

Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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"In 1967 Israel launched its third war and seized still more Palestinian (and other Arab) land. Israel also attacked a U.S. Navy ship, the USS Liberty, killing and injuring over 200 Americans, an event that remains largely covered-up today, despite efforts by an extraordinary array of high-level military officers and civilian officials to expose it."

The Catastrophe - Al Nakba

Hey sunshine, it' wasn't the Jews who enforced the 1948 mandate it was the Brits who had control of the land at the time. They offered to split the land between the Jews and the so called Palestinians/AKA muslims. The Jews said Yes and the so called Palestinians said no they wanted all or nothing. Brits said fine and gave them nothing. Sorry for ya.

1967 bigger Muslim countries were poised to attack Israel and wound up getting their asses kicked by a country the size of New Jersey. ROLMAO! They have been butt hurt ever since. Yes the Israeli's confiscated some of their land but let me ask you. If the Muslim countries had won in 67 would Isreal still exsist? fuck no, they would have taken the land away. So now you tell me why the winners of that war should do any less than what was going to be done to them. Muslims have a sense of entitlement that they should always get their way no matter waht and are poor losers. The Refugees who are squawking now are nothing more than squatters because all the countries that they once belonged to still exsist. They should have just gone back to the new borders of those countries.

As for Gaza and the newly given Palestinian territories, Isreal should never have given them those lands. A mistake Israel has been paying for ever since. Maybe some day they will realize their mistake and do what they should have done in the first place, run the malcontents out to their land and into the arms of their muslim brothers. BTW their muslim brothers don't want them either. Just sayin.

Hey, Hasbara...stick to writing bad fiction.
With the backing of the UN, 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million Arab Palestinians in 1948 after the Brits decapitated the Arab leadership in 1936-39. In 1967 Israel attacked Egypt without provocation three days before killing 34 US servicemen in international waters. In case you're completely ignorant of international law, the Fourth Geneva Convention makes it completely illegal for Jews to fill the territories they occupy with their civilians...you know... like "Jews" from Russia or bumfuck Bulgaria looking for some West Bank welfare paid for by US taxpayers. Currently the Jewish state is circling the same drain White South Africa disappeared into twenty years ago. Can you swim?

Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1967 six days war without provacation?

:) The players Syria,Egypt,Jordan and Israel. That's three Muslim countries against one Jewish nation.

In 1956 we see that there was already border fighting.

1. After the 1956 Suez Crisis, Egypt agreed to the stationing of U.N. peacekeepers, the United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF), in the Sinai to ensure all parties would comply with the 1949 Armistice Agreements.[22][23][24] In the following years, there were numerous minor border clashes between Israel and its Arab neighbors, particularly Syria. On November 4, 1966, the Soviet Union vetoed a six-Power resolution, that invited Syria to prevent incidents that constitute a violation of the General Armistice Agreement.[25]

Soon thereafter, in response to Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) guerrilla activity,[26][27] including a mine attack that killed three Israeli soldiers,[28]

:) Water wars built tension:

2. Not only land, but water was a major factor in building tensions between Israel and it neighbours. From 1950's Water politics had escalated. Israel tapped the Jordan River (and the Sea of Galilee) by canal for irrigation in its west, and southern desert, while Syria planned diversions from tributaries in the Golan Heights to Syria, Jordan and Lebanon (to the Litani River), which would have reduced Israeli access. Across-border conflict over water without political resolution had preceded the war by years.

:) Arabs were just as responsible as the Israeli's, no innocent parties here Sunshine:

3. Between 1966 and 1967 Israel’s borders saw repeated Arab terrorist attacks and Syrian military activity.

UN officials blamed both Israel & Syria for destabilizing the borders.

:) Nasser could have recalled his troops after he found out his Intel was faulty but didn't:

4. In May 1967, Israeli officials began to publicly threaten military action against Syria if the Syrian authjorities did not stop Palestinian guerrillas from crossing the border into Israel.[51] Following that, Nasser received false intelligence reports from the Soviet Union that an Israeli attack on Syria was imminent.[52][53][54][55][56] Egyptian intelligence later confirmed that the Soviet reports of Israeli force concentrations were in fact groundless,[57][58][59] but Nasser had by then already started his buildup and he feared that since a large portion of his army was already in the Sinai, a sudden callback of those forces would result in humiliation at a time when Nasser could ill afford being humiliated.[60] On May 19, U Thant called statements attributed to Israeli leaders "so threatening as to be particularly inflammatory in the sense that they could only heighten emotions and thereby increase tensions on the other side of the lines".[61] Nasser then misled the Egyptian people by perpetuating the falsehood claiming in an address on the anniversary of the Egyptian revolution, that the IDF was concentrating forces "on Syria's doorstep."[62] Israel's threats to invade Syria appeared serious to Arab leaders,[63][64][65] and foreign observers suspected that an Israeli strike on Syria was imminent.[66] According to Michael Oren, Nasser disregarded the counsel of his own intelligence[67] and began massing his troops in the Sinai Peninsula on Israel's border (May 16), expelled the UNEF force from Gaza and Sinai (May 19), and took up UNEF positions at Sharm el-Sheikh, overlooking the Straits of Tiran.[68][69] According to Moshe Shemesh, as Egypt and Syria shared a mutual defence pact, Nasser responded to the Israeli threats by beginning to concentrate his troops in the Sinai Peninsula according to the "Qahir" (Conqueror) defence plan. He also decided to prepare the feda'iyyun for carrying out the "Fahd 2 (Leopard) Plan" [murderous attacks] inside Israel and to coordinate military operations with Syria.[70]

:) More water wars:

5. The Straits of Tiran was regarded by the Western Powers and Israel as an international waterway[39][71][72] but its legal status was the subject of international controversy.[73] The Arabs believed that they had the right to regulate passage of ships while Israel, with the support of other major world powers, countered that the Arab claims were legally not supportable.[74] In 1967 Israel reiterated declarations made in 1957 that any closure of the Straits would be considered an act of war, or a justification for war.[75][76] On May 22, Nasser declared the Straits closed to Israeli shipping.[39][77] Nasser stated he was open to referring the closure to the International Court of Justice to determine its legality, but this option was rejected by Israel.[78][79] Egyptian propaganda attacked Israel,[80] and on May 27, Nasser stated "Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight."[81]

On May 30, Jordan and Egypt signed a defense pact. The following day, at Jordan's invitation, the Iraqi army began deploying troops and armored units in Jordan.[82] They were later reinforced by an Egyptian contingent. On June 1, Israel formed a National Unity Government by widening its cabinet, and on June 4 the decision was made to go to war. The next morning, Israel launched Operation Focus, a large-scale surprise air strike that was the opening of the Six-Day War.

Most scholarly accounts of the crisis attribute the drift to war to an escalation that was unwanted, however despite a desire to avoid war on all sides,:eusa_hand: everyone was in the end responsible for making the escalation unavoidable.[83]:eusa_hand:

:)Troop build ups:

6. Egypt massed approximately 100,000 of its 160,000 troops in the Sinai

Syria's army had a total strength of 75,000 and amassed them along the Syrian border

Jordan's army had 55,000 troops

100 Iraqi tanks and an infantry division were readied near the Jordanian border

The Israeli army had a total strength, including reservists, of 264,000, though this number could not be sustained, as the reservists were vital to civilian life.

:) Israel struck first, a good military tactic and the rest is history as the Arabs proceeded to get their asses kicked:

7. "Israel's first and most critical move was a surprise attack on the Egyptian Air Force."
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