A Left-Wing America Stands Alone


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
That's a shame...

A Left-Wing America Stands Alone

December 26, 2013 by Daniel Greenfield


American progressives like to think of their country as backward and reactionary compared to Europe. And they have never been more right than now when Europe and the rest of the First World have gone right while America under Obama has been left back.

Recently Australia, Japan and Norway welcomed in conservative governments. Tony Abbott, Australia’s new prime minister, is a former heavyweight boxer who attended Oxford and is putting a spoke in the wheel of the Global Warming ecohoax. Japan is casting off its pacifism and standing up to the People’s Republic of China and Norway gave its left-wing government the boot and moved in “Iron Erma” in a coalition with the libertarian Progress Party which opposes taxes and immigration and supports free enterprise.


While the rest of the First World moves on, America remains trapped in the defunct economic and political grip of the left. After dedicating enormous resources to taking over the Democratic Party and then the country, the left has turned the United States of America into its Soviet Union, a country out of time, its economy and society wracked by the discredited political and economic theories of the left.

A Left-Wing America Stands Alone | FrontPage Magazine
Yep, the left has put us in a pickle all right, don't know if we'll get out or just go on down the shitter of history. Things are going to get nasty if things don't turn around soon.
Yay for another American_Jihad copy/paste job. I can't wait until he bumps this thread in six months.

This is to much.

Most of the world left us in the dust in terms of social programs. The very countries that the article mentions have health care that would make the right wing here have collective brain embolisms while screaming "COMMUNISM!!!!".

This is to much.

Most of the world left us in the dust in terms of social programs. The very countries that the article mentions have health care that would make the right wing here have collective brain embolisms while screaming "COMMUNISM!!!!".


And many European Countries have Gov'ts that spend 60 to 65% of their GDP's to do so.............Many of these countries have economies in the dumps.........The Euro Dollar is failing as their big spending policies destroy their economies............Greece has crumbled under it's Socialist Programs...........Spain going down, as they also bring down the strong's economies like Germany bailing out the weak...............

The Euro Dollar and European Parliment was an effort to save Europe via changing all their currencies..........To bring Europe back to greatness..............It is failing to do so, at a cost of all the countries there Selling their soles to currency manipulation..........

Your dream of a Liberal Utopia in Europe is failing............and still you say look how great it is there.............Clueless PRAVDA...............

Countries in the common currency region are deteriorating very quickly. Look at the Spanish economy, for example: in the first quarter of 2013, it contracted 0.5% after continuing its slide from the last quarter of 2012, when it declined 0.8%. The Spanish economy, the fourth-biggest in the eurozone, has been contracting for seven successive quarters. (Source: “Austerity chokes off Spanish economy,” Deutsche Welle, May 30, 2013.)

Other troubled countries in the eurozone, such as Greece, Portugal, and Italy, continue to take a toll on the region, as well. In April, unemployment in the eurozone reached another record-high, registering at 12.2%, compared to 12.1% in March; 19.3 million individuals were jobless in the euro area. (Source: “Unemployment statistics,” Eurostat web site, last accessed June 5, 2013.)

But it’s not just Germany; other countries in the eurozone have the same kind of movement spreading. For example, there are political parties in Portugal that want out of the eurozone and two parties with a presence in the Italian Parliament want a referendum over staying in the economic bloc. (Source: “Idea of Euro Exit Finds Currency in Portugal,” Wall Street Journal, May 27, 2013.)

That said, could the eurozone really fall apart? Before going into further details, let’s get one thing straight: the implication of the eurozone breaking up can be massive, to say the very least.

According to a study from Prognos, an economic research group, if Greece, Portugal, Spain, and Italy leave the eurozone, it will cost the entire global economy $22.3 trillion by 2020. (Source: “‘Devastating Impact’: Euro Exit by Southern Nations Could Cost 17 Trillion Euros,” Spiegel, October 17, 2012.)

Regarding the breaking up of the eurozone, the European Central Bank (ECB) has made it clear that it will do whatever it takes to protect the region from collapsing. The ECB is willing to buy an unlimited amount of bonds from nations and print more money, if need be.
Progressivism is getting its nut sack smashed these days.........everywhere you look.

My personal favorite is to see the total collapse of green energy in Europe in recent years. Spain and England saying fuck you to green subsidies and Germany going back to coal like it was going out of style. In the US, Crap and Tax is dead and there is not meaningful climate legislation on the horizon.

Im laughing my balls off.........and seeing Obama's approval #'s worse than Nixon's ( lmao.....39% yesterday)......the worm has turned, and not a moment too soon.

progressivism is gay.
Let's see. The Conservatives in Europe are pushing for a repeal of their Universal Single Payer Health Care Systems? No, not at all. Third rail for them. They are stating that AGW is a fraud? Nope, in fact are pushing for measures to ameliorate the effects of the changing climate.

What the 'Conservatives' here, in their little parochial world, don't seem to get is that the conservatives in Europe are very differant than the 'Conservatives' here.
Countries switch from left wing to right wing all the time, France's left wing party just seized all political power for the first time in the fifth republic....does that mean France is suddenly "moving left"?? No, it just means the left wing party is in power. Which is why they legalized gay marriage recently.
Left wing.

That would be hilarious except that I KNOW people like you believe it.

This is to much.

Most of the world left us in the dust in terms of social programs. The very countries that the article mentions have health care that would make the right wing here have collective brain embolisms while screaming "COMMUNISM!!!!".

a total LIE.

only in America can an able bodied adults be on a taxpayer's tab
only in America can welfare queens ride the newest Mercedes paid by taxpayers and not be held accountable for it
only in America can a welfare collector live in a 1.5 million dollar home
only in America can a million lottery winner still collect welfare and foodstamps and be eligible for subsided housing

NONE of the above is possible in ANY European country

This is to much.

Most of the world left us in the dust in terms of social programs. The very countries that the article mentions have health care that would make the right wing here have collective brain embolisms while screaming "COMMUNISM!!!!".


And many European Countries have Gov'ts that spend 60 to 65% of their GDP's to do so.............Many of these countries have economies in the dumps.........The Euro Dollar is failing as their big spending policies destroy their economies............Greece has crumbled under it's Socialist Programs...........Spain going down, as they also bring down the strong's economies like Germany bailing out the weak...............

The Euro Dollar and European Parliment was an effort to save Europe via changing all their currencies..........To bring Europe back to greatness..............It is failing to do so, at a cost of all the countries there Selling their soles to currency manipulation..........

Your dream of a Liberal Utopia in Europe is failing............and still you say look how great it is there.............Clueless PRAVDA...............

don't buy the BS you are being told.

there is no other country under the sun which is spending more on those which do not need it as the United States.
2014: A Bad Year for the Left?

December 27, 2013 by Matthew Vadum


Most political indicators point to a terrible 2014 for American leftism amidst an auspicious resurgence of conservatism throughout the nation.

As Americans continue to suffer in the weak Obama-era economy and as their anxiety over President Obama’s hated health care program grows, an electoral tsunami appears to be in the offing.


Obama’s approval ratings continue to drop and Americans now consider big, overweening government to be the biggest threat to the nation. An astounding 72 percent of Gallup respondents now believe that big government poses a greater threat to the U.S. than big business or big labor, a record high since Gallup started asking the question almost a half century ago. “(The findings) may be partly a reaction to an administration that favors the use of government to solve problems,” the Gallup organization said in a quaint understatement.

Democratic strategists who say that the public is warming up to Obama and Obamacare are in denial. Millions of Americans, largely in the individual marketplace, have lost their health insurance because of the misnamed Affordable Care Act. Next year tens of millions of Americans will lose their employer-sponsored health coverage as Obamacare works its mischief on the nation’s health care system. The continuing catastrophe that is Obamacare will be the political gift that keeps on giving all the way to the midterm congressional elections in November. (To boot, a slew of new Obamacare taxes takes effect in days.)


With critical midterm elections now less than a year away, and assuming that present trends will continue, Republicans seem certain to take over Congress. Republicans are poised to retain majority control of the House of Representatives and are also on-track to easily take over the Senate. The only question is how big the GOP Senate majority will be.

This does not, however, mean that 2014 will be the year in which the leftist project is finally discredited, as some high-profile conservative pundits gripped by an irrational triumphalism have predicted in recent weeks. Obamacare’s failures will not somehow finish off progressivism. The programs and fallout from the abysmal failures known as the New Deal and the Great Society are still with us and yet a large segment of the population continues to believe that redistributionism works. When and if Obamacare collapses, leftists will simply start over again, this time pressing for the single-payer universal health care system that they’ve always wanted.

Of course, Republicans could still snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.


2014: A Bad Year for the Left? | FrontPage Magazine
Yep, the left has put us in a pickle all right, don't know if we'll get out or just go on down the shitter of history. Things are going to get nasty if things don't turn around soon.

Who do you think can turn things around.

No one individually, it will take a concerted effort by many, all three branches of government have decided the constitution means nothing, our republic is hanging by a thread. Quite frankly I don't see it getting fixed, I just hope I'm not around to see my country fall.
Yep, the left has put us in a pickle all right, don't know if we'll get out or just go on down the shitter of history. Things are going to get nasty if things don't turn around soon.

Who do you think can turn things around.

No one individually, it will take a concerted effort by many, all three branches of government have decided the constitution means nothing, our republic is hanging by a thread. Quite frankly I don't see it getting fixed, I just hope I'm not around to see my country fall.

Nailed it.
In reality, it was bi-partisan.

Along with a ruthless leadership. (Bush, and then Obama)
It's harder to move Europe to freedom because the people are descendants of serfs that were either happy or satisfied to be serfs. American was founded by the rebellious freedom lovers. Whoever wanted to live on their own and not under the yoke of a noble left and came to America. What was left were the ones who accepted that the Duke, Prince or King had primary obligation for their care and well being.
Who do you think can turn things around.

No one individually, it will take a concerted effort by many, all three branches of government have decided the constitution means nothing, our republic is hanging by a thread. Quite frankly I don't see it getting fixed, I just hope I'm not around to see my country fall.

Nailed it.
In reality, it was bi-partisan.

Along with a ruthless leadership. (Bush, and then Obama)

If you would consider all the times Bush tried to cater to the left and to dimocraps, eliminate those, then it really isn't bi-partisan, is it?

Were it not for dimocraps, were it not for Republicans trying to compromise (blech) with dimocraps, then you'd have virtually nothing to complain about.

Picture a world without dimocraps.

What a beautiful world it would be.

We could solve problems, lift the poor, feed the hungry, educate the ignorant, employ the unemployed, cure the sick.......

What a wonderful world it would be without dimocraps in it.

And no, I'm not kidding. They really are scumbags. Everything they touch turns to shit.

Signed up for obamacare yet?
That's a shame...

A Left-Wing America Stands Alone

December 26, 2013 by Daniel Greenfield


American progressives like to think of their country as backward and reactionary compared to Europe. And they have never been more right than now when Europe and the rest of the First World have gone right while America under Obama has been left back.

Recently Australia, Japan and Norway welcomed in conservative governments. Tony Abbott, Australia’s new prime minister, is a former heavyweight boxer who attended Oxford and is putting a spoke in the wheel of the Global Warming ecohoax. Japan is casting off its pacifism and standing up to the People’s Republic of China and Norway gave its left-wing government the boot and moved in “Iron Erma” in a coalition with the libertarian Progress Party which opposes taxes and immigration and supports free enterprise.


While the rest of the First World moves on, America remains trapped in the defunct economic and political grip of the left. After dedicating enormous resources to taking over the Democratic Party and then the country, the left has turned the United States of America into its Soviet Union, a country out of time, its economy and society wracked by the discredited political and economic theories of the left.

A Left-Wing America Stands Alone | FrontPage Magazine

good read until we got compared to russia

aside from that eyeroll moment

A lot of countries saw what happened in Greece, Italy, Spain, but mostly Greece, since it was literally on fire.

People over there are learning that the government can't take care of you forever, at some point you do run out of other peoples money.

But the leftist here, want to reach the point of riots. Why? B/c they assume it will be conservatives that do it and think that will be the grand finally and they can send in the military to clean us out.

but liberals are unteachable

TP and other conservative gatherings never had violence, while the Pee Party (occupy movement) had rampant violence.


It was leftist that burned Greece

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