A Liberal Video on Walmart and the Minimum Wage that Made Me Think

Walmart workers are pretty adept at what they do and it seems they could go anywhere and make more money in a union shop flipping burgers or hustling car parts but they seem content where they are. Why not consider that the vast network of middle and lower class shoppers get a pretty good deal for their hard earned buck and call it even?

When the super walmart in Federal Way opened up there were over 20,000 people lined up for a few hundred jobs. The truth is, we don't have enough jobs in this economy and those people working at walmart have no choice. It's work there or nowhere.
Remember Papa Johns warned us the ACA would drive up the prices of pizza by a whole dime. I'm serious.

Papa John's Pizza To Raise Prices Because Of Obamacare, CEO John Schnatter Says (CORRECTED)

You're such a dunce. No wonder no one takes you seriously here.
CORRECTION: A previous version of this article mischaracterized the effect of Obamacare on Papa John's as a "price increase" rather than a cost to the company. Papa John's has not said it will increase the price of its pizzas.

Why because I provided a link to the info you just copied? A WHOLE DIME :lol:
Costco charges a large membership fee that nets them more money than any standard retailer. They also charge higher prices, as well as sell higher end products.

The costs of goods at Costco is not higher. It is a wholesaler market, it is absurd to say they charge higher prices. As a member, let me assure you I would--nor would anyone else--pay a membership fee is we were purchasing goods at higher prices.
2% of American workers are paid minimum wage. The median annual pay is $45,790, which works out to be around $24/hourly for a fulltime work week. Raising the minimum wage is going to cost jobs and increase costs. All for the mythical leftist lie that the majority of people being paid the minimum wage are working adults with a family.
Dear DiabloBlanco:

I couldn't help but notice your avatar. Let's talk about living on minimum wage. I got my first job in August 2006, for 9 months I lived on $5.15 an hour. It wasn't so bad. I didn't want more, I just wanted my money. In February 2010, I got my second job, for 5 months I lived on $7.25 an hour. I didn't want more, I wanted my money. Suffice it to say though, you know jacksquat about living on minimum wage.
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Fella a met t'other day has found profit in all of this.

He set up a business which, for a pretty stiff price, will march liberals at the point of a plastic water pistol into a Walmart store. The libs, of course, paying in cash 'cause he doesn't trust their checks.

Why would they pay him to do that?

Simple. They want to shop at Walmart but also want cover in case any of their liberal friends see them. That way they can tell those comrades they didn't want to go there but a crazed Tea Party member forced them to at gunpoint.

And, of course, because that's a lie their friends will happily believe it.
The costs of goods at Costco is not higher. It is a wholesaler market, it is absurd to say they charge higher prices. As a member, let me assure you I would--nor would anyone else--pay a membership fee is we were purchasing goods at higher prices.

Costco is NOT wholesale. They sell in bulk, which results in lower cost per unit on many goods, but it isn't wholesale, which requires customers to have a retail license.

Costco charges virtually identical prices to their main competitor, Sam's Club (Walmart.) Costco PAYS virtually an identical wage as Sam's Club. Both warehouse stores seek to attract higher end workers than regular retail, due to the use of heavy equipment and the cost of bulk goods.

Comparing Costco to Target or Walmart is dishonest - so expected from democrats. Costco if a very different kind of retail and must be compared to Sam's to create a valid picture.
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Dear DiabloBlanco:

I couldn't help but notice your avatar. Let's talk about living on minimum wage. I got my first job in August 2006, for 9 months I live on $5.15 an hour. It wasn't so bad. I didn't want more, I just wanted my money. In February 2010, I got my second job, for 5 months I lived on $7.25 an hour. I didn't want more, I wanted my money. Suffice it to say though, you know jacksquat about living on minimum wage.

I'm spoiled like Diablo, I always had plenty of money. You're a great American, Templar. You are happy with what you have, and you have to thank no one because you did it yourself.
I'm spoiled like Diablo, I always had plenty of money. You're a great American, Templar. You are happy with what you have, and you have to thank no one because you did it yourself.

Man, I sure didn't.

In 1972 I started delivering newspapers. After school, I'd fold all the papers, and had to buy the rubber bands, then get on my bike and toss them to get them delivered before 5. I could earn $5 a week - IF I could collect from everyone. If I got stiffed, it came out of my pay.

When I turned 16, I got a job as a busboy, for $1.65 an hour. During college, I never made more than $5 an hour.

I can't say no one gave me anything, my current employer paid for my MBA, which I am grateful for - but that was a symbiotic relation, they got a lot out of it too.
Remember Papa Johns warned us the ACA would drive up the prices of pizza by a whole dime. I'm serious.

Papa John's Pizza To Raise Prices Because Of Obamacare, CEO John Schnatter Says (CORRECTED)

You're such a dunce. No wonder no one takes you seriously here.
CORRECTION: A previous version of this article mischaracterized the effect of Obamacare on Papa John's as a "price increase" rather than a cost to the company. Papa John's has not said it will increase the price of its pizzas.

Why because I provided a link to the info you just copied? A WHOLE DIME :lol:

Holy shit!! You really are stupid and can't read! Wow. Just wow.
I'm spoiled like Diablo, I always had plenty of money. You're a great American, Templar. You are happy with what you have, and you have to thank no one because you did it yourself.

Man, I sure didn't.

In 1972 I started delivering newspapers. After school, I'd fold all the papers, and had to buy the rubber bands, then get on my bike and toss them to get them delivered before 5. I could earn $5 a week - IF I could collect from everyone. If I got stiffed, it came out of my pay.

When I turned 16, I got a job as a busboy, for $1.65 an hour. During college, I never made more than $5 an hour.

I can't say no one gave me anything, my current employer paid for my MBA, which I am grateful for - but that was a symbiotic relation, they got a lot out of it too.

I respect what you did. I just want to be honest that I never had to do that. Don't get me wrong, I worked hard. I got a good education, hard jobs, and now I run my own business. I haven't always been able to just buy anything I wanted and I didn't always appreciate it. But I have to admit I've always I've never wanted for anything that I needed, I've only wanted for things that I wanted. And typically that only meant I had to save up a bit.

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