A Lesson In Political Science

1. For several years now, the more astute among us have tried to teach maturity to Democrat voters......not always a success.
That pertains to the fact that Leftism, totalitarianism, as embedded in government schooling, infantilizes voters, turning out tons of Democrat voters who simply follow the orders of the party and their media allies.

2. In Dick Morris's new book, "The Return," he makes the same point, and how he overcame the indoctrination.
"In our polling, John and I found that half the voters who didn’t like Trump disliked his “temperament and personality,” but agreed with his “programs and positions.”
....the Frank Perdue Theory. Perdue was a regular fixture on television in the northeast in the ’80s and ’90s, as he hawked his chickens under the slogan, “It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken.” The slogan stuck with me. Could we apply it to Trump?

3. Trump is Trump. Like it or lump it. He’ll never change, and I came to realize that his manner could not be divorced from his successful outcomes. Change one, and you would forfeit the other. So we looked to Frank Perdue for guidance. If he could persuade America that it took a tough man to make a tender chicken, perhaps we could make the point that it took one to make a good president.

4. We urged the Trump campaign to say, in effect, “It’s OK to support Trump, even if you don’t like his style, because of the great record he has amassed.” And further, “It takes a Donald Trump to change Washington.” Sometimes we related the Frank Perdue strategy to voters’ dislike of the “swamp” in Washington by saying, “This is what Washington has come to . . . it takes a Donald Trump to get things done.”

5. If voters have grown up to the extent of actually considering the mess Democrats made of governing, Trump will be a shoe-in if he runs.
Pandering, pandering and more pandering.

PC emulates her beloved FPOTUS in every possible way.

Treating those who do not vote for Trump as immature and incapable of thinking for themselves.

That is exactly what Trump did with the Jewish Americans who did not vote for him in 2016.
July 15, 2019

The past 24 hours have cemented President Donald Trump’s reputation as America’s “racist in chief.” After tweeting a hateful diatribe about how four Democratic congresswomen of color should “go back” to where they came from, the President attempted to justify his racism with accusations that these members of Congress are anti-Israel. On Monday morning, he tweeted that these lawmakers “have made Israel feel abandoned by the U.S.” and cited South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, who called them all “anti-America” and “anti-Semitic.”

Many Jewish Americans reject the President’s transparent attempt to divert the country’s attention from his own moral failings, just as we reject his attempts to politicize Israel and the rise of anti-Semitism. The President should recognize that Jews see his 280-characters of hate for what they are – an utter lack of character on his part and a betrayal of the values that truly make America great. Jews have experienced the devastating consequences of hatred and intolerance throughout history and do not want to be used as political pawns in Trump’s Twitter feed.

If the President thought he would win over Jewish support by pandering via tweet, he’s wrong. Seventy-one percent of Jewish voters disapprove of the job he’s doing, according to a recent poll conducted by Greenberg Research. The same poll demonstrates that – of every policy issue – Jewish voters most strongly disapprove of the President’s immigration policies, which appear driven by the xenophobia apparent in his first tweet on Sunday.

And despite his feigning concern about anti-Semitism, nearly three-quarters of Jews feel less secure than they did two years ago and the majority of Jews attribute their rising insecurity to Trump’s policies. More specifically, many are concerned about Trump encouraging right-wing extremism and Republicans tolerating white nationalism within their ranks. In fact, according to a March Gallup poll, more than 70% of Jews continue to disapprove of Trump and only 16% now identify as Republicans.

Ironically, on Monday – the very day the Trump administration is hosting a summit focused on the rise of anti-Semitism – the President has clearly failed to recognize that bias against one racial or religious group can lead to bias against others. The Summit on Combatting Anti-Semitism held Monday at the Department of Justice should have focused on how the President’s own words and policies have contributed to the near historic levels of anti-Semitic incidents in the United States. Jewish voters know this, which is why nearly 60% of them find President Trump at least partially to blame for the recent synagogue shootings perpetrated by white supremacists in Pittsburgh and Poway.



Made of the same cloth of disinforming, dividing.

Divide and Conquer.

Gratefully it does not work on those who really do care about Democracy in the USA and the truth.

Never will.
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a. Who did a better job with the economy, Trump or the Democrats?

b. Who was better containing the southern border, Trump or the Democrats?

c. Who contained inflation better, Trump or the Democrats?

d. When was there more peace in the world, under Trump or under the Democrat?

e. When did we have better gas prices, under Trump or under the Democrats?

f. Where did we get the truth about Russian Collusion, from Trump or from the Democrats?

g. Who provided the Taliban with over $30 billion in weapons, Trump or the Democrats?

h. Who, contrary to the Constitution, allowed courts and attorneys general to alter the menthods of elections, Trump or the Democrats?

i. Who is in favor of censorship of views they don't like, Trump or the Democrats???

j. Who insistes on nuclear-arming the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, Trump or the Democrats?
More fantasy, thanks, I love it.
My recent post elsewhere:

I cannot understand how any American can ignore the principle of presumption of innocence until proved guilty. You don't know that he did or didn't do any crime. I don't know if he did or didn't do any crime. All we know is what people who want him destroyed have told us. He has been under intense investigation since he and Melania came down the escalator and so far his enemies have turned up bupkiss.

Trump is hated by some because they just don't like the way he looks, the way he speaks, the way he expresses or conducts himself personally. He at times can be petty, petulant, cringeworthy and at times he can be magnificent.

Trump is hated by some out of pure jealousy because he went against the conventional wisdom and/or methods and accomplished so many good things that they were too timid to do, or too incompetent to do, or unwilling to do or said couldn't be done. Or that the truly evil didn't want done.

Trump is hated by some because he showed up their party and its platform as the counterproductive and/or unAmerican concept that it is.

Trump is hated by some because he expects them to uphold their agreements and responsibilities and not take advantage of America and Americans.

So (the figurative) you hate him and/or want him gone why?
Oh' darn.
It could be, the orange, bloviating, liar, is a corrupt, criminal.
That the dishonest or indoctrinated accuse somebody does not make their 'crime' a fact.

The accusation itself could be the crime.
So far, there is an investigation on what has happened.

Innocent until proven guilty.

If innocent, he will not be indicted.

If there is proof of criminal doing, he should be indicted and go through a trial and given the chance to prove his innocence.

There is no dishonesty or indoctrination in the investigation. Something was done which is wrong. Be it in NYC, Georgia, or Florida.

Remains to be seen.

DJT continues to be a free man.
So far, there is an investigation on what has happened.

Innocent until proven guilty.

If innocent, he will not be indicted.

If there is proof of criminal doing, he should be indicted and go through a trial and given the chance to prove his innocence.

There is no dishonesty or indoctrination in the investigation. Something was done which is wrong. Be it in NYC, Georgia, or Florida.

Remains to be seen.

DJT continues to be a free man.
Israel listening? The fat former guy had classified material that could be about your nuke capabilities plus.
That the dishonest or indoctrinated accuse somebody does not make the 'crime' a fact.

The accusation itself could be the crime.

Novembe18 2016

President-elect Donald Trump has agreed to pay $25 million to former students of his for-profit Trump University as part of a settlement that resolves three outstanding lawsuits against him, including one in which he was set to testify in a trial that was due to begin in San Diego later this month.

As part of the agreement, Trump will pay $1 million in penalties to the state of New York for violating state education laws by labeling his nonaccredited school a “university” without registering as an educational institution with New York state.

December 19 2018
President Donald Trump's charitable foundation, which last year admitted violating federal rules on "self-dealing," is in the process of dissolving, according to newly filed documents.In its previous tax filing in 2015, the foundation acknowledged violating a legal prohibition against a "self-dealing" that bars nonprofit leaders from funneling their charity's money to themselves, their businesses or their families.
So far, there is an investigation on what has happened.

Innocent until proven guilty.

If innocent, he will not be indicted.

If there is proof of criminal doing, he should be indicted and go through a trial and given the chance to prove his innocence.

There is no dishonesty or indoctrination in the investigation. Something was done which is wrong. Be it in NYC, Georgia, or Florida.

Remains to be seen.

DJT continues to be a free man.
Investigation not because there is suspicion of a crime but purely for the purpose of smearing, hurting, destroying a person is dishonest, wrong, and should be criminal.

Novembe18 2016

President-elect Donald Trump has agreed to pay $25 million to former students of his for-profit Trump University as part of a settlement that resolves three outstanding lawsuits against him, including one in which he was set to testify in a trial that was due to begin in San Diego later this month.

As part of the agreement, Trump will pay $1 million in penalties to the state of New York for violating state education laws by labeling his nonaccredited school a “university” without registering as an educational institution with New York state.

December 19 2018
President Donald Trump's charitable foundation, which last year admitted violating federal rules on "self-dealing," is in the process of dissolving, according to newly filed documents.In its previous tax filing in 2015, the foundation acknowledged violating a legal prohibition against a "self-dealing" that bars nonprofit leaders from funneling their charity's money to themselves, their businesses or their families.
We can compare lawsuits, unethical practices, or whatever you want to smear somebody with all day long and none of it will have anything whatsoever to do with a person's Presidency or other time in public service.
Investigation not because there is suspicion of a crime but purely for the purpose of smearing, hurting, destroying a person is dishonest, wrong, and should be criminal.
Can you explain what he was doing with 11,000 documents, Classified, Unclassified, Top Secret and Nuclear information at his home in Mar O Lago after he left the White House?

Is it legal to take such documents which belong only to the Government?

Is it legal to refuse to return them?

Is it legal to keep them where anyone can go in and find them, in non secure places?

Who has possibly committed a crime. The government or Trump?
We can compare lawsuits, unethical practices, or whatever you want to smear somebody with all day long and none of it will have anything whatsoever to do with a person's Presidency or other time in public service.
Are you pandering to anyone who does not agree with you?

You do not even seem to know what the issues are about, or are totally attempting to delegitimize anything which has to do with Trump in a negative way.

Trump made his choices.

Choices have consequences .
We can compare lawsuits, unethical practices, or whatever you want to smear somebody with all day long and none of it will have anything whatsoever to do with a person's Presidency or other time in public service.

Sure, there isn't one good reason why the pyromaniac SHOULDN'T be the fire chief.
Here's the American we can expect if the Democrats remain in power.

“Campus becomes a no-go zone. Lefties control corporate boards. People fee cities. Unsafe. Voting age to sixteen. No registration. No IDs. Anyone votes. George Soros’s America lives. No free press. Left takes over media. Fires any writer or editor who doesn’t toe the line. Wealth tax. Ten percent haircut every year.”
Dick Morris
Can you explain what he was doing with 11,000 documents, Classified, Unclassified, Top Secret and Nuclear information at his home in Mar O Lago after he left the White House?

Is it legal to take such documents which belong only to the Government?

Is it legal to refuse to return them?

Is it legal to keep them where anyone can go in and find them, in non secure places?

Who has possibly committed a crime. The government or Trump?
Especially having (and selling) Israel nuke capability secrets. I hope Mossad is paying attention.
Here's the American we can expect if the Democrats remain in power.

“Campus becomes a no-go zone. Lefties control corporate boards. People fee cities. Unsafe. Voting age to sixteen. No registration. No IDs. Anyone votes. George Soros’s America lives. No free press. Left takes over media. Fires any writer or editor who doesn’t toe the line. Wealth tax. Ten percent haircut every year.”
Dick Morris
PC, a Suma Cum Laude from the Trump University.

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