A Liberal Video on Walmart and the Minimum Wage that Made Me Think

Thoughts? Mine are DUH! We have been saying this for a while. Republicans thoughts: Damn leeches! Ought to be happy they have a job! BLACKMAIL!

See the next one small fry. Too many of you only what to look at one side of the coin. If Walmart (which doesn't give the lowest wages in the industry), supposedly would only charge $0.01 more. Than why is Costco much more expensive than it's competitors, even though it has a membership fee revenue stream most of it's other competitors don't have?

In some things, Costco is way cheaper. Usually you can do better in sales at grocery stores but if you don't have time to shop the sales, overall Costco is cheaper. Also, you do get what you pay for. I've bought meat before at Winco, way cheaper than Costco but it turned out to be so full of fat and gristle that I never bought meat there again. And of course "you get what you pay for" applies to the employees as well. If you have happy employees, you have happy customers. Sears used to know that. Now they have crappy employees that are all part time and they don't care about anything. Every year, Sears loses more business. They respond by remodeling the store. With the same crappy Employees, they don't do a lot of business anymore. They'd do far better to give their employees a raise and keep them happy than by remodeling the store every couple of years.

Walmart employees aren't happy either and I've been so disgusted with them many times. They can never tell me where something I'm looking for is, they don't want to be bothered with me. Invariably, if I buy a DVD, they stop me as I'm leaving because the stupid buzzer goes off. One time I was in a hurry and the guy not only stopped me, but took my receipt from me and made me wait for several minutes while he checked his book and did other things. He knew I was in a hurry and didn't care. I almost went back and demanded my money back, just about the time I was at that point he finally handed me my $5.00 DVD and let me go.

Why did I even go in Walmart? It's the only store in town that sells velcro fasten shoes for adults and my adult autistic child can't tie shoes.
Yep, Ford would not be allowed to do what he did because of all the strings he attached. The ignorant have no idea of the control he exerted on those folks to get that pay.

"There is one rule for the industrialist and that is: Make the best quality of goods possible at the lowest cost possible, paying the highest wages possible."
Henry Ford

In the interest of fairness we must note that many industrialists at the time exerted significant, "paternalistic," control over their employees before the advent of modern labor laws.

"...if Bryan is elected tomorrow the whistle will not blow Wednesday morning."
Steinway Piano Works, 1896

Exactly, Ford was an industrialist, he manufactured which required a skilled labor force, and the price of constant turnover was killing the business because of the training time.

You can't apply the same principles to no or low skilled workers, it simply does not compute, because there is practically no training investment. And what's really funny, today's minimum wage workers would have a shit fit if an employer demanded a simple drug test, imagine if any employer wanted to inspect their home for wholesomeness.

I don't know where you are, but where I am, they have to pass a drug test to be employed.
If Walmart Paid Its Employees a Living Wage, How Much Would Prices Go Up? - YouTube

You can bash the concept before watching the video, which was my first reaction. However, the video points out that raising a Walmart employee at the minimum wage to the so-called "living wage" of $13.63 would cause Walmart to have to raise prices by $0.01!


It then makes, what I believe is an erroneous claim, that if they raised the amount then people would go off of food stamps. I think it is erroneous, because I believe they still qualify at that low level.

This has been posted before but if you are looking for a serious reply from a republican besides G5000 you're really a positive thinker.

Are you prepared to be called a RINO and a Liberal? If not, hunker down buddy :lol:

I am not afraid of being labeled as such. After all I support abortion in the first trimester and gay marriage. However, I am still favor the more "conservative" candidates such as Cruz and Paul.
See the next one small fry. Too many of you only what to look at one side of the coin. If Walmart (which doesn't give the lowest wages in the industry), supposedly would only charge $0.01 more. Than why is Costco much more expensive than it's competitors, even though it has a membership fee revenue stream most of it's other competitors don't have?

Beats me. Why does Sams club which is owned by wal mart do the same thing? They are members only and have high prices as well on some stuff. Choice I suppose.They can have higher prices so they do.

Sam's club is much lower over all than Costco.

What is their cost per pound for chicken breasts? I might switch.
Costco charges a large membership fee that nets them more money than any standard retailer. They also charge higher prices, as well as sell higher end products.

Not sure you been to a Costco, they are missing a ton of the name-brand higher end products that you think they have!
You can bash the concept before watching the video, which was my first reaction. However, the video points out that raising a Walmart employee at the minimum wage to the so-called "living wage" of $13.63 would cause Walmart to have to raise prices by $0.01!


It then makes, what I believe is an erroneous claim, that if they raised the amount then people would go off of food stamps. I think it is erroneous, because I believe they still qualify at that low level.

So if Wal MArt could raise wages that much and only charge one penny more, why haven't they done that? Wouldn't they want to attract better workers, who will show up on time more and make fewer mistakes? Is Wal Mart, the most successful retailer in history, run by stupid people?

The $0.01 only applies to a $0.68 box of mac and cheeze. The costs go up 1.4% for every thing. That is, if one buys into the sophmoric logic chain that ignores facts that do not support their conclusion.

For instance, they ignore the fact that supervisors and managers would also have to be increased in pay, and that payroll taxes would go up.

Walmart has a pretax income of about $25 Billion on revenues of about $475 Billion. That figures out to a pretax profit of about 5.26%. After taxes, that computes to a profit of about $16.5 Billion or 3.5%
Yep, Ford would not be allowed to do what he did because of all the strings he attached. The ignorant have no idea of the control he exerted on those folks to get that pay.

"There is one rule for the industrialist and that is: Make the best quality of goods possible at the lowest cost possible, paying the highest wages possible."
Henry Ford

In the interest of fairness we must note that many industrialists at the time exerted significant, "paternalistic," control over their employees before the advent of modern labor laws.

"...if Bryan is elected tomorrow the whistle will not blow Wednesday morning."
Steinway Piano Works, 1896

Exactly, Ford was an industrialist, he manufactured which required a skilled labor force, and the price of constant turnover was killing the business because of the training time.

You can't apply the same principles to no or low skilled workers, it simply does not compute, because there is practically no training investment. And what's really funny, today's minimum wage workers would have a shit fit if an employer demanded a simple drug test, imagine if any employer wanted to inspect their home for wholesomeness.

Henry Ford was the greatest Industrialist of all time. He, more than any other single person, was responsible for the betterment of the living conditions of the working class.

It is also interesting to note that he and FDR HATED each other. That FDR turned the power of the Federal Government loose on him. Not aggressively so, not actively like the Lying Cocksucker in Chief did with Tea Party Patriots but in denying Ford Government contracts in favor of GM.

In fact, Ford had an Aircraft Engine they named the GG (or GAA in V8 form)( a 1,650 CID V12) that was superior to the GM Allison by orders of magnitude. It was even superior to the very good Rolls Royce Merlin made famous in the P-51 Mustang.

The Army said they had problems testing it, and that their mechanics were already trained on the out-dated and not-very-good Allison and that spare parts were plentiful (with anything GM, it's a good idea to have spare parts on hand)...

But I think that the Generals were afraid of displeasing FDR. It wasn't a joke. Henry Ford and FDR really did hate each other. Henry called him a communist on a couple of occasions.

Henry was no angel, himself but he gets blamed for things he had no part in by FDR's defenders all the time

They kinda made up a little bit later on. By then, the Merlin had been put in the P-51 and they cut 4 cylinders off the GAA and put it in the Sherman Tank.

A little side note. And why I will NEVER, EVER buy a GM product.

That, and they make junk. Always have. Always will. You take their Daddy, the goobermint, away from them and they'll fold. Every time.
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If Walmart Paid Its Employees a Living Wage, How Much Would Prices Go Up? - YouTube

You can bash the concept before watching the video, which was my first reaction. However, the video points out that raising a Walmart employee at the minimum wage to the so-called "living wage" of $13.63 would cause Walmart to have to raise prices by $0.01!


It then makes, what I believe is an erroneous claim, that if they raised the amount then people would go off of food stamps. I think it is erroneous, because I believe they still qualify at that low level.

That isn't how business profit margins work.

It just isn't.

The whole, entire video looks it was made by someone with a 9 year-old's understanding of business.

Which is still higher than the average dimocrap's

That is where I find fault in it also. Are we supposed to take their word for it. $0.01 on the grand scheme of things doesn't seem like a lot, but many products have higher profit margins than others. He might have picked mac and cheese, because it's on average very inexpensive and the $0.01 increase might have been correct for for it, but for the chicken that I purchase at Walmart (and I don't see a different btw chicken at Walmart, Costco or Marianos) might go to the $2.99 a LB that Costco charges.

Either way it does seem like it might be off.
My thoughts are that you, ghook, have already made it clear that you wanted extended ue benefits because YOU needed them. So this "new" position doesn't surprise me

Please explain the personal attack that I need them. I work in legal compliance for a large regional bank. Between the wife and I we pull in between $120-$130K a year. I have never received any public aid, other than the 1 1/2 month of unemployment I received when I was laid off a few months ago (until I started my new job off course).

Just because you look at the other other side and give their argument a consideration, doesn't mean you have jumped to that side.
My thoughts are that you, ghook, have already made it clear that you wanted extended ue benefits because YOU needed them. So this "new" position doesn't surprise me

An attack like this always surprises me. If you try to see the other side or give them maybe some consideration then you must be on the government tit or a poverty case.

If that was the case then why are there many people supporting the increase in the minimum wage? Other than politicians who do it for political gain, there are probably 1000 who make over $15 an hour to every support who makes minimum wage.

It was a pretty classless attack I might add!
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My thoughts are that you, ghook, have already made it clear that you wanted extended ue benefits because YOU needed them. So this "new" position doesn't surprise me

An attack like this always surprises me. If you try to see the other side or give them maybe some consideration then you must be on the government tit or a poverty case.

If that was the case then why are there many people supporting the increase in the minimum wage? Other than politicians who do it for political gain, there are probably 1000 who make over $15 an hour to every support who makes minimum wage.

It was a pretty classless attack I might add!
How many that say do it actually employ primarily unskilled/low skilled workers and also deal with a sparse profit margin?
"There is one rule for the industrialist and that is: Make the best quality of goods possible at the lowest cost possible, paying the highest wages possible."
Henry Ford

In the interest of fairness we must note that many industrialists at the time exerted significant, "paternalistic," control over their employees before the advent of modern labor laws.

"...if Bryan is elected tomorrow the whistle will not blow Wednesday morning."
Steinway Piano Works, 1896

Exactly, Ford was an industrialist, he manufactured which required a skilled labor force, and the price of constant turnover was killing the business because of the training time.

You can't apply the same principles to no or low skilled workers, it simply does not compute, because there is practically no training investment. And what's really funny, today's minimum wage workers would have a shit fit if an employer demanded a simple drug test, imagine if any employer wanted to inspect their home for wholesomeness.

I don't know where you are, but where I am, they have to pass a drug test to be employed.

They being whom exactly, I was referring to fast food workers as stated in a prior post.
You can bash the concept before watching the video, which was my first reaction. However, the video points out that raising a Walmart employee at the minimum wage to the so-called "living wage" of $13.63 would cause Walmart to have to raise prices by $0.01!


It then makes, what I believe is an erroneous claim, that if they raised the amount then people would go off of food stamps. I think it is erroneous, because I believe they still qualify at that low level.

So if Wal MArt could raise wages that much and only charge one penny more, why haven't they done that? Wouldn't they want to attract better workers, who will show up on time more and make fewer mistakes? Is Wal Mart, the most successful retailer in history, run by stupid people?

The $0.01 only applies to a $0.68 box of mac and cheeze. The costs go up 1.4% for every thing. That is, if one buys into the sophmoric logic chain that ignores facts that do not support their conclusion.

For instance, they ignore the fact that supervisors and managers would also have to be increased in pay, and that payroll taxes would go up.

Walmart has a pretax income of about $25 Billion on revenues of about $475 Billion. That figures out to a pretax profit of about 5.26%. After taxes, that computes to a profit of about $16.5 Billion or 3.5%

Workers comp insurance would go up as well.
Remember Papa Johns warned us the ACA would drive up the prices of pizza by a whole dime. I'm serious.

Papa John's Pizza To Raise Prices Because Of Obamacare, CEO John Schnatter Says (CORRECTED)

You're such a dunce. No wonder no one takes you seriously here.
CORRECTION: A previous version of this article mischaracterized the effect of Obamacare on Papa John's as a "price increase" rather than a cost to the company. Papa John's has not said it will increase the price of its pizzas.
Thoughts? Mine are DUH! We have been saying this for a while. Republicans thoughts: Damn leeches! Ought to be happy they have a job! BLACKMAIL!

See the next one small fry. Too many of you only what to look at one side of the coin. If Walmart (which doesn't give the lowest wages in the industry), supposedly would only charge $0.01 more. Than why is Costco much more expensive than it's competitors, even though it has a membership fee revenue stream most of it's other competitors don't have?

In some things, Costco is way cheaper. Usually you can do better in sales at grocery stores but if you don't have time to shop the sales, overall Costco is cheaper. Also, you do get what you pay for. I've bought meat before at Winco, way cheaper than Costco but it turned out to be so full of fat and gristle that I never bought meat there again. And of course "you get what you pay for" applies to the employees as well. If you have happy employees, you have happy customers. Sears used to know that. Now they have crappy employees that are all part time and they don't care about anything. Every year, Sears loses more business. They respond by remodeling the store. With the same crappy Employees, they don't do a lot of business anymore. They'd do far better to give their employees a raise and keep them happy than by remodeling the store every couple of years.

Walmart employees aren't happy either and I've been so disgusted with them many times. They can never tell me where something I'm looking for is, they don't want to be bothered with me. Invariably, if I buy a DVD, they stop me as I'm leaving because the stupid buzzer goes off. One time I was in a hurry and the guy not only stopped me, but took my receipt from me and made me wait for several minutes while he checked his book and did other things. He knew I was in a hurry and didn't care. I almost went back and demanded my money back, just about the time I was at that point he finally handed me my $5.00 DVD and let me go.

Why did I even go in Walmart? It's the only store in town that sells velcro fasten shoes for adults and my adult autistic child can't tie shoes.
They stopped me once because of the way I looked. I stopped and then noticed that they let another customer go without a word (he claimed that they needed to check all receipts like Costco does). I just told him to pound sand after that and left.

They have no right to bar your passing and cannot stop you at all. If they treated me as they seem to be treating you, I would simply ignore them entirely – there is noting that they can do about it.
Thoughts? Mine are DUH! We have been saying this for a while. Republicans thoughts: Damn leeches! Ought to be happy they have a job! BLACKMAIL!

Comrade, no one forces you to shop at Walmart.

So why DO you?

Because, like most far lefties, they don’t really want to exercise the ultimate power that they actually have over any cooperation – simply don’t shop there and they will cease to exist. Instead, they demand the government does it for them – even while they buy the cheap Chinese materials at companies just like Wal-Mart with minimum wage employment.
Walmart workers are pretty adept at what they do and it seems they could go anywhere and make more money in a union shop flipping burgers or hustling car parts but they seem content where they are. Why not consider that the vast network of middle and lower class shoppers get a pretty good deal for their hard earned buck and call it even?

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