A "liberal's" perspective on last night's GOP debate

Yes, without doubt, the CNBC moderators were overly excessive in their quest to start a cat fight among the GOP candidates. I am not sure that it was a liberal bias on their part, but a personal incentive to mark themselves as "journalists" and, in that, they failed miserably. Cruz......although I think he (and Carson) may be the worst of the candidates....was correct in calling them out for their pettiness.

That stated, the only half-way decent candidates out of that bunch may be Kasich, Petaki and Christie. The rest are either zealots or sorely unprepared to even stand up to Clinton.

The perplexing approach by all candidates is their use of the pronoun "I"...as in, "I will do x, y, z" as if we were electing a despot and not someone who will have to work with and through a thorny and highly divided congress.

Thank you for your honesty.
I'm not surprised that you would prefer the most progressive of the candidates. You however are wrong about Cruz, he would destroy Hillary in any debate. the guy is 100 times smarter and is used to arguing in the Supreme Court and has never lost. She'd look like the babbly moron she is.

His Constitutional arguments on Obamacare were wrong as was his ill-advised shutdown of Government

When has Cruz ever been right as a Senator?
It is funny when a Leftnutter thinks they can objectively and thoughtfully critique the Rs.

I am fully capable of critiquing Ted Cruz
You most certainly are and I look forward to your critiques...as they are always amusing.

Being a Leftnutter, I can be assured that your critiques will be more like.....WTF MAN...why doesn't he LOVE BIG UNLIMITED GOVERNMENT LIKE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My critiques are much more biting than that

who is the liberal


what is their perspective?


I'm assuming the author of the OP is defining his political identify as a liberal, as do I. Asking what is the liberal perspective is both easy and impossible.

Easy, because liberals challenge conservatives on every issue, and provide a counter point to policies, conservative dogma and an ideology which can be summarized as Objectivism which cannot and should not remain unchallenged.

Difficult, for there is no cookie cutter liberal.

Liberals were once defined as Bleeding Hearts, a moniker which I proudly accept. Today the conservative element dominate on this message board, quietly accepts the moniker Callous Conservative, for not one has successfully challenged that they have the empathy of a bleeding heart for the aged, the infirm or postnatal children. In fact they hold stuggling human beings in contempt.

That said, this liberal's perspective of last night's iteration of the Republican debate was an embarrassment to all thinking Americans. Both by the questions asked, the demagoguery of the answers and the attacks on HRC sans any counterpoint to her or Sen. Sanders descriptions of the problems facing our nation.

There were no winners last night, only whiners who chose to play by the rules and didn't. One can't blame them too much, for asking questions on complex issues and allowing 60-seconds is ridiculous.
Impossible, as in it will never happen, is getting conservative moderators just as the liberal debate had liberal moderators
Thank you for your honesty.
I'm not surprised that you would prefer the most progressive of the candidates. You however are wrong about Cruz, he would destroy Hillary in any debate. the guy is 100 times smarter and is used to arguing in the Supreme Court and has never lost. She'd look like the babbly moron she is.

Well, the MAIN problem with Cruz, is that he'd argue about the existence of gravity. No one will work with the guy since he has an extremely poor attitude and his policies are way off-the-wall.
That should be the last ever Republican debate hosted by CNBC

The republicans knew the bias when going in.

The same BS you saw CNBC give the GOP is the kind of BS Democrats wish to avoid with Fox News.

It is equivalent to having tea with your enemies in their dining room. Somebody may get poisoned.

You keep calling us "the enemy", you might not like how it ends for you

who is the liberal


what is their perspective?


I'm assuming the author of the OP is defining his political identify as a liberal, as do I. Asking what is the liberal perspective is both easy and impossible.

Easy, because liberals challenge conservatives on every issue, and provide a counter point to policies, conservative dogma and an ideology which can be summarized as Objectivism which cannot and should not remain unchallenged.

Difficult, for there is no cookie cutter liberal.

Liberals were once defined as Bleeding Hearts, a moniker which I proudly accept. Today the conservative element dominate on this message board, quietly accepts the moniker Callous Conservative, for not one has successfully challenged that they have the empathy of a bleeding heart for the aged, the infirm or postnatal children. In fact they hold stuggling human beings in contempt.

That said, this liberal's perspective of last night's iteration of the Republican debate was an embarrassment to all thinking Americans. Both by the questions asked, the demagoguery of the answers and the attacks on HRC sans any counterpoint to her or Sen. Sanders descriptions of the problems facing our nation.

There were no winners last night, only whiners who chose to play by the rules and didn't. One can't blame them too much, for asking questions on complex issues and allowing 60-seconds is ridiculous.
Impossible, as in it will never happen, is getting conservative moderators just as the liberal debate had liberal moderators

Fox moderators were not conservative?
That should be the last ever Republican debate hosted by CNBC

The republicans knew the bias when going in.

The same BS you saw CNBC give the GOP is the kind of BS Democrats wish to avoid with Fox News.

It is equivalent to having tea with your enemies in their dining room. Somebody may get poisoned.

You keep calling us "the enemy", you might not like how it ends for you
Does it matter how it ends. The democrats are the enemy. They know republicans are the enemy. That makes democrats somewhat more realistic than republicans.
lol yup!!

and why does this LWNJ put "liberal" in quotes that way??

doesnt even know what he is? or half ashamed to admit it?????

It's way over your head to fully understand...I, for one, am a "liberal" on social policies, and somewhat "conservative" on fiscal issues.....Perhaps a grown can help you?

who is the liberal


what is their perspective?


I'm assuming the author of the OP is defining his political identify as a liberal, as do I. Asking what is the liberal perspective is both easy and impossible.

Easy, because liberals challenge conservatives on every issue, and provide a counter point to policies, conservative dogma and an ideology which can be summarized as Objectivism which cannot and should not remain unchallenged.

Difficult, for there is no cookie cutter liberal.

Liberals were once defined as Bleeding Hearts, a moniker which I proudly accept. Today the conservative element dominate on this message board, quietly accepts the moniker Callous Conservative, for not one has successfully challenged that they have the empathy of a bleeding heart for the aged, the infirm or postnatal children. In fact they hold stuggling human beings in contempt.

That said, this liberal's perspective of last night's iteration of the Republican debate was an embarrassment to all thinking Americans. Both by the questions asked, the demagoguery of the answers and the attacks on HRC sans any counterpoint to her or Sen. Sanders descriptions of the problems facing our nation.

There were no winners last night, only whiners who chose to play by the rules and didn't. One can't blame them too much, for asking questions on complex issues and allowing 60-seconds is ridiculous.
Impossible, as in it will never happen, is getting conservative moderators just as the liberal debate had liberal moderators

Fox moderators were not conservative?
1 out of 3?

Can republican voters really get a clear picture when it's given to them through such a slanted lense?
Fox moderators were not conservative?

......and, if one tunes in every once in a while to CNBC, one would see that they actually are conservatives in trying to "defend" Wall Streeters since their bread is somewhat buttered by them.
lol yup!!

and why does this LWNJ put "liberal" in quotes that way??

doesnt even know what he is? or half ashamed to admit it?????

It's way over your head to fully understand...I, for one, am a "liberal" on social policies, and somewhat "conservative" on fiscal issues.....Perhaps a grown can help you?

perhaps you can convince anybody familiar with your posts you're anything other than a left-wing nutjob????

who is the liberal


what is their perspective?


I'm assuming the author of the OP is defining his political identify as a liberal, as do I. Asking what is the liberal perspective is both easy and impossible.

Easy, because liberals challenge conservatives on every issue, and provide a counter point to policies, conservative dogma and an ideology which can be summarized as Objectivism which cannot and should not remain unchallenged.

Difficult, for there is no cookie cutter liberal.

Liberals were once defined as Bleeding Hearts, a moniker which I proudly accept. Today the conservative element dominate on this message board, quietly accepts the moniker Callous Conservative, for not one has successfully challenged that they have the empathy of a bleeding heart for the aged, the infirm or postnatal children. In fact they hold stuggling human beings in contempt.

That said, this liberal's perspective of last night's iteration of the Republican debate was an embarrassment to all thinking Americans. Both by the questions asked, the demagoguery of the answers and the attacks on HRC sans any counterpoint to her or Sen. Sanders descriptions of the problems facing our nation.

There were no winners last night, only whiners who chose to play by the rules and didn't. One can't blame them too much, for asking questions on complex issues and allowing 60-seconds is ridiculous.
Impossible, as in it will never happen, is getting conservative moderators just as the liberal debate had liberal moderators

Fox moderators were not conservative?
1 out of 3?

Can republican voters really get a clear picture when it's given to them through such a slanted lense?

Why can't they? Republicans are not capable of answering tough questions?

How about this question from Sean Hannity to Ted Cruz?

Why do you love America so much?

Is that what Republicans need from their candidates?

who is the liberal


what is their perspective?


I'm assuming the author of the OP is defining his political identify as a liberal, as do I. Asking what is the liberal perspective is both easy and impossible.

Easy, because liberals challenge conservatives on every issue, and provide a counter point to policies, conservative dogma and an ideology which can be summarized as Objectivism which cannot and should not remain unchallenged.

Difficult, for there is no cookie cutter liberal.

Liberals were once defined as Bleeding Hearts, a moniker which I proudly accept. Today the conservative element dominate on this message board, quietly accepts the moniker Callous Conservative, for not one has successfully challenged that they have the empathy of a bleeding heart for the aged, the infirm or postnatal children. In fact they hold stuggling human beings in contempt.

That said, this liberal's perspective of last night's iteration of the Republican debate was an embarrassment to all thinking Americans. Both by the questions asked, the demagoguery of the answers and the attacks on HRC sans any counterpoint to her or Sen. Sanders descriptions of the problems facing our nation.

There were no winners last night, only whiners who chose to play by the rules and didn't. One can't blame them too much, for asking questions on complex issues and allowing 60-seconds is ridiculous.
Impossible, as in it will never happen, is getting conservative moderators just as the liberal debate had liberal moderators

Fox moderators were not conservative?
1 out of 3?

Can republican voters really get a clear picture when it's given to them through such a slanted lense?

Why can't they? Republicans are not capable of answering tough questions?

How about this question from Sean Hannity to Ted Cruz?

Why do you love America so much?

Is that what Republicans need from their candidates?

do you REALLY want to go there in a comparison of who gets softball questions leftard???


who is the liberal


what is their perspective?


I'm assuming the author of the OP is defining his political identify as a liberal, as do I. Asking what is the liberal perspective is both easy and impossible.

Easy, because liberals challenge conservatives on every issue, and provide a counter point to policies, conservative dogma and an ideology which can be summarized as Objectivism which cannot and should not remain unchallenged.

Difficult, for there is no cookie cutter liberal.

Liberals were once defined as Bleeding Hearts, a moniker which I proudly accept. Today the conservative element dominate on this message board, quietly accepts the moniker Callous Conservative, for not one has successfully challenged that they have the empathy of a bleeding heart for the aged, the infirm or postnatal children. In fact they hold stuggling human beings in contempt.

That said, this liberal's perspective of last night's iteration of the Republican debate was an embarrassment to all thinking Americans. Both by the questions asked, the demagoguery of the answers and the attacks on HRC sans any counterpoint to her or Sen. Sanders descriptions of the problems facing our nation.

There were no winners last night, only whiners who chose to play by the rules and didn't. One can't blame them too much, for asking questions on complex issues and allowing 60-seconds is ridiculous.
Impossible, as in it will never happen, is getting conservative moderators just as the liberal debate had liberal moderators

Fox moderators were not conservative?
1 out of 3?

Can republican voters really get a clear picture when it's given to them through such a slanted lense?

Why can't they? Republicans are not capable of answering tough questions?

How about this question from Sean Hannity to Ted Cruz?

Why do you love America so much?

Is that what Republicans need from their candidates?

from the Party making left-wing newspeople get tingles down their leg;

comical shit

libs are.........................
has any right-winger said Cruz, or any other candidate for Repubs is "The One"?????

ala oprah winfrey?

libs are losers who lie to themselves
A "liberal's" perspective on last night's GOP debate

Donald's hair was simply marvelous...
That should be the last ever Republican debate hosted by CNBC

The republicans knew the bias when going in.

The same BS you saw CNBC give the GOP is the kind of BS Democrats wish to avoid with Fox News.

It is equivalent to having tea with your enemies in their dining room. Somebody may get poisoned.

You keep calling us "the enemy", you might not like how it ends for you
Does it matter how it ends. The democrats are the enemy. They know republicans are the enemy. That makes democrats somewhat more realistic than republicans.

Do Republicans continue to exist? We know there are social conservatives, tea party conservatives, neo conservatives, callous conservatives and single issue conservatives, but I've yet to read a post from a real republican.

Maybe someone can help me out, what defines a 21st Century Republican?
I'm assuming the author of the OP is defining his political identify as a liberal, as do I. Asking what is the liberal perspective is both easy and impossible.

Easy, because liberals challenge conservatives on every issue, and provide a counter point to policies, conservative dogma and an ideology which can be summarized as Objectivism which cannot and should not remain unchallenged.

Difficult, for there is no cookie cutter liberal.

Liberals were once defined as Bleeding Hearts, a moniker which I proudly accept. Today the conservative element dominate on this message board, quietly accepts the moniker Callous Conservative, for not one has successfully challenged that they have the empathy of a bleeding heart for the aged, the infirm or postnatal children. In fact they hold stuggling human beings in contempt.

That said, this liberal's perspective of last night's iteration of the Republican debate was an embarrassment to all thinking Americans. Both by the questions asked, the demagoguery of the answers and the attacks on HRC sans any counterpoint to her or Sen. Sanders descriptions of the problems facing our nation.

There were no winners last night, only whiners who chose to play by the rules and didn't. One can't blame them too much, for asking questions on complex issues and allowing 60-seconds is ridiculous.
Impossible, as in it will never happen, is getting conservative moderators just as the liberal debate had liberal moderators

Fox moderators were not conservative?
1 out of 3?

Can republican voters really get a clear picture when it's given to them through such a slanted lense?

Why can't they? Republicans are not capable of answering tough questions?

How about this question from Sean Hannity to Ted Cruz?

Why do you love America so much?

Is that what Republicans need from their candidates?

do you REALLY want to go there in a comparison of who gets softball questions leftard???


Go for it...amuse me
Impossible, as in it will never happen, is getting conservative moderators just as the liberal debate had liberal moderators

Fox moderators were not conservative?
1 out of 3?

Can republican voters really get a clear picture when it's given to them through such a slanted lense?

Why can't they? Republicans are not capable of answering tough questions?

How about this question from Sean Hannity to Ted Cruz?

Why do you love America so much?

Is that what Republicans need from their candidates?

do you REALLY want to go there in a comparison of who gets softball questions leftard???


Go for it...amuse me

I ALREADY HAVE LEFTARD; and of course you already denied it.

From a party that hates regulations, they seemed to have ideas for putting together new regulations just about everywhere.

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