a letter-to-white-americans

Many thanks to the OP for posting that informative (and sad) article.

1. I did not know that there are still 4,000,000 Caucasians there. I had thought that more would have fled by now.

2. Yes, it is true that once you give in to some demands, there will always be more demands. (Back in the 1950s, there was a popular saying that reflects this reality. But I shan't repeat it here, lest it violate posting rules.)

3. Yes, it is no surprise that once nice pleasant areas of South Africa are now a ghost of their former selves.

4. IMHO, there is nothing that Caucasian (and Asian) Americans can do about the inevitable in this country.

a. Sometime in the next century (or even earlier), the majority of the American people will consist of African American people and Hispanic American people.

i. They are, of course, lovely people.

ii. But anyone who currently lives in a city that is governed by them is less than enchanted with the level of competence and honesty and harmony that prevails.


Believe it or not, many Americans living in the 22nd century will look back on 2021 with nostalgia. (And that will include many future African Americans and Hispanic Americans.)
We just had the most incompetant president in modern history and his ass was white. Blacks were in South Africa before whites and whites robbed them of their land and resources. Those Africans have every right to as many demads as they want. If that raggedy white bitch doesn't like it, she can move her stealing ass back to Europe.

And as for you, well you're just a fucking racist idiot.
LOL we was building ships and sailing across the ocean before whitey lol. All aboard Captain Hotep!
Another ignorant white racist. You've been miseducated and are too stupid to know it.
Another ignorant black racist. You've been miseducated and are too stupid to know it.
Many thanks to the OP for posting that informative (and sad) article.

1. I did not know that there are still 4,000,000 Caucasians there. I had thought that more would have fled by now.

2. Yes, it is true that once you give in to some demands, there will always be more demands. (Back in the 1950s, there was a popular saying that reflects this reality. But I shan't repeat it here, lest it violate posting rules.)

3. Yes, it is no surprise that once nice pleasant areas of South Africa are now a ghost of their former selves.

4. IMHO, there is nothing that Caucasian (and Asian) Americans can do about the inevitable in this country.

a. Sometime in the next century (or even earlier), the majority of the American people will consist of African American people and Hispanic American people.

i. They are, of course, lovely people.

ii. But anyone who currently lives in a city that is governed by them is less than enchanted with the level of competence and honesty and harmony that prevails.


Believe it or not, many Americans living in the 22nd century will look back on 2021 with nostalgia. (And that will include many future African Americans and Hispanic Americans.)
We just had the most incompetant president in modern history and his ass was white. Blacks were in South Africa before whites and whites robbed them of their land and resources. Those Africans have every right to as many demads as they want. If that raggedy white bitch doesn't like it, she can move her stealing ass back to Europe.

And as for you, well you're just a fucking racist idiot.
LOL we was building ships and sailing across the ocean before whitey lol. All aboard Captain Hotep!
Another ignorant white racist. You've been miseducated and are too stupid to know it.
Another ignorant black racist. You've been miseducated and are too stupid to know it.
Nice try white boy, but I am right and you are miseducated. Now repeat that and change the words. That's all you have because you cannot offer a rebuttal.
Lol! American Rennaissance? You've got to be kidding. But of course you're not a racist.
Oh look, we were just called a racist again....Why am i not surprised...

Just stating the obvious.
The racists of the progressive slaves have been calling the rest of US a racist so much that the meaning of racist just doesnt have any effect anymore. Why do you carry a weapon in your pick up truck when you go into certain areas? Are those areas of color?
That's the lie you tell youself. You're being called the behavior you are exhibiting. I carry a weapon when I know I'm going through rural white America. I have 400 years of documented reasons to do so. Whites packing in black communities don't have that to face.
You cannot be a real person; no one who is as out of touch with reality as you pretend to be could function in the world. :rolleyes:
You being paid to post propaganda and start shit?
Or is this just a hobby for you?
Many thanks to the OP for posting that informative (and sad) article.

1. I did not know that there are still 4,000,000 Caucasians there. I had thought that more would have fled by now.

2. Yes, it is true that once you give in to some demands, there will always be more demands. (Back in the 1950s, there was a popular saying that reflects this reality. But I shan't repeat it here, lest it violate posting rules.)

3. Yes, it is no surprise that once nice pleasant areas of South Africa are now a ghost of their former selves.

4. IMHO, there is nothing that Caucasian (and Asian) Americans can do about the inevitable in this country.

a. Sometime in the next century (or even earlier), the majority of the American people will consist of African American people and Hispanic American people.

i. They are, of course, lovely people.

ii. But anyone who currently lives in a city that is governed by them is less than enchanted with the level of competence and honesty and harmony that prevails.


Believe it or not, many Americans living in the 22nd century will look back on 2021 with nostalgia. (And that will include many future African Americans and Hispanic Americans.)
We just had the most incompetant president in modern history and his ass was white. Blacks were in South Africa before whites and whites robbed them of their land and resources. Those Africans have every right to as many demads as they want. If that raggedy white bitch doesn't like it, she can move her stealing ass back to Europe.

And as for you, well you're just a fucking racist idiot.
LOL we was building ships and sailing across the ocean before whitey lol. All aboard Captain Hotep!
Another ignorant white racist. You've been miseducated and are too stupid to know it.
Another ignorant black racist. You've been miseducated and are too stupid to know it.
Nice try white boy, but I am right and you are miseducated. Now repeat that and change the words. That's all you have because you cannot offer a rebuttal.

Lol! American Rennaissance? You've got to be kidding. But of course you're not a racist.
Oh look, we were just called a racist again....Why am i not surprised...

Just stating the obvious.
The racists of the progressive slaves have been calling the rest of US a racist so much that the meaning of racist just doesnt have any effect anymore. Why do you carry a weapon in your pick up truck when you go into certain areas? Are those areas of color?
I carry a weapon when I know I'm going through rural white America. I have 400 years of documented reasons to do so. Whites packing in black communities don't have that to face.

you certainly have a right to pack heat wherever you like.

But you underestlmate the danger of the American Ghetto. It isn't a lie how many people are whacked in major American Urban Hell Holes.
Many thanks to the OP for posting that informative (and sad) article.

1. I did not know that there are still 4,000,000 Caucasians there. I had thought that more would have fled by now.

2. Yes, it is true that once you give in to some demands, there will always be more demands. (Back in the 1950s, there was a popular saying that reflects this reality. But I shan't repeat it here, lest it violate posting rules.)

3. Yes, it is no surprise that once nice pleasant areas of South Africa are now a ghost of their former selves.

4. IMHO, there is nothing that Caucasian (and Asian) Americans can do about the inevitable in this country.

a. Sometime in the next century (or even earlier), the majority of the American people will consist of African American people and Hispanic American people.

i. They are, of course, lovely people.

ii. But anyone who currently lives in a city that is governed by them is less than enchanted with the level of competence and honesty and harmony that prevails.


Believe it or not, many Americans living in the 22nd century will look back on 2021 with nostalgia. (And that will include many future African Americans and Hispanic Americans.)
We just had the most incompetant president in modern history and his ass was white. Blacks were in South Africa before whites and whites robbed them of their land and resources. Those Africans have every right to as many demads as they want. If that raggedy white bitch doesn't like it, she can move her stealing ass back to Europe.

And as for you, well you're just a fucking racist idiot.
LOL we was building ships and sailing across the ocean before whitey lol. All aboard Captain Hotep!
Another ignorant white racist. You've been miseducated and are too stupid to know it.
Another ignorant black racist. You've been miseducated and are too stupid to know it.
Dey wuz KANGS 'n shit!:auiqs.jpg:
AmRen and Stormfront are where 60% of USMB posters should be spending a majority of their time. :rolleyes:
AmRen and Stormfront are where 60% of USMB posters should be spending a majority of their time. :rolleyes:

Maybe that's the way people are in Oregon, but in the vast majority of America, only a tiny percentage (maybe a couple of hundred) people are White Supremacists. A couple of years ago, they had a rally in Washington DC and got a turnout of maybe 50. They wanted to reserve metro train cars for their group, but they all could have fit into a VW beetle.

The myth promulgated by our liberal rulers in Washington and the media that White Supremacy is some kind of major threat is basically bullshit. Not only are the groups tiny, they are thoroughly infiltrated by the FBI and other law enforcement. If they wanted to "make a move" , the FBI would know it from the start.
American Rennaissance is a white supremacist publication. So if you ain't racist, you don't read it and you certainly don't cite stories from it like they are the be considered...
Not reading certain publications because of perceived ideology leads to self imposed ignorance. It doesn't hurt the publication, it only leads to self imposed ignorance by default.
AmRen and Stormfront are where 60% of USMB posters should be spending a majority of their time. :rolleyes:

Maybe that's the way people are in Oregon, but in the vast majority of America, only a tiny percentage (maybe a couple of hundred) people are White Supremacists. A couple of years ago, they had a rally in Washington DC and got a turnout of maybe 50. They wanted to reserve metro train cars for their group, but they all could have fit into a VW beetle.

The myth promulgated by our liberal rulers in Washington and the media that White Supremacy is some kind of major threat is basically bullshit. Not only are the groups tiny, they are thoroughly infiltrated by the FBI and other law enforcement. If they wanted to "make a move" , the FBI would know it from the start.
Actually, the FBI has to instigate, plan, resource, and fully fund any "move" made by "white supremacists".

Lol! American Rennaissance? You've got to be kidding. But of course you're not a racist.
Oh look, we were just called a racist again....Why am i not surprised...
Because you are a racist.
Yeah, sure you butt plug...
Why does being called a racist bother you ? It must be a badge of pride for your sort.
Is being a racist, because i supported President Trump? Just asking...

Many thanks to the OP for posting that informative (and sad) article.

1. I did not know that there are still 4,000,000 Caucasians there. I had thought that more would have fled by now.

2. Yes, it is true that once you give in to some demands, there will always be more demands. (Back in the 1950s, there was a popular saying that reflects this reality. But I shan't repeat it here, lest it violate posting rules.)

3. Yes, it is no surprise that once nice pleasant areas of South Africa are now a ghost of their former selves.

4. IMHO, there is nothing that Caucasian (and Asian) Americans can do about the inevitable in this country.

a. Sometime in the next century (or even earlier), the majority of the American people will consist of African American people and Hispanic American people.

i. They are, of course, lovely people.

ii. But anyone who currently lives in a city that is governed by them is less than enchanted with the level of competence and honesty and harmony that prevails.


Believe it or not, many Americans living in the 22nd century will look back on 2021 with nostalgia. (And that will include many future African Americans and Hispanic Americans.)
Where were these "pleasant areas" of South Africa ? My impression of it was of a repressive police state where the man controlled every aspect of your life from where you lived to who you fucked. Was that a different South Africa ?

I was referring to the part of the article that showed how certain areas had deteriorated, such as the areas where railroad tracks had been stolen.

I also believe that the article mentioned how Joburg has deteriorated since majority rule.


The bottom line: People with your point of view have won the day. You are the winners.

People with the point of view of the article's author cannot avoid the inevitable. They are the losers.
Likely to happen when a countries assets are siphoned off. I understand that US railroads are in a bad way due to a lack of investment as well.
You should know all about countries having their assets ripped off, since No Longer Great Britstain had such a massive colonial power. Then they got their asses handed to them by a rag tag group of civilians who had enough of the 3 cent tax on tea. Go play with yourself TT, that is all you are good for in that shithole England..
Many thanks to the OP for posting that informative (and sad) article.

1. I did not know that there are still 4,000,000 Caucasians there. I had thought that more would have fled by now.

2. Yes, it is true that once you give in to some demands, there will always be more demands. (Back in the 1950s, there was a popular saying that reflects this reality. But I shan't repeat it here, lest it violate posting rules.)

3. Yes, it is no surprise that once nice pleasant areas of South Africa are now a ghost of their former selves.

4. IMHO, there is nothing that Caucasian (and Asian) Americans can do about the inevitable in this country.

a. Sometime in the next century (or even earlier), the majority of the American people will consist of African American people and Hispanic American people.

i. They are, of course, lovely people.

ii. But anyone who currently lives in a city that is governed by them is less than enchanted with the level of competence and honesty and harmony that prevails.


Believe it or not, many Americans living in the 22nd century will look back on 2021 with nostalgia. (And that will include many future African Americans and Hispanic Americans.)
We just had the most incompetant president in modern history and his ass was white. Blacks were in South Africa before whites and whites robbed them of their land and resources. Those Africans have every right to as many demads as they want. If that raggedy white bitch doesn't like it, she can move her stealing ass back to Europe.

And as for you, well you're just a fucking racist idiot.
LOL we was building ships and sailing across the ocean before whitey lol. All aboard Captain Hotep!
Another ignorant white racist. You've been miseducated and are too stupid to know it.

Wow, if that isnt the pot calling the kettle black...
Lol! American Rennaissance? You've got to be kidding. But of course you're not a racist.
Oh look, we were just called a racist again....Why am i not surprised...

Just stating the obvious.
The racists of the progressive slaves have been calling the rest of US a racist so much that the meaning of racist just doesnt have any effect anymore. Why do you carry a weapon in your pick up truck when you go into certain areas? Are those areas of color?
That's the lie you tell youself. You're being called the behavior you are exhibiting. I carry a weapon when I know I'm going through rural white America. I have 400 years of documented reasons to do so. Whites packing in black communities don't have that to face.
Funny i carry a weapon at all times, whether i am in a white or black neighborhood. You on the other hand are the racist because you only carry in neighborhoods that wouldnt shoot your sorry ass.

Lol! American Rennaissance? You've got to be kidding. But of course you're not a racist.
Oh look, we were just called a racist again....Why am i not surprised...
Because you are a racist.
Yeah, sure you butt plug...
Why does being called a racist bother you ? It must be a badge of pride for your sort.
Is being a racist, because i supported President Trump? Just asking...

View attachment 492195
NO its because you are a racist.

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