A Look at the Different Standards for gatherings in regards to COVID

it's more than a few hundred polling but you're misunderstanding of what polls provide is not my problem.

So, we've looked at statistics that show white people are the largest group of unvaccinated. We know through polling that it's mostly white conservatives who make up that group. We also anecdotally know that it's wingnuts on this board who are white as the driven snow that call COVID a made up 'scamdemic' and post about how vaccines kill people are are at least not reliable.

I can't find any evidence that it's not white conservatives that are the biggest problem.
Haha.... and here is a monumental example of why black people don't feel they do anything wrong.
That's not accurate.

For example, Only 33% of black folk are vaccinated, by far the most un-vaccinated group in the country

Most mainstream Conservatives are for the Vaccine. They just aren't totalitarians and respect people's right to not be forced or pressured to get it.

So again, being that you're not correct.. why is there a different standard?
Yea, the media jumped on that recently and blamed Blacks not having access to Healthcare as the reason which is bullshit because anyone who wants a vaccination simply needs to ask whether you are rich or poor.
Haha.... and here is a monumental example of why black people don't feel they do anything wrong.

Black people should get vaccinated too. But I'm talking to the snowflakes on this board who insist on scapegoating others for the same action (or lack of) that their own political demographics makes.
Are you denying Cocksucker Obama is gay???


How many did Queer-O off to keep the closet door shut....

Don Young
Paul Horner
Joan Rivers

There she is 5 weeks before the cowardly closeted compromised communist Kenyan Cocksucker in Chief had Joan offed....
Aren`t there any gay websites you can take your fantasies to? We`re not interested in your private life.
COVID doesn't care about percentages, it's whole numbers that count and unvaccinated whites are the group that could make the biggest difference.

However if you are concerned about percentages then it's conservative whites who are more likely to be unvaccinated than blacks.
The 'biggest difference' in what exactly?
it's more than a few hundred polling but you're misunderstanding of what polls provide is not my problem.

So, we've looked at statistics that show white people are the largest group of unvaccinated. We know through polling that it's mostly white conservatives who make up that group. We also anecdotally know that it's wingnuts on this board who are white as the driven snow that call COVID a made up 'scamdemic' and post about how vaccines kill people are are at least not reliable.

I can't find any evidence that it's not white conservatives that are the biggest problem.
The biggest problem concerning what exactly?
According to the left, Democrats, and media...

- Shut down protests (Mostly republicans and Conservatives)
- Trump rallies (All republicans and Conservatives)
- Sturgis gatherings (Mostly republicans and Conservatives)

- George Floyd protests (Mostly Democrats and Leftists)
- Celebration of Biden's presidential victory (All Democrats and Leftists)
- Chicago rock festivals (Mostly Democrats and Leftists)
- Barack Obama birthday bashes (All Democrats and Leftists)

Gosh, no trend here.

Can anyone explain why Biden, Democrats, Fauci, etc. have different standards for gatherings based on who is attending them?

Throughout 2020… before vaccination, liberals were all about, “shut down, mask up, social distant 6 feet, stay home-stay safe” when it came to restaurants, entertainment events, even family gatherings.

Yet when it was George Floyd protests, BLM protests, ANTIFA Protests, assaulting pedestrians and drivers,…. All the COVID concerns took a back seat. During the protests here in DC in June, you can see as many as a 1/3 of the participants not wearing masks and the people were standing cheek to cheek. The liberals and their lapdog media had no issue with that but lost their shit over people attending weddings and funerals.
The 'biggest difference' in what exactly?

In getting vaccinated thus reducing the number of sick and dead who are clogging up of our healthcare system in places where ICU beds are becoming quite the commodity.

Do you not have better questions?

Are you unvaccinated, honkey?
COVID doesn't care about percentages, it's whole numbers that count and unvaccinated whites are the group that could make the biggest difference.

However if you are concerned about percentages then it's conservative whites who are more likely to be unvaccinated than blacks.

You don't have data to support that. I have data to support the fact that the least vaccinated population is blacks, followed by hispanics. But again, we know their lives are meaningless to you, so you will continue to ignore them.
Of course, just as by the numbers more white people are on welfare. Proportionally, however, they aren't. I guess you guys use percentages when they support your theories and raw numbers when they don't.

I don't even know what 'theories' her supposed numbers are supporting? Vaccinated get Covid and spread it, the same as unvaccinated, so the numbers are meaningless.

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