A "liberal's" perspective on last night's GOP debate

That should be the last ever Republican debate hosted by CNBC

The republicans knew the bias when going in.

The same BS you saw CNBC give the GOP is the kind of BS Democrats wish to avoid with Fox News.

It is equivalent to having tea with your enemies in their dining room. Somebody may get poisoned.

You keep calling us "the enemy", you might not like how it ends for you
Does it matter how it ends. The democrats are the enemy. They know republicans are the enemy. That makes democrats somewhat more realistic than republicans.

Do Republicans continue to exist? We know there are social conservatives, tea party conservatives, neo conservatives, callous conservatives and single issue conservatives, but I've yet to read a post from a real republican.

Maybe someone can help me out, what defines a 21st Century Republican?

Jeb and Starkey are 21st Century "Republicans"
I'm libertarian (social liberal, government minimalist).

While I heard that Rand Paul had a great reception on campus from the CSU students, he didn't have that 'moment' he needed in the show. He's obviously frustrated that these shows are in fact TV shows, and not debates. They're designed for ratings and entertainment value, and that's not really Paul's shtick. But even prior to the debates, Paul disappointed his libertarian base by shifting too far Republican.

Apparently Paul doesn't have the leverage to block this debt ceiling deal. Too bad, because government shut down is the best day ever.
Kasich got pilloried by Trump, and then he got all red faced and his facial ticks really reved up. It's superficial, but America will never elect a twitchy face as president. He and Bush both telegraphed their offense the day before the 'debate', and they both got body-slammed.
I agree that Carson had an off night. His answers weren't crisp. Fiorina kept repeating herself. Disappointing, because I would have liked to see them do better.

Christie did well. I just don't like him.

Huckabee was his usual affable self. Almost thought he might break out the guitar at some point. He's running for VP, but not likely to be picked.

Rubio. I've never been a fan. I thought he set Harwood straight on the tax math though. That was keen.

What about Jindal in the minor league debate? Didnt see it. I saw him give the rebuttal to one of Obama's first State of the Unions, and he sucked. He was completely wooden. But lately on news interviews he's been crisp and on-message. I don't follow Louisiana politics, but he seems like he should be doing better.
Q. "Do Republicans continue to exist? We know there are social conservatives, tea party conservatives, neo conservatives, callous conservatives and single issue conservatives, but I've yet to read a post from a real republican.

"Maybe someone can help me out, what defines a 21st Century Republican?"

A. (from CrusaderFrank) "Jeb and Starkey are 21st Century "Republicans".

Q. Does anyone have a substantive response to the original question, what (not who) defines a 21st Century Republican?
Q. "Do Republicans continue to exist? We know there are social conservatives, tea party conservatives, neo conservatives, callous conservatives and single issue conservatives, but I've yet to read a post from a real republican.

"Maybe someone can help me out, what defines a 21st Century Republican?"

A. (from CrusaderFrank) "Jeb and Starkey are 21st Century "Republicans".

Q. Does anyone have a substantive response to the original question, what (not who) defines a 21st Century Republican?

Big on defense spending. War on drugs. Foreign interventionists. Mostly just like Hillary.
Q. "Do Republicans continue to exist? We know there are social conservatives, tea party conservatives, neo conservatives, callous conservatives and single issue conservatives, but I've yet to read a post from a real republican.

"Maybe someone can help me out, what defines a 21st Century Republican?"

A. (from CrusaderFrank) "Jeb and Starkey are 21st Century "Republicans".

Q. Does anyone have a substantive response to the original question, what (not who) defines a 21st Century Republican?

Big on defense spending. War on drugs. Foreign interventionists. Mostly just like Hillary.

Immigration policy, tax policy, the CJS and our over crowded prison/jail system, voting rights, inequity of wealth too?

I see lots of differences between HRC and the mythical real Republican, but some similarities in tone but not measure.

Very little with the current Republicans seeking the party's nomination for POTUS, since they all seek to garner the support from the Neo, Callous, Social, Tea Party and single issue conservatives and seem oblivious to the needs of most Americans.
Who cares what a liberal's perspective on the Republican debate - there is literally nothing on the planet that could make the OP vote for a Republican in the general. The opinion of those that have zero chance of voting for those in the debate are meaningless. Just like the opinion of the right on the Democrat debate is utterly meaningless. The opinion of the center and undecided - now that is what matters. Not many of those here though.
Short and sweet Republican Debate Synopsis
Economic inequality - DO NOTHING
Climate Change - DO NOTHING
Equal pay for women - DO NOTHING

Immigration - JUST STOP IT
SS/Medicare/Medicaid - CRUSH IT
Taxes - They don't want ANY
Minimum Wage - NO WAY

WAR - Let's DO IT

Media - Get rid of them too!
Yes, without doubt, the CNBC moderators were overly excessive in their quest to start a cat fight among the GOP candidates. I am not sure that it was a liberal bias on their part, but a personal incentive to mark themselves as "journalists" and, in that, they failed miserably. Cruz......although I think he (and Carson) may be the worst of the candidates....was correct in calling them out for their pettiness.

That stated, the only half-way decent candidates out of that bunch may be Kasich, Petaki and Christie. The rest are either zealots or sorely unprepared to even stand up to Clinton.

The perplexing approach by all candidates is their use of the pronoun "I"...as in, "I will do x, y, z" as if we were electing a despot and not someone who will have to work with and through a thorny and highly divided congress.
The Good: Rubio won this one. He had a fire no one thought was in him and his massacre of Jeb Bush was as graphic as any Game of Thrones scene. Kasich was thoughtful and articulate. Christie was strong, if not uninspiring. Trump was more of the same. He'll coast along to finish in the top 2 contenders at least for the nomination.

The Bad: Carson had a very poor showing. His decline starts here. Cruz was his usual fool self but I suppose he will gain points for lashing out at the moderators. Fiorina and her plastic hair came across as insane. I think she turned off anyone on the fence about her.

The Ugly: Bush was an absolute disaster. He should save face and drop out yesterday. And what is Mike Huckabee still doing on stage? How much are his book publishers paying the RNC?

Pretty much my assessment also. Jeb is dead, Carson has peaked and will fade quickly. Rubio was the shining star and is going to win the nomination so long as Jeb and a couple other insignificants drop out before giving Trump the nomination. Trump can only win the nomination if most everyone stays in and the vote splits. If he can win enough winner take all states with 25% to 30% of the vote, then he could still win the nomination.
Yes, without doubt, the CNBC moderators were overly excessive in their quest to start a cat fight among the GOP candidates. I am not sure that it was a liberal bias on their part, but a personal incentive to mark themselves as "journalists" and, in that, they failed miserably. Cruz......although I think he (and Carson) may be the worst of the candidates....was correct in calling them out for their pettiness.

That stated, the only half-way decent candidates out of that bunch may be Kasich, Petaki and Christie. The rest are either zealots or sorely unprepared to even stand up to Clinton.

The perplexing approach by all candidates is their use of the pronoun "I"...as in, "I will do x, y, z" as if we were electing a despot and not someone who will have to work with and through a thorny and highly divided congress.

Getting a liberal's perspective on conservatism is like asking a dog to see from the perspective a cat. It's flatly impossible.

So, why have a debate on a channel with widely know liberal bias?
The DemocRATS view of the campaign...

Getting a liberal's perspective on conservatism is like asking a dog to see from the perspective a cat. It's flatly impossible.

So, why have a debate on a channel with widely know liberal bias?

I heard that Trump stated that ONLY proven republican voting questioners should be the moderators for GOP debates........Well, talk about the divisiveness that Obama has been accused of, don't you think?

We used to have presidents of ALL Americans......
Short and sweet Republican Debate Synopsis
Economic inequality - DO NOTHING
Climate Change - DO NOTHING
Equal pay for women - DO NOTHING

Immigration - JUST STOP IT
SS/Medicare/Medicaid - CRUSH IT
Taxes - They don't want ANY
Minimum Wage - NO WAY

WAR - Let's DO IT

Media - Get rid of them too!
Well, we can longer deal with dead weight... The ship is already sinking.
Short and sweet Republican Debate Synopsis
Economic inequality - DO NOTHING
Climate Change - DO NOTHING
Equal pay for women - DO NOTHING

Immigration - JUST STOP IT
SS/Medicare/Medicaid - CRUSH IT
Taxes - They don't want ANY
Minimum Wage - NO WAY

WAR - Let's DO IT

Media - Get rid of them too!

Spot on.

Notice too those who attack Democrats and defend the clown car rarely if ever state their political affiliation (other than being conservative). Many too claim there is no difference between the pols in both major parties.

It's my opinion that they ought to form a new party, a party of curmudgeons, using not the Elephant but the Ostrich as their symbol


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